• Published 7th Dec 2013
  • 3,275 Views, 40 Comments

The last black crusade - ThatRarityIsaSpy

After fleeing Cadia, Abaddon launches his fourteenth and final black crusade against Terra and Equestria.

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In front of everyone. Yes literally everyone. Luna embraced her sister and wept tears of joy. The Emperor nodded to a man in the crowd who had white hood on.
"I may or may not have had anything to do with this." Cypher said.
"You done well. That's all." The Emperor replied. "Abaddon. I give you one chance. Surrender, and all I ask of you is to never show your face in this galaxy ever again."
"He isn't like other humans." Celestia whispered. "If he were..."
"The choice would probably be death or death." Luna giggled.
"The false-emperor gives me mercy? You truly are weak false emperor of mankind! I will not bend knee to you!"

Twilight was in awe of The Emperor. His armor was a shining, no glowing gold and the blade in his hands gave off a flame that changed color to match the elements of harmony that they were built off of. His helmet made him look like one of those seen in the old castle of Celestia and Luna. In his left hand he carried his sword, in his right a massive hand of claws.
"Abaddon. It's not too late. Your wrongs can still be forgiven. Lay down your arms and cease your madness to chaos."
"I will not! I will kill you right here to show that I do not take orders from anyone!"
The warmaster of chaos launched himself at the Emperor of mankind who only smiled mirthlessly.

Abaddon was no Horus. Powerful? Indeed. As powerful as one of his primarchs? Perhaps. But as powerful as a god? Certainly never.
Had the Emperor tried in his battle with Horus, Horus would have lost in a quick one-sided battle. Abaddon was no Horus nor was he as powerful.

Abaddon swung Drach'nyen at the Emperor who easily parried. That's the second time the fell blade would be proven as not the most potent weapon in this galaxy.
The Emperor sent a kick at the despoiler which knocked him back.

"Is that foam on his mouth?" Luna asked.
Sure enough, the warmaster of chaos had begun to foam around the mouth. He once again sent a flurry of blows at The Emperor who blocked and defended with ease.
He wasn't even trying.

"Do not toy with me!" Abaddon roared as he brought the Talon of Horus down on the Emperor. The Emperor caught the claw in midair with his own and tightened his grip.

In one move so fast that not even the despoiler saw until the pain hit him, The Emperor tore off his arm sending him screaming back.

But Abaddon wasn't quite finished yet. The despoiler once again got his footing. To his surprise, the Emperor tossed his own sword away.
"You mock me like this?!" The despoiler in his mindless rage sent the blade crashing down, intent on splitting The Emperor's skull in two. The unthinkable happened.

The Emperor caught the blade in midair. Caught the blade in midair. CAUGHT DRACH'NYEN IN MIDAIR and plucked the fell sword from Abaddon's grasp. Taking it by the handle, The Emperor severed Abaddon's other arm and brought the blade above his head, and broke it over his knee.
He had just bent the most terrible entity to his will, and broken it as if it was a match stick. He truly was a god.

Abaddon was ignoring the pain in his body now as he stumbled back, armless (or should I saw, HARMLESS?!).
"What are you?!"
"The Emperor. That is all." The man said as he picked the despoiler up by the neck.
"I still do not fear you. Or bend knee to you." Abaddon said spitting in the god's face. "Throw me to your dogs."
"As you wish."

Turning around, The Emperor flung the broken body of the despoiler straight into the men behind him. They gleefully ripped the body apart, savoring the despoiler's scream. However it wasn't easy to kill the one with the mark of chaos from every god, yet it was oddly satisfying to cause him such pain. That was the sickening part to Twilight. Unable to bear it, she fired a magical beam at Abaddon's heart.
Only to realize, he had two.

An act of mercy had now just caused him more pain as the despoiler howled in pain while the astartes still attempted to mutilate him as he was still alive. To Twilight's shock, The Emperor didn't do anything about it. Just turned his back on the torture.

It took a while, but she was able to get her second shot. This time killing Abaddon. Even then, it didn't do much to stop a squabble over who got to keep Abaddon's head. Said argument ended with Thule severing Abaddon's head and presenting it to the Emperor who calmly refused to have such a foul thing be on his standard.

The Emperor turned to the army of chaos.
"Surrender, and I promise you will keep your lives."
The response was the same. They truly were lost. The Emperor with a heavy heart ordered the purge of the forces of chaos. With the Emperor on their side, the resulting event wasn't a battle but a massacre. The armies of chaos were smashed.

"This is the tree of harmony." Celestia said. "It was what had kept chaos from summoning TOO much daemons and had weakened them. See this stream here? That's the thing that kept me alive despite my injuries. In no small part for Cypher."
"Can you feel it everyone? The love it gives to all living beings? The warmness? The tender embrace like a mother to her newborn? It loves all beings. It created the elements of harmony from my son's soul and was the work bench of Malcador."
But who planted the tree?
A combined effort from the Emperor, Isha and some more benign beings in the warp. (Yes, those exist.)

"Look! The tree! It's blossoming!" Someone said. Sure enough flowers began to grow. The petals soon fell off and began to fly.... (Um what?)
"Like I said, it loves all beings." The Emperor said watching as a two petals landed on the eyes of a dead space marine until it covered him. Similar things were happening to every dead astartes on the entire planet. When all the dead had been covered in the pink petals, a massive yet gentle gust of wind blew them all off. All that was left was a light pink rose. Growing, blossoming, glowing.
The dead will be remembered. Their final deeds will shine as brightly as the rose left behind.

And that one thing, made Equestria holy to every last astartes in the Imperium.