• Published 13th Mar 2012
  • 6,532 Views, 188 Comments

Broken - DiveBomb

Rainbow Dash is haunted by old feelings, but that is the least of Ponyville's worries.

  • ...

Chapter Four-Broken

Broken: Chapter Four, Broken

Gilda stood resolute atop the highest plateau overlooking Appleloosa, a two-day train ride away from Ponyville. The night had overtook the sleepy western town. Far below the lights had just started to extinguish from within the windows and doorways of the shops, taverns and homes. The soft blue light of Luna's moon was the only illumination along with the bright stars overhead. However, it was just enough to see the length of the plateau, and to hide the griphon from any curious onlookers who dared to cast an upward glance. The griphon had been waiting impatiently for fifteen minutes now. She eagerly cast a glance in every direction of the sky to finally find who she was looking for. Another griphon clumsily flapped his wings, doing the best he could to level his trajectory. Gilda slapped a talon to her forehead, ashamed that a griphon a year older than her could barely fly.

Swift Wing landed on his talons, skidding across the mesa before finding his footing. Gilda snorted through her beak.

"Ya' know Swift, you need a new name, either that or some serious flight lessons," she noted. Swift Wing lowered his head in evident shame, scratching at the back of his neck. The dull gray feathers atop his head hung lazily on either side of his face. His beak was small and feminine, giving him an air of weakness. Regardless of how much teasing Gilda had shown him, she knew that Swift was a genius. The male griphon was the smartest creature she had ever met, but also the worst flier. He was a being not meant for the air like her, but for strategy, planning and decisiveness. In short, he was perfect for what Gilda had planned for him.

"Yeah, yeah I know. So I have to ask," Swift Wing started, giving her a puzzled look. "Asking me to meet you to talk is one thing, but why in Appleloosa of all places?"

"Which question are you asking?"

"Both I guess," he admitted with a solemn shrug.

"Appleloosa is as far as I wanted to go away from Ponyville. It's a whole two days away, and I didn't want to take any risks. I called you here because not only are you the only other griphon I know, but because of that big 'ol brain of yours," said Gilda. Swift cocked an eyebrow. "Our race is going to end discrimination from ponykind once and for all, and I need you help me start it."
The male griphon looked as if he was stifling a laugh, which made Gilda's wings flare.

"Is this about your banishment Gilda? Don't take this the wrong way but-"

"This isn't just about my banishment, but why it was carried out in the first place!" Gilda spat. "They permanently banished me from the area for a simple fight! Do you think that those ponies would do that to another pony? Of course not! They did this, knowing what would happen to my reputation, just because I'm a griphon, and not a freaking pony! And don't go thinking that this was just a one-time thing! I've spent the last two days researching the Canterlot Archives on the history of Equestria, and do you know what I found? I found years of records relating to 'the fear and discrimination' of griphons. Fifty years ago was the War of the Skies, a five-year battle between griphons and ponykind. This resulted in the near-extinction of our race! And even now things like my banishment are still occurring! What does that tell you Swift Wing?!"

The male griphon seemed to chew on that for a moment. He sat down on his haunches, absentmindedly rolling a pebble between his talons. He looked completely lost in thought, evidently mulling over Gilda's words. She was indeed impatient, but knew that Swift's help would be imperative to her cause. So she waited, turning away from the griphon and letting him think.

"Well," he started finally, catching her glance. "I've of course known about the war, but thought that there wasn't any aftereffects save for the fall of griphonkind. I never thought that there was still this stigma to our race. But you're right, I guess there still is."
Gilda stood turned away, but stared at her friend, knowing that urging his opinion wouldn't help him make his decision.

"Say I was to help you, what exactly did you plan on doing about this?"

"Revolution," said Gilda quietly. "We gather the remaining griphons from all across Equestria, tell them of our cause and take over the land, town by town. If subtle negotiations don't work, than we retaliate with force."

"Well that sounds intriguing," said Swift Wing, scratching at his chin. "But how do we convince the other griphons?"

"That's why you're here. You're a lot better with words than I am, not to mention others."

"I guess I can figure something out. Alright, yeah. You know what?" said Swift. Gilda looked back to him with an expectant look on her face. "I'm sick of being treated with such fear and hate. Okay, I'll do it. I'll help you."

The sun finally set completely over Sweet Apple Acres, and Applejack was still sitting on the same spot on the hill, taking in the previous week, but mostly the last hour. Rainbow Dash, the farmer's best friend whom she'd known for four years had, out of absolutely nowhere, told Applejack that she was in love with her. Where had that come from? Dash had never shown any sign whatsoever of liking mares in a romantic way, let alone her. What's so special about me, thought Applejack. Why would she love me? The farmpony let herself fall onto her back, gazing at the star-speckled night sky.

She heard heavy-hooved steps coming towards her, but didn't need to avert her eyes from the stars to know who it was. Big Macintosh sat next to Applejack, a reed hanging between his teeth.

"Ya' don' look too good AJ. Did you two figh' or somethin'?" he asked. Applejack didn't waste any time before answering.

"She told me she loves me," she breathed, the words unreal to her. "She said that's why she's been up all night, why she can't eat or fly righ'. Rainbow was in the hospital 'cause o' me."

"Now AJ," said Big Mac. "Ah know ya' know that it's not yer fault. And Ah'm sure tha' Dash feels the same."

The ground shook as the night sky suddenly flourished with the most recognizable sight in Equestria, a Sonic Rainboom. The ever-growing spectrum of light spread horizontally from less than a mile to the East, near Rainbow Dash's home. Applejack found herself smiling, tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"Well it looks like she's feelin' better," said Big Macintosh. Applejack nodded.

"Ah sure do hope so, 'cause it made me feel a lot better."

Rainbow Dash flew up to her cloud house, gasping for breath as her chest seared in pain. Thankfully the stitching held tight, so all that she needed was sleep. Her wings hadn't been used like that in a week, not to mention the fact that she hadn't performed the Rainboom in a year.

"Totally...worth it," she panted. From the corner of the living room Dash heard a familiar sound. She looked around the corner to find Tank with his head laying in an empty food bowl. Rainbow shrieked and darted over to the cupboard, fumbling with her pet's food bag in her mouth, dumping its contents into the bowl.

"Oh Jeeze Tank, I'm sorry! I should have sent Fluttershy here to feed you while I was gone!" said Dash, nuzzling the tortoise affectionately. Tank seemed to give her a small smile before slowly taking a bite of his greens.

Rainbow felt terrible for leaving her beloved pet unfed for almost a full week. What would she have done if she found Tank laying in the middle of the floor, dead because of her? After the heart-wrenching week she had been forced to deal with, there as no way that Rainbow could cope with death.

Dash flinched at the crack of lightning coming from her door. A pegasus was knocking. This thought made her now-faint heart sink. It must have been her boss. Who else could it be? There was no way that he could have known about her stay in the hospital, and he wasn't a very lenient pony. Rainbow had been threatened with demotion the next time she took a day off without a doctor's note, which she neglected to retrieve. She hoped to Celestia that the stitching to her chest would be proof enough, for she simply didn't have it in her to argue right now, especially after having her heart stomped on. Rainbow Dash waited until the second knock to answer the door, subconsciously hoping that the visitor would simply give up after the first try. The cyan pegasus sighed and slowly walked over to the cloud door, opening it with a slight cringe.

Rainbow sighed with an immense amount of relief when she saw Fluttershy on the other side of the threshold. When Dash's oldest friend saw her, the yellow pegasus positively beamed. She bolted forward, wrapping her forelegs around Rainbow's neck.

"Rainbow Dash! Oh, I was so worried!" she shrieked. Rainbow would have smiled except for the fact that her wound was screaming in protest to the embrace.

"Ack! Fluttershy! You're hurting me!" Dash gasped, taking a huge breath once her friend hastily let her go.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't know, I didn't see your injury! Twilight was very vague about your condition and told us not to visit you yet, but then I saw that Sonic Rainboom and I just figured-"

"Fluttershy," said Dash flatly, shushing her friend immediately. "Come on in, you can freak out inside."

The yellow pegasus bit her lip and followed her friend inside as the door was closed behind her. Fluttershy immediately strode over to Tank, saying hello to the tortoise before sitting down on her haunches, watching Rainbow Dash pace back and forth. Dash noticed a pair of saddlebags on her friends back, but decided that it wasn't important.

"So..." Fluttershy started quietly. "Is it alright if I ask you what happened? Well, we were told that you had...surgery from heart palpitations, but we don't know what caused it..."
Rainbow processed that for a minute.

"Yeah...yeah I did," she said quietly. Dash couldn't tell her about why she started having the attacks, it was simply too painful. She just had her heart broken less than an hour ago, the wound was still fresh. However, Twilight wasn't the only pony that knew of her secret anymore, but also Applejack. Rainbow had a feeling that the farmpony would eventually confide in somepony. From that standpoint, Rainbow knew that keeping it from her oldest friend was only delaying the inevitable. She sighed, sitting down a few feet from her friend. "I guess I should tell you."

"Oh, you don't have to if you don't want to..."

"You're gonna find out anyway."

Rainbow Dash recalled the events of the past week, not pausing for Fluttershy's gasps and looks of shock. She knew that she had spoken as quickly as she could, but to Dash, it still felt like an eternity. She had to push through the barrier of her confession, so the speed of her words was a necessity. Not to mention every word seemed to cut into her soul, reflecting upon the rejection.

"Ah...oh Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy quivered. Rainbow couldn't say another word after that, for her heart had jumped into her throat, choking her voice. Her friend looked as if she wanted to hug Rainbow, but held her composure. "I'm so sorry, I-I didn't know. Oh this is bad. This...ohh..."

"It's in the past 'Shy."

"No, it's not that, it's..." Fluttershy started, something obviously burdening her mind. This caught Dash's attention. What was her friend trying to say? Instead of asking, Rainbow Dash simply strode over and plopped her haunches to the floor, giving her friend a level look. It wasn't angry or menacing, but...unnervingly level. It was a look that Rainbow could only use when Fluttershy was hiding something from her. She had known her since they were fillies, and found that just like The Stare, Rainbow also had her own sort of forceful look. Fluttershy cowered under the gaze, visibly shaking.

"Okay, okay!" the yellow pegasus cried out. "Please just stop!"

Rainbow Dash complied, relaxing a bit after scooting back a foot or two, giving her friend room to breathe. Fluttershy shuddered, shaking her pale pink mane from her eyes and doing her best to look Dash in the eye. She pulled an envelope from her saddlebag, placing it on the floor between them before covering it with a hoof.

"Now before I give you this, please just know that I wasn't expecting you to tell me...that story. I didn't know that you were...rejected like that. I was going to wait until tomorrow after I heard that but...you don't seem to want to wait," she explained in a small voice. She was right. Apparently whatever was in that envelope was only going to hurt Rainbow further. She knew that the best way to go about this was to try and draw out her current uplifted mood by reading it tomorrow. But Dash couldn't wait, she couldn't bring herself to put off any more pain that she knew was inevitable. Rainbow hesitantly took the letter and read the front of the envelope. It was from the office of the Weather Department. It wasn't sealed either. That was weird. It looked as if it were never meant to be kept secret, but merely to hold whatever letter it bore.

"Th-The H-Head of the Weather Department saw me in Cloudsdale the other day and instructed me to give it to you," said Fluttershy, her voice barely more than a squeak. With that Rainbow tore the letter out of its envelope and immediately began reading it:

Miss Rainbow Dash,

Time and time again you and I have had our share of rows regarding your attendance. While you have proven yourself to be a magnificent and efficient worker, far outclassing any other Chief of Weather in all of Equestria, you have been (for one reason or another) unable to come to work. I have reminded you in the past that the Weather Team is only as strong as its leader, and recently it has been unacceptably weak. I received word of your "sickness" at the beginning of the week, only to spot you out and about at Sweet Apple Acres and in Ponyville. Obviously you do not care for the importance of your position. This puts me in a difficult spot, for now I have to find somepony who will. I take no pride in doing this, but I fear that I will have to follow our Department policies and terminate your position on the Weather Team.

From the Desk of the Head of Weather.

Rainbow Dash read the letter three times before absentmindedly letting it fall from her hooves and onto the cloud floor. How did this...why did this... She just couldn't believe it. How did this happen? Didn't Doctor Stable send her boss a...Oh no, she realized. Dash shuddered as she remembered what kept Stable from sending her supervisor a letter of release. The doctor had wiped not just her fee from existence, but also the record of her ever being there. Without any record, the staff of the hospital had no medical release to send. Suddenly her heart fell from her throat to the pit of her stomach. She just got...fired. She was unemployed, over something that wasn't even her fault.

"I got that letter two days ago," said Fluttershy, her meek voice somehow breaking the silence. "But I heard that...I heard that Cloudkicker already got the position."

Rainbow looked up at her friend, familiar tears streaking her face. The yellow mare promptly hugged her again, letting her friend sob into her mane. Nothing was going right, and everything was falling apart. Her entire world was crumbling around her, faster than she could put it back together. Why was this happening? What did she do to anypony to deserve this pain? Why was it all happening at once? Eventually Rainbow lifted herself from Fluttershy's caring hold, unable to even speak. Dash stared unfocused at the floor, feeling her entire being tear at the seams. The only good thing about that week had taken her job away from her. As if being grounded for days, having surgery and having the love of her life rejecting her wasn't enough. Rainbow couldn't even cry after all these things hit her at once, but she did feel something shatter in her soul. It wasn't her heart, that was already utterly destroyed, but it was just...her. She had shattered. Rainbow Dash was simply...broken.

"Rainbow Dash?" she heard the other pegasus say, heavy with worry. "It's going to be alright, we can find you a new job."
Dash said nothing.

"Dash please."

Rainbow was done crying, fed up with trying to be happy anymore. There was simply no point.

Applejack watched the night sky as if she were looking for something, only to find Luna's moon shining as brightly as ever. She was walking through downtown Ponyville, dodging glances of the few last-minute shoppers and couples enjoying the beautiful night. The farmpony was doing her best to keep her path to the shadows, not wanting to run into anypony but Twilight. While the Rainboom did lift her spirits and ease the guilt a little, she still needed to talk to the unicorn about what had happened. Not only was she a pony with a head for level advice, but it was evident that the secret she was bearing was of Rainbow Dash's feelings. Somehow it just made sense to talk to her rather than any other pony.

Applejack had more weight on her shoulders than she ever had back on the farm. She knew that Rainbow's pain wasn't really her fault, but that didn't stop the guilt. Dash was in the hospital because of her feelings for her. She had surgery because of her love. Could they ever be friends after this? Even if they tried, Applejack could never forget her friend's words. The dream made me realize…it’s been because…I love you. Love. That word rang in her head like a church bell. It was such a powerful word, she had known that. But the farmer had never heard it spoken with any actual meaning behind it. Rainbow Dash spilled her entire heart and soul into that word, but Applejack couldn't except it. She just rejected it, she rejected Rainbow. Had she spoken too soon, acting purely on the shock of the declaration of love? No, she thought. Ah acted on what Ah am. Ah'm just not inta' mares. That's all.

The orange earth pony arrived at the front door of the library to find all the lights on, shadows playing against the drawn curtains. There was no music, so she dismissed the idea of a party. She rapped her hoof on the door, awaiting the pony she could hear trotting up to the threshold. The door opened to reveal the purple unicorn, wearing an exhausted expression. Once she realized who the visitor was, her face brightened.

"Oh! Applejack, how's it-"
She was interrupted by a sudden bounce of pink curls from the interior of the library.

"Ooh! OOH! Is that Applejack?!" squeaked Pinkie Pie, bouncing in and out of view from behind Twilight's shoulder. "Hey! Jacks! Hey are you coming in?"
Applejack turned to whisper to the unicorn.

"Uh, Ah wasn't expectin' you havin' company."

"Neither was I," Twilight noted, a dull look in her eyes. It was evident where her exhaustion was coming from.

"Um Twi', is there any way Ah can talk to ya'll in private-like?" asked Applejack.

"Well, Rarity and Pinkie Pie are here right now, and Fluttershy will be right back," said the unicorn. "Their all really eager to know about Rainbow."
That struck a pang of guilt in her heart.

"It's alright Twi', she told me. Ya'll don't have to keep her secret from me."
Twilight raised her eyebrows, giving her a look that said, Annnnnnd?

"Ah jus-"

Before Applejack could finish her sentence, Pinkie had squeezed between Twilight and the door frame, shoving the two inside.

"What are you two waiting for? Fluttershy's gonna be back and tell us if Dashie's okay!" she said, shoving the two ponies with unexpected ease. Applejack felt herself tense up like a board, forcing the pink mare to fall forward and onto the floor, face first.

"Wh-Wha?" she stammered as Pinkie recovered and closed the door.

"Well we had to know if she was alright," said Rarity matter-of-factly. "And Fluttershy volunteered to go and check up on her, being a pegasus and all."

"Yeah! Did you see the Sonic Rainboom?" asked Pinkie. "We figured that she was doing better so Fluttershy went to go and see her!"

Applejack felt her eyes widen. None of them knew about Rainbow's secret except for Twilight. Would she tell Fluttershy? For some reason she didn't feel comfortable with all of her friends knowing about the event. It just seemed...private. Applejack felt that she could only talk to Twilight considering she already knew. But then again, they all were Rainbow's closest friends, it couldn't be a total disaster. The orange earth pony merely found a seat at the table in the kitchen, slumping into it. Twilight followed her, thankful that Pinkie and Rarity had found something to distract themselves. Applejack leaned on her elbows, letting her hat fall low over her face.

"So how are you doing?" asked Twilight as she sat next to her friend.

"Guilty," she answered. "terrible and guilty."

"Why's that?"

"Ah dunno. It's stupid really. Ah just feel like it's mah fault tha' Dash had been in such bad o' shape. Ah know tha' there's nothin' Ah could do, but Ah still feel bad."

"It's not stupid," said Twilight softly. "It's understandable. Thankfully you do indeed understand that it's not your fault. It sounds like you just need closure."
Applejack cocked an eyebrow at the unicorn.


"Yes, in one form or another," Twilight started. "I think that once Rainbow has had some time to mull things over you can just talk to her. But I need to know...do you like her? You know, that way?"
The farmpony found herself hesitating before replying:

"No, Ah don't exactly approve of the idea of two mares gittin' along like that. Ah'm an ol' fashioned pony, from an ol' fashioned family. Ah mean sure Ah can understand why somepony could find Dash attractive but other than that..."
Twilight raised her eyebrows.

"So do you not approve of Rainbow Dash then?"

"Wha? O' course Ah approve...no Ah...Ah don't...Ah dunno Ah guess," Applejack sputtered, burying her face in her hooves, not knowing what to think anymore. What did she think of Rainbow Dash? She couldn't be blamed for her lifestyle. If she liked mares then so be it. Even if Applejack couldn't see it, it wasn't really her place to pass judgement. Applejack sighed, covering her head with her stetson.

Somewhere behind them a window opened, and Applejack spun around, finding that she was hoping for a certain pegasus to appear. However, it was Fluttershy, looking levels beyond crestfallen. It was as if the yellow pegasus didn't know whether to feel sad, shocked or frightened. Everypony gathered around her, sputtering with anxious questions. Applejack merely remained in her seat, but facing her friends. Fluttershy didn't speak.

"Come now darling what happened?" asked Rarity, impatience lacing her voice. "Don't keep us waiting all night!"

"Oh, um...I..." she whispered. "She's really...It's not good."
Silence followed as everypony held their breath, with Applejack on the edge of her seat.

"She...She just got home and found out that she...Rainbow Dash just lost her job."

Applejack's heart sank. She didn't care that her jaw was hanging. Rainbow lost her job? How? The farmer couldn't believe it. What else could go wrong in that poor pegasus' life? Now it felt indefinite to Applejack; it was her fault. All her fault. Her best friend's life was falling apart, because of her.

"She's in really bad shape, she's been through way too much this week, and now she doesn't have a job. Rainbow won't say anything, she won't respond to anything I say or do. It's like she just...stopped caring about everything."

Rarity placed a hoof over her mouth. Pinkie Pie sniffed, a tear rolling down her face. Twilight was staring at the floor, seemingly pained at knowing what was going on but unable to say anything. Applejack just...she just couldn't believe it. What had she done?

"Rainbow Dash really needs our help, and I don't know what to do," Fluttershy concluded.

"I do," came Twilight's voice, hoarse but strong. She turned her head to Applejack, a look of determination on her face. "And I think you do too."
Suddenly all eyes were switching between the two ponies.

"What do you mean dear? How does Applejack know...What is going on?" Rarity demanded.

"Ah can't do that Twi'," Applejack said slowly.

"I'm not asking you to feign any feelings, just talk to her."

"What if she has another fit? What do Ah do then?"

"You're the only one who can help her!"

"No, Ah'm only gonna hurt her more!"

"STOP IT!" yelled Fluttershy out of nowhere. Suddenly everypony jumped in place, their eyes wide on the yellow mare. Applejack and Twilight immediately softened once they saw the tears streaking her face. She sobbed quietly as Rarity placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Applejack please. You're the only pony she'll l-listen to r-right now. Rainbow D-Dash l-loves you. She's losing herself because sh-she loves you s-so much. Everything her world is m-made out of is falling apart! I'm afraid of what sh-she's gonna do next! D-Do you know how afraid I am to leave her alone r-right now?!"

Rarity and Pinkie Pie recoiled, absolute shock upon their faces. Now all eyes were back on Applejack, whom couldn't hold back her own tears anymore. The farmpony hid her face behind her stetson as she quietly sobbed. Soon she felt three pairs of forelegs wrap around her, warm and comforting.

"B-But what do Ah do? Ah just got through rejectin' her! Ah'll only hurt her more! Ah can't take that girls, Ah jus' can't take that! An' neither can she!"

"I know Applejack," came Twilight's soft voice. "But if you don't talk to her now who knows what she'll do. Dash is in desperate condition, and you're the only one who can help her. You don't have to love her, just be there for her."

Applejack sniffed, closing the valve to her tears. She lowered her hat as Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Rarity let go of her. The farmpony simply stared at Twilight, wishing that she had all the answers. What would she even say to Rainbow? I'm sorry you love me but tough cookies? She just didn't know what to do.

"Dya' really think she'd...Dya' think she'd actually do somethin'...drastic?" Applejack asked Fluttershy desperately. To her horror, the yellow mare said nothing, but simply stared at her. "She wouldn't kill herself Fluttershy! Ah know she's depressed but she wouldn't..."

The words grew tight in her throat as Fluttershy continued her silence. If Fluttershy, Rainbow's oldest friend whom clearly knew her, didn't know what she would do then...no. Applejack couldn't sit there anymore. She leapt to her feet in sudden anxiety.

"Twilight, get that cloud-walkin' spell a-goin'. After that Ah want you girls to wait under Rainbow's house while Ah get mah lasso. Ah wanna make sure she doesn't do nothin' stupid," Applejack ordered. Twilight immediately zipped off to the bookshelves, searching for whatever book held the spell she needed. The farmer went to speak again, only to be interrupted by a door opening upstairs, followed by a sleepy-eyed baby dragon descending said stairs. Spike rubbed the sleep from his eyes, clutching a scroll with a familiar red ribbon tying it together.

"Hey girls," he yawned wearily. "Is Twilight down here? She got a letter from the Princess."

Twilight couldn't have entered the room fast enough. She had found the book she was looking for, which was now in her mouth. The unicorn spat out the text, her eyes wide on the scroll.

"A letter from the Princess? Now?" she stammered. "Spike, tell her I'm sorry but I can't take her letters right now!"

"This is the third one she sent in five minutes," Spike replied with an air of worry. "I had to have a coughing fit before I could come downstairs. Whatever she's trying to tell you, I guess it's important."

"I'm sorry Spike, but Rainbow Dash is in danger," replied Twilight. Applejack was amazed. Was she really refusing an urgent letter from Princess Celestia? It was an odd sight to take in, but it was understandable.

"Danger? What happened?" asked the baby dragon worriedly.

"No time!" Twilight exclaimed, turning to Applejack as she flipped through the tome from the library. She immediately found the spell, and wasted no time casting it. A violet glow erupted from the unicorn's horn, and instantly Applejack felt her hooves tingle, feeling lighter and somehow softer. Once she recognized that the spell was complete, she rushed out the door and into the cool night air towards Sweet Apple Acres, her friends not too far behind.
Hold on Rainbow Dash, I'm comin'. Jus' don't worry that pretty lil' head o' yers.