• Published 7th Dec 2013
  • 3,273 Views, 40 Comments

The last black crusade - ThatRarityIsaSpy

After fleeing Cadia, Abaddon launches his fourteenth and final black crusade against Terra and Equestria.

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In high orbit above Equestria, the forces of the imperium and the forces of chaos had begun their battle. Abaddon watched from his flagship as his countless army began to make landfall upon Equestria. He grinned wolfishly to himself. A good portion of the traitor legions had

Twilight watched as the mob of beserkers attempted to lay siege to the crystal empire. Chainaxes roared, grenades were flung and bolter rounds flew as the mad men yearned to spill blood. They only got about a few meters in front of the city before the shield stopped them. They were promptly torn apart by the bolter fire from the space marines on the wall. Right after that, she saw yet another mob attempt to breach the shield ending in failure. This happened about a few times over. Though it showed that the forces of chaos aren't going to breach the crystal empire any time soon, it did leave Twilight wondering one thing.
How numerous was their army?
It only took one glance for her at the massive army of chaos space marines for Twilight to be filled with doubt.

"The fight goes well." Mephiston said to Dante over the vox. "The traitors won't be breaching this city any time soon."
"Understood. We are engaging the heretics on multiple fronts. All battle-brothers report the fight is going in our favor."
"The Emperor is with us afterall. So are the primarchs. Our enemies don't have a prayer."

"Squad broken!"
"Damnation! We need support!"
"They....are....too strong!"
"The lapdogs of the false emperor are upon us!"
"This cannot be!"
"Retreat! Retreat!"

From orbit, Abaddon eavesdropped on the vox. To make a long story short, his men were making a mess of the things. He had watched, observed and listened to the battle. His men (those who didn't go off to do their own thing that is) had attempted to lay at least twelve major offensives on the crystal empire, all of them ending in utter failure. His first wave of servants had failed him.
Time for plan B.
Abaddon turned to the tyrant of Sarora.
"Go. Take them with you as well."
The slanneshi chaos lord grinned with malicious pleasure and turned to go to the planet's surface. This would be fun.

"Chaos dogs! You can run, but you can't hide!"
"After them!"
From her vantage point. Rainbow Dash watched as yet another band of chaos space marines were ripped apart by bolter fire and chainswords. She gave a slight yarn.
"Was more awesome the first time." She murmured to herself. She decided maybe she would nap above all the bloodshed below. It was getting a bit old now, that the good guys were kicking evil's flank.

"Hello brothers......... welcome to the feast......which one of you would like to be the first course?"
Rainbow Dash immediately turned around to see who had spoken. She had hardly moved her head when she heard the screams.
From her point, she watched as a REALLY demented-looking person stood above a pile of corpses laughing manically.
"Oh... my gosh....."
She was out of the cloud in ten seconds flat, to the crystal empire to alert the chapter masters of this new foe.

"Your lord seeks my help? What do I get in return for my services?"
"Doubtful. Are you aware of who I am whelp? That fool Ygethmor is a dim-wit compared to my knowledge. Your master needs me. And he of all people should know my services don't come cheap. Now then, tell me what I get out of this. If not, then tell Abaddon I have no interest in his petty wars."
"Fine. We'll help you to find the key to the black library. You better please the despoiler."
"It will be my pleasure to aid him if he would be half as generous." Ahriman replied gripping his staff. He promptly teleported down to the planet below.
Korda nodded with approval. He was due for the planet too.


"Lucius, here? On Equestria?" Calgar asked.
"Who the hell else meets that description or is half as fucked up?" The messenger replied. "This is bad. Abaddon isn't holding back."
"Calgar! More news!" A mail pony ran in. "Another wave of chaos just made landfall."
"No problem. We'll take care of that."
"That's not important though. The man leading them is called....."
"Sweet Emperor........."
Kharn roared with laughter over the din of battle as he decapitated yet another slave of the corpse-emperor. He looked down to see a fleeing pony.
Pathetic creature. Unworthy. Kharn thought as he pointed his pistol at a rushing assault marine. He sent the bolt straight between his eyes as he turned around to go and look for more victims.
The slaves of the false emperor kept rushing at him, all wishing to get the kill, and this only pleased Khorne more. It didn't matter who died. It just mattered someone got killed.
Kharn though this as he watched one of his world eaters get torn apart by a hailstorm of bolter fire.
"Come slaves of the false emperor! Who will offer their blood to Khorne?"

Fluttershy hid behind a crate as she watched the berserker kill the loyalist manically screaming for more blood.
"I know you're there alien........" The berserker said in a more calm tone. "Come out. Offer your blood to the blood god."
Fluttershy curled into a ball as she heard the berserk space marine went into a raging frenzy to try and find her.
The rage and the yelling lasted for about a good two minutes which felt like two hours to Fluttershy. After more waiting and silence, she gave a sigh of relief and chanced a look.
To her horror, she was grabbed roughly by her neck and brought face to face with a blood-covered astartes. She tried hiding behind her mane instead of face those horrible eyes... yet they stared into her, burned into her soul. She tried to escape, only to find that even if she managed to, it'd still be futile. She was surrounded by them. World eaters as they were called.
"I found you....." He said giving a wicked smile. Taking his axe, he brought it close to her. Fluttershy could only give a small scream.
Her small scream was drowned out by a larger one. Two larger ones actually. She was promptly dropped and got a good view of it all.
The world eater had a massive blade through his chest. He was then lifted up and was broken in half. His assailant was another space marine. A big man for as far as more astartes went. He had a cigar and a pair of shades Rainbow Dash certainly would approve of.
The newcomer picked up the dead world eater's leg and held it like a club.
"My name... is Temperus Maxiumus. And I fucking hate all you."
Cyrus took out his detonation key and pulled the trigger. He gave a slight chuckle of amusement at the sounds of the screams as body parts went flying from the explosion. His victory was short-lived, as it wasn't long before he heard the sounds of a predator tank.
"Chaos armor!"
The tank's main gun turned to the building they were hiding behind. It was then when Cyrus and his two scouts decided to run, the building materials of Equestria would provide little protection.
"Tarkus! I need your help!"
"On my way. Hold on!"
The missiles flew like a swarm of angry bees, all hitting the predator. The tank was almost flipped upside down at the resulting explosion.
"Nice shot! Ready up, we got more incoming!"
"On it. Let's go Cyrus, today will be a day of glory for the Emperor."
"Then let none find us wanting!"
The two squads regrouped, and went straight for the nearest battle.
_______________________________________________________________________________________________ "Incoming!"
The space marines on the walls all made gestures with their hands at the mob of approaching chaos space marines.
"Fire at will!"
The whirlwind missiles and heavy bolters ripped through the air and landed all over the hundreds of approaching chaos space marines, tearing them apart.
"More approaching!"
Twilight gave another gasp of horror. Not at the numbers of chaos but at how many bodies lay at the walls.
"They're not retreating? But they lost so many of their men!"
"It doesn't matter Twilight." Dante said. "Abaddon is a ruthless leader. He doesn't care how much of his men die. He'll keep on sending them."
"But the guys who faced a year ag...."
"Surprisingly, these are the type of traitors whom I prefer to face. Some chaos lords know the value of their men. Abaddon doesn't. Another barrage!"

The Emperor gripped his throne so tightly the point where he made a dent with his fingers. He listened to the sounds of the slaughter from his throne room. Listened to his sons bark out orders to the Imperial guard, space marines and the custodes.
"Will this place hold?" Luna asked over the din of battle.
"It will. It will. Whether or not they hold is a better question."
He wasn't worried about the abilities of his men. Oh no. Definitely not at his hour. He was more worried of the ability of their men.
He had felt it.
The daemon primarchs were here.
That was bad news.
Perhaps the one thing that was worse than Abaddon.

Celestia's horn glowed golden once again as she sent the power of the sun straight at a chaos battleship. The entire construct was vaporized the moment the beam made contact with it's prow. Nothing was mightier than the power of the stars save for perhaps the gods themselves.
Celestia watched as Corax sent a night lord hurtling to his demise. They were winning.
She believed that last part for about as long as it took her to get a glimpse of Angron.