• Published 3rd Feb 2015
  • 5,618 Views, 348 Comments

MLDC: Firestorm Crisis - Michael_Ravencroft

Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, total opposites, the bad girl, and the studious girl. But one fateful night will change everything for them, and quite possiblly the world.

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Entry 36: The Lines are Drawn

Sunset and Twilight were currently taking a leisurely walk back to Sunset’s apartment, with the latter of the girls sporting a blush. Twilight giggled at her girlfriend’s flustered appearance, earning a small growl of annoyance from Sunset.

“It’s not funny,” said Sunset.

“I’m sorry, but you have to admit it is a little funny? Rarity practically taking every measurement she could,” said Twilight.

“Yeah, the words ‘personal space’ were not in her vocab today. I feel molested, and I think she even had an evil grin the whole time!” Sunset argued.

“Sure that wasn’t some little fantasy of yours? Sounded less like shrieks of distress and more like squeals of delight.”

Sunset smacked her face with her palm and groaned, making Twilight snort-laugh, for once having the upperhand on her pervy and crass girlfriend. Spike walked alongside them the whole way, with Sunset occasionally glancing at the pooch. She found out from Twilight about why her dog can suddenly talk, which earned Twilight a look of shock from Sunset.

“I still can’t believe you find me talking weird, pony girl,” said Spike.

“Even in my world, dogs don’t talk. Anypony would react the same way!” Sunset shot back.

“Eh, I think it’s fun, talking feels great!”

“Now, Spike, remember what I told you about…ahem…any and all secrets I may or may not have told you when I thought you couldn’t understand me, or talk,” said Twilight with a blush.

Spike nodded confidently, he would never betray his owner’s confidence.

“Oh, now I’m curious, what has Twilight said about me when I’m not around?” Sunset asked with a devious grin.

“Sorry, no can do. It’s part of the Dog’s Honor Code! Never reveal your owner’s secrets, we are there so that they can unburden themselves, to lend an ear, and what is told between them is always kept sacred,” said Spike with earnest pride.

Sunset had to admit, she liked Spike, I mean she did like him before, he is a cute little dog. But hearing him say that just made her wonder a little if the Twilight Sparkle of Equestria had a dog named Spike to. Yeah right, if she does, it’s probably something else. Ha, if it’s a dragon I’ll shave my mane!

“So, exactly why do you want to spend another night at my place, and not head home right away?” Sunset asked.

“I just wanted to spend more time with you is all,” said Twilight sincerely.

“Uh-huh, and it’s definitely not your way of trying to jump me when I’m asleep.”

Twilight groaned. “You’re such a perv, Sunset!”

“Guilty, but I’m your perv.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, but nonetheless smiled.

As the two of them approached the apartment, Spike stopped. The little dog’s fur rose up on end, his tail raised into attack position as he widened his stance, bared his teeth, and growled threateningly. Twilight and Sunset looked to the little dog, quite surprised by his change in demeanor.

“Spike, what’s wrong?!” Twilight asked.

“There’s something not good behind that door,” said Spike.

Sunset glanced to Twilight, and Twilight to Sunset, both nodded. Sunset’s right hand collected magical energy, forming a sphere of pure energy ready to be unleashed at a moment’s notice. Twilight’s hands were glowing as well, however, she was ready to defend, the air already becoming distorted from the energy that prepared to form. Sunset used her left hand to concentrate her magic on the doorknob, muting any sound of it unlocking. However, before Sunset could fully open the door of her own volition, the door unlocked itself and was swung open. Sunset raised her right hand and pointed her magic bolt forward, at the same time Twilight formed a magical barrier protecting Spike and herself.

“Honestly, is pointing attack spells at me going to be a part of our normal greetings?” Adagio asked.

Sunset blinked for a moment, realizing who was standing before her. The Siren, Adagio Dazzle, had apparently made herself comfortable in Sunset’s home, foregoing any sense of modesty and just appearing just a bathrobe, that was loosely tied and allowing a decent view of her cleavage. Sunset dismissed her spell, and quickly averted her eyes.

“Adagio?! What the hell are you doing in my apartment, again?!” Sunset asked.

“Oh I’m not alone, Aria and Sonata are here too.”

Adagio moved away and allowed both girls and unobstructed view inside. Aria was vegging out on Sunset’s couch, while Sonata was happily cooking something in Sunset’s kitchen. Twilight released her shield and quickly stood beside her girlfriend, looking very confused and a bit peeved at the moment.

“Sunset, who are these girls?” Twilight asked.

“They are… well…” Sunset sighed. “They’re from Equestria, same as me.”

Twilight’s eyes widened at this revelation. At the same time, Adagio became quite intrigued by Twilight. “Well don’t just stand there you two, come in, this is your home Sunset after all.”

Sunset took Twilight’s hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, she led them both into the apartment. Their nostrils were assailed with a heavenly aroma of spices and herbs, something good was cooking and it smelt delicious. Spike, who was still on edge, completely lowered his guard when he smelled the cooking going on in the kitchen. Adagio closed the door and sauntered over to the couple.

“Well now, let’s all have a seat and enjoy Sonata’s food, shall we?” Adagio insisted. Sunset and Twilight slowly took a seat in the dining area, with Adagio sitting across from them and giving them a curious look. “Hmm, Sunset, it seems your magical aura has gotten stronger since the last time we all spoke.”

Sunset rubbed the back of her head. “Y-Yeah, kind of.”

“Oh don’t be modest, it is.” Adagio glanced to Twilight and smiled. “And it seems your girlfriend here is also sporting powerful magic as well.”

At this Sunset narrowed her gaze. “Want do you want Adagio?”

The puffy haired Siren held up a finger. “Now, now, we’re here to talk again, nothing more. No fighting, especially not after Sona made a nice meal for us all. Plus, I’d rather not get into a confrontation in nothing but my robe, I’ll go and change, be right back.”

“Hold on, why the hell are you in a robe anyway? Did you use my shower?!” Sunset asked incredulously.

“She kind of had to after how we worked her out before coming here,” said Sonata absentmindedly.

“Shut up about that, Sonata!” Aria barked from the couch.

Sunset’s eye twitched at hearing this, basically being told that Adagio cleaned herself in her own shower after…after…

Adagio noticed the look on Sunset’s face and smiled. “Don’t worry, I’m not inconsiderate, I cleaned the tub once I was done.”

“Dagi’s also a monster when it comes to cleaning!” Sonata added.

Adagio shrugged, not denying that fact. She then walked away, swaying her hips quite suggestively, giving everyone behind her a show before disappearing into Sunset’s bedroom. Sunset gulped, feeling a strange heat in her cheeks, she glanced over to Twilight, prepared to see a perturbed, and quite frankly furious look on her girlfriend’s face for ogling Adagio’s rear. However, much to her surprise, Twilight’s face was blushing too, her eyes fixated straight ahead. Sunset cleared her throat and managed to make Twilight yelp.

“Um…I…” Twilight stuttered.

“I’m guilty too,” said Sunset with an apologizing smirk.

“You can look, but hands off!” Aria warned.

“I second that!” said Sonata in a carefree and cheery tone.

About an hour or so passed by with little in the way of some pleasantries. Adagio had returned fully dressed and joined the others at the table, just in time for Sonata to be done with her cooking and spreading it on the table for all to enjoy. If there was one thing you could say about the blue Siren, she could put some high class chefs to shame. Sunset enjoyed Twilight’s reactions to Sonata’s cooking, which were reminiscent of how she herself felt when first eating it.

Once dinner was concluded, it was time for business. With Adagio knitting her fingers together into a pyramid of contemplation. “I’m sure you have questions, Twilight Sparkle, is it?”

“If I understand it right, you three are from where Sunset used to live, the other world called ‘Equestria’, and that you’ve been on Earth for three centuries. Am I right?” Twilight asked.

“Exactly, we had approached Miss Shimmer with an offer a few weeks ago, but we came back given the recent developments that have occurred to propose again,” said Adagio.

Spike growled with suspicion at the scheming Siren. “I don’t trust her, she doesn’t smell right.”

“Okay, I’m sorry, the talking dog is just freakin’ freaky,” said Aria.

“I think it’s cute, but it’s definitely not normal,” said Sonata.

“Told ya, even in Equestria, a talking dog isn’t normal, and these three are from way before I was born,” said Sunset. “Now about that offer, which one?”

Adagio swirled the water in her glass, took a sip, and then looked to Sunset. “As I stated earlier, your magical power has grown significantly since the last time we all spoke. I know you said that you couldn’t open the portal back home, but now with your magic intensified, and the magic of your little girlfriend added, perhaps we may all be able to go back to Equestria?”

Twilight looked to Sunset, she didn’t know what to say in this situation, she was surrounded by beings from another world, speaking on powers that she only recently came into possession of. Now there was talks about heading back to their homeworld. A sudden fear gripped Twilight’s heart, she had never contemplated that there would be a way for Sunset to return home, or what Sunset would do if she did. True, she loved her, and Sunset loved her back, all the hardships and battles that they have been through have shown how deep their feelings for each other were. However, Twilight never contemplated the fact that Sunset may want to return home.

Of course Sunset would want to go back home, so many years away, she probably has family and…

“And like I told you before, it’s not possible. There are too many variables to consider, as knowledgeable as I am, and as much as you give me credit for. I don’t know the spell that Starswirl used to get you three here, I doubt he knew himself. Plus, if I go around picking at the magical spell structure of that portal, I could end up destroying it. So as much as you guys don’t like it, you’ll have to wait.”

Aria scoffed, flipping her ponytail in indignation.

Adagio hummed in understanding, but her contemplating gaze was still affixed to the both of them. “Fair enough, but given the recent events with the Organization, you can’t expect that statue to remain there much longer. The only reason the rest of the Organization hasn’t come down on you both is due to our secrecy, and for some unknown reason, that of our Director.”

“Dusk Shine?” Twilight asked with a flat tone.

This made all three Sirens noticeably flinch at the mention of his name. Aria now trained her eyes on Twilight, suspicion apparent in them. “How the hell do you know that name?”

“Let’s just say we have our ways,” said Twilight.

Sonata got up from the table and walked around to Twilight, Sunset’s fingertips sparked with magical energy, preparing to protect her lover should the ditzy Siren show any hostile signs. However, Sonata only looked at Twilight intensely for a few moments before turning to her fellow Sirens. “You know what? She kinda looks like Dusk Shine, like the genderswapped version of him, and not totally scary psycho evil.”

Upon mention of this, Adagio and Aria looked more closely at Twilight, and agreed that Sonata was right. Besides the gender, the color of her eyes, hair, skin tone, and even the dual streaks of pink and purple, they all matched.

“Are you actually related to that guy?” Aria asked as he fists tightened.

Twilight sighed in dismay. “In a way, yes. He’s a clone of me, but unfortunately flawed genetically to the point that he’s aging fast.”

That tidbit of information will be useful, thought Adagio. “Hmm, in that case, I see why he hasn’t told anyone of your identities yet. He may be seeking to further his own ends, much like we three. This plays to our advantage mind you.”

Sunset leaned in close. “How?”

“If there’s anyone at the Organization to be worried about, it’s Dusk Shine. He’s smarter than the higher ups know, twice as cunning, and ruthless in his execution. It’s hard to understand what he’s doing, it’s as if he generates an aura of mystery to keep those around him guessing until it’s too late.” Adagio rose from the table “I’ll be blunt, whether we want the portal to remain intact, or take over this world, the biggest threat his him. The rest can be dealt with swiftly.”

The alpha Siren walked around the table, signalling Sonata to return to her seat as she made her way to both girls. Adagio stopped behind them, and gently placed a hand on either girl's’ shoulder. “This world is rotting from within, with our magic and Firestorm powers combined we could rule over them. The two of you, with your genius, could construct marvelous things that would put anything I’ve seen in centuries to shame. Magic and Science together, tell me that does not sound like an amazing venture? And all we would have to do is topple the Organization, and Dusk Shine, from there, the world will be ours.”

Adagio looked to Twilight, her eyes transfixed on the alpha Sirens’ eyes. “You were a product of greedy men and their whims, you didn’t ask to be created but you were. You fear that this world won’t accept you for what you are, and that the happiness you have will be taken from you because of it.” Adagio switched to Sunset. “And you, you’re the same as us, in a world we don’t belong, stuck in forms unfamiliar to us. We have power, power this world can’t understand and has no way to defend against. If Equestria would not yield its bounty then we shall take it from this world. What do you say? Join us? Turn our trio into a quintet?”

The Siren’s words were sweet, like honey poured into Sunset and Twilight’s ears, so enticing and exciting to think about and make happen. In such a world they could do whatever they want, create whatever they wanted, and delve deeper into their relationship without fear of it ever being torn apart by outside forces. It all sounded so good, too good.

“Stop it!” Spike barked.

Adagio looked down at the little dog, who was now growling at her as he eyed her glowing ruby gemstone. Spike’s voice cut through the fog that was slowly coiling around Twilight and Sunset’s minds, making both girls spring to their heels and away from Adagio. The alpha Siren sneered at the little dog, and pursed her lips as she looked to both girls.

“Were you really trying to mind control us just then?!” Sunset asked.

“Only a little, just enough to get the ball rolling as it were.” Adagio admitted.

“You guys it be totally cool if you joined us, twice the much fun in bed,” said Sonata with a cheery tone.

Aria smacked her forehead. “Ugh, whatever. Listen, that’s how it is. It’s either you’re joining us or you’re going against us!” The irritable Siren slammed her palm against the table. “Real simple ladies, that’s it, no more or no less!”

Adagio groaned at Aria’s bluntness. “Honestly Aria, you could use a lesson in the word ‘tact’. Although the point is made, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, will you side with us? We can create a world that’s all ours, pleasure, power, and advances of both the magical and scientifical, surely you cannot think of a better world than that?”

Twilight chuckled. “It does sound like a good world, but when I stop to think about all the people who would most likely die in pursuit of such a world, I’d rather offer my head to the guillotine.”

“Not gonna lie, I like the idea too. But I’ve recently seen the kind of crappy pony I used to be, and the person I was. I will not become a demon, not now or ever!” Sunset declared.

At this, unbeknownst to either Sunset or Twilight, Adagio could sense magical energy building up around them. So much so, that it manifested before Adagio’s eyes. A winged figure appeared, made of rosy-violet flames, her wings were made of crimson fire, and at the center of her chest was the Firestorm insignia. The insignia was different though, the six orbs that surrounded the sun were actually six pointed stars. The sun symbol also bared a strong resemblance to Sunset’s former cutie mark.

Adagio felt an air of power from this being, and intimidation, warning her to not even try her mind manipulation magic again. The alpha Siren sneered at the apparition releasing a little of her own magical energy to establish her dominance, and in response the being’s eyes flashed, and flared its wings, releasing a pressure wave of such intensity that it made even the thousand plus year old girl take a cautious step back. Adagio regarded the two girls once again, she already knew of their combined monstrosity fusion form, which was strong enough to take down the Atomic Skull, if they weren’t careful, then they too could meet a similar fate.

The alpha Siren straightened up, adopting a professional manner. “It would seem we are at an impasse. Very well, Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, it would seem that our paths won’t merge to the same goal. It’s too bad, I would’ve liked to have you as an ally, being the only other Equestrian here.”

Sunset and Twilight had magical energy dancing at the ends of their fingertips, feeling a tension brewing in the air.

“Oh don’t bother, girls, we’ll leave. Today was just for talking, the day will come when we will exchange fire, but not tonight,” said Adagio as she motioned for Sonata and Aria to follow her.

All three Sirens walked towards Sunset’s front door, and all three turned to look upon Sunset, Twilight, and Spike.

“We won’t go easy on you!” Sonata proclaimed in her chipper tone.

“Better watch your backs,” added Aria.

Adagio opened the door and allowed Sonata and Aria to leave, before she closed the door, the alpha Siren gave her new enemies a wicked grin and narrowed eyed glance from over her shoulder. “Ta, ta, Sunset, Twilight.”

The door closed slowly, until there was a click of the lock. The moment that happened, all three occupants of the apartment sigh heavily, releasing a breath they didn’t know they were holding. Sunset and Twilight walked to the couch and plopped down on it, with Spike following behind them, hopped onto the couch, and flopped down on Twilight’s lap.

“I need an explanation about those three, but later,” said Twilight.

“I will,” replied Sunset.

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