• Published 7th Dec 2013
  • 3,275 Views, 40 Comments

The last black crusade - ThatRarityIsaSpy

After fleeing Cadia, Abaddon launches his fourteenth and final black crusade against Terra and Equestria.

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10,000 years behind schedule..... but still got it done!

[2 hours ago]
"Silence. Whatever you do, be quiet!" The newcomer said said as he clasped his hands over Rainbow Dash. While firm, he made sure to be gentle. Gentle enough so that he wouldn't accidently smother the equine.
As soon as they were at a safe distance. The human loosened his grip and allowed Rainbow Dash to speak. He dropped not all-the-more gently on the ground.
"Who the buck are....... whoa...... are you a pegasus?!" Rainbow Dash asked. She didn't know humans had wings. Some humans used magic, and other humans used technology to fly but natural wings? That's a new one.
"Listen to me!" The human said doing his best not to raise his voice.
"What? Why?" Rainbow Dash asked. Something was wrong. This newcomer seemed to know something she didn't.
"There are daemons here. Great daemons. They are the harbingers of death and doom. Listen. Go to the place known as Canterlot and..."
"How do you kn...."
"Shhhh.... listen. Anyways, go to Canterlot. Are you aware of the place known as the crystal caves?"
"Go there. Take this with you." The human took out a strange-looking device and handed it to Rainbow Dash. "Go there. Someone will pick it up."
"Whoa whoa whoa, and how do I know you're not a spy?!"
"Trust me. Please do it. The fate of everything rests in that machine. Do not stop for anything. I cannot deliver it myself. My people are in danger and I must aid them. I have to aid them. You can take it there. Now go!"
Rainbow Dash hesitated for one moment, then beat her wings and made her way to canterlot.

"Is that....... the Sanguinor?!"
"No. That's Sanguinius!" Dante said. He was never more sure of anything in his entire life.
"My brethren, there is no time. Our companions still need aid!" The newcomer said. "To me!"
No one as much as hesitated. Even chapters with no connections to the blood angels followed the newcomer.
This man was surely a primarch.

M'Kachen hit Draigo with all his power like a storm. Draigo hit him back.
Despite the heavy assault he was under, Draigo allowed himself a triumphant smile. M'Kachen had to stop using his magic that made the gap in the shield. Now, it just depended on him to kill the daemon. His comrades were doing all in their power to distract the others.

Rainbow Dash arrived at Canterlot only to find the entire city with their heads down.
"They're going to level this place!"
"Stay indoors! Emperor Damn it! No... what the fu...."
"Look out! Fire!"
The Canterlot fire teams were already working overtime. From the constant artillery barrage this wasn't going well.
"Damn it Cyrus, I am not going down there! You have to do something about it!"
"I can't. I will NOT send greenhorns to die like...."
"Hey.... guys! Did anyone see Scootaloo and the others?"
"Not now! I am more worried if we don't have the.. DUCK!"
Rainbow Dash quickly ran out of the way of the artillery as Tarkus and Cyrus continued their arguing. She was on her own.
"Girls? I can't see."
"Neither can I."
"Here, let me........ ah! There we go!"
Sweetie Belle's horn gave off a small amount of light. Suffice for them to see a small area ahead.
"Here we go! Now we can just....... get........out....of....here........."
The trio looked up. The "exit" if you could even call it that was blocked from rubble. They were trapped.
"Looks like we're gonna have to find a different way out."
"Hey look on the bright side, we can earn our cutie marks!"
"Cutie mark crusaders! Cave explorers!"

[About ten minutes later]
"Are we lost?"

[About twenty minutes later]
"Okay we're lost."
"What no we're not. I got the way out and...."
"We passed that rock about eight times by now."
"Oh no........"

[About half an hour later.]
"I give up." Scootaloo said. "We're gonna be trapped here. Forever! This is terrible!"
"Ah think it may be worse....."
"How can this possibly for worse?!"
The loud footsteps came right on cue.
Dante was half astonished. He had the gates opened and all that stood was Draigo. Covered in blood. Not one of his companions still stood with him. All dead.
"The daemon lies dead." Draigo said painfully gesturing at the crushed head of M'kachen. "And so does many of our brothers."
There may have been as much as two hundred space marines that had gone out with Draigo to battle the hordes of chaos. They were all dead and now, in plain site was another black legion of chaos approaching.
"There seems to be no end to heresy in this galaxy!" Draigo said pounding the ground angrily. "We will kill them. We will kill them all!"
"Calm yourself son of Titan." Sanguinius said. "Anger and frustration will not solve anything. As of now, we must muster our defenses."
"Sanguinius? It is an honor to meet your, great one." Draigo said getting a grip on reality once again. "It seems a primarch can rise from the dead."
"In no small effort from the Emperor." Sanguinius replied. "Details are not important however. We must defend this city to the last man if necessary. Dante, send me more men."
"At once milord."
The screaming lasted about ten minutes straight.
[Awkward pause.]
"Okay now that we're do...."
[More screaming.]
[Even more screaming.]
"You took one helluva fall." The newcomer said shaking his head. "Will you shut up and stop acting like I am going to eat you or something?"
"You're not?"
"Okay, I am not going to eat you. By any chance, did you meet anyone who looks like me but with wings?"
"No... why?"
"Nevermind. Come on, get up. We're not safe here. This cavern isn't stable."

"My name is Applebloom." Applebloom said introducing herself. "These are my friends, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. We're the cutie mark crusaders!"
"Crusaders? You don't look like the fighting type to me."
"Fighting? We don't do any fighting. Unless maybe we can earn our cutie marks in fighting! Anyways.... you're human right?"
"Yes. I am."
"So what's your cu...special talent?"
"I like to build things. Like that!"
The human with strangely shiny arms pointed at a large device. It looked like a massive door frame without the door. It took a while for the cutie mark crusaders to grasp it.
"it" happened to be the fact that this human's hands were made of steel.
"Uh mister?"
"What's your name?"
"Ferrus Manus."
The gates opened, and Draigo limped inside, his armor covered with blood. Not sure if it was his, his comrade's or his enemy's. It didn't even matter at this point.
M'kachen was dead. Slain personally by the chapter master of the Grey knights. It had been a hard battle, but Draigo emerged triumphant, though he wasn't without his losses.
About 200 astartes had accompanied him to kill M'kachen and perhaps over a thousand chaos space marines. None of them were still alive. What was worse was that right behind him, still in visible sight was an army of thousands upon thousands of chaos space marines.
"We're being hit on all fronts. Reports of greater daemons have been now confirmed. Our forces are pinned down."
"The situation in space?"
"The chaos fleets are no match for us, but neither fleets may support their ground forces and it's the battle for this planet that matters. We still have reserve compani...."
"Deploy them. Now."
"At once."
"This will be a hard fight." Sanguinius said looking at the legions of chaos. He hoped Rainbow Dash would get the delivery to Manus.
"Aw buck." Rainbow Dash said as she cut herself on a crystal. "Why the buck can't they just teleport this to each other or something?"

Elsewhere, while Rainbow fumbled in the caves.
"You sleep here?"
"I wasn't exactly to enjoy the comforts of life." Manus said. A certain stone slab served as Manus' table, bed and chair all at the same time. The latter two he wasn't going to be using in that fashion too much anyways.
"I built that by the way." Manus said pointing at the doorframe. "Don't touch it."
"Yes.... but can we help?"
"A bit late for that. But.... I have a feeling I know someone who can."
Reaching into the shadows, Ferrus grabbed a hold of something which gave a grunt and dragged it in. It was blue and was flopping around like a wet fish. It was Rainbow Dash.
"You got the last piece?"
"What the bu... leggo of me!"
"Certainly." The primarch dropped Rainbow Dash who gingerly rubbed her neck. "Yeah, now some human with wings gave me this. And next time, don't do that or I'll kick your flank!"
And then Rainbow Dash, with hooves mind you, took out the device Sanguinius had given her and HANDED it to Ferrus Manus who looked rather bewildered.
I am not even going to ask.
Taking the last piece, he placed it into the doorframe and listened to the hum. Grabbing a thunderhammer he smashed open his "bed" and took out another interesting looking machine.
"I got bad news." Cyrus said to everyone else over the vox. "Our reserve forces made landfall..... only their surrounded by the forces of chaos."
"Can you help them?"
"No. Tarkus and I have been trapped in this city for hours. We set foot outside and we get buried in ordinance."
"Can anyone else?"
"I am afraid not. Something tells me the despoiler planned for this. Our men are being engaged on all fronts and are effectively pinned down on all fronts. There is no one to go and help those who are trapped."
"Where are they trapped?"
"In a massive valley under constant barrage. They have been surrounded and are unlikely to make it out without support. Someone has to......"
"Captain! I have news."
"Not now sco...."
"It's urgent!"
"Fine, what is it?"
"Abaddon has made landfall.
"Come slaves of the false-emperor!" Abaddon said as he despoiled yet another loyalist. "Come to your deaths."
The loyalists had their backs to a figurative wall as they found themselves fighting for their lives. This was all planned. Daemons and great champions of chaos were placed here just to intercept and kill them.
Sanguinius watched in horror as the armies of chaos began to wreck havoc amongst his brethren. There may have been over 60,000 loyalist astartes there!
"All units, follow my lead!" The angel said as his forces gathered around him. A pitiful force compared to the armies of chaos. "We will smash a hole in them! Attack!"
He hadn't moved about a few dozen paces when yet another chaos company assaulted them too. They as well were pinned down, unable to assist their brothers who were being slaughtered.

Abaddon laughed to himself. He had the upper hand. Turning around and cutting a path through the loyalist ranks, he made his way for the crystal empire.
Good. Sanguinius wasn't here. That'd be one thorn out of his side. He was still surprised at how the Primarch was here. No matter.

From a top of the crystal empire walls, Twilight watched Abaddon approach. She signaled to Thule the approaching chaos warmaster.

Thule turned pale as snow for a moment, but his faith overpowered any doubt. He waved over his comrades and they rained down heavy bolter fire upon Abaddon.
They may as well as been spitting at the despoiler, for he hardly even flinched. Taking his sword, with one blow he cut a hole in the shield.
He gave Ygethmor the signal.
The sorcerer lord sent down hundreds of chaos space marines and himself included and gathered around the gate as heavy bolter fire pounded the traitors.
With one mighty blow, Abaddon destroyed the gate.
He contemplated on whether or not he should personally destroy the crystal heart.
Turning around Abaddon left to go partake in the massacre as his Lord deceiver entered the city along with his personal entourage.
Celestia felt it.
Saw it to.
She saw as the hundreds of chaos space marines pour into the crystal empire and begin to overrun it's defenders. She turned to Luna.
"Can you finish the spell?"
"I can. What is it? Are deamons upon us?"
"They are upon the crystal empire! You know of it's importance. I ask you now, are you sure."
"Yes. Tia. What will you do?"
"Vulkan can send me to Equestria. I must help to defend it."
"No buts. I am counting on you Luna!"
And the princess of the sun was off. The Emperor could only watch from his throne as she went out to find Vulkan.

"An alien witch wishes to stop me? Priceless!" Ygethmor said to himself. "You've lost alien! Accept it and I'll see to it your end is painless!"
"I haven't lost yet!" Twilight retorted sending a magical bolt at the sorcerer. It splashed off his armor, yet evidently caused him pain.
"Then you will die slowly and with great pain." The sorcerer held up his hand and lightning poured forth intent on smiting Twilight who held her ground.
Aside from this many loyalists and heretics battled each other within the empire.
It was then within the height of the melee that something magical happened.
The sovereign princess of the sun herself appeared. Straight out of nowhere. Her very arrival shook the earth sending chaos space marines flying in all directions.
It was then Twilight had taken her opportunity and sent a powerful blast straight at the face of Ygethmor decapitating him instantly.
"Princess Celestia!"
"Twilight! There is no time, we must defeat Abaddon. Hurry!"
"At once Princess!"
"Everyone, follow my lead. Your people need aid!"
Despite the discomfort of many space marines that they were aiding (and now taking orders) from an alien, they got right to it. They all followed Celestia to the site of the battle.
Ahriman had long left daemon summoning to his entourage. He watched with amusement as the loyalists were being cut to pieces. He watched as Abaddon took a position by him.
"Is my work not satisfactory my lord?"
"It indeed is sorcerer."
"I hope my reward will be as good."
"It will be. But come, it seems my lord deceiver has failed me. As a token of my generosity, I give you the power that was once his."
"Your kindness does you credit. I accept so long as this gives me entrance to the black library."
"It will. Now then, I sense someone approaching."
"Well, look at that."

It was Princess Celestia approaching. With her angel-like wings, she soared over the battlefield sending the golden tears of the sun down at the enemy. Many chaos space marines met their end, vaporized to the point where hardly dust remained.

Ahriman grinned.
"The princess of sun? A worthy challenge."
The ever-so arrogant greatest champion of Tzeentch stepped forward. He crooked a finger to challenge the princess of the sun. This would be his last mistake.
With the power of the greatest psyker known to man at her back, Princess Celestia sent the full-power of her magic at Ahriman.
Tzeentch was a great sorcerer. But the power of harmony, Malcador and the sun itself made it that even HE couldn't protect his favored champion.
Ahriman's position as Lord deceiver was a short-lived one as his body and soul was destroyed by the power of Celestia. Not even a husk remained.

Abaddon was astonished. Ahriman didn't even stand a chance against that. He readied himself as a hailstorm of bolts struck him.
The dark gods protected him, but he felt every single one, he felt a chink of his armor being melted and he felt the heat scorch his skin.
This puny witch thought she could best him?
Not a chance.
With a roar, Abaddon launched himself forward, every jolt of pain from Celestia. He watched as a grey knight, Arven joined to aid her.
He grinned. This would be a triumphant day for him.

Celestia launched herself forward along with Arven, her horn glowed a bright gold and her wings shared the glow. She would kill this devil and that would end it all.

They both struck each other. Abaddon with the talon of Horus and Celestia with her horn. In the end however, a large white shape fell into the bottom of the valley.
"PRINCESS CELESTIA!" Sanguinius screamed. Surprise, pain and guilt struck him. "No. Not you too!"
"Arven too...." Dante said. "Emperor preserve both of them."
"There is no more time to lose." Gabriel said arriving with the 1st company of the Blood Ravens. "We have sat idly as our companions died. No more. We kill Abaddon."
"I agree." Azrael said arriving on the scene. "The space wolves do too."
"For the Emperor?" Thule asked rhetorically arriving too late.
"And done!" Manus said. "Now then, I would like you three to do a favor for me."
The primarch leaned over and whispered to the cutie mark crusaders.

"Done...." Luna said. "But..... you can't get up!"
"Oh I can." The Emperor replied. "In just a second."
From under his throne, a massive gateway opened. And in strode...... the cutie mark crusaders?
"What the fu....."
"No, let them be. You know what to do children?"
A hidden compartment on the throne opened up, and ate the device the cutie mark crusaders carried.
And with that, the Emperor rose. Tearing off all the life support systems, the empty room's door opened and his wargear flew out, landing perfectly on where he needed them.
From underneath his helmet, he smiled.
"We go to Equestria! It needs our aid!"
The cutie mark crusaders had never seen a more majestic being. Not even Princess Celestia and Luna held a candle to him.
It was time now.