• Published 3rd Feb 2015
  • 5,618 Views, 348 Comments

MLDC: Firestorm Crisis - Michael_Ravencroft

Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, total opposites, the bad girl, and the studious girl. But one fateful night will change everything for them, and quite possiblly the world.

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Entry 26: No more doubts

Rarity’s parents had seen their daughter’s passion for fashion flare up into something more than a hobby, watching how she toiled away. Whether it was scribbling down a new design in her various sketchbooks so fast they thought the paper would catch fire, or her incredible eye for detail in the minutest of things.

Magnum, Rarity’s father, was a well-paid private eye detective, mostly handling cases with missing persons, domestic abuse allegations, embezzlement cases, and often times was asked to consult on high profile police cases. Violet, Rarity’s mother, was a top notch real estate agent. She knew how to work the market and sell houses to practically anyone. So between the two of them, money was never an issue, affording them to give their daughters the best of whatever they needed in their lives.

When they saw their daughter’s potential talent for the fashion industry, they decided to buy her a shop that was but a five minute drive to them, ten on foot. Needless to say, Rarity was ecstatic about it, and as a bonus she was given the responsibility of staying in the shop, in the upstairs living area. So she was practically living alone in her own home. Her shop saw its share of business on the weekends and on holidays and long breaks, given that she was still in high school.

But that didn’t seem to deter patrons from waiting for the young fashionista to open her doors and show them her works. Yes, Rarity was proud of her boutique, a medium step forward into her future as a fashion designer and mogul. But for now, friends, schoolwork, and evil organizations bent on world domination took up her concentration.

Today, Rarity had called her friends over, specifically, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and Fluttershy. Rarity was working on getting the living room ready to receive her guests when she heard the doorbell ring. Rarity made her way downstairs, stepping into the business area of her shop. She passed by several of her works, both new and old, taking but a millisecond to admire her work before going towards the shop doors.

Crossbar shutters were down, acting as a barrier between the window display and the interior of the boutique. Despite being in a safe neighborhood, Rarity’s father insisted on getting such things placed in her shop. A young teenage girl living on her own in such a place was practically rape bait for the lowlifes out there who’d love to take advantage of a girl in Rarity’s situation. Thankfully that was never the case.

Rarity arrived at the door, seeing her friends wave at her from behind the metal and glass door. She unlocked the shutters and pulled them back, unlocking the front door after. “Darlings, thank you all for coming! Please come in!”

The four friends waltzed inside, making their way upstairs. They had been to Rarity’s house more than once, so they knew where everything was. AJ stayed behind to watch Rarity as she closed the door, locked it, and then brought the shutter into its secured position before locking it next. Rarity turned and smiled, seeing her friend stand sentry at the upstairs entryway.

“Really, Applejack, you don’t always have to stand guard for me when I’m locking it up,” said Rarity.

“It just gives me peace of mind knowin’ that Ah saw ya lock up and that ya get up to us alright. With everythin’ that’s been happenin’ lately, can’t be too careful,” said Applejack.

Rarity sighed in dismay. Yes, things weren’t as safe as they used to be. With the recent attacks on the city, added to the popping up of these “Rogue Firestorms”, things weren’t as safe as they used to be at all. Rarity, the girls really, were now privy to a shadow world that only a handful of people knew about, and were still alive to talk about it. Now they had to be extra careful, not to the degree of paranoia else they tip off their possible watchers, but just enough to make sure not be caught completely off guard.

I’m now glad that Daddy forced me into all those martial arts lessons, still wish they would use a different color other than black for such a high rank, thought Rarity.

Rarity walked over to AJ, taking a step up on the staircase before turning her head to the apple farmer. “Well, thank you Applejack, for being my gallant knight.” She punctuated her complement with a coy wink before ascending the rest of the way.

Applejack’s face turned a shade a red, and her cheeks felt oddly warm. Ah don’t swing that way! Ah don’t swing that way!

‘It’s not like it’s a bad thing, straight girls sometimes mess around with other girls just to see what it’s like.’

“Dammit Rainbow!” Applejack cursed before heading up.

By the time Applejack reached the top of the stairs the girls were already seated. Rarity patted the space next to her on the couch, indicating Applejack to come and sit. Applejack groaned inwardly and, with a small amount of reluctance, sat next to the very girl who caused the earlier reaction. Before anyone could inquire about why AJ’s face was a little red, she quickly spoke.

“So what’s so important that ya needed us to keep this little meetin’ a secret from Twi and Sunset?”

Rarity took a sip of her tea before answering. “Yes. The reason I have called you all here is because this gathering is specifically about them.”

Rainbow Dash, who was sitting backwards in a chair with her arms resting on the back of the chair, shot Rarity an inquisitive look. “What about ‘em? You’re not scared of them or something because of this whole Firestorm thing, right?”

Rarity shook her head. “Heavens no, Rainbow Dash, this isn’t about a fear or lack thereof. It’s about their relationship.”

Applejack sighed heavily, and Rainbow smacked her head against the chair to add to the frustration. It was no secret to anyone that Rarity was a girl who loved gossip, and more often than not, liked to weigh in her opinion on other people’s relationships, specifically romantic ones.

“Rarity, no offense, but I don’t think we need butt in on this one,” said Rainbow Dash, a little annoyed.

“Rainbow Dash, I did not call this meeting just to simply gossip about their relationship. What I want to do is find some way of helping the poor dears.”

“What do mean? Sunny and Twi looked pretty okay when they told us about all that stuff!” Pinkie chimed in.

The fashionista nodded. “Yes, but look to the past few days since the reveal. Sure, Sunset and Twilight are occupying the same space again, but they barely speak to each other outside of conversations with us. And I don’t know if you all have noticed, but Sunset seems a little more on edge than she usually does, as if she feels guilty about something.”

“You…You don’t think that she may’ve cheated on Twilight, do you?” Fluttershy asked. All eyes turned to shy girl who immediately hid behind her long pink hair. “I’m sorry, please forget what I said!”

A period of silence fell over the five friends, some with awkward looks, some with disbelief, and one other who looked about ready to snap the chair she was sitting on in half. Pinkie decided to break the silence, silence creeped her out.

“C’mon everybody, you know Sunny’s not that much of a grumpy, meanie pants to do something like that to Twilight! She’s changed!” Pinkie defended.

A round of nods was seen, despite some past grievances, the five girls were all in agreement that the former bad girl bully was not the same person they know now. Even though she could slip into bouts of irate behavior, it was never like the full fits of rage she did way back when.

“So what do y’all suggest? Ah don’t know about Sunset, but Ah’m sure Twilight’s still panicky on the inside with this whole ‘magic’ thing,” said Applejack as she crossed her arms and reclined back.

“Sunset’s the only one who knows anything about magic, and she’s all moody and distant right now. I’ve even tried to just jam with her to as an excuse to see if she’s alright, but no dice. I know that girl’s hung up about something, I can feel it,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Still connected to Sunny?” Pinkie asked.

Rainbow blushed and looked off into space, trying in vain to hide the shade of crimson on her face. Pinkie Pie giggled and AJ rolled her eyes as a smirk crossed her lips.

“Anyway, those two need to work this out, and not just for the sake of their relationship, but for their sanity. Obviously these powers they possess are troubling them to a degree, if only they had someone to help them, guide them if you will.”

Rainbow scoffed. “Yeah, good luck with that. Unless Gandalf or Dumbledore or Merlin are living close by, I’d say the chances of finding a magic teacher are less than zero.”

“Hold on now, after all we’ve seen, Ah don’t think we should outright think that there’s nobody at all who can teach ‘em.” Applejack rebutted.

“Yeah, there might be an actual magician or sorcerer living in Canterlot City! Or a witch, but one of the good ones,” said Pinkie.


Rarity put her teacup down and looked to Pinkie. “Well, assuming that there was one, how would we go about asking them to help them? It’s not very practical to put a want ad for a sorcerer in the papers or on the internet. Heaven knows we’ll get swamped with street performers and all kinds of things.”

“Girls?” Fluttershy asked again.

“Oh, oh, maybe we could hold a Magician Party!” Pinkie suggested as she jumped up from her chair. “We could host a big party for serious magicians only, and then, have Sunset judge it! If she can sense real magic coming from them then we’ll know who ask!”


Rainbow, Rarity, and AJ hummed in contemplation.

“Not a bad idea Pinks, but, who’s to say, if she does sense something, that they’ll be master worthy? Kinda like asking a Padawan instead of an actual Jedi to teach you,” said Rainbow Dash.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “For a gal who don’t like readin’ very much, ya seem to be referencin’ quite a few fantasy movies and books there. Egghead stuff if Ah remember the wordin’.”

Rainbow Dash blushed again tripping over her words as she stammered to respond. “I-I-I just know about them! It’s n-not like I actually went out and saw those movies or something!”

“I knew it! Dashie’s a secret closet nerd!” Pinkie proclaimed in joy.


“Are too~”


“GIRLS!!!!!” Fluttershy roared loudly.

Pinkie and Rainbow went silent, Applejack and Rarity went wide eyed, and all at hearing the shyest and quietest of their group speak with such volume and command. When their eyes were on Fluttershy, the shy girl began to regret her outburst.

“I-I’m sorry, I just…”

“No, no, no, darling, don’t be! It was rude of us not to listen. Please, go on ahead,” said Rarity in a comforting voice.

Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie put on comforting smiles as they awaited Fluttershy to speak her peace. The pink haired girl took a deep breath to calm her nerves and then looked to each of her friends in kind.

“I think…I may know about someone who could help them, both with their magic and, maybe, their relationship,” said Fluttershy.

The four girls stared at Fluttershy with stunned expressions as they tried to fathom how Fluttershy of all people knew someone like that.

“Shy, you…you actually know a master sorcerer?!” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Well…she’s not a ‘sorcerer’, or a witch. She’s just…very in tune with the energy flowing through the Earth, that’s the best way I can explain it. If it’s anything close to how Twilight and Sunset’s magic work, then this could help them. She’s also very intuitive when it comes to other people’s feelings.”

“If ya don’t mind my askin’, who is this gal? Do we know her?” Applejack asked.

Fluttershy shook her head. “No, you all haven’t met her. I actually met her one day at the animal shelter, it was back when we were not really speaking to each other. She was in town because of a convention for animal welfare and we talked for a bit, she even took me the convention and I learned so much. She even invited me to go with her to join People for the Preservation of Wild and Exotic Creatures!” Fluttershy stopped when she realized she was gushing about her friend. “Sorry…”

“It’s fine Fluttershy! It’s great that you met another good friend, even though we all weren’t acting like good friends back then,” said Pinkie feeling a little remorseful.

They all did felt it, the guilt never left them. How they more or less severed all ties with each other after what happened to them. Phone calls going unanswered, parties and good memories missed, and the shunning of each other in school. Of all, Pinkie, Rainbow, AJ, and Rarity felt even guiltier. Fluttershy was always the kind and caring girl she was back when they were younger, and unfortunately, she had the tendency to be a doormat more often than not.

When they split up, it left Fluttershy vulnerable to those who would take advantage of her. People like Sunset, even though they knew of the berating verbal abuse, none of them did or said anything. Nothing they said or did could make up for what Fluttershy had to endure without her friends there to keep her safe and to give her the courage and strength she needed.

Fluttershy looked to each of her friends, seeing a solemn look befall their features. “Girls, it’s alright. You don’t have to blame yourselves, or beat yourselves up because of us splitting up.”

“Yes…but, darling, you were put through so much by Sunset and others back then…”

“And all we did was sit on the sidelines and just let it happen, pretendin’ we saw nothin’...”

“We were crappy friends…no, worse, we were shitty friends! Letting something like what Sunset pulled split us apart and assuming the worst of each other without talking it out! That’s not what friends do to each other, at the very least we should’ve talked it out!”

“We…we don’t deserve your kindness Fluttershy…not after that…”

Fluttershy sighed, but then smiled to them. “Maybe you’re right, but it’s my decision whether or not I forgive you all. And I do. Holding onto all that anger and loathing is so draining, and really, I’m just as much to blame. When we split up, I was so afraid, I never even stopped to ask why everything happened the way it did! I was angry too, and by the time I realized it, I was alone…”

The shy girl heard footsteps from her right, seeing a cyan hand rest on her shoulder. Fluttershy placed her left hand over Rainbow’s and felt her confidence strengthen.

“But I knew that someday I wouldn’t have all of you around me anymore, which only made me more aware of how alone I was going to be. But I didn’t let it swallow me, I had hope that we’d move past this one day, and till then, I stayed strong the best I could. And now look at us, back together, friends like before. Only now, I know I can be on my own if I had to be. So, while I didn’t like going through all that, it made me a little stronger. Which is why I promised myself that we’d move forward from all of that, it’s in the past, what matters is what we do now.”

Applejack looked upon the shy girl with newfound respect, she didn’t know that Fluttershy had felt about everything, everybody was just so happy to be friends again that they never took the time to really find out how much their separation impacted each of them individually. Applejack knew Rarity hadn’t suffered much, and Rainbow was still the sports star of the school. Pinkie was always going to be the number one party planner and master of all school ceremonies. AJ herself would always have her farm, and plus, she was a tough girl, it usually took more than what happened to bring her down.

But Fluttershy, wow. She grew so much, and now they saw it. And here Applejack thought she was the levelheaded one of them all. Pinkie had big watery eyes, she then rushed over to Fluttershy and enveloped her in a bone crushing hug as she sobbed loudly. Fluttershy, after getting her breath back, simply patted her friend on the head.

Rarity quietly dabbed her eyes before speaking. “So, Fluttershy, if your friend can indeed help them, would she be willing to?”

“Of course, she’s very caring about others, I’ll just need to send her a message and that should take care of it.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. “Not all of it. Still need to convince those two that they need to go see her.”

Applejack stood up and looked all in attendance. “Whelp, who wants to call Sunset?”


“You have got to be kidding me?” Sunset asked with incredulity.

{No I’m not! Fluttershy says she knows someone who can help you guys with…whatever it is that’s going on with you two!} Rainbow replied.

Sunset was currently on her bike, her helmet mounted Bluetooth had received a call from Rainbow Dash, so Sunset answered it. She had assumed it was going to be about something to do with getting together to rock out with their guitars, which was an appealing alternative to what she was about to do. Sadly, that was not the case. Rainbow had called because the others got together and decided to butt in on her and Twilight’s relationship. It was sweet and yet annoying how much effort they put into trying to help them like that.

Now Rainbow was going on about how Fluttershy supposedly knew of someone who could help not only herself, but Twilight as well, with their magic. The fact that anyone in this world knew magic or could even wield it was farfetched. The exceptions being herself, Twilight, their friends to a degree, and the Sirens. Well, less their friends, since they could not manifest it like the two of them could.

“Still, Sparky’s been more reluctant about the whole magic thing. I’ve been offering to teach her so she could better control it, but every time I bring up the subject she shuts me down or diverts the conversation to something else!”

{Could you at least give it a shot?! I mean, what do you really have to lose from just seeing if this person’s legit?! The worst thing happening is that you just wasted some time out of the day, big whoop. C’mon, you owe it to Twi to try!}

Sunset pulled back on the throttle as she approached a stop sign. “It’s not that simple, she won’t go for it. She’s barely comprehending this whole other dimension and magic thing, I’m afraid of what she’ll do when she realizes her view of the world isn’t as she originally thought…Besides…I don’t think I can convince her…”

Sunset heard heavy sighing on the other line and a few seconds of silence before she heard Rainbow’s voice again. {Look, I’ll talk to her. I gotta go do something first, but after I’m going to go see her and talk to her. Sunset, promise me something.}


{Don’t drag this out with Twi. Either fight for her or just end it already, help her understand! You’re still all secretive and crap, maybe that’s why she’s still not completely onboard with you teaching her!}

Sunset didn’t know if Rainbow was trying to piss her off or trying to help, probably both. “Look, it’s complicated, alright! I know how much you want to dry hump Twilight, but I’m not giving up! I just…I just need to think about something…talk it out!”

{I’m going to ignore that ‘dry hump’ part for now, and I thought we were talking?!}

“Sorry, Dash,” Sunset revved her bike and continued on down the road, “There’s only one person I can get some advice from. And it’s about time I came clear with a couple of things while I’m at it. Call me if you manage to convince Sparky.”

{I will, and Sunset, remember…}

“I know…just be there for her if this doesn’t work…”

Sunset hit a button on the side of her helmet, ending the call. She revved her bike, making the speed machine roar loudly into the air as she peeled down the road to her destination. Things were getting confusing, Sunset was doubting herself and she had no one to act as her guide. All this time she had been going it alone, using her best judgement in the situations she’s faced. However, her meeting with the Sirens, and their offer of partnership to rule the world had not left her mind.

A part of her, the old part that had been suppressed and practically locked away in a dungeon, still yearned for domination. That part, the power hungry, proud, arrogant, and conniving part of herself wanted a second chance at ruling this world. A high school was one thing, but the entire world? She’d have a whole planet’s worth of soldiers to take back to Equestria and conquer it for her own, showing Celestia once and for all why she shouldn’t have –!

Stop it! Sunset thought. Stop it…I don’t want to be that way…not like those Organization bastards…or like Atomic Skull!

Sunset slowed down, seeing her destination grow close. Her bike came to a stop before a quaint, yet large two story house. In the driveway was the golden Suburban that Celestia drove, and next to it was a black Charger. Sunset groaned, she knew Celestia and Luna were living together, but she had hoped that Vice Principal Luna was out doing something today.

Even now, after all this time, Sunset couldn’t escape the fact that she looked to Princess Celestia for guidance and advice. Princess Celestia may not be able to give me her sagely advice, but Human Celestia might have something to say…ugh, I’m really grasping at straws at this point.

Sunset parked her bike in the driveway next to Celestia’s car. She then made her way to the door, reaching into her pants pocket to pull out her key. She fumbled a little, keeping a firm hold of her helmet in the crook of her left arm while she unlocked the door. The shades were drawn, so Sunset assumed the two sisters might be out with some friends, which meant she’d have wait a bit for them to return.

“Guess I’ll just send Celestia a text that I’m here.”

The door unlocked and Sunset entered, closing it behind her and locking it back up. Once she was inside Sunset put the key away and placed her helmet on the desk near the front door. She quickly took out her phone, looking down the whole time as she made her way to the living room, typing away at the touch screen keyboard. By the time she was done with the text, Sunset was under the arch entrance to the living room, but paused when she looked up.

The former unicorn’s eyes went as wide as saucer plates, eyes the size of pinpricks, and jaw almost literally falling to the floor. Across from her, atop the large couch, were Celestia and Luna. However this wasn’t the surprise, no, the real surprise is how she found them.

The elder sister, dressed in white silk robe, was lying on the couch. The robe was quite loose near the chest area, allowing for a somewhat clear view of her “assists”. The robe’s belt was nearly undone, threatening to come loose at any second to reveal everything. On top of Celestia, was the younger sister, she was contrarily clad in nothing but a black pair of panties, and a baggy t-shirt that read “Gamer 4 Life” on it. It was clear to Sunset that Luna was not wearing a bra under that shirt, and clear that Celestia had no underwear on underneath that robe either.

Celestia’s right hand was rested on Luna’s back, while her left was precariously placed upon Luna’s midnight blue rump. Luna was using her left hand to balance herself, while her right had grabbed ahold of Celestia’s toned left thigh, hoisting it up just a bit, but now it was lowering.

Both sisters were so red in the face they could’ve been used as traffic lights. Oops, now we have three. Sunset’s face was burning red, her mind working feverishly to understand the scene before her. Luna and Celestia seemed to be having trouble comprehending everything right now as well, both parties didn’t know whether to scream, yell, or anything!

Finally, after a long, awkward, and painful silence, Sunset had found her voice. “I…I…uh…I’m a…going into the kitchen…yeah…”

Sunset walked as if she was in a trance, as if her mind was still locked up and her body was trying to get her some space to figure it out. The former bad girl made her way into the kitchen, she started opening the cabinets one by one, looking for something specific. During her rummaging, she could hear the voices of Celestia and Luna coming from living room. If they were trying to speak quietly then they were doing a horrible job of it.

“What the hell is she doing here?! How did she even get into this house, Tia?!”

“I…I may’ve given her a spare key a while back…”


“I gave it to her because if she ever needed to come see me or needed help then she’d have a way inside! If we weren’t home she could call me and tell me she was here, and at least then I’d know she was safe!”

“Are you kidding me?! This whole time she – Tia she could’ve walked in – oh god…!”

“C-Calm down Lulu, just please be calm.”

“‘BE CALM’?! ‘BE CALM’ SHE SAYS?! TIA, SHE SAW US! Sunset Shimmer saw US! Do you know what she could do to us?! The Board of Education, the police, not to mention everyone we know! She’s going to use this against us! ”

Gee Luna, not like I can hear you or anything like that, thought Sunset.

“Luna, please, she’s still in the house! If that’s all she wanted she’d just as soon as have left!”

“Oh god! She’s in the kitchen! Did she take a picture?! I can’t remember! We can’t let her leave! Tia I…I can’t…I don’t want to lose you! We have to…to…!”

Sunset started to hear sobbing coming from the other room, she stopped her search, feeling her heart ache at hearing the grown woman cry with such sorrow. She truly believed that Sunset was going to utterly destroy them with this information, and truthfully, she could.

For years Sunset had been trying to figure out a way to get some leverage over Celestia and Luna, it would’ve made her conquest of the school oh so much easier if she didn’t have to tiptoe around them. And now, fate has handed her the best piece of leverage she could’ve ever asked for, and neither of them had the power to stop her.

“Lulu, it’ll be alright, believe me it well. Shhh…”

The former unicorn was hit once again in her feels, hearing that voice reminded Sunset of how her Celestia would speak to her when she was sad or scared. Sunset smacked her head against the kitchen counter, of all the times for this to happen to her.


The fiery haired girl raised her head and turned around. Celestia was standing in the entryway to the kitchen, her white silk robe fully closed and the belt knotted tightly. Sunset groaned and continued her search. Celestia looked at the young girl, confused as to what she was doing.

“Sunset…what are you looking for?” Celestia asked with a little worry.

“I’m looking for some alcohol! Beer, wine, anything! I…I need it, bad!”

Celestia strode from the entryway and went to a cabinet that Sunset had not ransacked. She quickly took out a bottle of red wine and popped the cork off in one swift motion. The older woman then took a large sip from the bottle, sighing heavily as she put the bottle down on the counter.

“I don’t care what you saw, you’re not using it as an excuse to drink in my house, Sunset!”

“I need something after seeing that?!” Sunset began running her hands through her hair. “I mean, I thought you were joking before! But you were telling the truth! You and Luna, you’re lovers?! Your own little sister?!”

Celestia took another swig of the wine. “I don’t expect you to understand, Sunset. But I love Luna – no, I’m in love with her. And she with me. There is no abuse, or one manipulating the other, we feel strongly for each other. I don’t care if you think it’s wrong.”

Sunset growled as she continued to run her hands through her hair, finally, she dragged said hands down her face and leaned up against the counter. “So…you and Vice Principal Luna…how long?”

“......We’re coming on five years now…” Celestia confessed.

“I see…” Sunset sighed. “Look, you can tell Luna that she doesn’t have to worry, neither of you do.”

“I wish I could feel reassured…I want to trust you Sunset, but this…I hoped, I prayed that you’d never learn of this! About me…or Luna…” Tears began to form in Celestia’s eyes as she looked away from the girl she regarded as a daughter. “You must think I’m disgusting…”

Sunset decided to do something that she’d never thought she’d get the chance to do since coming here. She stood to her full height and walked over to Celestia, the older woman flinched with each small thud of her boots against the tile floor. When she was but a foot away, Celestia dared to look upon Sunset, expecting to receive a slap, a verbal beat down, but she wasn’t prepared for what Sunset did next.

Celestia suddenly felt herself become embraced by Sunset, causing her to gasp in surprise. The teenage girl squeezed her tighter as she continued to hug Celestia, resting her head against her chest. Celestia didn’t know how to react, but two words from Sunset made her heart nearly break.

“I’m sorry…I’m so sorry…”

“What…Why…What do you have to be sorry for, Sunset?”

“Everything…Everything I’ve done since I got to CHS, everything I’ve done to the people I’ve hurt…belittled…and for constantly showing you nothing but anger and hate when all you’ve done since meeting me help! Making it so you can barely even trust me!”

Celestia felt Sunset tremble, this was not just some ploy or trick. Gingerly, Celestia brought her arms close to Sunset, hesitating for a moment, wondering if doing so would make Sunset remover herself. The older woman shook that thought from her head and brought her arms around Sunset, returning the hug. She then began rubbing Sunset’s head, stroking her long hair while making soft shushing sounds. Celestia glanced from the corner of her eye, seeing Luna peek from behind the doorway. She was apparently still clad in what clothing she was wearing earlier, but her eyes were a little red and puffy from her short crying bout.

The fear and panic was gone from Luna’s eyes, instead, she saw concern, not really for them, but for Sunset. Seeing the normally tough as nails girl tremble and whimper as she was, made her forget that she saw them together.

It took a few hours for Celestia and Luna to properly explain themselves to Sunset, they believed they owed her that much of an explanation. Sunset sat across from the two Principals of her school, Luna had been sitting the same position she did when behind her desk back at the school, authoritative, with a soul piercing look in her eyes, like some grand inquisitor about to pass judgement.

But her current attire made whatever intimidating visage she had dull, apparently Luna ordained it necessary to remain in her baggy t-shirt and black panties. Sunset really had no problem with it, this was their house after all, and Sunset herself had more than once walked around her apartment in less clothing. Celestia didn’t seem to be of the same mind though, but she knew arguing that point was moot in light of their current situation.

“Well, that’s about the long and short of it, Sunset,” said Celestia.

“We make no apologies, nor do we ask for your forgiveness. We care for each other, and that is a fact.” Luna stated.

It wasn’t so much that Sunset disapproved of it, she really had no right to. They were two grown adults, what they did and who they had relationships with were none of her business. The shock of it all just hit her hard, making her think back to Princess Celestia, wondering if those old rumors were really just rumors. To think that her teacher, her idol, may’ve been having elicit incestual relations with her own sister…Well, after centuries of living together, being the only two immortal beings, Sunset supposed curiosity and a need for something different was probably needed. Plus, maybe it was safer? Neither one would have never needed to worry that their lover would expire before them, they were both immortal.

This however, was something different. These two weren’t immortal, they had normal human lifespans, so, despite having heard their explanation, and how a relationship could flourish between them in such a short amount of time baffled. Sunset rubbed her temples as she laid back on the couch, groaning in slight discomfort.

“I need an aspirin…”

“Join the club,” replied Luna.

“We know it’s a lot to take in, Sunset. But…”

“Look, I’m not angry or disgusted with you. It’s just a little much to take in…I was coming here for something else and…this just added to my mental stress…sorry if I looked more freaked out than I thought.”

Luna sighed heavily, it seemed that Sunset had no intention of dwelling on her and her sister’s incest relationship, to her relief, but now that raised another question. “Tia, we are going to have a long talk about you not telling me pertinent things such as Sunset Shimmer possessing a house key to our home! But for now…what was it that brought you to our home in the first place?”

Celestia was glad she had gotten a stay of execution for the time being, but she did want to know as well.

“Where do I start…? Well…not sure how this will go over but…”

“You and Twilight are having problems with your relationship, aren’t you?” Celestia asked.

Luna spluttered her can of beer all over the coffee table, while Sunset had swiftly erected a magical barrier to block the splash damage, leaving her untouched, bringing it down within seconds as to not be noticed by Celestia or Luna.

“W-What?! The two of them?! She’s – and you – and – what?!”

“How the hell do you even know I was with her in the first place?!” Sunset asked, her face red as a tomato.

“Sunset, despite what you may think, your feelings for Twilight are…less conspicuous than you might like.”

The teenage girl’s mouth hung open at hearing that.

“Don’t beat yourself up over it Sunset Shimmer, my sister has an uncanny eye for spotting such things. You can be sure that others don’t see it as clearly as she does.”

Sunset breathed a sigh of relief, one reveal at a time. She took a minute to collect her thoughts, thinking of a way to best transcribe her current dilemma. Oh, some girls who turned out to be Hippocampi from the world I hail from asked me to join their evil trio and conquer the world with them! And some small part of me wants to! And to top that all off, Sparky and I seem be caught in some kind of limbo in our relationship! All while still upholding our duties to defend the world against the Organization who plans to flood the world with Firestorm Protocols and start an arms race for super powered soldiers that could possibly tear the whole stinkin’ world in two! Yeah…

“A couple of problems actually, one of those is the one you just said. And…well…”

Celestia leaned forward. “Sunset, you can talk to us, we won’t judge you. In fact, after this we really don’t have the right to. So you can be open with us.”

Sunset glanced to Luna, who nodded in agreement with Celestia. “I’ve…I’ve met some girls…they’re like me, in a way. We’re both kind of outcasts, in a place where we don’t belong…they kind of broke into my apartment to talk to me, because they somehow could tell I was the same as them.”

Luna had to clasp Celestia on the shoulder, reigning in her elder sister before she started to barrage Sunset with a million questions as to who the girls were, how did they break into the apartment, and why Sunset had not called the police on them? But she let Luna keep her from going on the tangent and instead listened to the rest.

“They want me to join them…and…well…”

“Well, what?” Celestia asked.

Sunset put her face into the hands as she recalled that night. “I…felt something, a kind of physical attraction…for all three of them! Like I wanted them to surround me and do things with me…and then, they were talking about doing something, something big that would make us like Queens of Canterlot City or something! And the worst part is…part me actually wanted go with them!”

Celestia and Luna had to calm themselves, they couldn’t just look at this from the perspective of an educator. In this moment, really, for a while now, they were more or less Sunset’s appointed guardians. As such, they were the closest thing to parents that she had as far as they knew. Although, it was clear that she came to them for help in sorting this information.

“And…did you want to…join these girls?” Luna asked.

“I don’t…no…but I felt like I wanted to, and that’s the problem! I don’t want to be that same bitch who did all those terrible things to the students at school! I don’t want to be the same monster who schemed and planned the downfalls of those who crossed her! I…I’ve seen what that kind of ambition can bring about…and now I never want to be that or even start on that path…!”

Sunset hugged herself, remembering the revelations Twilight told her about the genius girl’s origins and about the Organization, who cared not about the many lives they would end or bring to ruin to further their goals, much like she once did.

“I hate myself for feeling that way…! I was going to betray Sparky, for power!” At this point there was no need to hide the whole pet name thing.

Celestia got up from her seat and sat herself next to Sunset. She brought the teenage girl close to her, throwing an arm over her in a half hug. “You’re not that kind of person, Sunset, I never believed you ever were.”

Sunset glared up at Celestia. “How can you say that?! Knowing I’ve made other people’s lives a living hell! I don’t doubt there’s a large number of kids back at CHS who probably want me gone from the school!”

“I can attest to that. I’ve received many request for your expulsion from the students, and the grounds for some of their requests are not without precedent,” said Luna.

“Be that as it may, I knew different. Sunset, I can tell you were meant to do great things with your life, you just seemed…misguided…consumed in your pride and rage. I knew that if you could get past that, then the true you could finally be set free and you’d begin to change. And from what I’ve seen of you recently, you’ve been doing so well. I don’t know if it’s just because of Twilight, or because of your new friends, but I’m proud of you, Sunset.”

Sunset’s heart swelled up, for so long she had wanted to hear those words again from Celestia, but as she grew more arrogant and prideful, those praises were becoming rare more often than not. It eventually got to the point where Princess Celestia, while acknowledging her strides in magic, stopped giving her such praise, seeing the true reason behind her excelling. Now though, it was not from the Princess she had grown up with all her life, but from her human counterpart that those words were said again. Unfortunately, Sunset’s guilt would not let those words completely uplift her.

“If you knew what I’ve done before meeting me, how I acted, you wouldn’t say that to me…”

Suddenly, Sunset felt a shift in weight next to her. With a glance to her left, she saw that Luna was now occupying the vacant spot next to her.

“That may be true, but your past does not define you.” Luna placed her hand atop Sunset’s head, stroking her hair gently. “Reflect on your past, but don’t let it be all that you are. If you keep focusing on your regrets, they’ll consume you here in the present, and blacken your future. Learn from your mistakes, and use them to become someone better than you used to be.”

“‘Yesterday is the past, tomorrow is the future, but today is a gift, Sunset. That’s why it’s called the present,” said Celestia.

Sunset became silent as she mulled over the words of the two women beside her. Could it be that she was really hanging onto too much of that emotional baggage? Was it really possible to become the filly she used to be? Bright eyed, full of hope, and wanting to help others like herself? Somehow she lost sight of the true reason she wanted to learn magic and help her family, she lost it, and needed to find it again.

“Thank you, both of you,” said Sunset as she gently rose up from between the two women.

“Sunset?” Celestia asked.

“I think I know what to do now, or at least, to take a step in the right direction. And to do that, I need to ask you both a favor.”

Luna raised an eyebrow. “What is the nature of the favor?”

“I need you two to excuse Twilight and myself from school for the next week, possibly,” said Sunset as she rubbed the back of her head.

“What?!” Celestia and Luna asked in unison.

“It’s hard to explain and after today, not worth the headache and grief it’ll bring both of us. Just trust me that I need to work things out with Twilight. And part of that is going to see someone that could help us both, so…please? This will honestly be only big thing I’ll ever ask you both!”

Celestia glanced to Luna, and Luna to Celestia. It was within their power, technically speaking they were her guardians so Sunset was safe, but Twilight’s parents would need to go along with such a request. Given that they’ve lost one child already, they no doubt wanted to keep their only living child safe from potential danger. However…

“Very well, if Twilight’s parents agree to this,” said Celestia.

“Tia?!” Luna exclaimed.

“Lulu, really, what choice do we have?” Celestia reclined back as she grinned. “She knows about us, remember? I do believe Sunset has leverage to ask such a thing, don’t you agree?” The tall woman added a wink at the end of her sentence.

Luna’s features relaxed as she sighed, and then mirrored her elder sister’s grin. “Indeed, she does have such leverage, how shameful of you, Sunset, to blackmail us in such a way.”

Sunset looked to Luna, who stuck her tongue out at her and gave her a wink. She smiled, feeling grateful for the two sisters’ understanding. “Thank you!”

“Don’t thank us yet, you’ll both be required to make up all your missed homework and lessons when you get back,” said Celestia in sinister tone.

Every lesson,” added Luna.

Sunset groaned, she figured there was a price to this. “No big deal, between Sparky and me, we’ll get it all done within a day or two.”

Both Celestia and Luna walked Sunset to the door, before Sunset grabbed her helmet she turned on her heel and hugged Celestia again. This time the older woman wasn’t caught off guard, responding by returning the hug. Sunset released Celestia, and then glanced at Luna. There was a moment of hesitation, but with a sigh and a grin, Luna opened her arms. Sunset gave Luna a hug as well, and Celestia found the scene quite heartwarming.

With that settled, Sunset took her helmet into the crook of her left arm and spared the sisters one last glance before leaving the through the front door. The short walk to her bike felt longer as her mind went over everything she learned today. The secret relationship between them, and the decision that Sunset had come to in regards to her own situation with Twilight.

“My past does not define me…”

Sunset mounted her bike and pressed the button on the side of helmet.

“Call: Rainbow Dash.”


Twilight found herself lying on her bed, staring up at the ceiling. She raised her right hand, pointing it up until it was in her line of sight. With a calm breath, Twilight focused, feeling the strange energy surge through her body and down her arm. Her fingers crackled with sparks of rosy-violet light, until her whole hand was wrapped in a shimmering ethereal aura. It was scary how easy it was getting to summon her magic, as if it was always a part of her.

“This power…it’s mine…Not something born of the Firestorm Matrix, just…me.”

The connection was severed as she released the energy, watching the glow fade away into nothingness. Sunset had offered to teach her all she knew about magic from her home world, Twilight couldn’t help but remember the sheer look of joy on Sunset’s face at the prospect of teaching magic, imparting all her wisdom and knowledge onto Twilight. But…

“I can’t…I don’t deserve this power…”

When Twilight made her decision to use the Matrix to fight against the Organization, it was a choice made to ensure that the world would not suffer at their hands. Yes, there was a possibility that the Firestorm Matrixes could not be removed from their bodies once merged, but it was something that Twilight had mentally prepared herself for. The Firestorm powers worked on a scientific level, using atomic energy to transmute matter and energy into something else. All was within a certain realm of possibility, a form of super science! But magic, magic was unknown.

Magic was older, more powerful, and sometimes, if the fairytales were to be believed, unpredictable. With science, through a series of algorithms, formulas, and equations, an outcome was predictable, magic had no such thing. Although, when Sunset scribbled on her light-screen magic board, she had somehow combined the two together into some kind of magic equation, formula thing.

Besides that, she felt unworthy of such a gift. The Matrix was a creation of the Organization, well to be more specific, it was a creation of Professor Neigh. Twilight herself was the creation of the Organization, but primarily, both were meant to be used in some way to bring misery, death, and destruction unto multitudes of innocent people. So it was only fitting that she use the Firestorm power to bring down the very people who spawned them for such purposes.

Magic, it was awakened in her, it was part of the world. Twilight was not a part of this world, not in the way that Sunset was, but as a human being. She was not born, she was made. Any biological parents she might have could be anyone in the world. Her DNA was random, made of others that were stripped down and recombined until something new was made. She was like a modern day Frankenstein, only difference was, she was made from different people’s DNA and not body parts.

Outwardly, she looked like any normal teenage girl, inside, she was not. Her mind was as powerful as any supercomputer on the planet, a steel trap that could hold in any and all memory and actions, and her reflexes were heightened to keep up with her enhanced mental synapses. Although she wouldn’t be on the same level of strength and speed as Applejack, Sunset, and Rainbow Dash, she wasn’t slow either. She didn’t belong, this normal life that Professor Neigh wanted for her so badly could never truly be obtained.

What would happen to her if she were to procreate? Would the child she bared become some hideous mutation? Hell, was she even capable of bearing children at all? Twilight growled loudly as she ran her hands through her long hair, never had she have to think about things like that. And besides, her inclination towards the female gender would more than likely assure that worrying about pregnancy and having children would be a moot point. Twilight’s cheeks felt warm, a rather lewd thought passed in her mind’s eye concerning herself and Sunset.

Twilight shot up into a seated position, trying to dispel the thoughts. “Get a grip on yourself, Twilight! You shouldn’t be thinking of those kinds of things with everything else that’s going on!” With low groan Twilight began to draw circles on her bedsheets. “What kind of girl am I to think about doing…that, with Sunset at time like this?!”

“The kind of girl who’s probably a little horny and needs some attention to relieve stress.”

“EEP!” Twilight squeaked as she turned towards the doorway with a start. “Rainbow Dash?!”

Indeed, the prismatic girl was standing in Twilight’s doorway, leaning up against it as she smirked like a Cheshire cat at the poor girl. “Relax Twi.”

“H-How much of that did you just overhear?”

“The part about you fantasizing about nailing Sunset? Nope, didn’t hear it,” said Rainbow, obviously lying.

“Lies!” Twilight accused as she pointed an accusing finger and threw a pillow in her friend’s direction. “You did hear me!”

Rainbow easily caught the pillow and threw it back at Twilight, nailing her in the face as she huffed at her friend.

“Alright, alright, I did. So what? Not like it’s crime y’know. Girlfriends usually think about that kind of stuff about each other, I mean, as much as I hate to admit. Sunset’s hot, I mean, a one-night-stand wouldn’t be too bad, I could deal with that if I was offered,” said Rainbow.

Twilight’s cheeks turned a cute shade of red as she gazed at her bed sheets. “As crass as ever. And I would prefer it if you didn’t talk about Sunset like that. You do know we’re involved, I think we made that clear.”

Rainbow Dash entered Twilight’s room and stood before her. “Really? When? Because lately it looks like you two are trying to avoid each other for different reasons.”

“I told you why, we can’t risk Hel appearing again,” said Twilight, still looking down.

“You know that’s bullshit, you said it yourself. The fusion thing won’t happen unless you’re both in Firestorm form, and without that ‘emotional trigger’ thing, you’re pretty much safe. So stop using that as an excuse, you’re better than that Twi.”

Twilight gripped the sheets in front of her. “I’m not…I’m really not. I’m afraid of everything we are…especially this magic thing.”

Rainbow released a tired sigh, she then sat herself on the edge of Twilight’s bed and glanced in her direction. “You got the text right? About how Fluttershy’s friend might be able to help with everything?”

Twilight nodded.


“I don’t know…”

“Ugh, Twilight, you can at least try this out. What else can you do?” Rainbow asked.

“It’s not just the magic, Rainbow! It’s part of the problem but not the whole thing!” Twilight took a deep breath. “I’ve thought about it…I don’t think I should be with her, or anyone…”

Rainbow Dash shook her head and turned to face Twilight fully, giving her an incredulous look. “You’re joking right? That’s got to be a joke.”

“I’m not joking around Rainbow! I’ve thought about it this whole time, I’m not a normal human, I’m barely a human! I’m just…a creation…something made, not given birth to! I don’t need to drag Sunset into something long term with me, she’s more normal than I am, and she’s from another world!” Twilight argued.

“And that’s why you don’t want to try and salvage what’s left your relationship?! Twilight, for being the smartest girl I’ve ever known, that is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard!” Rainbow shouted.

Twilight looked up to meet Rainbow’s gaze, narrowing her eyes in anger. “It’s true Rainbow Dash! I’m not a human being! I’m just the byproduct of several strands of DNA mashed together! I could’ve been born a boy or something barely even resembling a human! Besides…who was I kidding…Sunset’s everything I’m not…she’s strong, proud, she’s practically a warrior or something…all I am is…nothing…and you can’t love nothing .”

“Dammit Twilight…you aren’t nothing! You’re a somebody, you are Twilight Sparkle! You’re my friend, and the girl I’m in love with!!!”

Twilight’s eyes widened at hearing that last part. “What…What did you say?”

Rainbow Dash’s gaze went downcast, her bangs and long rainbow hair obscuring her face. “I…I didn’t stutter…I’m in love with you…before the Firestorm stuff…and before the magic.”

Twilight tried to wrap her head around it, but then remembered that this happened to her once before. “Nice try Rainbow, but Applejack already pulled that joke on me. Honestly, I’m not in mood for these kinds of pranks…”

“I’M NOT JOKING AROUND TWILIGHT!” Rainbow shouted. “I’m really…really…in love with you.” She turned her head to Twilight, revealing the crimson blush that had overtaken her cyan face. “Always have been.”

The shock that had worn off returned as she realized that Rainbow was not kidding around. Twilight’s head began to spin from this new information, Rainbow Dash was in love with her, she loved her before she developed her crush on Sunset, this whole time she wanted to be more than friends.

“R-Rainbow I…I…”

“I don’t care what you are, I just care about who you are. You’re nerdy, super smart, a bookworm, an egghead, and you can be so damn adorkable sometimes that it’s painfully cute to watch! And then…I’ve seen how honestly care about others, trying to find solutions to problems whether they’re yours or someone else’s, and how you try to stay positive about whatever situation you’re in…”

It all made sense now, why Rainbow was so overprotective when it came to her. Why she acted the way she did, Rainbow was secretly in love with her this whole time. Twilight felt a stab of guilt pierce her heart. “I’m sorry Rainbow…I…I never knew…”

“Don’t be sorry, it’s on me. I should’ve gotten the guts to tell you a long time ago. But I was too damn afraid, afraid I’d ruin our friendship, afraid of being labeled and mocked throughout the school, that’s all on me! You just transferred to our school, and you barely knew anyone. I didn’t want to pressure you into that, besides, I didn’t really know which way you swung.”

Twilight blushed. “Well, that’s something we both didn’t know. I wasn’t sure if I liked girls that way or not. But, the more I thought about it, the more it felt right to me.”

“At least you’re honest with yourself. Me? I just pretended that I wasn’t, and in the process, I hurt someone’s feelings, and it ended up making them hate me…”

Silence filled the room for a little bit, neither girl budging from where they were. Rainbow’s feelings were made known to Twilight, and now she didn’t know what to do in this kind of situation.

“Sunset knows, I told her about how I feel about you.”

Twilight looked up at Rainbow. “S-She does?! W-What did she say?”

Rainbow chuckled. “I asked her if she loves you, and she said yes. Too which I replied the same, then we had a bit of an argument, and then we ended fusing into Iris. I was jealous of her, which was why I was acting more hostile than normal. But after the whole Iris thing, I guess you could say we’re okay with it…” The sports girl kicked off her shoes and brought herself into a position of setting on her knees. “Twi, can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

Rainbow fidgeted with the hem of her skirt until she finally asked. “If things didn’t work out with Sunset, could you…could we give it a try?”

Twilight’s eyes shot wide open. “R-Rainbow!”

“I’m serious Twilight, I don’t care if you’re not normal!” Rainbow started to crawl towards Twilight. “None of that matters to me, alright?”

Twilight backed up a bit, slowly, as Rainbow advanced. “Rainbow I…Being with me isn’t good, for either of us…even if I said yes!”

Rainbow crawled up faster, making Twilight hit the wall with her back. “How do you know?! How do you know it won’t work out with Sunset? Or with me?!” She reached out with her left hand and cupped Twilight’s cheek. “I love you, Twi…”

Twilight could feel the warmth of her friend’s hand seeping into her cheek, the anxiety and fear seemed to ebb away from this one action alone. Without realizing it, Twilight was sliding until she was lying back down on the bed. When she did, she noticed that Rainbow Dash was now above her, looking down at her with those rose colored eyes. She never realized just how pretty her eyes were.

Rainbow lowered herself, making Twilight aware that Rainbow was straddling her. Her heart pounded as she continued to feel Rainbow’s weight press against her body, coming to rest atop her. Their faces were just inches apart, neither one breaking eye contact. Just one more inch, one tiny nudge forward and their lips would meet. Twilight’s heart drummed in her chest at a faster rate, drowning out all other sound. She felt safe, this felt okay, this…


Twilight quickly turned away from Rainbow, her eyes shut tight as guilt wrapped itself around her heart like a thorny vine. Rainbow looked a little disappointed, but only for a moment.

“Tell me something.”

Twilight gulped. “Y-Yes?”

“If I kissed you, would it be your first?” Rainbow asked.

Twilight nodded, her face felt like it was on fire.

Rainbow sighed heavily as she lowered her body down, confusing Twilight. She rested her head against Twilight’s chest, more or less cuddling with Twilight as she listened to her crush’s quickening heartbeat. “Your heart’s pounding as loud as Pinkie’s drumming.”


“I can’t do it…I can’t kiss you, not like this.” Rainbow confessed. “You and Sunset haven’t kissed at all, have you?”

Twilight whimpered but found her voice. “We’ve…We’ve mostly cuddled, held each other, talked…but no, we haven’t kissed.”

Rainbow sighed yet again, she then propped herself up on her forearms, putting them on either side of Twilight’s body. “Well, then it wouldn’t be fair to Sunset or to you. You thought about her just now, that’s why you turned away, right?”

Twilight nodded.

“Then that’s proof enough that you should try to fix this. Go see Fluttershy’s friend, the both you. Find out if she can help, and if not, well…at least you can say you tried,” said Rainbow.

Twilight stayed silent.

Rainbow reached up and stroked the top of Twilight’s scalp, causing the purple girl to relax a little. “I won’t stop loving you Twi, even if it works out between you two. But if doesn’t, I don’t want to come after you with you having regrets about it. I don’t want to make you feel guilty or like you’re cheating on Sunset, I want you to be happy. I won’t lie, I wish you were happy with me, but…as long you’re happy with someone who loves you, then that’s fine with me.”

Twilight knew Rainbow Dash was right. What point was there in giving up when not every solution was used to make it work? Ending things now would just hurt the both of them. I wanted to be with Sunset, I chose her, I have to fight for her, just like she’s willing to for me.

“Thanks Rainbow,” said Twilight.

“No prob…Can I ask you a favor Twi?”


“Just for a little longer, can we stay like this…?”

Twilight’s answer came in the form of her arms wrapping around Rainbow Dash, holding her friend close to her. Rainbow tried to hide it, but she couldn’t stop some of her tears from coming out. She never knew a person could feel both happy and sad at the same time, but it was possible. Twilight felt some of those tears soaking into her blouse and on her skin, her heart grew heavy, but she knew this was all she could offer Rainbow.

A whole hour passed before Rainbow Dash left the Sparkle house. She trudged down the steps to the street, keeping her eyes glued to the concrete as she descended each step.

“Looks like you finally came out.” Rainbow raised her head and saw Gilda standing up against her car, arms crossed, wearing her bomber jacket. “You were up there so long I thought you were doing her.”

“Shut up, G…I’m not in the mood…”

“If you go up there, maybe you can convince to have a one-night-stand?” Gilda speculated.

“Do you seriously want me to kick your ass? I’m not above putting you back in the hospital!” Rainbow threatened.

Gilda raised her hands defensively. “Chill Dash, just messin’ with ya.”

“Whatever…just…take me home.”

Gilda said no more, moving aside to return to the driver seat as Rainbow got into the passenger seat. The car headed off down the road, making a couple of turns to head in the direction of Rainbow’s house.

Since the incident with the Protocols, Gilda and Lightning Dust were admitted to the hospital. Even though they were healed by Iris’ power, it didn’t hurt to make sure that they had nothing else wrong them. Since then, Rainbow Dash went to visit them. Gilda looked more ashamed than angry at Rainbow, she couldn’t believe she let her rage get to that point. As bad as she was, she’d never actually killed anyone. Hurt them bad, yes. But never killed.

Whatever spell she was under had faded away, but the feelings it brought up hadn’t. Gilda remembered how she originally felt about Rainbow Dash, which only made everything she had thought about doing to her as revenge make her feel disgusted and sick about herself. And it didn’t help that Rainbow Dash apologized to her, even though it was Gilda herself who caused the damage to the mall and nearly killed her and Sunset.

Thankfully, Gilda agreed to keep the secret, that, and apparently nobody remembered that it was the four of them who really busted up the mall, and it was better to let sleeping dogs lie. Plus, after hearing about the Organization, Gilda was less inclined to mention anything.

“How’s Lightning doing?” Rainbow asked.

“Same, I guess, but I think she’s mellowing a little,” said Gilda.

Lightning seemed to be of a somewhat different mindset. While she did remember their brief period of friendship, she still held her grudge against Rainbow. She too agreed to keep everything secret, Lightning wasn’t a fan of getting shot or spirited away like in some conspiracy movie.

“That’s good.”

Gilda came to a stop when the traffic lights turned red. The two girls sat there in silence for a while, with Rainbow glancing at Gilda every once and awhile. The older girl sighed heavily as she kept her eyes forward.

“If you’re gonna ask me something, do it. If you’re going to stare at me, at least wait until I can get out of my clothes first.”

Rainbow rolled her eyes. “Jeez, when did you become a pervert?”

“Blame Lightning.”

“Noted.” There was another moment of silence before Rainbow Dash spoke. “Did it hurt this much when I…you know…?”

The light turned green and Gilda drove on. “Probably more…you did kind of push me away, literally, and avoided me like the plague after…But it looks like Miss Egghead was gentler.”

Rainbow dragged her hand over her face. “I want to help them…but part of can’t stop wanting to see it fail…so I can have my shot…” She face palmed herself. “Oh crap, I’m telling you all this and you…ugh, stupid!”

“Don’t beat yourself up Dash, you’ll deny me the pleasure otherwise,” said Gilda with a playful grin. Rainbow smiled a little from the attempted bad joke. “Besides, I lost my shot at you a long time ago.”

“Well…really, you didn’t.” Gilda glanced at Rainbow. “Can’t really lose a shot if you were never given one. I panicked and did something stupid, that’s not fair to you. You at least deserve that much from me. But…right now, maybe not with all that’s going on. I wouldn’t mind being gal pals again.” Rainbow offered.

Gilda thought it over for a moment before answering. “Hmm, I wouldn’t mind that, but can it be gal pals with benefits?”

“Why not. Working your way up, huh?” Rainbow asked.

“I was thinking down, but yeah.”

Rainbow punched Gilda in the arm, causing Gilda to laugh, and in the end making Rainbow laugh as well. The car slowed down until it stopped before Rainbow’s house. The sports girl opened the passenger door and got out, she turned towards her house, seeing the dark windows and feeling something creep over her.

“G…? Why don’t you spend the night, it’s pretty late and I don’t want you dozin’ off on the road,” said Rainbow.

“Heh, thanks, but I’m a night owl, I’ve been up longer than this, I barely feel it.”

“Well…um…it doesn’t look like my Dad’s home from work, probably pulling a late shift. You can stay over? Cash in on that ‘benefits’ part,” said Rainbow while wiggling her eyebrow.

Gilda groaned in dismay. “As tempting as that is Dash…and that’s really tempting…I don’t think it’s good for you or me after what you talked about with her tonight. Thanks though…”


Gilda looked towards Rainbow, noticing the trembling of her body. “I…I don’t want to be alone right now…I don’t care if I sound like a total wimp right now, please just…just stay with me…”

Gilda had never heard Rainbow’s voice tremble like that, she was always so confident, headstrong, determined, and fierce. That anything could bring her to sound like this was really heartbreaking.

“Gilda…c’mon…I don’t care if you want to do it all night, that’s fine! Just…” Rainbow leaned up against the car, turning around away from Gilda as she stared up into the starry sky, which was distorted through her tears. “I just don’t want to be alone…please…?”

“Get off my car, Dash.”


“I can’t pull into the driveway with you leanin’ on it.”

Rainbow Dash turned around, expecting to see an expression that would tell her she was joking. But, for the first time in a long time, Rainbow saw a look of compassion and caring on Gilda’s face. Rainbow stepped back and watched as Gilda backed up and parked her car in the driveway. She then walked over to Rainbow Dash, standing just a couple of inches taller than her. Gilda then drew Rainbow Dash in for a hug, to which the cyan girl didn’t resist.

“I’ll sleep next you, I won’t leave you.” Gilda felt Rainbow’s head nod. “But I’ll take a raincheck on a full night of debauchery, which I expect to cash in sometime this week.”

“You really know how to ruin the moment.”

“It’s what I do.”

Author's Note:

Whoo-whee, that was a long one! And all that drama, yikes! Okay, wow, I never thought this story would go into 26 (27 if you count the prologue) chapters when I first started writing this! I mean, what happened? Yesh. Anywho, look forward to more, 'cause this emotional, action packed, ecchi, funny, rollercoaster ride ain't over yet!

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