• Published 13th Mar 2012
  • 6,532 Views, 188 Comments

Broken - DiveBomb

Rainbow Dash is haunted by old feelings, but that is the least of Ponyville's worries.

  • ...

Chapter Two-Outcasts

Broken: Chapter Two, Outcasts

In the midst of the Everfree Forest, every small woodland creature gasped in fright, hiding from the traveler. A large, strong frame of brown feathers heaved in frustration, a mound of dirt upheaving in razor sharp talons. The griffon exhaled through the nostrils of her beak, hot with anger. Gilda shook her white-feathered head, attempting to calm her weary mind. She had been far from home for days now, fulfilling her duties by gathering fruit and supplies for her village. Ever since her banishment from Ponyville had become known, her village hadn’t taken to such a dishonor lightly. Gilda had shamed her home, and had been punished with demotion from her old, well-paid occupation.

Two years ago, Gilda had returned to Ponyville in search of her old friend, Rainbow Dash. Her intentions were good, but that wasn’t how the engagement had turned out.

“Dash! Hey Dash!”

The cyan pegasus whipped her head around in surprise from the skies above. When she spotted Gilda smiling solemnly from the ground, her magenta eyes widened. Rainbow Dash didn’t respond until she landed ten feet in front of the griffon.

“Gilda? What are you doing here?” she asked with a look of pure confusion.

The griffon held her head low, trying to gather the courage to put aside her pride and do what she came to do.

“Listen, I’m not really good at this, so just let me say it,” she said, glaring at the ground between them. “I wanted to come by and say…I’m…sorry, okay? I wasn’t being very cool with you or your la…or your friends.”

“Really,” said Rainbow, cocking an eyebrow, unimpressed. “Then why can’t you look me in the eye and say it?”

Gilda scowled, her pride clawing at her words. She slowly craned her neck up to face the pegasus, her left eye twitching. Rainbow lowered her eyelids, waiting impatiently.

“I’m…sorry,” she growled.

“If you’re really sorry, then why do you look like somepony just spit in your face?” asked Dash, wearing her own scowl now.

“Hey! I came all the way here from-”

“And yet you still can’t figure out who you actually need to apologize to!”

“What?!” Gilda exclaimed, caught off-guard by the odd comment. Rainbow Dash stamped her right forehoof and snorted out an angry breath, wings flaring.

“If you’re really here to apologize, then you have all of Ponyville to say it to! Not only did you harass my friends, but half the town! And if you’re too stubborn to see that, then you can just get the hay out of here!”
Rainbow turned on a hoof and spread her wings.


“I’m not in the mood for you Gilda, I’ve already had a terrible day. Now do me a favor and just get outta here,” Rainbow spat over her shoulder, taking off into the air. Gilda’s irritation peaked.

“Oh no you don’t! Get…BACK HERE!” she yelled. With her last two words, the griffon threw out her talons, grasping a hold of the prismatic tail and ripping the pegasus out of the air and hard into the ground with a loud thud. Gilda recoiled at her own outburst, withdrawing her arm. Before she could apologize, the griffon received a quick rearing buck straight to her left cheek. Gilda felt her head fly backwards, her body following suit. Disoriented by the sudden strike, she took a few steps back, attempting to see straight again.

“Oh so it’s gonna be like that huh?” Rainbow Dash screamed. She crouched low to the ground, her expression vengeful, wings spread defensively. “You either take off right now or I’m gonna-”

Rainbow Dash was cut off by Gilda, crying out in rage with a swift slash towards the pegasus. Dash stepped back out of the way just in time, but the first strike was a feint, and Gilda followed it with another claw. This one landed on the pegasus’ shoulder, spraying a line of crimson across the lush, green grass. Dash positively roared in pain, throwing her wings back and darting forward. She tackled the griffon and landed atop her, pounding at her face hoof after hoof.

Gilda couldn’t remember much after that, for her rage had boiled out the rest of the memory. However, she did remember the authorities coming along and separating them. After that Gilda had been dragged into Ponyville’s town hall. The mayor had signed the form, permanently banishing the griffon from ever coming close to the town again. She had heard that Dash was admitted to the hospital for several lacerations and loss of blood. Gilda had a similar experience. Her beak had been cracked in two places, and her cheek had swollen to the size of a melon for weeks. The two of them had truly hurt one another, and the griffon felt terrible for her actions. Worst of all, there wasn’t a way for her to ever make amends with her childhood friend.

It had been two years since then, and she winced at the memory. She knew that the fight had been her fault, and her that attitude didn’t help resolve the situation before it grew out of hoof, or talon or...whatever. Gilda missed hanging out with the pegasus. She enjoyed spending time with the only other being that was just like her: strong-willed, athletic, brash and…well, cool. Since then the griffon had a hard time making new friends, especially considering she lived in a town that was nothing but ashamed of her. Of course, she only responded to this with anger. It didn’t help that finding another griffon was an extremely seldom experience, for her species was in decline, and had become very rare. Gilda had only met one other griffon besides her parents, but he wasn’t exactly one she would associate with. Swift Wing was a year older than her, and bore a strong name. However, Swift wasn’t an athlete, but a bookworm. This was a great surprise considering his good looks.

Gilda sighed as she dropped a talon full of berries into the bag strapped to her back behind her enormous wings.

“Grr...Why do I have to do these meaningless chores?!” Gilda exclaimed to herself, thankful at least for the solitude. “This is so lame. I know I kinda messed up but this is sooo dumb! Two years later and I’m still being punished. Ya’ know what? Buck Ponyville!

“Oh my, such strong words.”

Gilda gasped in fright from the voice. She whipped her head around in all directions, but found no source. It had been distant, and somehow didn’t sound fully embodied. Had she been imagining it?

“Now, now, don’t be so afraid my young griffon,” said the voice. “Such a rare, magnificent breed you are, only to be rejected by those meddlesome ponies.

Nope. It was definitely there.

Now that Gilda had heard more of the voice, she realized that it was male, and rather eloquent. However, it didn’t hold the mannerisms of a Manehattenite, but an air of malevolence. The last word had been emphasized with hate, as if the ponies of Ponyville had caused the source of the voice a great injustice. Gilda carefully glared around the clearing, searching for any movement in the midst of the old trees.

“Who are you?” she asked the forest.

“Oho! So curious. I am but an undignified soul, scourged by injustice. I know your pain griffon, and can help you seek vengeance, but you must find me first. Maybe then I will assist you…or maybe not.”

“What are you talking about?” asked Gilda scornfully. “I have no hatred towards Ponyville. What happened was my fault, so…maybe I do deserve my punishment.”

“Hmm…you don’t sound so convinced,” the voice cooed. “Maybe the ponies have made you believe that you deserve such a fate, to become an outcast for such a small crime.”
Gilda’s eyes widened.

“How do you know what happened?”

“Like I said Gilda,” the voice replied, placing emphasis on her name for effect. “I am an undignified soul, one that can sympathize with others just like me.”

“I’ll ask you one more time before I leave. Who are you?”

“And I’ll tell you once again, you must seek me out first,” the voice laughed before trailing out into nothingness.
What. The hay.

Gilda scowled at the clearing around her, her wings flared in irritation. What was that? She started to question her sanity when she realized where the voice was coming from: to her right, the edge of the Everfree Forest. The griffon lowered her eyelids. That was the border of Ponyville. If she was caught anywhere in the town, she would be facing the authorities again, and who knows what kind of punishment.

Wait, why was she even thinking about following the source of the voice? Gilda had no grudge against Rainbow Dash or her home, so why would she want to do them any harm with senseless retaliation? However, her meddlesome curiosity was begging her to seek it out, if only to see who or what was talking to her with such an odd voice. But she didn’t dare cross the border into Ponyville; the consequences wouldn’t be worth the risk. If she was still being punished for a simple fight, then what would they stick her with if she were to violate her banishment? That last thought made the griffon think. It really didn’t seem fair to receive such hatred and dishonor over something so trivial. What was Mayor Mare’s reasoning behind such an unlawful response?

Suddenly Gilda heard the disembodied chuckle coming from the edge of the tree line, which was in eyesight. The griffon stared in the general direction of the voice, a storm gathering in her mind.

Without knowing how or why, Gilda felt herself walking briskly towards border of Ponyville, carefully stepping over as if it were a trap. She exhaled when she felt her talons touch the lush grass on the other side of the tree line, even though she knew nothing would actually happen.

“Do not fret, I am but a clearing away. One that nopony ever visits,” said the voice, glee lacing his words.

Gilda refused to give the voice any satisfaction by giving it any sort of reply, but merely listened for the pompous cackling, fading in and out of audibility. She looked around, taking in the scenery. The griffon stood in the middle of a path cut through the edge of the forest, curving through the trees. Gilda strode down the path, in almost a brisk run. She didn’t trust her foul luck, worrying that somepony would stumble upon her and alert the rest of the town. It didn’t take long to find the source of the cackling.

The griffon scowled when she ran into another clearing, only to find two large stone statues. The one to the right was that of a large, menacing-looking alicorn. The pony was reared in a sort of fighting stance, massive wings spread and muzzle growling as if to utter a battle cry. Gilda recognized this to be the statue of Nightmare Moon, Princess Luna’s former self. She knew from Rainbow Dash’s boastful stories of how she and her friends had defeated the princess and ‘saved Equestria.’

However, the statue to the left was not of a pony, but of something completely different; a Draconequus. It had the head of a pony, bearing two different kinds of horns, atop the body of a snake-like dragon, with limbs of other differing predators. The statue’s face was of pure shock and fear, its jaw agape and eyes wide. She only knew of what the creature was from old Equestrian mythology. But why was a statue of a supposed myth standing alongside one of true historical relevance?

“Ah, but am I truly a mere myth?”
The voice had read her mind.
The voice came from the statue of the Draconequus.

Gilda shivered in anger. Her mind was somehow an open book to an inanimate object. The invasion of her personal thoughts was unnerving, and made her feel more vulnerable than she felt comfortable with.

“Here’s the deal you block of rock,” she started, glaring into the stone face of the statue. “I’m not sure how or why you’re able to speak or why I’m even listening, so either you stay out of my head, or I walk.”

“Come now my little griffon, there’s no fun in being so direct. I like to get to know the few that I can actually communicate with.”

“What do you mean?”

“Well I am only a soul trapped in stone, so my magnificent mind is limited only to reach those who share the sting of injustice,” the Draconequus seethed on the last word, momentarily abandoning his showmanship-like malevolence. “You know in the back of your mind that what they did to you just wasn’t fair. But wait, what if you weren’t a rare species such as the regal, yet misunderstood griffon, but a common, yet immediately accepted pony? Would you have shared the same fate in such an instance?”

“Stop talking in riddles and get to the point,” said Gilda impatiently.

“Oh I have yet to speak in circles my dear Gilda,” said the statue. “Just listen to my words carefully, for they hold meaning of paramount importance. You are a rare breed, one that is not around ponyfolk all too often. Therefore, you are a species that isn’t necessarily understood. Ponies tend to be…afraid of what they don’t understand. Now it’s not their fault, it’s common pony nature. Griffons are elegant, regal beings. However they are looked upon as dangerous. Such a strong body, razor sharp talons and masters of the sky. What isn’t there to be spooked of? So wouldn’t it seem easier from a pony’s point of view to simply banish such a powerful creature, regardless of the unfortunate fate it may bring to said griffon? Such shame, such dishonor. They knew what would become of your reputation but they just didn’t care. They could’ve been fair, lenient even, but no! Just because they don’t understand you they took it upon themselves to unlawfully decide your fate! Just because you’re not one of them.”

Gilda hadn’t been ready to hear any of that. She had been angry and confused, not knowing if she still had a firm grasp on reality. But now…the statue's words just…

“Are things starting to clear up?” the Draconequus asked with menace in his voice. “Is everything in perspective now? It’s a lot easier to see when something lights the torch isn’t-”

“Okay, okay! I get it! Enough with the metaphors!” Gilda replied heatedly.

“Hmmhmm…” the statue chuckled. “Such fire, ideal for the leader of a revolution.”


“Well you can’t just let such injustice go unpunished can you? Can you really sleep peacefully knowing that your kind is being discriminated against?”

“But with me it was just a one-time thing, if that was even the case…” Gilda trailed off, unsure of what she thought anymore. The statue cackled once again.

“Think about this young griffon; the mayor of Ponyville made this decision, but not without discussing it with other ponies first. Not only did they approve such action, but the entire town cheered for it.”

“How could you know about any of that?”

“You are not the only mind that I have heard,” said the Draconequus. “There have certainly been other ponies, but that’s not what’s important. What’s important is your vengeance.”

Gilda paused for several moments, thinking over the statue’s words. At first the idea seemed ridiculous, but once he had explained it so thoroughly…the griffon didn’t know what to think anymore.

“Who are you?” she asked again, this time narrowing her eyes at the statue’s own.

“I guess you have the right to know who I really am,” said the Draconequus. “My name is Discord, young griffon.”
That name seemed familiar, but Gilda didn’t dwell on it.

“Discord huh? Pretty cool name I guess, for a rock,” she jibed. “Your words seem legitimate, but why would you want to help me? What do you care?”

“The real question is why wouldn’t I?” Discord replied with his sly voice. “Maybe I want to see an end to segregation, maybe I wish to bring harmony to Equestria…or maybe a good bit of chaos is always enjoyable!”

Discord’s voice cackled manically before it faded away, leaving Gilda alone with her thoughts. She stared at the statue for a long time, feeling a stir in her emotions. Her anger arose once again, this time with reason, with purpose. However, she didn’t scowl, but grinned. Her mad smile curved through her cracked beak, her eyes narrowing without focus.

“I know what I must do.”


Rainbow Dash felt her wings crying out in pain, still far too exhausted to keep her aloft. Once she was out of view of Sweet Apple Acres, the pegasus landed on the path that led to Ponyville. She positively loathed being grounded, but her body simply wasn’t ready for flight just yet. It would’ve felt odd to have to walk, if not for her previous injuries keeping her out of the air. Recently Rainbow Dash had suffered quite a few wing-related fractures from her practices, which had become more and more complex. This was why she had refused going to the hospital from her recent health-related dilemma. Sure, her insurance from the Weather Team was top notch, but still there were heavy deductibles. She simply couldn’t afford getting hurt again, which Twilight had told her again and again. Twice her left wing had been broken, and both times she was grounded for a few weeks. Even the stubborn Rainbow Dash had to admit that she needed to be more careful. Thankfully, she was only exhausted this time.

Rainbow Dash walked down the dirt road to find the colorful buildings that ran along the border of the town. What was I doing again? Oh yeah, finding Scootaloo, she thought. Heh, that’s such a funny name, Scootaloo. Hehaha…

Rainbow shook her head, finding it disturbing that even her mind was starting lose it. How could she still be so drained? She had slept more than she had in a long time, so why did she still feel unable to walk?

Dash suddenly felt like turning around and heading back to the farm, seeking Applejack’s care. She hated the thought of asking for help, even if it was from the pony she couldn’t stop thinking about. There was something so heartwarming about how the farmpony had taken care of her. Rainbow winced at how submissive she was to Applejack’s nurturing manner. The cyan pegasus stopped dead in her tracks when she felt a painful twitch in her chest. What was that? She felt her heart beat uncontrollably, but not in the way that usually occurred when she thought of the farmer. This time she had felt a much more physical pain, and not just an emotional one. It kept happening, her heart beat faster and then dropped unexpectedly before repeating the process.

She found her legs shaking in panic. What was happening to her? Rainbow Dash couldn’t seem to catch her breath, her lungs heaving without her brain telling them to. Her mind was racing, panic overtaking her. Her vision had started to fade again, blackness enveloping.

“No, no, no…I can’t pass out here,” she pleaded to herself. “Come on Rainbow stay…”

It was no good, her mind couldn’t stay active. As she felt herself fall, Dash thought she heard somepony call her name.


“What happened now?

“I don’t know, the doctor said that she didn’t have any broken bones. I don’t think she crashed or anything, maybe she just…”


Rainbow felt her eyelids flutter open, her vision taking its sweet time to focus on the two figures standing on either side of her. She found her surroundings familiar, an uncomfortable bed, a scratchy bed gown, and white walls, all accompanied by a monotonous beeping. She felt a patch on her chest, recognizing the heart monitor. This time she was given her own private hospital room, which was painfully small. Rainbow Dash groaned as she realized where she was. Twilight stood to her left, looking as relieved as Rarity, whom was on her right.

“Rainbow what happened?” asked Twilight in a concerned tone. “We found you on the ground outside Ponyville, and we-”

“She was having an attack,” said the prominent voice of a new pony entering the patient ward. It was Doctor Stable, Rainbow Dash’s usual caretaker. He strode over to the end of the bed, giving Dash his usual apathetic look.

“Heart palpitations to be more specific,” he concluded.

“Heart palpitations?” Rarity repeated, sharing Twilight’s confused expression. “What could’ve caused that?”

“Well palpitations in patients whom don’t have any sort of heart disease can get attacks due to severe amounts of stress, anxiety or panic,” Stable answered. “Quite frankly, this is the last thing I expected to see you here for Rainbow Dash. You don’t have any history of panic or anxiety disorders. Actually you have one of the healthiest hearts I’ve seen in a while. So whatever caused your attack, which was severe by the way, must have been quite a doozy.”

Rainbow didn’t respond. The only thing she was focused on was yet another hospital bill that she couldn’t afford. She gave the intravenous line in her foreleg a sad look and heaved a sigh. She must have been dehydrated again.

“You will be able to leave once that I.V. is completely drained. My instructions for you this time is to drink a lot of fluids and relax. It isn’t my business to ask what caused your attack, but whatever it was obviously took a toll on your body. For the next week I don’t want you to overexert yourself in any way. Keep your flights brief and don’t try anything rash. That means no aerial acrobatics for at least a week. Now I know that isn’t what you want to hear, but if you-”

“No I get it Doc. I won’t practice for a while,” Dash interrupted, her eyes half-closed, unfocused on the blanket covering her. Doctor Stable blinked.

“Oh, well I must say I was expecting a fight but...good. Glad to see you’re thinking about your health for once. Now Nurse Redheart will be checking on you in an hour. Your friends can stay for as long as they like.”

With that Stable left, closing the door behind him. Twilight and Rarity returned their gazes back to Rainbow, whom was still looking at her hindhooves with a sad expression.

“Rainbow Dash what happened?” asked Rarity, pure concern in her voice. “What could’ve brought you of all ponies to such a state?”
When she didn’t respond, Twilight asked:

“Rainbow, what’s going on? You don’t have to be afraid of telling us whatever’s bothering you.”

“Yes I do,” Dash replied, embarrassed by her voice cracking. She felt her eyes start to burn, threatening to spill over with tears. She couldn’t let herself cry, it was the only attribute of herself that she had left.

“Oh poor dear,” said Rarity, brushing a hoof through the pegasus’ prismatic mane. “We’re your friends, you can tell us anything! What would we be if you couldn’t?”

“You wouldn’t be if I told you,” Rainbow sighed. Twilight looked taken aback.

“Now why wouldn’t we be your friends anymore? Rainbow, there’s nothing you could say or do to lose us. Whatever’s bothering you is obviously worth getting off your chest. You’ve helped us a million times. You’re a good, loyal friend, now be loyal to yourself. Please, just let us help you.”

Rainbow Dash thought her friend’s words over. Twilight was right. Dash was in terrible condition. She had kept her feelings to herself for years, and now it was starting to explode within her. If she didn’t at least get it off her chest now, her heart wouldn’t be able to take it. This time it was a heart palpitation, next time it could be worse. She looked to her friends, uncertainty lining her face.

“I…I don’t know.”

"Would it be easier if was just one of us?” asked Rarity.


“Well I’ve noticed that sometimes it’s easier to tell one pony a secret rather than two,” said Rarity. “Neither of us would be offended dear. Would that work?”

“Yeah maybe,” Rainbow agreed. She looked back to Rarity. “I’m sorry Rare, but do you mind stepping out? It’s nothing against you-”

“Not at all dear!” said Rarity, waving a dismissive hoof. “I’ll be in the waiting room.”

Rarity gave Twilight a hopeful look before leaving the room, closing the door behind her. The purple unicorn immediately looked back to Rainbow, whom was unsure of how to approach the topic. Somehow it was easier to talk to Twilight than any other pony. She was just more understanding and provided level, objective advice.

“It’s okay Rainbow,” she said in a voice a little more than a whisper. Dash rubbed her hooves together, feeling her cheeks burn.

“Well…it’s about…Applejack,” she started. “I kinda lo…I kinda…”

Twilight placed a reassuring hoof of on her friends shoulder. The touch was warm and helpful. Somehow it made the words come to Rainbow’s mouth a lot easier.

“I love her,” she whimpered, tears finally streaking her face. She choked on the last word, falling into her forehooves in a heavy sob. “I love her and there’s nothing I can do about it!”

Rainbow Dash felt her friend’s forelegs wrap around her, and the pegasus cried into Twilight’s mane. It felt like a valve had opened in her heart, and all the stress from the past four days just spilled out through her eyes. All her hurt, all her pain wasn’t leaving her completely, but the feeling had started to numb. Dash hugged her friend as tight as she could, and the unicorn returned the favor.

“I-I can’t take it anymore! Every day I feel my heart tighten harder and harder! But what can I do? There’s no way she would accept me, she doesn’t like mares like I do. I can’t even be around her without wanting to just fly away and cry my eyes out. I don’t want to lose her as a friend but I can’t even look at her!”

Rainbow sobbed harder than she ever did in her entire life. It would’ve felt amazing to finally let the stress go, but as she cried into Twilight’s neck she felt the weight of her words pressing onto her heart.

“What do I do Twilight? I don’t want to lose her! I can’t lose her! But if I keep being her friend…my heart won’t be able to take it.”

For several minutes Rainbow silently cried, not letting go of her friend. Twilight ran her hoof through Dash’s mane, like a mother to her foal.

“I hate feeling like this,” Dash continued once she let go. “I hate being so weak.”

“You are not weak Rainbow Dash,” said the unicorn. “You’re just in bad shape over something that not too many ponies can even handle.”

“But I can’t handle it! I’m in the hospital for pete’s sake!”
Twilight seemed to chew on that for a moment.

“How long have you felt this way?” she asked.

“Well, I’ve always liked her, ever since I met her. But I just put those feelings away, ‘cause I knew she wouldn’t feel the same way. For years it was like I didn’t feel that way, so everything was normal. But then I had a dream about her for the first time five nights ago, and I haven’t not thought about her since. The only thing I’ve been able to eat was a few pastries at AJ’s yesterday.”

“Wait, you were at Applejack’s yesterday?”

“Yeah, she came to my house. Well, she came to the ground under my house and asked me to come down. I tried to fly down but I…crashed. She helped me up and said that she came by to give me some apples. We talked and then I passed out. I woke up and she brought me to the farm. She gave me some food and water, and I went to bed. I even slept the whole day and night, but I still felt tired. Before I left AJ tried to get me to tell her what was going on, but I couldn’t do it, so I left.

“What do I do Twi’?”

“Tell her.”

“What? Have you even been listening to me? I can’t tell her! I’ll lose her as a friend-”

“Why wouldn’t she be your friend anymore?”

“Because I’m a fillyfooler!” Rainbow didn’t even care about how much the word hurt. “Because I like mares! Because I’m a freak!

Rainbow Dash!” Twilight exclaimed, her expression suddenly fierce. “You are not a freak. So what if you don’t like stallions? Look at Lyra and Bon-Bon, they’re completely normal, happy ponies and everypony else accepts them!”

“Not Applejack,” said Dash, her voice cracking on the name. Twilight blinked.


“She said that she doesn’t approve of two mares being together, but that she didn’t hate them for it either, or something like that,” explained Rainbow. “So to AJ, I’m a freak.”

“Oh…I didn’t know that she felt that way.”

“Well I was the only one that knew, so I guess I spilled the beans. Keep it to yourself okay?”

“Okay,” Twilight said. The two didn’t say anything for a minute, pausing to reflect on what had been said.

Rainbow Dash sighed, slumping back into the uncomfortable pillow that supported her. The tears had stopped, but her heart still ached. It felt incredible to confide in somepony for once. She had never talked to another pony about her feelings about anything before. However, that didn’t numb her pain. There on the bed she laid; Rainbow Dash, the fastest flier in Equestria, the bravest pony of them all, the most loyal friend a pony could have...reduced to a pitiful mess in a hospital ward.

With a climactic bang, the door to Rainbow Dash’s room burst open by a powerful rearing kick. Twilight and Dash whipped their heads around in fright. The pegasus felt her eyes widen as far as they could when she saw who it was. The orange earth pony strode over to the bed, a look of worry etched on her face. The EKG cried with loud, quick beeps as horror overtook Dash. She started to shake uncontrollably, muttering as her chest heaved in pain.

“Rainbow Dash! What happened? Why’re ya’ here? Ah heard that ya’ll were found on the street and…” the rest of Applejack’s words were lost to Rainbow. Panic overtook her once again, and the pegasus felt herself convulse as she stared at the farmpony in sheer fright.

“No,” she whimpered. “Nonononono…”

Twilight ran over and did her best to rush Applejack out of the room, but the strong earth pony didn’t budge.

“Twilight whaddya doin’? Ah’m here fer mah friend!”

“Applejack trust me, it’s for the best! Just get out of here!”

“What? Rainbow tell her it’s alright Ah’m-”

The door flew open again, and Nurse Redheart and Doctor Stable rushed into the room, shoving Twilight and Applejack out of the way.

“You two get out of here! She’s having another attack!” Stable yelled. Rainbow Dash was lost in her horror, feeling herself fall from the bed and onto the cold, linoleum floor.