• Published 7th Dec 2013
  • 3,275 Views, 40 Comments

The last black crusade - ThatRarityIsaSpy

After fleeing Cadia, Abaddon launches his fourteenth and final black crusade against Terra and Equestria.

  • ...

The Emperor protects

"Did you do this?" Tarkus asked taking a look at the entire devastated ranks of chaos artillery.
"No." The custodes replied. "We came from the underground area known as the crystal caves."
"I did this." A voice said emerging from the ground. It took everyone about three seconds to figure out who this newcomer was judging from his hands.
"Ferrus Manus?"
"Indeed. My friend. Indeed." The primarch replied. "I have returned from the grave to participate in the final battle."
"Resurrection? Humans posses that kind of magic?!" Luna asked raising an eyebrow.
"Only one man is capable of such feats." Cyrus said. "The Emperor. Bless us to have been in his presence. Even if only momentarily."
"That's someone Twilight will want to study from." Luna said to herself. "So.... are we really going to change the tide of battle with only a few hundred souls?"
"Never underestimate the custodes or the astartes. Once the siege on Terra is repelled, more of our brothers will join us. Until then."
"Got it." Luna said. "I have gotten many reports that your brothers are in need. Shall we assist them?"
"At once." Tarkus said. "The traitors have pinned down our forces for a long time. Time we turned the tide of this battle."
Draigo sent the chaos space marine screaming into the warp as he tore him asunder. No one could withstand the wrath or the chapter master of the grey knights.
If only everyone else fared just as well.
The numbers were beginning to make a difference. Despite their conviction , despite the fact that many chaos space marines were weakened by the magic of harmony, it was beginning to show that chaos would win with their greater numbers.
Twilight could only watch as one of the members of the royal guard was ripped apart by raptors, she could only watch as a burning space marine lunged into a massive mob of chaos space marines, detonating an entire belt worth of grenades right into the mob.
She was tied down too by her own battle. She abhorred murder while the forces of chaos seemed to revel in it. Taking her horn, she fired another magical blast which impaled another chaos space marine.
That madman. Kharn.
Kharn charged through the masses of the loyalists and tore them apart, it was unknown how many of them died by his hand alone. As of now, the greatest human champion of khorne battled the great wolf, Logan Grimnar.

Twilight moved a bit too slowly on one of them and she received a bloody gash on her forehead sending her back. She survived thanks to Sanguinius who flattened the offender with nothing but his feet. The angel was covered in blood, he had slew more champions of chaos than the rest of his army combined, yet it hardly seemed to make a difference.
"Up and at them my warriors!" Sanguinius roared over the din of battle. "Onward!"

Abaddon laughed with vile glee as he saw the angel being pushed back. It had taken about a few thousand warriors to do so, but it had been done. The primarch was beginning to falter, his attacks were becoming clumsy and losing focus. To think the great man known as the angel would meet his end twice.
"The slaves of the false emperor have lost." Abaddon said. "The galaxy will burn now."
"You first fiend!"
"What th...."
The magical blast sent Abaddon flying into a group of his own warriors in a fashion most undignified for the warmaster of chaos.
"Who dares to attack me?!"
"I dare!" Luna said landing on the ground, kicking up enough to dust to smother a lesser man. "Now die vile beast!"
Her horn glowed a bright silver as a massive beam of the same color once again hit Abaddon.
And that's the second time today his armor would receive a good crack.
"Kill that witch!"
It took a while, but Luna was eventually forced back by Abaddon's bringers of despair. Only when Luna jumped back did Abaddon realize something.
There was now a massive army of loyalists coming from the rear.
OH...... so that's why the other guys weren't answering on the vox.
Gabriel almost laughed out of joy when the last chaos space marine had finally been routed. The armies of chaos took a heavy beating in the last few hours, their numbers were almost cut in half. Now this was a fair fight.
Ferrus Manus greeted his brother Sanguinius. The two would take charge of the next battle. Luna would lead with them. Speaking of which.............
"Where's my sister Twilight?"
"Where's my sister?"
"Oh yeah...... um....."
"Come on, spit it out! I bet Tia is still off giving those dastardly humans another beating!"
"Luna. I have bad news."
"Celestia is no longer with us......................"
The news was devastating for the princess of the moon. She wept silently, mourning for her loss. They weren't even able to recover a body to mourn over. They couldn't have. If Drach'nyen had cut her flesh, than there'd be nothing to save her. Not even the Emperor.
Manus watched, for the first time perhaps pitying any absence of strength. He would have to give it once again. He knew the feeling. His Iron Hands had missed him for 10,000 years with nothing but empty air to grieve over. He walked over to Luna placing a metal hand over her shoulder.
"Be strong. The despoiler took the life of your sister. He dies tomorrow. I promise you." Manus said.
Luna gave no reply. Just silence and more bitter tears.
"Be strong." Manus said again. "What would she do had she been in your position?"
"She would do what needed to be done." Luna said. Celestia knew what she would do. She already done it. Luna didn't feel she had what it takes. It'd take more than some warlord with metal hands to convince her.
"You may not feel you have what it takes. You do. I heard your story Luna. You managed to stay 1,000 years without even as much as company. You are strong. Stronger perhaps. I suspect when the time comes, you will avenge your sister. I leave you tonight.... but before I do, I ask you to be the man you once were. Celestia has proven she is still the same man after 10,000 years. Can you do the same?"

The traitors were caught with their pants down on this one. The disorganized ranks of chaos had once again been plagued with a certain spirit of disharmony while their former brothers hammered them with the might of the Emperor. The planet too unleashed her wrath as lightning bolts rained down upon them.

And Kharn loved it.
Kharn almost felt like laughing as he picked up a loyalist and ripped him in half with bare hands. He wondered if he could get his hands red from the blood of the two primarchs. Now there's some fitting opponents for him!
He was then barred from his slaughter by a certain man. Rivals.
Kharn's rage began to once again pile up. This man thought himself as his superior. This man with a cigar and a pair of awesome shades.
"It's time to kick ass and chew bubblegum." Maximus taking out a pack. "And I got a lot of kick ass and bubblegum."
"You will make a fine offering to khorne." Kharn said. He hated Maximus, this man was like him. Too much like him, only he served the corpse-emperor. Yet at the same time, he felt respect for him. Now he could show Khorne why HE was the greatest champion at his god's disposal.

"OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH OHMYGOSH. Hey squirt, let's watch them!" Rainbow Dash said watching the two engage in mortal combat. She loved Maximus shades.
Abaddon stepped down from his place. It was time to spearhead his black crusade. Drawing his fell sword, he felled many slaves of the corpse emperor. One thing barred his way in the end however.

The princess of the sun reminded Twilight awfully a lot of the human primarchs. She wore a dark blue armor that looked strangely human in design and a large helmet similar to that of Nightmare Moon's.

"Death marked you the day you come here demon." Luna said. "I'll kill you here and now."
"A challenge? Your only a shadow of your sister and you seek to challenge me? Her death was swift, regret the fact you won't share the same fate."
Abaddon fired various bolts from his lightning claws, they bounced off of the shield Luna made. Nothing he didn't expect.
The despoiler charged forward, intent on cleaving the princess of the moon in half with his blade. He was surprised to have his blow deflected by an ebon blade.
Forged from the moon stones themselves, the sword of Luna was a potent weapon. The princess of the moon dug that out from the castle.
The fact that Drach'nyen was deflected astonished the despoiler. Then again, this was Equestria where he was at a "disadvantage". No matter.
The dark blue blade moved fast held in air by Luna's horn raining down furious blows at the despoiler whom parried and blocked. Beads of sweat dripped down his face.
Lucius was having a great time. He had already mutated into at least three different bodies and was feasting upon the lapdogs of the emperor.
He had just eaten his last meal.

"To the left..... steady!" Cyrus said as Fluttershy aimed his sniper rifle with... hooves.
"Oh please don't make me pull the...."
The bullet was shot, sent straight through the battle and into the skull of Lucius. Fluttershy could only cover her eyes not wishing to witness what she had done.
Cyrus laughed maliciously. Finally the soul stealer would plague them no longer.

"Ewww you smell funny!" Pinkie Pie said to Typhus as the plague marine tried to hit her with his manreaper which missed every single time.
"Here eat a cupcake!" The baker threw a cupcake at the plague marine only succeeding in pissing him off.
"You mock me?! I will rot you away worm!"
"That's not nice! And you smell still! Here try some perfume!"
Pinkie Pie sprayed the stuff all over the plague marine whom sputtered and coughed in disgust.
They say that's highly flammable................................

And that's exactly what Maximus thought too. He spat his cigar out on Typhus while returning to deal with Kharn.
The plague marine went up in flames, the disease destroyed by the flames. Perhaps having rotted armor wasn't such a good thing after all? Especially with all that.... [Things best not described] all over it. Seeing another idea, the angry marine moved over to the burning corpse, seizing the body and hoping he wouldn't catch a case of super aids, he flung the smelly baggage straight at Kharn, slime and ooze splattering all over him.

By the time Kharn would get the things out of his eyes, he was staring at the barrel of Maximus' bolter.
Luna panted as she once again rained down blows at the despoiler, one misstep and she was knocked off her hooves by the talon of Horus, sent flying back into the dirt, armor shattered.
"Weak!" Abaddon spat out he moved closer readying himself for the things he'll enjoy doing. He grinned wolfishly.
"Away Luna! I'll deal with this fiend."
Luna gave a gasp. Not because it was the Emperor who spoke.
But because of who stood right next to him.