• Published 7th Dec 2013
  • 3,275 Views, 40 Comments

The last black crusade - ThatRarityIsaSpy

After fleeing Cadia, Abaddon launches his fourteenth and final black crusade against Terra and Equestria.

  • ...

24 hours

"The enemy has come to our door. Abaddon can almost taste his victory. We shall make this his last meal."
"The Emperor has ordered us to defend Equestria at all costs. Will we return to him beaten and battered with our duty unfulfilled?"
"I say not. I say we make Abaddon rue the day he ever decided to set foot on his planet."
"Our fleet may not provide fire for us. That matters not. Equestria will give aid to it's defenders."
"Chapter masters, honored captains and fabled champions all stand by with us. Let their valor help guide our fire into the hearts and minds of the enemy!"
"The primarchs are with us! The Emperor is with us! Let the Emperor provide us with strength and purpose, and let Equestria provide us with support."
"Abaddon has come for our blood. But he will only drown in his own!"
48 hours before estimated arrival of Abaddon the Despoiler.
Before over a thousand humans. Chapter masters, captains etc. Twilight gave her presentation. It was rather unnerving to stand before a thousand armored bodies all of whom could snap a pony in half with little effort. All of whom were too eager to spill blood. They may wish to spill bad blood, but killing as usual was abhorred in Equestria as a whole no matter who is the recipient.
"So.... this is Equestria." Twilight said using her magic to amplify her voice getting everyone's attention. Any other day, most space marines would be ranting and raving about witches and pulling out bolters in a flash. Thankfully, the Emperor's word would quench any thirst for pony blood.
"You see, the most important area in Equestria as of now is the Crystal Empire." Twilight pointed to the majestic city made from Equestrian crystal. Many of it's properties would boggle the minds of librarians and tech-marines for ages to come.
"Now in the crystal empire, lays two entities. One of them, is the crystal heart. The other, is Princess Cadence."
"The crystal heart provides a shield for not just the crystal empire but for all of Equestria AND Terra. In short we are going to have to make sure the armies of chaos don't get a hold of it."
"Princess Cadence with the power of her magic, powers the crystal heart. Without her, the crystal heart is powerless, but at the same time, Cadence has no such protection spells at her disposal."
"The tree of harmony here provides yet another protection from chaos. It's magical properties will weaken and kill the forces of chaos. It's unlikely they will want to land anywhere near there. So in short, the place that chaos will make landfall is where the magic is at it's weakest. In the dwelling places of the nightmare forces."
"We all know what the elements of harmony do, so let's skip that."
"Abaddon is here to kill all of us. Every pony, every loyalist, everything. We cannot fail. If we win, chaos will be nothing but a bad memory. I hope we may all be there on the day when chaos is nothing but an old tale of legend. I have one request now. Will you defend Equestria?"
She was answered with the deafening roar of warcries and promises.
The legions of the Emperor will be here.
"Defend xenos. This is fucking absurd." Someone said over the vox as the space marines readied themselves.
"The Emperor orders it." Some older battle brother replied. "If aliens are not unclean in the eyes of the Emperor, then they are not in mine."
"I agree."
"He is our lord. What he says goes."
"Did someone forget to you that he doesn't want to be referred to as a god? Let me fill you in."
"Another sign that he is. Modesty. Now then, he deems aliens fit to alongside us. What do you say?"
"Someone throw this guy to the inquisition."
24 hours before the arrival of Abaddon.
Twilight gasped in awe aboard the Litany of Fury. She had been on it once.... but now, she was allowed a better tour of the ship. It was amazing how humans managed to build floating cities in space. A civilization with a history of 50,000 years huh? A race with a history of even more.
"I am glad you chose to join us." Solomon said as he returned from the area where the raven's kept their artifacts. "I want you to have this."
"A spellbook?"
"Yes. It'll come useful in the coming siege. I see a great pysker in every member of your race. I see a navigator, an astropath, everything. Hell, your people can make plants grow just by tapping on dirt and make chaos want to keep a distance. I envy you."
"Come on down. We'll miss dinner." Solomon said.
"Yes. It's a feast by standards of most humans. Though Gabriel insisted we all eat extra heartily today."
"For many of us, this will be our last meal. Tomorrow. Many us will dine on the right side of the Emperor. Bless everyone."
Twilight was beginning to feel uneasy at Solomon's statement.
"Will we win?"
"I don't know. I don't know."
The Emperor could almost feel his heart growing. He breathed a sigh of relief to know that 1,000 unlucky souls no longer needed to be given to him so he had to live. He watched as now Celestia took her shift.
"Will Equestria survive?" Celestia asked him with all the deep concern of a loving monarch.
"I am sure it will." The Emperor said. "I am sure it will."
"Thank you." Celestia said as she continued her efforts.
"You may be in a different body and with a different mind, but you haven't changed a bit all this time." The Emperor said. "I merely wish for you to remain with me long after we've been finished. Again."
"You know I can't just leave Equestria to stay here. As much as I like Terra."
In truth, Celestia actually hated Terra. She hated the pollution, she hated the corrupt men and women who would let nothing stop their thirst for power. She hated it all. She wished it would be better.
"I know you want Terra to be better. To be a shining star it once was. That's why I ask you to remain. Equestria is already a picnic to walk through compared to here." The Emperor replied. He glanced down for a moment. "Though, if you don't want to, I suppose I can't stop you. I've asked too much favors from you in the last 10,000 years. You died twice for me and the betterment of the galaxy."
"I am willing to die a third time then in that case." Celestia replied. "Luna would be too."
"Stay alive." The Emperor replied. "Far too many people have given their lives for me. Why? Because I am some god? I don't even know."
"I doubt I can promise that from what's to come." Celestia said. She knew she too would have to help defend Terra. AND Equestria.
The Emperor sighed. He hoped Celestia and Luna would both remain with him. He missed Malcador. His closest friend.
His only friend.