• Published 13th Mar 2012
  • 6,532 Views, 188 Comments

Broken - DiveBomb

Rainbow Dash is haunted by old feelings, but that is the least of Ponyville's worries.

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Broken: Epilogue, Legacy

It has been over a year since Ponyville had recovered from the day known as The Thunderboom Event. That was what the history books were calling it anyway, reminiscent of the final attack that ended the battle between ponies and griphons. Twilight Sparkle's book had actually coined the term, taking from Pinkie Pie's eccentric terminology. Her collective work from the accounts of several soldiers and civilians had become an overnight success. Her book had been titled 'Ponyville; Battleground.' The novel had not only been an instant bestseller, but also had been placed at the top of the list of books to be read at a mandatory level in every single university all across Equestria. Twilight Sparkle had become the most popular author to exist since Starswirl the Bearded. She had also singlehoofedly made Ponyville the number-two tourist attraction right underneath Canterlot, thus boosting the small town's economy by three-fold. The purple unicorn had been granted awards by not just Ponyville, but from Princess Celestia as well. Her single book had saved the town from hemorrhaging money over the rebuild from the battle, and would forever be known as a hero to the small town of Ponyville.

However, Twilight Sparkle wasn't the only pony to be forever remembered after The Thunderboom Event. Three other ponies would forever go down in history as heroes. Pinkie Pie had been known as the Drunken Master, to her slight dismay. It was an honor, but some ponies didn't look at it in such a way. The pink party pony wasn't exactly happy to be known as a "drunk," but still accepted her award from Princess Celestia a month after the battle. Since The Event, Pinkie Pie had never once touched any form of alcohol. The situation at the time of the battle was dire, and required as much of her as possible. Not to mention the on-and-off week-long hangover she had received.

Applejack had been granted the name 'Rodeo Soldier,' for her impressive lasso work as she engaged several foes singlehoofedly on that day. It had taken a week of pushing for her to attend the ceremony and accept her award. Her friends had understood the farmer's modesty, but still insisted on her presence. Her prowess was legend in the rodeo pony world. She had been convinced that every ribbon she won after The Event was out of pure favoritism, regardless of how ridiculous the idea was.

But in the many victories that day, there was one that stood out amongst the rest. There was one pony, whose name had become a household term since that day: the legendary cyan pegasus known as Rainbow Dash; Master of the Sonic Thunderboom. It was an odd title, considering the event was a once-in-a-lifetime performance and couldn't exactly be mastered, but that was what ponies had called her. The Thunderboom was the most life-risking move the pegasus had ever made, and she didn't wish to repeat the process. Eventually Rainbow Dash was forced to give the journalist ponies a long-awaited interview, once her nerve had come back to her. A few ponies had reviewed her as boastful an proud, but most knew that she deserved to be. She was the Master of the Sonic Thunderboom after all. Once the hype of The Event had calmed down, Rainbow Dash was finally able to be with her marefriend freely. She had been granted her old job as Chief of Weather in Ponyville once again, much to Cloudkicker's dismay. Rainbow didn't want any other job in the world, and was thankful to have the chance to redeem herself. Unlike her previous work-ethic, Dash had a renewed sense of pride in her job. Not only had she woken up early every day to perform her duties, but she never took her old routine nap breaks either. This new drive had rewarded her an enormous raise in her salary. She and Applejack had been able to afford a new home on the ground, a mile outside of Ponyville's limits. However, the orange mare had been reluctant to leave her family and her work on the farm. Rainbow Dash had assisted her in training her replacement, Caramel. The stallion had never been one to work much harder than absolutely necessary, but took on the new position as Sweet Apple Acres' top applebucker and farmer. Every now and then Applejack visited the farm to help with her old duties and to see her family. She may have moved away, but she was still the same old, hardworking farmer at heart. Applebloom however, stayed with her family.

Scootaloo had of course, lived with Rainbow Dash and Applejack in their new home. Every other day of the orange pegasus filly's life had been devoted to flight training. She had always wanted to be a strong flier, but ever since her older sister took her to a Wonderbolts show, she had a new goal in life: to be welcomed into their ranks after Rainbow Dash. The cyan pegasus vigorously trained her sister, hoping to keep her promise to Twilight Sparkle that she made over a year ago.

It was a bright, clear Spring day over Rainbow Dash and Applejack's home. As usual, the cyan pegasus was awake and flying at sunrise. After a few warm-up maneuvers, Rainbow flew into her sister's bedroom, taking in her surroundings before waking her up. This was the day, the day that Dash would keep her promise. She smiled with an unmatched sense of pride. Scootaloo's walls were covered with Rainbow's old Wonderbolts posters and banners. Even a few photographs were tacked to the wooden walls. Some were of the orange filly with her two best friends, Applebloom and Sweetie Bell. Others were of her flight prowess. There were even two of her with her sister, Rainbow Dash. Only one was framed, however. It stood atop her end table, reminding Scootaloo of her old life. It was a picture of the pegasus filly, being held up by her deceased parents. Rainbow Dash had been proud of that photograph being right there, for it showed how strong her sister was. The cyan pegasus could never have framed a picture of her own passed parents like that at such a young age. She wouldn't have been able to take it. She was proud to call Scootaloo her sister, and loved her as such. The pegasus filly slept soundly in her small bed, underneath a single sheet.

"Okay, WAKE UP SQUIRT!" Rainbow yelled at the top of her lungs. Scootaloo immediately jumped awake, ready to attention. She wiped the sleep from her eyes and then stood up on all fours.

"Yes Coach!" she replied as she did every other morning.

"This is the big day Scoot, now warm-up with twenty wing-ups! Now!" exclaimed Dash. Scootaloo obeyed her coach, falling to the floor beside her bed and pumping out the reps as fast as she could.

"Slower! You don't want to pull a muscle and ruin this do you?!"

"Sorry Coach!"

Rainbow watched with invisible pride as her sister did what she was told. It may have been considered too much for such a young filly, but that was the only way Dash knew how to coach. It had definitely granted amazing, ground-breaking results though. In one year Scootaloo went from barely being able to take off, to a high-velocity flier. The cyan pegasus knew that under any other form of training, her sister wouldn't be the flier she was today. Eventually her little sister had finished with her paced wing-ups. She now stood to her coach with a look that Rainbow Dash instantly recognized: determination. It was The Drive, rushing through her at full-force. She was ready. Today Scootaloo was finally going to achieve her goal.

"Okay private, through the window, in the air! I want to see five consecutive barrel rolls, thirty feet from the ground and in a perfect line! Now move it!"

Immediately Scootaloo bolted through the opened window, followed by her coach. Rainbow Dash landed in the middle of their enormous backyard, watching her sister with hope. Scootaloo performed the exercise perfectly, but was told to practice it a few more times. As if on queue, Rainbow turned to see her four best friends trotting over, not looking as awake as her. Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie arrived at the designated time, however with much dislike to the hour. Even the pink party pony was only half-awake. As they walked up to Rainbow Dash, Applejack emerged from the back door. In the past few months, the orange mare rarely had to wake up early anymore. She looked just as exhausted as the rest of her friends, her mane disheveled under her scarred stetson.

"Rainbow Dash, what is this all about?" asked a slightly annoyed Rarity. "Why couldn't you just tell us why we had to get up so early?"

"Yeah Dashie. You know that we just had a long night at the Thursday Party yesterday!" Pinkie complained, a rare occurrence from her usual uplifted mood.

"Rainbow, Ah love ya', but ya'll didn't even tell me what's goin' on," yawned Applejack.

"Trust me guys, it's all gonna be worth it," Dash reassured. Applejack and Twilight paced slowly over to the cyan pegasus.

"Rainbow, is this about what you and Scootaloo have been training for?" asked the purple unicorn. "I know that you want her to succeed, but don't you think that you're being a little hard on her?"

"Yeah RD," Applejack agreed. "You've been pressing that girl every other day ta' get better, an' her school work is sufferin' 'cause of it."

"Guys trust me!" Rainbow countered. "Just watch this. Scoot!"

Scootaloo responded by arching out of an ascent and diving to the ground. She landed just as professionally as Rainbow would have, her technique nearly-flawless. Rainbow Dash took her sister aside, out of earshot from her friends. She sat on her haunches in front of the orange filly, giving her a level look despite the height difference.

"Okay Scoot, right now I'm not your coach, I'm your big sister," said Rainbow, her words heavy. Scootaloo seemed to relax a little, but still held her look of determination. "Are you ready for this?"

"Ready as ever," she replied with a grin.

"Okay, as your big sister I wanted to say good luck. You have worked so hard for a year now, and it's led to this. No matter what happens, just know that I am so proud of you Scootaloo. You're the best sister a pony could ask for, and I love you," said Rainbow. The orange filly looked to be on the verge of tears, but bravely held her composure. "Now go out there and wow the crowd Sis, I believe in you."
Rainbow Dash hugged her sister, knowing for a fact that she could do this.

"I love you too Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo croaked. They let go and the pegasus filly flew into the sky, tracked by the eyes of the six mares below. Rainbow stood next to Applejack, whom leaned up against her to keep from falling asleep. None of them said a word until Twilight's eyes widened in sudden realization as to what this was all about. The unicorn's head snapped over to the cyan pegasus, her jaw agape.

"Rainbow Dash! She's not going to-"

"Oh yes she is!" said Dash, her eyes on the ascent of her little sister.

"Rainbow that's completely-"

"Awesome, I know," Rainbow interrupted, not wanting to hear the warnings. Thankfully, none of her other friends were as quick on the uptake as Twilight, and they remained silent as Scootaloo started the dive. Her acceleration was only matched by Rainbow's own at that age. It took a little longer than what was comfortable, but eventually the distinctive mach cone formed around the orange and purple dot. Applejack, along with every other pony gasped in surprise. It was obvious now what their intentions were.

"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack breathed, now suddenly awake as ever. "She's not gonna...Is she really-"

The orange mare's words were cut off as they all watched Scootaloo's mach cone tighten, multicolored bolts of lightning flaring around her. Rainbow started to shake in anticipation. The pegasus filly was too close to the ground. She would have to pull up as soon as the move was executed. The two sisters had planned what to do in this situation, but Dash still worried. However, as dangerous as this was, somehow she knew in her heart that her sister could do this. She had to do this.

"Come on Scoot, you got this," Rainbow whispered to herself as everypony held their breath. "You got this, you got this, you got this."

Scootaloo was nothing more than a blur now, rocketing toward the ground. Rainbow found herself practically convulsing. She couldn't hold her excitement anymore.


A climactic bang of sound, a flash of light and an eruption of prismatic light. The shock wave of the Sonic Rainboom roared to life, spreading across the clear blue sky. Rainbow Dash bellowed out her elation, screaming toward the sky as the wind kicked up her mane. She had done it, after only a year of training. All six mares cried out with shrieks of joy and applause.

"What the HAY did I tell you Twilight Sparkle?! My sister is the second pony in HISTORY to perform the Sonic Rainboom! How d'ya like THAT?!" Rainbow bellowed over the rush of the shock wave. Scootaloo pulled up from the ground, a solid rainbow marking her trail. Not only did she rebound, but the orange filly soared upward, arching through the air several times at Mach Ten. The six ponies couldn't stop cheering, their surprise and happiness palpable. After a few sound-shattering maneuvers, Scootaloo finally broke her speed and landed to the ground ten feet away from the six mares. Immediately she was thrown into a tackle-hug from her older sister.

"YOU DID IT SCOOT! YOU BUCKING DID IT!" screamed Rainbow Dash, not caring about the tears of joy streaming down her face. Applejack had joined in as the rest surrounded the three, all applauding the filly. Scootaloo couldn't hug her sister tighter. "I'm so proud of you! A Sonic Rainboom! Can you believe it?!"

"Ack! Sis I can't breathe!" Scootaloo cried. Rainbow reluctantly released her sister to find tears in the filly's eyes as well. "That was so awesome! And I-I have you to thank for it."

"No you don't," Rainbow choked on her tears. "You have yourself to thank, and nopony else."

Scootaloo's lip trembled, and she returned to her sister's embrace. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, Twilight and Pinkie Pie joined in on the group hug, honoring the filly's spectacular performance. Rainbow had never been so proud of anypony in her life, and it made her heart explode with joy.

For the majority of her life Rainbow Dash had lived by herself with only her friends standing alongside her. She had dealt with more pain than anypony should, and learned a fair amount of life lessons through it all. The cyan pegasus had lived through hopelessness, disappointment and heartache. But that was just it, she had lived through it, she had grown because of it. Rainbow had fought for her life, for her love and for her sister. She couldn't remember what having a family was like until now. She had lost her parents as a filly, and had been alone since. But now, Dash had a new home, the love of her life, and the best sister in all of Equestria. It took years, but she finally had it again. Rainbow Dash had a family. In the midst of praise for her sister, the cyan pegasus gave the sky one last look, casting a final thought to her parents:

Mom, Dad, I did it. I've conquered my fears, found love and have a family of my own. After everything that has happened, I know that I couldn't do it without your love. You two were the best parents a filly could have, and I'll never forget you.

I'm about to start a new life now, and I wish you were here to see it.

But...I know that you two are in Heaven, watching over me every day. So I ask you, watch over my new family as you have me. I know they would love you almost as much as I do.

I love you Mom and Dad, and thank you for everything that you've done for me...

...Thank you so much...