• Published 3rd Feb 2015
  • 5,618 Views, 348 Comments

MLDC: Firestorm Crisis - Michael_Ravencroft

Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, total opposites, the bad girl, and the studious girl. But one fateful night will change everything for them, and quite possiblly the world.

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Entry 15: The Atomic Skull Cometh

Author's Note:

A change in wardrobe will occur from this point forward.

Sunset's Outfit.

Twilight's Outfit. (See panels 5, 8, 9, 10, & 11)

Sunset Shimmer was standing before a full bodied mirror in her room, upon her bed was a myriad of clothes, ranging anywhere from denim jeans, t-shirts, skirts, crop tops, halter tops, and everything else she could grab from her closet. She mixed in matched many different outfits, still keeping her trademark leather jacket as a must. Finding something that went with it was a little hard, but she had grown accustomed to the garb so she wasn’t about to leave it out of her wardrobe choices.

Today wasn’t just any ordinary day, oh no, today was in fact special. After a few weeks of fighting rogue Firestorms, and dealing with Rainbow Dash’s less than pleased attitude for the last few days, Sunset had decided that she and Twilight needed to relax and take a day for themselves, and what better way than to have an official date.

Sure, the brief time they spent in Moscow and Paris was great and all, but that was after a stressful battle. Today, Sunset just wanted it to be about the two of them. No fighting crazed Firestorms, no evil Organization, and no moody friends, just her and Twilight. Plus, they needed an official date, seeing as how they’ve been busy.

Sunset brought up a black leather skirt, placing it over her lower half, and a spaghetti string halter-top, silver in color. The former unicorn frowned upon looking at her herself in the mirror, although the halter-top was cropped enough to allow her bare midriff to show, Sunset shook her head as she sighed.

“No, makes me look too butch, or like a dominatrix,” she said to herself in the mirror.

Sunset tossed her skirt and top into a haphazardly created “reject pile”. She looked down at her choices again, humming in contemplation as she held her chin. It took her a while to figure out the kind of underwear she wanted to wear, black lace bra and panties, although she was pretty sure that Twilight wasn’t going to ask her to do…that, Sunset thought that that was no excuse not to go the extra mile.

You never know, Sparky may be bolder than she lets on, thought Sunset.

It was beginning to get frustrating, which was also annoying since she never had this kind of problem before, she never even thought this could be a problem. It should’ve been easy to pick something to wear, she did it all the time whenever she went to visit Twilight at home. But this wasn’t just a normal visit to her house, this was a date, and despite how close they were, she didn’t want to come off as not caring. It was quite the opposite, she did care. The older girl grunted in frustration and sat on the edge of her bed, running her hands through her hair.

“Ugh, why is this so hard?!”

Because you’re trying to show Twilight that you don’t think this isn’t a special night.

“I know that! That’s why I’m wracking my brains trying to figure out what to wear!”

Jeez, you never had this kind of problem before. You’re really starting to lose your edge, huh, Shimmer?

“Please, if anything I’m sharper than ever thanks to all this Firestorm business.”

Oh really? Then I guess you didn’t forget the bluntly obvious fact that you aren’t even human?

Sunset paused for a moment. “S-So what?! Twilight’s…well…she is human, just…‘modified’ I guess is the right word.”

Uh-huh, Sunset, you don’t belong here. Hell, you never did! And didn’t you decide, not too long ago I might add, to leave this place once the portal opened up again!

The former Equestrian snapped to attention. She did forget, she forgot all about her declaration after her plans had fallen through. She swore that when the time arrived, she was going to go back to Equestria and leave this place forever. Sunset knew that by the time she did return that things would have changed, and most likely, everypony who knew her or remembered her would either be gone or moved on with their lives.

Princess Celestia wouldn’t bother looking for her when she returned, with any luck the mirror was someplace less guarded than it used to be and she could slip back without arousing suspicion. She never cared about Earth, never cared about the people here. They were all just stepping-stones on her quest for power, as was her right, or so she believed.

Now though, with everything that has happened, with the power she possesses now, if she were to cross over Sunset had no doubt that she’d be a powerful adversary to Princess Celestia, combining the powers of magic and the Firestorm Protocol together.

Sunset shook her head violently, trying to dislodge those thoughts. She wasn’t a monster, she wasn’t going to be like the ones who created Twilight and the Protocols. If that was the kind of misery she was going to bring through her ambitions then she might as well have nothing.

The fiery haired girl released a bewildered sigh. “Honestly, if I did go back I’d have nothing and no one waiting for me really. At least here…with her, I’ll have some place to belong.”

Sunset was suddenly wristed from her thinking when she heard a knock at her front door. She looked to her digital clock, remembering that it was Sunset who was going to pick up Twilight, and not the other way around. So that only left one other person she knew who would drop by unannounced, suddenly she heard the door open and her eyes went wide.

“Sunset, you home?” Celestia cried.

Sunset quickly donned a robe and hurried out her bedroom, closing it behind herself as she entered the foyer. “Celestia, what you doing here?!”

The tall woman held out her arms, displaying her grocery bags. “It’s about that time to restock your supplies.”

“I don’t need you to do that, I can shop for my own stuff.”

“Yes, well, luckily for you, I was doing my own shopping for Luna and myself.” Celestia strode into the kitchen and began placing the bags on the countertop. “I went to the supermarket after work, and since I was still in the neighborhood, I decided to do a little shopping for you as well. I didn’t know exactly what you needed, but I got a few essentials just in case.”

Celestia opened the cupboards and frowned, seeing the lack of foodstuffs inside. She then made her way to the fridge and her frown deepened upon seeing that both the refrigerator and icebox were more or less devoid of food. The only things inside was a couple of apples, a six pack of sodas, and a bottle of water. Celestia rose up and gave the teen a disappointed look, causing Sunset to blush and rub the back of her head.

“W-What, I’ve been busy?!” Sunset said defensively. Which wasn’t a total lie, she and Twilight have been busy with defending the world from an evil group of people wanting to plunge the world into war.

“Please tell me you haven’t been eating those instant ramen noodles again?” Celestia asked.

“No! I-I haven’t…I…I’ve had dinner with Twilight and her folks for a few weeks now…”

Celestia stopped mid restock and turned to face the robed teen girl. “You’ve been dining with Twilight Sparkle, and her parents?”

“Well…yeah, I mean, we were working on the project every day, so Mrs. Velvet just said that I should stay for dinner. I told her she didn’t have to, but she kept insisting that I do. I think she just misses cooking for four instead of three, plus I’m not going to say no to her after she went through all that trouble and – why are you looking at me like that?”

Celestia had a stunned expression on her face, she then shook her head, regaining her composure. “Oh, just, a little surprised to be honest. I figured that might be the case when you were working on the project, but I didn’t know you still were going over to see them.” She took a moment to scan her young wards’ form, taking note of the bathrobe she was wearing. “Did I catch you in the middle of a shower? You can go ahead and take it, I won’t be long.”

“No, no, it’s fine! I was just uh…uh…just hanging around in my underwear!” Sunset mentally face palmed herself. Seriously Sunset?! You couldn’t have thought of something less embarrassing?!

Celestia blinked. “Oh, okay, well, far be it from me to question how you go about your home. Guess I should’ve called first, didn’t mean to panic you when I came in.”

“Okay fine, whatever, just hurry up and finish so you can go, I’m sure Vice Principal Luna’s waiting for you.”

The fair-skinned woman looked upon Sunset, her mind already at work trying to decipher what it was that was going on here. Normally Sunset would just get annoyed, sit on the couch, and watch television until she left. Now though, Sunset was in quite a hurry to get her out. A myriad of possibilities ran through her head, she then spotted the closed bedroom door, which was normally left open, even when she was present.

Celestia tensed, her mind jumping to a worst-case scenario. “Sunset, is there something you need to tell me?”

The girl in question tensed up, making a choking sound as a result. Celestia’s suspicions were only made worse. No, she couldn’t…! Sunset may be a wild child and a troublemaker from time to time, but she wouldn’t…! Her mind briefly flashed back to the conversation the two of them had in her office not too long ago. A talk about what if Celestia cut her off and how Sunset would procure money.

“Sunset Shimmer, what are you hiding in your room?!” Celestia demanded.

“What?! Nothing, no one!” Dammit!

Celestia stormed towards Sunset and looked her straight in the eye. Sunset gulped, that withering gaze, even though this Celestia wasn’t the demi-goddess alicorn from Equestria, she still had the eyes of one who could bring forth divine punishment. Celestia moved towards the bedroom door, hell-bent on throwing out whoever it was inside the room. But when she opened the door, all that was there was a pile of clothes on the floor next to her mirror, and a few sets of clothes on the bed. Celestia turned around and looked at Sunset with confusion.

“What is this about?”

Sunset’s face was a bright crimson, too embarrassed to speak.

Celestia took in more of the room’s details. The clothes on the bed weren’t just thrown on there, no, they were arranged into different outfits, or at least in an attempt to find one. A pile of clothes still on their hangers that rested next to the mirror, meaning that Sunset had been checking herself in the mirror with the different clothes as if –!

A coy smile split Celestia’s face as she turned back to her ward, now understanding her embarrassed reaction. “Sunset Shimmer, do you have a date tonight?”
Sunset mumbled incoherently under her breath as she gave an involuntary nod.

Celestia giggled happily like a schoolgirl at the confirmation. “Oh Sunset I’m so happy for you! What’s his name, is he nice? He better not be too much older than you young lady.”

It’s a she, and technically, I’m way older than Twilight. Wait, how does that even work? Why was I put into a teen body when I’m in my twenties for Faust’s sake? Oh whatever, deal with the problem at hand Shimmer.

Sunset couldn’t believe this was happening, the gods of the various religions in this world must have it out for her. There was no other explanation for how her life could be this mortifying and crazy. In the end, Sunset knew she was going to have to tell Celestia at some point, and she also knew that the woman wouldn’t let it go until Sunset told her. Lying now would only complicate things later, and she had enough complicated things going on as it is.

“Okay, just calm down! I’ll tell you who it is, but you have to promise that you won’t freak out, and keep in mind who I decide to date and be with is my own choice.”
Celestia backed away a little, she crossed her arms in front of her chest and nodded her affirmation.

Sunset took a calming breath before she spoke the identity of her lover. “It’s not a he it’s a she, and that ‘she’ is Twilight Sparkle…we’re involved…romantically. I mean, we like each other that way. She like-likes me and I feel the same way about her. I know it may not be the most conventional thing or that you believe me when I say I do care about her, but –!”

Suddenly Sunset found herself embraced by Celestia, catching the young girl completely off guard. At this distance, she couldn’t help but take in Celestia’s scent, smelling of a summer’s day, with hint of lilac. She remembered this scent well, for the times that Princess Celestia would hug her when she felt down or scared, this scent was both comforting and nostalgic.

“Sunset, I’m happy, and proud of you.”

“Y-You’re not angry, or even a little weirded out that I’m dating a girl? More specifically, a girl whom I was hell-bent on hating and getting back at?”

Celestia parted a bit and looked at Sunset directly. “I will admit, Twilight Sparkle wasn’t who I thought you’d end up with, at best I was just hoping that maybe one day you might find someone who could make you happy. Boy or girl, it really didn’t matter to me.”

Sunset smirked. “Uh-huh, so you’re saying that you have no problems with me and bestiality?”

Celestia frowned. “Sunset, we’re having a moment, don’t make it gross.”

“Sorry, couldn’t help it.”

“Alright, seeing as how you’re going on a date with Twilight, I believe I should help with your outfit dilemma.”

Sunset blanched. “I don’t need your help picking out an outfit for my date!”

Celestia merely pointed towards the large “reject” pile sitting by the mirror. Sunset groaned loudly, she then waved her hand in a fashion that read “proceed”. Celestia nodded and perused Sunset’s clothing, after a couple of minutes, Celestia let out a loud “Ah-ha!”, picking up two articles of clothing and holding them next to each other. Sunset had shut her eyes, but peeked upon hearing Celestia’s little “ah-ha” just now.

“That’s…That’s actually not half bad.”


Twilight paced back and forth in her room, a nervous look upon her face as she checked herself for what felt like the billionth time. Cadance was lying on her bed, with Spike resting next to her as she scratched the pup behind the ears. The fuchsia woman couldn’t help but giggle at seeing her young friend nearly wear a groove into the floor.

“Twilight relax, you look great,” said Cadance.

The violet haired girl checked herself again. She wore a yellow tank top, a rose-colored sleeveless hoody, and matching skirt. Twilight, at Cadance’s behest, forewent the long socks that came up below the knee, and the loafers. Instead, she had her wear a pair of slim fitting boots that stopped just below her knee, and to top it all off, Cadance helped get Twilight’s hair into a ponytail.

All in all, Cadance had to marvel at her work, Twilight didn’t only look hot, but adorably cute with that nervous look and blush on her face. Despite how much Twilight kept insisting that the outfit was too easy going and revealing, she found herself not minding it. It was a stark contrast to her normal blue blouse and ascot, and it felt freer too.

“I’m just a little nervous –”

“‘A little’?”

“Okay I’m really nervous! I’ve never been on a date before, with a boy or a girl! What do I say? What do I do?! Is it alright to hold hands? Do I kiss her or wait until she kisses me first?! A-And do I let her…um…you know…go there?!”

Spike quirked his head at that last statement, not really understanding what “there” meant. But Cadance, on the other hand, seemed to understand all too well.

“Twilight, just do what feels right, you don’t have to plan out every little thing.” God I don’t even want to start having to talk her out of making a list, again! “And as far as, that, is concerned…well…two girls together can’t get pregnant so just have fun with it!”


The shameless woman chuckled. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, but in all honesty. You don’t have to do that if you don’t want to. Boy or girl, you have the right to say ‘no’ if you don’t want her do something that you’re not comfortable with. And kissing, just do what you guys did the first time.”

Twilight began twiddling her thumbs, avoiding Cadance’s gaze. The young woman propped herself up on her forearms as her expression turned into one of incredulity. Surely this couldn’t be the case, not after all this time, it was impossible.

“Twilight…are you saying that neither you nor Sunset have had your first kiss?!”

The egghead girl nodded her affirmation as her face turned bright red.

Cadance shot up onto her feet, making the bed, and Spike, bounce from her swift movement. “You two have been together at least…what, maybe six weeks, a month and a half at best?! And neither of you have kissed?!”

“Yes, we haven’t kissed…” Spike, who had landed on the floor, walked up to Twilight and nuzzled her leg. Twilight bent down and brought the purple dog into her arms as she petted him on the head. “It’s not like I don’t want to, in fact, sometimes I find myself staring at her lips and imagining pressing mine to hers…we more or less just started giving this relationship a try, I don’t want to rush anything.”

Cadance walked off the edge of the bed and landed on her feet with the grace of a cat. She then stood before her young friend and looked her square in the eye. “Twilight, the first kiss in any relationship sets the tone for how you guys proceed from that point on! It’s a special moment when the both you get to express your feelings through action rather than words! It’s more than just making out, it’s a dialogue of the souls!”

Twilight stared with wide eyes at her former babysitter, hearing her passionate words was a little overwhelming and exciting as well. Cadance calmed herself down, she had to right this travesty.

“Okay, then your mission on this first ‘official’ date, is to kiss Sunset Shimmer!” Cadance announced while pointing dramatically at Twilight.

“Kiss her?!”

“Or get her to kiss you, either way works with me!”

At this point Twilight’s red blush had gone to a bright pink, and steam seemed to be wafting out of her ears.

“Cadance I –!”


“Oh shoot, she’s here! I was hoping to go over proper technique, but all I can say is go with your instincts and with whatever feels right,” said Cadance sagely.

Spike and Twilight just stared at her blankly for a few moments before Twilight put Spike down and the two of them walked downstairs. The whole trip down Twilight felt her heart beating twice – no, three times its normal rate. This was her first real date, ever, in her entire life. So many things could go wrong, and Twilight’s analytic mind had already calculated about a dozen or more possible ways that she could bungle this whole thing.

Maybe this was mistake? Maybe I should just cancel the date?! Oh no, I can’t do that, not with Sunset waiting outside! I would’ve made her come out here for nothing and wasted her time! She took the time to actually set aside any plans she might’ve had to have a date with me! I can’t just back out of it!

Before Twilight realized it, she was already at the front door. Time seemed to grind to a standstill as she gazed upon that eggshell white door. She slowly reached out to grab the doorknob, but paused when her fears gripped her again.


Twilight looked down and saw Spike, nudging his head towards the door and giving her a look as if saying “C’mon Twilight, open the door and say hi to Sunset!”

“Spike…I don’t know about this, what if something goes wrong? What if I mess up?”


“I know I’m being paranoid, but can you blame me?! This is whole world of firsts happening within a single night!”


“I can’t just say I’m sick, I was perfectly healthy today at school! Plus, my biometric scan showed no viruses or infections, she won’t buy that I came down with something in just a couple of hours!”

Spike shrugged. *Bark!*

“I am not a coward!”


“Am not!”


“Fine, I’ll prove it!”

Spike grinned and walked away triumphantly. Twilight face palmed herself, realizing that she just had a conversation with her dog, argued with said dog, and then lost that argument. Remembering to schedule a psych evaluation later, Twilight took a deep breath and grabbed the doorknob, twisted it, and opened the door. When she opened it fully her eyes opened just as wide.

Sunset was wearing a pair of light-blue jeans, gray boots with a yellow embroidery and a silver clasp. She had a turquoise blouse on, the hem of which faded into a see through fabric that gave the illusion of a skirt, and it matched Sunset’s eyes perfectly. Her trademark leather jacket was on, but this one seemed different. It lacked the metal studs that the other one had, and looked smoother. There was a yellow line that started at the bicep of the sleeves, becoming a pointed arrow in the middle before continuing the loop.

Twilight looked upon Sunset’s face, she didn’t wear any makeup, but that was no surprise. Sunset, Twilight noted, had a natural beauty all her own, and somehow this change in wardrobe brought that out.

Sunset found herself staring at Twilight now, her eyes traveling up and down her form, she couldn’t help but blush at just how cute and good Twilight looked right now. Sunset mentally slapped herself back to reality and cleared her throat to give both of them a minute to compose themselves.

“Y-You look good, Sparky,” said Sunset.

“T-Thanks, you look beautiful as well –” Twilight gasped upon saying that. “I-I meant nice, you-you look nice, too!”

The fiery haired girl blushed noticeably. “Ahem, uh, I brought you a present. Sorry I don’t have a car, but do you think you’ll be okay riding my bike?”

Twilight shook her head, taking a breath. “No, I don’t mind. I’m wearing spandex shorts underneath my skirt just in case.”

“Good, didn’t want you flashing any guys while we rode. So, here’s your present!” Sunset held out a helmet.

Twilight quirked an eyebrow, thinking that it was Sunset’s again, but upon closer inspection Twilight saw that it wasn’t. The helmet was colored purple, with two streaks of dark violet and a single pink streak running down the middle of the helmet itself. On the side of the helmet was a six-pointed pink star, the symbol that Twilight had grown attached to for a long while, and just like it, there were five smaller stars around it. Twilight threw out her arms and hugged Sunset tight.

“Thank you, Sunny! This is great!”

“Whoa Sparky, it’s not like it’s a diamond ring or anything,” said Sunset.

“I know, but it’s a present from you, and it shows you care enough about my safety.”

“Considering, but with one word, you can transform into an invincible walking nuclear reactor.”

“It’s the thought that counts!” Twilight separated herself from Sunset. “And I do like it, I mean it.”

Sunset looked over Twilight noticing that the house seemed vacant. “Um are your ‘rents not home, and is Cadance here? I thought I saw her car parked out front.”

“She’s here, oh that reminds me!”

Cadance started sauntering down the stairs, her purse looped around her shoulder as she made her way towards the front door. “Don’t mind me girls, just go out and have a good time.” The fuchsia woman then looked directly at Sunset. “But not too good a time, understand?” As she passed Sunset she then whispered quietly, “If that’s how it ends up, be gentle with her.”

Sunset’s face went from a sun-yellow to a full on shade of crimson as the lewdest of thoughts shot through her mind at that last bit. Cadance giggled at the reaction and bid farewell to her young friend and her blushing girlfriend.

Cadance entered her car and pulled away, smiling like a kid who just got away with a prank. Just then her headset went off. Cadance pressed the button and answered “Hello?”

{Cadance, it’s me, Celestia!}

“Aunty Tia? What’s up?”

{You wouldn’t happen to know anything about Ms. Sparkle and Sunset, would you?}

The tone in her aunt’s voice already told Cadance more than enough about her knowledge pertaining to Sunset and Twilight.

“As a matter of fact I do.”

{So, how did they seem to you?}

Cadance snuck a glance in her rearview mirror, watching as Sunset and Twilight mounted the speed bike and pulled out of the driveway, with Twilight wearing the helmet that Sunset bought for her.

“I think they’ll be alright, Aunt Tia. I really do.”


Sunset and Twilight had started their date off with a traditional movie and dinner. It just so happens that a movie was showing that both Sunset and Twilight were enamored with. “Daring Do: The Hunt for Excalibur” was playing at the theatre, and, unbeknownst to Twilight until a few weeks ago, Sunset happened to be a huge fan of the action heroine.

The whole movie was an action packed thrill ride, making the audience grip their seats with anticipation, and burst into cheers whenever Daring Do pulled off an incredible win. Sunset and Twilight ended up joining them, such was the magic of the theatre, something you couldn’t experience at home. And Sunset would know, she had been to a few plays when she was under Princess Celestia’s tutelage.

The couple had found seats at the top rows, giving them privacy throughout the movie. Sunset had accidentally placed her hand over Twilight’s armrest, making her jerk away in embarrassment. Twilight smiled and gently grabbed hold of Sunset’s arm, bringing it over to her and leaning her head against it. Sunset’s heart raced at feeling Twilight hug her arm and rest her head on her shoulder. This didn’t help when the action slowed for a bit and Daring Do had a small love scene with one of the male actors. Both girls blushed.

Sunset didn’t know if it was right to kiss her now, she wanted to, but the situation didn’t feel right. She didn’t want to kiss her just because their favorite action hero was swapping spit with someone on the Big Screen. In the end the love scene passed and so did the nervousness for both parties.

The rest of the time was good, could’ve been better, but good. When Twilight and Sunset walked around the Plaza area, they really couldn’t hold each other’s hands. Twilight had made several failed attempts at initiating the contact, only to succumb to nerves and fear that someone might see them. Sunset had tried on her own a few times as well, but whenever she heard the giggling or laughing of someone near them she froze and retracted her hand.

It was stupid, they came all the way to this side of town where they were least likely to be seen by the other CHS students and yet they still felt like someone was going to find out. Both let out a sigh of lament, but just then both of them spotted something, more like someone.

Both girls ducked behind some potted plants, using the large leaves to hide themselves with. It was there they spotted two girls from their school. One was mint green with silvery hair, the other was vanilla skinned and had curly long hair of pink and blueberry colors. Sunset knew them as Lyra Heartstrings and Sweetie Drops, otherwise known as BonBon.

Sunset and Twilight didn’t want to be noticed, but what they couldn’t help looking at was the fact that both girls were listening to a man playing a piano, along with other people, keeping their eyes closed as they listened to his elegant melody. But what really caught the young couple’s attention was the fact that Lyra and BonBon were holding hands, fingers interlocked with each other, and BonBon was leaning her head against Lyra’s shoulder.

The two girls blushed, they had heard rumors going around about Lyra and BonBon but they never paid it much credence. Now though, now they knew that they weren’t just rumors. What was probably the most awe inspiring thing to Sunset and Twilight was how open they were about how they felt about each other, not caring what others said about them, even though they did notice a couple of people giving Lyra and BonBon weird looks about how close they were.

Towards the latter part of the evening, Twilight and Sunset had sat down at a restaurant that wasn’t overly romantic, but still nice enough to dine at with friends, family, or your significant other. After placing their orders in, Twilight and Sunset were left alone now, and it was here that Sunset felt it necessary to tell Twilight about what happened earlier this afternoon.

“So…Celestia, kinda, maybe, definitely, knows that we’re together,” said Sunset.

Twilight nearly spit out her glass of tea at that statement. “P-Principal Celestia knows?! You told her?!”

“No way! It was a complete accident! She came by earlier to drop off some groceries for me, and she caught me in the middle of changing. I came out of my bedroom in a bathrobe and all of sudden she starts assuming I have someone in there I’m sleeping with! But when she looked inside she saw what I was really doing, I really couldn’t deny it in the end! I’m sorry, Sparky, I know we said we’d tell them together and all…”

Twilight calmed herself before speaking. “It’s alright, I’m assuming Principal Celestia doesn’t have any problems with us since she let you come out on this date. She did say it was alright, right?”

Sunset leaned on her forearms and grinned at Twilight. “Well, if she didn’t, I am a bad girl, a troublemaker. So by default, even if she said no, I would’ve snuck out and came to you anyway.”

The younger girl blushed, hearing that her girlfriend would directly disobey her guardian without a second thought to come and see her made Twilight a little giddy inside. “I’m glad that she approves, I think it’s a good thing in our relationship that our parents, or guardian in your case, are at least somewhat supportive.”

Sunset shrugged. “That is good a thing, don’t really feel in the mood to deal with all that drama. But if all else fails, we could elope.”

Twilight and Sunset chuckled at their false plans, allowing the mirth of the thought flow through until they stopped their laughter.

“So, Sunny, I was wondering could I ask you something?”


“Um…I wanted to learn more about you, that is, I don’t know that much about you. Other than you live alone, Principal Celestia is your legal guardian, and that’s about it.”

Sunset tensed slightly. “Sparky…I…”

“Please Sunny,” Twilight reached out with her right hand and placed it over Sunset’s right, “I want you to be able to tell me anything, just like you trust me to tell you what’s bothering me.”

“It’s not that I don’t want to tell you…it’s just…the truth about me isn’t something easy to tell. Comparatively, yours is possible, while mine is implausible. Where I come from, the things I did, the bridges I burned…I don’t know if want to recall or talk about. Because, this, this right here, is something I care about, the here and now.”

Twilight was only a little disappointed. She sincerely wanted to know more about the girl she loved, after all this time Sunset’s origins were still clouded in shadows, a cipher that Twilight was desperate to crack. Somehow, she believed, that once Sunset told her about her origins, as well as the demons that she was carrying inside herself, then maybe she could truly move forward, but, as Fluttershy had told her once, “baby steps”.

*Beep, Beep*

*Beep, Beep*

*Beep, Beep*

“Oh no, not now.” Sunset groaned.

Twilight pulled out her phone, the screen immediately flashing the warning signal that something was happening, something bad. Twilight looked to Sunset with great disappointment, the night was still young, but now they had to put their date on hold. Twilight fumed on the inside, whatever rogue Firestorm was out there was going to have hell to pay for interrupting her first date. The violet haired girl swiped the icon and brought up the information on the attack.

“This…This can’t be right?”

“What’s up, Sparky?”

“The attack, it’s…it’s here in the city!”

Suddenly the Firestorm Matrix within the two girls blared out a warning, sensing a dangerous spike in radiation levels. Just then a strange warbling sound grew in intensity with each passing second, and in the blink of an eye a giant emerald explosion ripped apart the front entryway of the restaurant.

Debris was blown everywhere, and people were thrown from their setting areas. Everything happened in slow motion for the girls, the concussive wave crashed into them like a monstrous tidal wave, knocking the air out of their lungs and nearly putting them into a state of unconsciousness. Then the fiery, emerald colored explosion came roaring their way. Sunset and Twilight had time to utter only one word to save their lives before that green inferno swallowed them up and prematurely ended their lives.



The green inferno washed over them, obscuring them from sight. At that moment the green flames were blasted away by the combined pink and golden flames, overpowering the opposing force and drowning it out until there was nothing left. Twilight and Sunset panted in shock, they were very nearly killed had they not transformed. Their bodies were already healing from the minor damage the concussive wave did earlier, giving them enough time to survey the damage.

Their eyes widened with horror, bodies laid strewn all over the place, burned to the bone, not an ounce of flesh on them. The green flames still clung to the bones of the deceased, already starting to turn the skeletons into ash. Another dangerous element they sensed was the high amounts of radiation being poured into the air, as if someone had dropped a nuclear bomb. Sunset and Twilight looked to each other, both seeming to have arrived at the same theory of such an attack happening.

“I-It can’t be that! This whole building would’ve been vaporized if that was the case!” Sunset yelled.

“Not if it was dropped just a bit further away, the shockwave would’ve reached us first before the actual nuclear pyroclastic cloud. If that’s the case then we need to hurry, we’re the only ones who can stop Canterlot City from getting hit harder than it is now!”

Both girls zoomed out of the destroyed restaurant, taking to the skies. Once above the city they were surprised to find that there was no mushroom cloud, and the city wasn’t damaged. Well, it was damaged, but not on a nuclear explosion scale. With their enhanced vision they searched the area, scanning for the source of the radiation and the destruction. Sunset’s eyes caught sight of something in the distance, her eyes switched to a different visual spectrum, allowing her to see the huge heat source.

“Twilight, nine o’clock, a heat spike!”

The pink-flamed Firestorm turned in the same direction, gazing through infrared vision to see the heat plume. She switched over to another spectrum, allowing her to see the growing levels of radiation being emitted from that heat source.

“Whatever it is we need to stop it now, that amount of radiation could kill everyone in the city and further if it keeps rising like it is!”

Wasting little time, both Firestorms roared towards the cause of the destruction. They passed over many buildings that were scorched with green flames, some showing evidence of a concentrated blast barreling through dozens of establishments. They followed the line and deduced that the beam was the one that hit the restaurant, from over a city block away.

Luckily for them, their powers were able to cancel out the harmful effects of the radiation in the air, their bodies practically comprised of nuclear energy. However, the same could not be said for everyone else. What people that weren’t killed by the flames were dead or dying on the streets, signs of radiation poisoning evident from the condition of their bodies. Humans, birds, dogs, and cats were all dead on the ground, welts all over their bodies, and each face frozen in a state of pain upon death.

When Sunset and Twilight arrived at the sight they gasped in horror at the cause of this disaster.

His body was covered in dark green armor, with lines etched into it that facilitated the flow of energy that its occupant emitted. He stood over six feet tall, and judging from the heavy build of the armor, there was little doubt that this being had immense physical strength. His forearms were visible, glowing bright green, but within that light was the black outline of his skeletal bones, as if the green energy was his skin. The armor quickly encased his forearms, concealing them behind metal gauntlets.

But the most striking feature of this being was perhaps his head. A skull, a black skull was moving about normally as if it were alive. Green flames engulfed the skull, bellowing much like the flame manes of Twilight and Sunset’s. He turned towards them, the eye sockets narrowing as if he was glaring at them. The bony jaw curled up into a horrifyingly evil smile.

“Ah man, I was hoping it was going to take a little more than this to get your attention. Damn!” The being cursed.

“Who are you – what are you?!” Sunset demanded.

“Oh, yeah, back at the Organization they called me ‘Project Skull’, short for Atomic Skull.”

“The Organization sent you?! I’ve never even heard of you!”

“Yeah, I was put into ‘cold storage’, literally, the stuck me in a refrigerator for years! Apparently my power is too dangerous to keep around living people, but it was comfy, I mean, I’m a walking nuclear meltdown so the room was always an even temp, especially when they were pumping in that liquid nitrogen stuff.”

Atomic Skull put his hands on his hips as he surveyed the city.

“Gotta tell ya, it’s been awhile since I last saw the starry sky, or the moon, with my own two eyes and through a monitor…Damn it feels great to be outside and finally stretch my legs!” Atomic Skull shouted.

“Enough! Did the Organization send you to get our Protocols?!” Sunset demanded yet again.

Atomic Skull frowned. “No, no, apparently you two have pissed them off real bad, enough get me out here! Nice going by the way. But no, that’s not why I’m here. The truth is…” His smile turned wicked and evil as he stared directly at the two girls. “…I’m here to kill you two.”

The white eyes of Sunset and Twilight widened with fear, their blood ran colder than ice at that statement. Despite the casual way he said it – no, it was because of how casual he said it was why it scared them. Sunset felt her right hand tremble, she looked down at it and contorted her face in anger, clenching that same hand into a fist to cease the shaking. She glanced over to Twilight, seeing that her hands were doing the same thing.

“Calm down, Sparky! We can take him, we’re a hell of a lot stronger than we were months ago!”

Twilight’s fear was lessened from hearing the confident words of her girlfriend, but something told her that this guy wasn’t to be taken lightly.

“Truthfully, they dug me up just to kill you, so once you’re dead it’s back in the frig for me. So do me a favor, girls, try to stay alive as long as possible. I want to enjoy the outside for as long as I can!”

Atomic Skull opened his mouth and roared out a huge inferno blast of nuclear flames. The green fire roared towards the two Firestorms as it tore up the street in its wake. Sunset stepped forward, thrusting both of her opened palms towards the incoming attack. Atomic rings formed around her hands as fire and plasma rushed to her call. Within a nanosecond a column of golden flames roared out towards Atomic Skulls flames. The two intense flames slammed against each other, creating a shockwave of force and intense heat.

Sunset dug her feet into the asphalt, gritting her teeth as she poured her power into the attack to overpower him. Suddenly she felt something push against her flames, before Sunset could determine what it was the answer came barreling towards her. From the golden fire blast Atomic Skull burst out of the stream right before Sunset’s eyes. The stunned expression on her face made Atomic Skull smile, apparently no one had ever run through the flames before, and he was happy to be the first.

Taking advantage of her shock, Atomic Skull cocked back his right fist. The armor encasing his forearm and hand retracted in that instant as he thrust his glowing fist forward, making contact with Sunset’s face and sending the Firestorm girl flying down the street, skipping like a stone on water before she slammed, back first, into an SUV.

Twilight was about counterattack with a transmutation, but Atomic Skull was quick, quicker than Twilight anticipated. Without a wasted moment, Atomic Skull leaped into the air and performed a spinning roundhouse kick, catching Twilight in her left side and sending her straight into a little Mom & Pop store. Atomic Skull’s left forearm armor retracted as he pointed his glowing fist at the store. His fist lit up as he fired a beam of emerald light straight at the store. The beam struck and detonated the building, causing a massive explosion that burned a twenty-foot hole in it.


Atomic Skull brought his attention forward, hearing the battle cry of Sunset as her flames bellowed like a raging inferno, propelling her towards her target. She ignited her fists and began unleashing a flurry of punches at the skeletal maniac. Much to her surprise, Atomic Skull blocked the punches, fending them off expertly, blocking or deflecting them with ease.

Sunset concentrated her flames to deliver a roundhouse kick with the speed of jet engine. But Skull brought up his guard, taking the full impact of the kick with his right forearm. The flames kept firing, helping Sunset to drive the kick forward. Skull grinned as he kept his feet planted, making the asphalt crack as a result of his resilience.

Deciding to cut this short, Skull used his left hand to grab hold of Sunset’s flaming left leg. His unsheathed fist burned her, even through her armored boots. Atomic Skull then pivoted on his left foot, bringing Sunset into a spin as he threw her clear into the side of a building, the added jet fire of Sunset’s attack only adding to her speed when she was flung.

“Wow, from what they were saying about you two, I was expecting more of a challenge.” Atomic Skull mocked.

Suddenly the ground around Atomic Skull shook violently. Within a matter of seconds chains lashed out at him, binding his arms, legs, and even wrapping around his neck to anchor him to that spot. Atomic Skull laughed, as if some chains could hold him down. He unsheathed his glowing forearms, channeling his intense radiation to burn through the chains. But somehow, the chains would not melt.

“What, what the hell are these?!”

“Molybdenum chains!”

Atomic Skull whipped his head forward. Twilight was standing a few feet away, her hands glowing with atomic rings floating around them as she concentrated her transmutation energy.

“Molybdenum can withstand extreme high heat temperatures, and thanks to a little modification from me, they can take even nuclear heat!”

Atomic Skull struggled the chains as he stared down Twilight. “And what, do you expect me to just give up?”

“No, just to hold still!”

Skull snuck a quick glance behind him, spotting Sunset with her flaming right hand. She then thrust that hand forward and made contact with Skull’s back. But something was wrong, Sunset kept pushing, but her right hand wasn’t passing through his body like the other Firestorms.

“I…I don’t get it, why can’t I get your Protocol?!” Sunset cried.


Suddenly, Atomic Skull’s armor opened up a bit, allowing the full force of his nuclear might to be unleashed. Sunset was sent flying to the other end of the road, while Twilight’s Molybdenum chains vaporized under Skull’s power. The armor encased Skull’s body again, shutting out the bright green light and his extreme nuclear power.

“I was created by melding nuclear energy to living cells, transforming my body into a never ending source of raw nuclear power! Problem was that it turned me into this scary as hell thing. So the eggheads built me this armor to keep most of my power in check so I don’t vaporize everything around me. Those Firestorm Protocols were supposed to replace me, the failed experiment, but it seems they can’t get their crap together, and now I’ve gotta clean it up.”

“Listen to me! You don’t have to be what they tell you! I’m sure there’s a way to reverse what they’ve done to you!”

Skull blinked, his lower jaw then opened wide as loud laughter echoed throughout the streets. He even bent forward, holding his sides as if Twilight had told him the funniest joke in the world. Without warning Atomic Skull launched himself towards Twilight, closing the gap within mere seconds and wrapping his unarmored right hand around her throat. He then hoisted her into the air, clenching his fist to constrict her airway, watching as she squirmed and struggled to release herself from his grasp.

“Why would I give up this power?! I was a soldier, a damn good one at that. Until the dear old Uncle Sam said: ‘Sorry kid, we just don’t need killers in this man’s army no more!’ It was fine, there were too many regulations,” Atomic Skull then slammed Twilight into the ground with tremendous force, creating a body sized crater from the impact, “too many things that could get ya court martialed and thrown in jail. That’s when I went into the private contracting gig –”

“LET HER GO!!!” Sunset roared.

Her fist was a raging inferno as she thrust it forward, but Skull caught that punch with his left hand, holding onto Sunset’s fist tightly. He then sent a surge of nuclear power through his arm and through Sunset, the contrasting, violent energy caused Sunset to wail in pain as she was brought to her knees from the intense pain that coursed through her body.

“I got a lot of jobs, apparently there’s no shortage of people hiring guys like me to off someone. Cartels, corporations, mafia bosses, left wing extremists, hey you have the money I’ll slit their throats for ya. Until one day some guys from the Organization came to me and asked if I wanted to be a lab rat, the end result would be me getting this power and the first to be able to cut loose on some country that needed nuking!”

Atomic Skull drew Sunset in and slammed his forehead into hers, head butting her hard. The blow sent Sunset’s head reeling with pain, disorienting her to the point where her vision faded in and out. Skull drew Twilight back up and released her, but only to set her up for a violent knee strike to the midsection. The purple Firestorm gasped in pain as she felt her internal organs rupture and her bones break from the single impact. Twilight then fell to her knees, clutching at her midsection as she puked out the glowing liquid-light ichor.

Skull turned his attention back to Sunset. He rushed towards her and wrapped his large hand around her face, squeezing down as he put her skull into a vice. Sunset cried out from the sheer pain that was being inflicted on her already hurting head. Atomic Skull balled his right fist and punched Sunset several times in the stomach, creating powerful shockwaves with each blow.

Once he saw her coughing liquid-light, he smirked and threw Sunset right at Twilight. The two girls crashed into each other and sailed across the street and through several buildings. Atomic Skull blinked and rubbed the back of his head.

“Damn, forgot how strong I was, didn’t mean to throw them that far. Wait for me girls!”

Atomic Skull channeled his nuclear energy into his feet and shot up into the sky, leaping over several yards in the direction that Sunset and Twilight went.

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