• Published 13th Mar 2012
  • 6,533 Views, 188 Comments

Broken - DiveBomb

Rainbow Dash is haunted by old feelings, but that is the least of Ponyville's worries.

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Chapter Five-Heroes

Broken: Chapter Five, Heroes

Blue. A cool midnight blue washed over the cloud layer, illuminated by Luna's moon. The cyan pegasus had always admired the sight, simply for the color if nothing else. It always granted her a sense of numbing peace. It was her favorite color; the deep, flowing sapphire could only be justified by the natural moonlight. No paint or picture could capture the color in its pure, unadulterated light. Tonight however, Rainbow Dash couldn't find peace in the sight. Instead she couldn't help but find the color burying her deeper into her depression. Nothing made her smile anymore. Nothing could repair the damage done to her being. Everything in her life had ended. Her job, her pride, her friendship with the pony she couldn't help but love, and worst of all her spirit. Her brain felt numb, as if it had been beaten past sanity. She couldn't move, she couldn't think. But she could still feel, only it was nothing but the ache in her chest. Now Rainbow understood what the term 'broken heart' had meant. It literally felt broken, like somepony had physically cracked it in twine.

Rainbow Dash had retreated to the highest cloud above Ponyville, sitting on her haunches and gazing at the moon, wishing that it would somehow heal her tattered soul. It was a silly thought, but it was the only thing reminding her that she was still alive, if one could even call it that. Her eyes had grown fuzzy, staring directly into the light for an unknown amount of time. Finally Rainbow found the strength to look away, down towards the ground far below. From here all of Ponyville was visible, like a meticulous miniature model that belonged to a foal at play. The clock tower that was the town hall didn't seem so high now. Dash felt like she was in a different world up here, like the Earth was in a completely different dimension. Maybe this was what the ground looked like from Heaven. Huh, Heaven. A tale that her parents had told her about, a land up in the sky for the purest of deceased hearts. Up in the sky, just like Rainbow Dash had liked it. Far away from her cares, her problems and her home. Could she even call it home anymore? It certainly didn't feel like it. Maybe this heaven wasn't such a bad idea. Would she have made it there? Rainbow Dash knew for a fact that her parents had made it there. Heaven couldn't ask for two purer souls. Her mother and father had been the kindest parents any foal could ask for. They taught her to be strong, but they also tried to show her humility, something Dash never truly grasped.

Her father, Lightning Dash, had been the closest pony ever to come to the Sonic Rainboom. It was his life's dream to accomplish the technique, but perished soon after he reached Mach One, breaching just past the sound barrier. The day Rainbow Dash had performed the world's first Sonic Rainboom, she had visited her parent's grave. I did it Daddy, she had said all those years ago. I did the Rainboom! Did you see it? I...I guess I just wish you were here to see it up close, and not all the way from Heaven. It was pretty bright though, and so much bigger than anypony ever thought! But...I guess I did brag a little bit, sorry Mommy. I just hope you two are proud. That's all I want.

The memory had very seldom crossed her mind, and when it did, Dash would find herself smiling stupidly, tears rolling down her trembling face. But it was too late now. Her eyes had forgotten how to produce tears at this point, and the thought merely slammed itself into the barrier around her mind that was her broken spirit. The thought raced through her mind like a hummingbird scouting for food: Heaven. It seemed like a good risk to take. She could simply leave this unforgiving world behind and finally see her parents again. Rainbow Dash had never wanted to see them more than right now, when her life was at its lowest point, when her proud heart was at its weakest. She imagined their love and hugs could dispel her pain, blowing it away like a leaf in a breeze. It was all so simple. Her solution to everything was a mere drop to the ground below. So if it was so easy, why was she still sitting on the cloud? What was holding her back? Rainbow had nothing in this world to stick around for except the pain. Her family was waiting for her, and all it took was for her to lean forward and close her eyes, letting gravity take her life of misery and put it all behind her, never to be thought of again. It was so easy, and yet Rainbow Dash stayed there, merely thinking and not acting.

Her parents, even in Heaven, would never accept their daughter taking her own life, even if she made it there on those terms. They died true, honest and hardworking ponies that never deserved such a fate. Rainbow Dash vaguely recalled the night she returned home from her first day at flight school to find her home quiet. It had only taken a few minutes for her to find the bloodied bodies of Lightning Dash and Thunder Boom, cold and lifeless in the middle of the floor. She remembered looking up at the window through tear-filled eyes to see a large creature, shrouded in darkness from the night sky flying off without a single word. Her parents had been murdered that night, the two most beloved ponies in all of Cloudsdale, gone without justice or reason.

"Mom, Dad...It's me, Rainbow," Dash choked out, her voice hoarse. "I know I haven't talked to you in years but...I just wanted to say that I love you, and that I miss you."
Rainbow paused for a beat, taking in a shuddering breath.

"Actually, that's not all that I wanted to say I guess," she continued, gazing up to the stars. "I wish you two were here, 'cause I sure could use your h-help...I d-don't know what to do anymore. My life has just f-fallen apart, and I dunno if I can pick up the pieces. It's just too hard, and I d-don't know why I can't just catch a break."
Rainbow Dash had to pause again, screwing her eyes shut as her face grew wet with tears.

"Why c-can't you two be h-here right now? Even if it was just for one hug, that's all I want. I don't care if I die tomorrow, if I could just have one last h-hug..."

Rainbow Dash broke down into a new wave of sorrow. Her tears warmed her cold, tired face, dripping right through the cloud and down to the ground. She sobbed into her hooves, her wailing muffled by the cloud she let her face drop into. She hadn't thought about her parents like that in years. Although the memories brought her pain, she felt a warm sense of life blossom in her soul. Rainbow was crying because she was alive.

"J-Just give me a sign, anything at all..."

As soon as she ended her sentence, the still, cold night air suddenly shifted and blew through her prismatic mane. As if in spite of the cold night, the gust was as warm as a summer's day, causing the pegasus to blink a couple of times. It was warm, and somehow reassuring. The breeze was so audible, Rainbow didn't know if she was hearing things when it seemed to whisper:
We are so proud of you...
Rainbow Dash's eyes widened, brimmed with tears.


Applejack sat there, about a hundred feet below the pegasus on a cloud of her own. Her face was drenched with tears, her breath shuddering in small inaudible gasps. The orange earth pony had heard everything. Rainbow Dash sat above her, speaking to her deceased parents and crying out into the night. Applejack did all that she could to keep quiet, careful not to let her friend hear her sobs and gasps from the sorrowful words. Her heavy heart doubled in weight as she watched Rainbow mourn the loss she had experienced all those years ago. Applejack had never known that her friend's parents had passed. The pegasus spoke as if she were a wounded filly, crying out desperately to her lost and broken family. Rainbow had exposed a facet of her personality that Applejack had never known existed: her tainted past. Watching Rainbow Dash fall apart like that was the saddest thing that the farmpony had ever witnessed, and it touched her heart in a way that she couldn't explain. The orange mare had never felt such sorrow, for herself or for anypony else. What her friend was going through wasn't something that she could ever handle. Applejack may have been a strong mare, taking care of Sweet Apple Acres alongside her brother since she was a filly, but she knew that she could never keep her sanity by going through what Rainbow Dash was going through.

Finally the orange earth pony felt her throat tighten, unable to hold back to oncoming wave of tears. As quickly as she could, Applejack leaped from cloud to cloud, descending towards the ground from the path she took to rise. Once she hit the grass, her friends ran over to her, asking what happened with hushed voices. The farmer couldn't look at any of them, but instead clamped her eyes shut.

"Twilight, get me outta here," she cried in a whisper. "Somepony s-stick around, but not too c-close."

Applejack let her tears run free once inside the library, accompanied by Twilight and Rarity, both steadying her as she fell onto the couch in a mess of sorrow. She hid her face from the world, sobbing into a pillow that she held a firm grip onto with her forehooves.

"Applejack dear, what happened?" asked Rarity, rubbing the farmer's back with a gentle stroke of her hoof.

"Tha' poor lil' filly," Applejack managed to say. "Sh-She's goin' through too much. Ta' still be alive after everything that's happened to 'er! Wh-What 'ave Ah done?! Why couldn't Ah have just given h-her a chance? Why am Ah so cotton-pickin' thick-headed?!"

"Applejack, what are you talking about?" asked Twilight, although in vain, for the orange mare simply sobbed harder than she ever had in her entire life. Her heart was on fire, feeling an enormous amount of depression for her friend. In that moment she wished that she did like mares, if only to do whatever she could to numb Rainbow Dash's years of pain and misery. She just wanted to make the poor pegasus happy again. She needed to see Rainbow flying through the skies again. She needed to hear her boasting about some new trick. She needed her to be...Rainbow Dash.

It took well over an hour for Applejack to calm down. Knowing how dehydrated she was, Twilight brought her a nice tall glass of water along with ice and a straw. The orange mare threw the straw away and hastily guzzled the glass's contents, chewing on the ice afterward. Rarity and Twilight simply watched her, their eyes solemn and worried as Applejack sat up. Rarity didn't once wince at her lack of manners, but simply sat next to her on the couch. It was a gesture that the farmpony greatly appreciated.

"She was quiet for so long, jus' starin' at the ground from so high up," Applejack started with a sniff. "Then she started talkin' to the stars, to her parents."

"Wait," Twilight breathed. "Her parents are..."
Applejack nodded, unsurprised that nopony else knew.

"It was jus' so sad. She spoke to them, sayin' tha' she loved them, an' missed 'em. She asked fer their help, hopin' fer anything to see 'em again," she explained. "Ah never knew...How could Ah 'ave known? The way she's always boastin' and braggin...How could anypony have known about tha'? It jus' makes me feel more an' more guilty fer not givin' her a chance. All Ah wanted to do was put mah pride aside and kiss 'er, jus' ta' take her pain away. Ah wouldn't have liked it, but if it made her happy Ah..."
Applejack trailed off then, not knowing what her mind was thinking anymore.

"You wanted to kiss her?" asked Twilight perceptively.

"Jus' ta' at least try an' make her feel better. But if Ah did tha', it would just hurt her more knowin' tha' Ah didn't have mah heart into it. Why couldn't Ah jus' be inta' mares like her..."

"Oh darling. It's not your fault, and you're right; you can't feign feelings for her, even if it made Rainbow Dash happy. You would be lying to not just yourself but also her, which I know you're not capable of doing," said Rarity.

"Exactly," agreed the purple unicorn. "You can't blame yourself anymore Applejack. In the end this is something that Rainbow needs to overcome herself. I was wrong, you weren't the one that needed to help her."

"Well somepony needs ta' help her!" Applejack cried. "Ya'll didn't hear her like Ah did. If we leave her alone ta' fix her problems herself, Ah dunno what she'll do! It's like Ah said, Rainbow Dash has gone through more than anypony should ever have ta' deal with! She was on the edge lookin' down Twilight! If Fluttershy and Pinkie weren't there right now keepin' an eye on 'er, Ah would be. But at the same time, we can't keep lookin' after 'er ferever! How do we fix her Twi'? Please tell me!"

For the first time since they had met, Applejack found Twilight utterly speechless. The violet unicorn averted her gaze, pacing back and forth across the library, clearly searching for an answer.

"Hey there," said the voice of a mare. Rainbow Dash whipped her head around to find another pegasus landing next to her on the high cloud. Dash felt her heart skip a beat once she saw who it was. Her mouth hung agape, words becoming a lost virtue. Sitting next to her was a yellow coated pegasus with a mane of brilliant flaming yellow and orange. Rainbow felt her eyes widen to the point of falling out.

"You seem lonely," said Spitfire. "Got something on your mind?"

"S-Spitfire?!" Dash exclaimed. "Wh-What're you doing here?"

"Had to get away from Soarin' and the others for a bit. I noticed that it was a beautiful night, so I thought I'd take a quick fly," said the Captain of the Wonderbolts. "That's when I saw you out here. You tend to stick out quite a bit."

Spitfire playfully flicked her hoof through Rainbow's mane. The cyan pegasus flinched, still hopelessly starstruck. The Wonderbolt laughed. It was a sweet sound, so personable and genuine. Why was she, Rainbow Dash's number one idol, sitting here and talking with her as if they were friends? Dash tried her best to relax, exhaling through her nose. The last time she was in the Wonderbolts' presence was at the Grand Galloping Gala, even if they didn't get much of a chance to talk.

"So what's going on Dash? You don't look so good," she asked sincerely. Rainbow was still in shock. Her hero had remembered her name.

"Oh no, it's nothing," said Rainbow, looking down to the ground below, not wanting to bother a star like her with her problems.

"Sure doesn't seem like 'nothing'. Look, the uniform isn't on right now, if that helps," said Spitfire, gesturing to herself. Rainbow cast a glance over to her. She had never seen Spitfire out of her Wonderbolts uniform, and it was odd seeing her without it. Dash cursed herself for noticing her elegant curves and toned body. Rainbow quickly looked away again.

"Well..." Dash started, unable to believe that she was about to confide in her idol. "It's just...love problems."

"Love huh?" the yellow pegasus repeated. "So who's the lucky mare?"
Rainbow Dash whipped her head around once more.

"H-How did you-" she stopped once Spitfire made a gesture, pointing to herself with a sly grin. Wait, she didn't mean... "You?!"

"Yup. You get an eye for others like yourself after a while. I don't make a point to letting the public know, so try and keep that to yourself okay?"

Rainbow Dash nodded quickly, not doing very well in hiding her bewilderment. Spitfire, the Captain of the Wonderbolts, was just like her. She liked mares too. Dash had wished she'd known that years ago. Maybe then she wouldn't have felt like such an outcast as a filly. Suddenly Rainbow didn't feel so alone in the world, and it brought a brief sense of warmth to her heart.

"So who is it? That over-the-top drama queen from the Best Young Fl-"

"UGH, no!" Dash replied in disgust, elated to find a smile spread across her face. Spitfire laughed.

"I didn't think so, just giving you a hard time. So who is it?" asked Spitfire, as if she would know the pony in question.

"A friend of mine," Dash admitted, the smile leaving her face. "Her name is Applejack."
Spitfire raised her eyebrows.

"From Sweet Apple Acres? The pony that keeps winning all those rodeos and farmpony competitions all across Equestria?"

"Y-Yeah, how'd you know?" asked Dash, amazed.

"Just because I'm a Wonderbolt doesn't mean I don't have an interest in other ponies with talent," she noted. "Oh yeah, she seems a lot more realistic. If I remember correctly, Applejack wasn't a bad-looking pony. Simple kind of beauty, you know?"

Rainbow Dash knew, she knew indeed. It was something that she always admired about Applejack. The farmpony had a natural beauty, one that makeup nor product could duplicate. Sure, Rarity had her own look to her, but it just wasn't something that Rainbow preferred. Dash loved how the farmer looked; lean body, free-flowing blonde mane, those adorable freckles and those deep green eyes. The thought made her chest pang again, forcing Rainbow to wince and place a hoof over her stitched wound. Spitfire flashed a concern look.

"Oh! Are you alright? I didn't notice that-"

"Y-Yeah I'm fine," Dash said before suddenly doubling over in pain. She coughed several times, drops of blood spraying across the cloud in which they sat on. That hadn't happened before. Rainbow Dash shook violently, feeling something hot and wet dripping down her chest. Her forehooves lost their strength, and she fell forward onto the soft, forgiving cloud.

"Oh my gosh, Dash!" Spitfire exclaimed. "Come on, get on my back. I'm bringing you to my doctor."

Rainbow felt the pegasus dip under her, scooping her up with unexpected ease. She didn't have the strength to argue, so she merely straddled Spitfire's back, wrapping her forelegs around her neck. Spitfire spread her wings and took off into the night, supporting Rainbow's weight without any sort of problem. Dash's forehead had grown hot and feverish, the cool wind not doing a thing to bring her temperature down. She trembled from the pain, fading in and out of consciousness.

"Come on Dash, stay with me."

Rainbow fought the familiar tunnel vision, widening her eyes in hope to stay awake. She swore to herself, feeling weak and helpless in front of her idol. Why was this happening to her? Wasn't she cured? She had coughed up blood this time, indicating an internal injury...right? Dash hadn't done anything to cause that. The only thing she felt was the pain in her heart doubling, beating weakly. Dash remembered Doctor Stable saying that she had one of the healthiest hearts he'd ever seen. Well, so much for that. Her love was destroying her from the inside, tearing her soul and now her body apart.

"Why?" Rainbow asked aloud absentmindedly. "Why do I have to feel this way..."

"Hang in there Dash, we're here," said Spitfire's voice. Rainbow opened her eyes to see the city of Cloudsdale to the left. On it's edge was a seven story tower, made of enchanted clouds just like the city. Upon its front was a large, golden lightning bolt encircled by a glittering red orb; the crest of the Wonderbolts. Normally Rainbow Dash would be freaking out right about now for entering the Wonderbolts Headquarters, but her condition prevented any sort of movement or complex thought. Rainbow closed her eyes and tried not to fall asleep as Spitfire landed, running at full bore through the enormous front doors. A few moments later Dash felt herself fall on a large, soft couch on her back. She groaned in pain, her eyes screwed shut.

"Doctor Wave! Put that darned muffin down and get over here!" she heard Spitfire yell. There was a clatter of a plate hitting a hard surface, followed by a quick pace of hoofsteps.

"Who is this?" asked the hardened voice of a stallion.

"Her name is Rainbow Dash, what does it matter? Help her!"

"Rainbow Dash," started the male voice. "My name is Doctor Wave, you're going to be alright."

"My chest," Dash groaned. "The stitch must of-ARRGH!"

She felt a pair of hooves tear away at the gauze, grazing the wound. Her chest erupted in a flaming sensation of pain, forcing tears to the corners of her eyes.

"Wave! Be careful!" Spitfire spat.

"Sorry, I'll get this opened and closed again. You're going to need a new stitch on this, but first I'm going to clean up the blood."

Rainbow Dash opened her eyes, not bothering to take in her surroundings but merely her own body. The wound had opened right up, bleeding profusely down her stomach and her sides. Dash made the mistake of looking directly at the opening, feeling nauseous at the sight. She reeled her head back and onto the pillow, staring at a light burgundy ceiling.

"It's alright Dash, Wave is the Wonderbolts official caretaker. He'll make sure you're alright," said Spitfire reassuringly. Rainbow looked to her, gasping when she saw blood covering her back, dripping down her side. She had gotten her blood all over her idol's coat. The Wonderbolt traced her gaze, giving her a small smile. "Don't worry about me, it'll wash out."

Rainbow tried her best to smile until she felt the a wet cloth scrub at her wound. Her pride kept her from crying out in pain in front of her hero, although she did grit her teeth and close her eyes. Her brain swam, spinning fast enough for her to faint. Rainbow fought for her consciousness, tired of passing out again and again.

It felt like hours for Doctor Wave to finish his work. He cleaned the cut, removed the old stitching and applied his own with magic. He protected it with fresh bandaging, wrapping it around the cyan pegasus several times for extra support. Rainbow Dash laid on her side, facing Spitfire, whom was sitting on a chair across from the couch. They were in a lavish sitting room, with color themes of varying reds and white. The white carpet looked thick and plush, almost like a vast cloud. Rather fitting for a team of pegasi. Between them was a large, ornate wooden coffee table with hoof-carved scroll work around the sides. Upon its surface was a cup, with some sort of steaming liquid filling it to the brim. Spitfire smiled at her, Doctor Wave standing next to Dash. The unicorn looked middle-aged. A short, white mane stood atop a charcoal gray coat. His eyes held a look of apathy, looking as if her condition didn't matter to him.

"Miss Dash," he started. "I would advise you not to overexert yourself again until that cut is completely healed. Understood?"

Rainbow nodded meekly, unaware of why the doctor was so agitated. He gave Spitfire a short bow and left the room, exiting through a large doorway to the right.

"Don't mind him," said Spitfire in a hushed voice. "He used to be in the army. He retired and then joined our team."

"No it's okay," said Rainbow. "I don't mind. I'm just grateful. Thank you for bringing me here."

"Hey, us fliers have to help each other out eh?" the Wonderbolt smiled. "So are you going to tell me what happened?"
Rainbow felt her face grow hot, looking around the sitting room for any other pony.

"Don't worry, Soarin' and the others are all asleep upstairs. We're alone."
Dash felt uneasy, looking down and pressing a hoof against the carpeting. It was softer than it looked.

"Why do you want to know? Why do you want to help me?" she asked, sincerely unaware why the Captain of the Wonderbolts was so interested in her, a simple fan, and her problems. Spitfire crossed her hind legs as she sat back in her chair.

"Well for one, I can't sleep. Two, I feel bad for ditching you at the Gala. Sorry about that by the way, we had to mingle with the big-wigs 'cause our manager said so. Three, you saved my life, along with Soarin's and Misty's. Four, I care about our fans, especially you. You have talent Dash, a real, raw talent. And I'd hate to see you fall of the face of the earth. Nevermind the fact that I went through what you're going through. That enough answers for you?"

Rainbow's heart soared for the first time in weeks. She smiled in appreciation, her lower lip trembling. Dash put the tears aside and began her story. It wasn't as easy to tell Spitfire as it was Fluttershy, her long-time friend. Still she forced the words out, never looking at Spitfire. Once she finished, she took a sip of the hot tea and gave her idol a glance. Spitfire's expression was solemn but caring, as if a younger sister had been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Rainbow felt guilty for making her so sad. Who was she to burden a Wonderbolt with her problems?

"Okay," she started after exhaling. "Maybe I didn't go through...that. But it was...similar."

"I'm sorry."

"No, don't be sorry. I'm here to help. You're not alone you know. My marefriend was straight before we got together. She lives in Cloudsdale, so I can visit her whenever we're not on tour."

"What happened?" asked Rainbow, incredibly curious. Spitfire gave her a cross look.

"Well that's none of your business," she spat out of nowhere. Dash recoiled. The Wonderbolt smiled before chuckling a little. "Nah I'm joking. I met Starsong at one of our shows in Canterlot. To the others she was a fan asking for an autograph, to me...she was stunning. I had just found out about myself two weeks before, and the feeling was something I didn't recognize. I gave her my signature and we talked for a while. After that we became pretty good friends. I wanted to ask her out but I knew she was...well you know, into stallions. It was hard, it was really hard. One day I confessed my feelings for her, and she rejected me. We didn't talk for a while until one day she knocked on my door. She told me that 'it was worth a shot.' One thing led to another and we started dating. We've been together over a year now."

Rainbow Dash was stunned. Her idol went through a very similar situation to hers. But Spitfire's relationship worked out, and Dash's never would. She shared her thoughts with the yellow mare.

"How do you know? It's only been, what, a few hours now? Give it time Dash. If it's meant to be it's meant to be. If not then...then it's not."

Spitfire's words were incredibly helpful, even if they were unbearably true. She was right, nowhere near enough time had passed for her worries to be this prominent. Dash was merely overreacting. Her life wasn't over like she had thought. She just needed to give it time. For all Rainbow knew, Applejack could see her in the same way...eventually...maybe. Oh who am I kidding, she thought. Applejack had told her that she didn't approve of mares being together. Dash's sudden elation was once again crushed by a divine hopelessness.

"Did Starsong disapprove of mares being together too?" asked Rainbow, her eyes half-focused on the carpet below. Spitfire's face fell.

"Oh, she's that old-fashioned. Well it could still happen. Give it a little hope."
But Rainbow Dash had run out of hope.

"I wish I could," she said in a whisper that could rival Fluttershy's. Thankfully Spitfire never heard a word of it.

"But don't worry about your job," she started. "I can pull some strings. Do you want another position in weather?"

Rainbow jerked her head up. Did she mean that? Would Spitfire really use her connections to get her another job? No, she thought. I can't use her like that.

"I really appreciate that, but it's alright. I...have a problem with taking help like that. I'll find something."

"Ah, proud sort of mare eh? I can get that," Spitfire replied. "Well tell you what, I still owe you for saving my life, so doesn't Soarin' and Misty. If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask me."

"Thanks," was all Dash could say. This wasn't good. Not even her hero, a mare that Rainbow Dash had always wanted a conversation with, could quell her depression. What would she do now? Her thoughts went back to the cloud she sat upon before the Wonderbolt had found her. She hoped that Spitfire hadn't overheard her words to her passed parents.

Rainbow sat up slowly, careful not to overexert her chest. Spitfire gave her a worried look, but relaxed once Dash had succeeded.

"Thanks again Spitfire, for everything, but I should get home."

"Are you sure you're okay to fly? You know that's a muscle that flexes along with your wings," said the Wonderbolt. Rainbow stopped before trying to stand. She hadn't thought of that. Her home was only a ten minute fly away, but even taking off was a risk she couldn't afford to take. Dash slumped onto her haunches, sighing heavily.

"I wouldn't try it either, don't worry," said the yellow pegasus. "Want me to fly you back?"

"Oh no, you don't have to do that."

"Well I'm gonna. Come on, you look like you need a lot of sleep," said Spitfire, standing up and stretching her wings. Rainbow smiled and followed her outside.

Spitfire flew slower this time, not having to rush Dash into care. When they arrived at her cloud home over Ponyville, Rainbow climbed off her back.

"Thank you so much Spitfire, I can't tell you how much I appreciate what you did," Rainbow smiled.

"Hey, I can't leave our number one fan hanging," she replied. "Look, I'll leave you with this. No matter what happens between you and Applejack, know that you are still you. You're a strong flier, and an even stronger mare. First love is always difficult, and it's never easy. You'll get back on your feet, don't worry about it. Even if Applejack never feels the same way, you will have plenty of choices."

"Thanks but...why would I have choices? What do you mean by that?"

Spitfire answered by wrapping her forehooves around her neck, catching Dash off guard. When she let her go, she replied:

"Because you're adorable."

With that, the Captain of the Wonderbolts flew off into the starlit night, leaving Rainbow Dash to feel a single, happy tear roll down her cheek.