• Published 3rd Feb 2015
  • 5,618 Views, 348 Comments

MLDC: Firestorm Crisis - Michael_Ravencroft

Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, total opposites, the bad girl, and the studious girl. But one fateful night will change everything for them, and quite possiblly the world.

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Entry 31: Love & Hate

The chakra opening yesterday went along rather smoothly, no emotional rollercoaster ride for them after it was all over. So Tree Hugger allowed them the rest of that day to meditate and rest up. Now the new day arrived, and the early birds were already singing their songs to greet the morning.

Sunset was lying on her makeshift mattress, watching as Twilight slept peacefully across from her. Everything out in the wilderness was quiet and soft, moments like this reminded Sunset of back home in Equestria. There were no cars, bikes, or loud jets flying overhead to greet you in the morning, in fact, depending on where you lived, whether in the more rural and quaint villages or even in Canterlot, the birds would always be the first thing you’d hear, along with the gentle warmth of the sun.

For the past few days, Sunset and Twilight had been staying in the same hut, and every morning Sunset awoke a little earlier than Twilight, granting her the opportunity to gaze upon her lover’s sleeping face. With all the craziness awaiting them when they returned to civilization, to see Twilight truly at peace and relaxed like she was, and to feel the same, was really great.

Sunset reached out with her hand, wanting to brush some of Twilight’s hair from her face, but she paused, and slowly retracted her hand. She wanted to make this work with Twilight, really she did, but her past, what she had planned to do to the school way back when, and even what she had contemplated doing since there was nothing for her here.

High School is great and all…but it can only last so long…We’ll all soon graduate, and, Celestia willing we’ve brought down the Organization by then, everyone will be off doing their own thing.

It was the one thing that kept nagging at Sunset, she was able to push it back into the deep recesses of her mind, but in the end, she couldn’t overlook the overwhelming fact that she had nothing planned for the future. Everything changed that night…her schemes had fallen apart all because of one stupid mistake, and now, she had discovered that having someone to love, and having friends was actually…well, wonderful.

Celestia was covering for her as far as legal paperwork and all that, but eventually, someone would figure out that Sunset Shimmer did not exist, had no record in any country on Earth, she was the very definition of an alien. And really, what was there for her? She was good at science, since it was as close to magic as she was going to get in this world, she had strong math skills as well, evident by her helping with Twilight’s work once in awhile.

If nothing else, maybe I can be a full time superhero and Twilight can be the one bringing home the paycheck, she thought.

That was also assuming how far Sunset was really willing to go with Twilight. This whole relationship was new to her, used to she saw romance as nothing more than a distraction, aside from the casual fling with a mare or stallion back home, she never really committed to a relationship.

We haven’t even kissed yet! All this time and we haven’t, once! How lame is that?! We’ll probably be as old as Princess Celestia before we even have -!

Sunset’s face blushed, her mind having almost gone there for a moment. Despite all her teasing and ogling, Sunset was a little afraid of becoming intimate with Twilight. Not that she lacked experience, she was an adult back in Equestria, but those were mostly one-night-stands, this…this was something else. To do that with Twilight would mean she was serious…not that she’d just do it on whim…

“Ugh, why are relationships so freakin’ complicated…!”


Twilight began to stir, prompting Sunset to turn around, not wanting Twilight to see her face right now. The brainiac slowly rose up, her hair a perfect example of bedhead. She glanced about their hut and saw Sunset still asleep, or feigning sleep. Twilight smiled, sometimes she couldn’t believe that this girl, from another world, was actually her girlfriend. At least, that’s what she hoped she was to Sunset. The truth of the matter was, Twilight still didn’t know much about Sunset still, and it nagged at Twilight that she didn’t take the time to at least try.

As much as she would’ve liked to keep watching her girlfriend sleep, today was a new day, and another chakra opening. Twilight leaned forward and placed her hand gently on Sunset’s shoulder, giving her a light shake.

“Sunset, Sunset wake up, we need to get ready,” said Twilight.

“W-What? Oh, morning,” said Sunset, faking a groggy state.

“Morning, c’mon, we need to start, I’m sure Tree Hugger’s already up.”

Sunset nodded and slowly rose up, both girls gave a yawn before pushing the door to their hut open. What greeted them was a sight they were growing used to, but still found it to be strange if not worrying.

Tree Hugger was sitting on the log they used as a bench, legs crossed in a meditative position. Her eyes were closed and her hands were held out, index fingers touching the thumbs. All around her birds gathered, some even perching on her head and arms, a few rabbits, a couple of foxes, raccoons and other woodland creatures appeared around her, as if entranced by her very aura.

This is not what surprised them, as they found this to be normal occurrence whenever she meditated, no, what was freaking them out was the fact that there was not only a bear and its cubs sitting quietly amongst the variable buffet of small animals, but also a pair of mountain lions. Sunset and Twilight’s jaws had dropped, not knowing whether to make Tree Hugger aware there were dangerous predators among her normal spectators, or if making her aware of them would somehow break whatever spell they were under.

Tree Hugger must’ve sensed their presence, judging by her slowly opening eyes and lax smile. “Sisters Twi and Sun, blessings.”

“T-Tree Hugger…I don’t want to alarm you…b-b-but there’s a bear and a couple of mountain lions here!” Twilight whispered urgently.

The hippie girl looked about, seeing that a momma bear and her cubs, along with two mountain lions, were in fact among the crowd of other animals.

“Righteous, new guests!”

Sunset smacked her hand against her forehead and dragged it down her face as she groaned loudly.

“I…I don’t know how much more of her I can take…!”

After a rather hectic time getting the animals to disperse, the three girls once again entered the main hut. Sunset and Twilight sat across from each other, while Tree Hugger went to retrieve another crystal to help them in unlocking the next chakra. When Tree Hugger returned, both girls looked upon the gemstone curiously. It looked like an emerald, carved into the shape of a heart. Tree Hugger placed this gemstone between Sunset and Twilight and sat down across from them.

“Now, today we’ll be opening the Heart Chakra, it’s name is Anahata, this particular chakra deals with love.”

At this, both Sunset and Twilight blushed furiously, their eyes fixated on a suddenly very interesting spot on the floor. Tree Hugger giggled inwardly, noting that this one was a long time coming. But then her happy expression fell a bit.

“This chakra is blocked my sadness, and grief. What you both regret the most will be laid bare, but you must let the sadness and pain be washed away, because love will see you through. Let us begin.”

With slight amount of reluctance, Twilight and Sunset focused their energy towards the crystal. Immediately it reacted to them, drawing in their magical auras and mingling them together within its structure. The girls’ minds were suddenly thrust into another realm, green in color. This time however there was no dividing wall, Sunset and Twilight freely floated towards each other, both a little confused, but also happy that maybe this trial wouldn’t have them facing whatever was going to happen alone.

“So what do you think we’re supposed to do?” Twilight asked.

“Your guess is as good as mine, Sparky, this may be magic related, but this chakra stuff has been beyond the scope of my magic teachings,” said Sunset.

Suddenly, the world shifted around them, creating scenery. Both girls found themselves in an apartment building, Sunset went wide eyed when she realized that the apartment they were standing in was her own.

“This…This is my place?!” Sunset blurted.

“A-Are you sure?”

“Yes! I mean…why are we here?”

Twilight looked around and her eyes went wide, she tapped Sunset on the shoulder, gaining her attention. The violet haired girl directed Sunset’s gaze towards the dining room table and gasped, it was her. Another Sunset was sitting there, paper strewn across the table as Sunset furiously scribbled out something.

“Alright, simple plan. It’s about that time for the worlds to be linked, tonight should mark the first night.”

The other Sunset walked up to a board she had, outlining some kind of plan. Twilight looked upon this board, wondering what it was the other Sunset was planning. But Twilight’s Sunset could tell right away what this was, this was the night, the night she came up with her plan to rule over two worlds.

“If what I could see through the statue was accurate, that little bitch of a replacement will be at the Crystal Empire soon. I’ll just sneak in, take the crown, and replace with the Fall Formal crown!”

The other Sunset picked up said crown, Twilight recognized it as the same crown she was adorned with when she won the Princess of the Fall Formal, strangely enough it matched the six-pointed star that she had grown fond of and sometimes had embroidered on her clothing or as an accessory.

“That tiara, the Element of Magic, it should rightfully be mine! I was the one destined to become an alicorn! Not that schoolfilly!” The other Sunset slammed her fist into a crudely drawn picture of a purple alicorn, practically burying it until the paper became a crumpled mess. “Twilight Sparkle…”


The real Sunset looked to her Twilight and saw confusion upon her face. “How did you know my name? We hadn’t met yet, I didn’t see you until after the Fall Formal.”

“No…Oh please don’t show her this!” Sunset pleaded.

The other Sunset picked up the fake crown and looked at it longingly, although knowing it was a fake, it would not be long before the real thing was in her hands. “I’ll finally get everything I’ve deserved, the power, the recognition, and my Ascension! The Element of Magic will be mine, and not even Celestia’s new plaything will be able to stop me! Let her come after me, she’ll be as helpless as I was when I first got here, no stronger or powerful than any other human here!”

Twilight felt an odd chill, seeing the maniacal, sinister side of her girlfriend. She wasn’t speaking to vent or just fantasizing, she was truly hatching an evil plan. Twilight knew about the bad stuff Sunset had done, so that didn’t surprise her, but here, she could see the same gleam in her eyes that some of those in the Organization had.

“Sunset…what are we seeing?” Twilight asked.

“This…This was the night that everything went bad for me…The night when all my plans fell through, and the night, that would have me direct my anger at…you…”


Sunset paced her apartment. She had to wait until the moon was at its proper alignment before the three day countdown began, the waiting was the hard part. Sunset was so close to achieving everything she wanted she could almost taste it. The campus would be empty late at night, not even the night janitor would be there by that time, so all that was needed was to sneak back to CHS, jump through the portal and steal the crown.

Finally she’d prove to Celestia, and everypony and everyone, that Sunset Shimmer was without equal, in intelligence, skill, and magical prowess. She would become stronger than Princess Celestia, and show the Equestrians who the real Princess was. And to this world, the humans could have it, honestly she would not bat an eyelash if the whole world went and blew up, Sunset had already planned on severing the connection to this once she got the crown.

Bringing back the crown to this world had its dangers, this world’s mana levels were so low it was embarrassing, but once the Element of Magic was brought here, well, who knows what would happen. The magical energies of this would could triple or quadruple? The Element could syphon all the mana from this world and give it to Sunset? Or even tear the very fabric of space-time asunder. Either way, Sunset didn’t care, she planned to only remain in this world long enough to master the Element of Magic, and once she had, she’d open the portal herself and go back home a changed mare, an alicorn.

She’d prove to Princess Celestia that it was her right all along to wield the Element of Magic, it was her destiny to defeat Nightmare Moon and become a hero. Somepony that every mare, stallion, and foal looked up to and revered as a goddess.

Soon, soon she’d have that, but soon wasn’t soon enough.

Sunset hurriedly grabbed her backpack and left her apartment, unaware that the astral projected ghosts of Twilight and Future Sunset, were watching her the entire time. She ran through the streets, taking a bus when she could. Sunset would’ve taken her bike, but it was noisy and someone would definitely spot her if she suddenly appeared on school grounds riding it. No, stealth was the name of the game, what was a bus ride and a little jog when she’d soon not have to worry about any of it.

Besides, she used to run everywhere or teleport when in a hurry back in Equestria, four strong pony legs helped.

It took Sunset almost an hour and a half before finally making it CHS. Sunset had been keeping a close eye on the moon. She had noticed that three stars in particular were brighter than most others, aligned perfectly to form a triangle. Once the moon was at the center of the triangle it would mark the countdown, once the moon reached the tip of the triangle formation, the portal would be closed.

Sunset flipped open her phone, it was only nine o'clock, a full three hours before the portal opened up. Still, no harm in seeing if it had opened already. The bad girl walked up to the statue and placed her hand upon its cool marble surface. It rippled like water, distorting for a few moments before an image appeared. It was through this method that she even learned about the Elements and their new bearers, as well as the threats that had popped up in Equestria during her absence.

A wave of sadness always passed over the flame haired girl, Equestria had changed a lot since she was last there, her mother and father, she had no idea how they were, what they were up to, hell, she wasn’t even sure if they were still together or they had another foal.

Sunset chuckled at the prospect of having a baby sibling, despite her ways, Sunset had promised herself that she would look for her parents after her affairs were settled, and if she had a baby sibling…well…she wasn’t sure how’d she feel, happy would be the first thing possibly, but also maybe a little jealousy, feeling as if she had been replaced. Not that she’d blame them, up and leaving to another world without so much as a letter or a goodbye, they were probably worried sick about her, maybe even thought she was dead.

Out of all the ponies that probably deserved an apology from her (highly doubtful she’d give ‘em one), she was most likely going to give her parents one.

The former unicorn shook her head, she had no time for depressing thoughts like that, her conquest was close at hand, or hoof depending on where you stand. Sunset pushed her hand against the rippling surface, feeling elation when her hand sunk in about an inch, but unfortunately that was as far as she was able to go. Sunset growled in frustration and pulled back, looking back up at the moon that had yet to make it into position.

“Should’ve taken the long way here or something, at least kill a little time. Still, no guarantee that the crown will be there today, if not, I’ll have to plan a little expedition into Equestria to find it.”

Suddenly, Sunset heard the squealing of tires against pavement, she quickly ducked behind the statue and kept a careful eye on the street. Roaring up the road was a pontiac firebird, Sunset groaned, knowing the distinct sound of that muscle car anywhere. She came out from behind the statue just as the car came to a screeching stop.

The windows rolled down and revealed the car's occupants, that of Lightning Dust and Gilda, both girls dressed for a bad time as per usual.

“Sunny? What the hell are you doin’ here?” Gilda asked.

“I could ask you two the same thing.”

Lightning poked her head out and grinned at Sunset. “Well, we were going to tear up the soccer field, and maybe mess with the horse statue there, but it looks like you’re already getting a head start on that.”

Gilda smirked approvingly. “Oh, nice one Sunny, finally kicking it up a notch huh?! Want a hand? I got a sledge hammer in the trunk!”

Sunset’s blood ran cold. NO! Those idiots will destroy the one connection I have back home! I-I can’t let them!

Her mind raced, trying to figure out some way to keep Gilda and Lightning from not only ruining her plan, but to also prevent them from destroying her one way back home. She really didn’t care if they smashed it while she was on the other side, but if they smashed it on this side, she’d be trapped in this magicless world for the rest of her human life.

The former Equestrian smirked back at the two girls, sauntering over to them and causing Lightning to inadvertently release a wolf whistle. “Girls, c’mon, we’re young, we’re bad, let’s just head into the city and raise some cain!”

“Hmm, wouldn’t mind that, we could always come back later. This place sure ain’t goin’ anywhere,” said Gilda.

Lightning Dust nodded. “Yeah, but uh, I’m going to need a little incentive before any cain raising is done.”

Sunset knew what she was getting at, releasing an exasperated sigh as she walked around to the driver’s side door and opened it. Lightning got out of the car and stared down Sunset, her confident grin on full display. Without warning, Sunset shot her hands forward, grabbing Lightning Dust from behind her head and hooking the other hand around her waist. Their lips crashed as Sunset began aggressively making out with Lightning Dust, practically pinning the turquoise girl up against her car as she pressed their bodies together.


Astral Sunset put her hand over her eyes, wishing she could just vanish into some deep part of the Astral Plane right now. But unfortunately, this was happening, Twilight was witnessing her girlfriend make out and fondle another girl.

Twilight had to keep reminding herself that this had already happened, and that Sunset was only doing this to keep Lightning Dust and Gilda from destroying the portal to her home world. Given the circumstances, she didn’t have many options, still…that didn’t make this scene sting any less.


Sunset separated herself from Lightning Dust, leaving the turquoise girl nearly out of breath and blush red as she panted, slumped up against the car.

“We going or what?” Sunset asked.

“Oh yeah, now that’s how you start off a night!” Lightning cheered. “Hey G, you wanna drive while Sunny and I finish up in the back?”

“Please, you want to screw each other I’ll find you a cheap motel and you can have it out there, otherwise save it for later and let’s go wild!”

Lightning Dust was disappointed, but not too much. “We’re definitely continuing that later.”

Sunset rolled her eyes and feigned a cocky grin. Great, now I’ve got to deal with a horny Lightning Dust. Dammit all! I’m going to lose valuable time! Whatever, so long as it keeps these two idiots from destroying the statue, then I guess I can bare it one night.

Unfortunately, cain is exactly what they raised, so much so that Sunset had forgotten that she was only trying to keep Lightning and Gilda occupied and away from CHS. But in the end, Sunset had decided to screw it all and have some fun, she was going to be an all powerful being soon anyway, what were the laws of the human world to her, when she became a magical goddess, the laws of the human world would mean diddly squat to her.

The trio tore through the streets, running every red light they could find and racing every other car that would accept their challenge.


Unfortunately, again, Sunset had to sit idly by and watch as Twilight saw every bit of her debauchery unfold before her eyes. Apparently Lightning and Sunset had time enough to “finish up” somewhere private, making Twilight turn away in disgust.

“Twilight she…Lightning Dust doesn’t mean anything to me! I swear on my horn and great grandmother’s grave it’s true! She was just…just some messed up girl and -!”

“Sunset, please, just…I know all of this already happened. There’s nothing you can say that will change that, just like me getting angry about it won’t change the fact that it’s in the past…”

Astral Sunset reached out with a shaky hand, but Twilight floated a little further from her.

“Please don’t, not right now…”

Sunset hugged herself and forced herself to return her gaze to the memories, and apparently, it was reaching the point where everything went south.


Sunset, Gilda, and Lightning Dust, after almost a full night of continuous teenage rampaging, were finally stopped, getting caught at a warehouse far from their car. Thankfully the car had not been found, so it would be easy, hopefully, to retrieve it. However, that wasn’t Sunset’s main concern, no, her biggest concern was how long she was going to be there for.

She asked for a phone call, and unfortunately, called the only adult she knew who could and might get her out in time to go to the portal. Sunset was in an interrogation room, it was humiliating, all of it. And now on top of it all, she had to ask the human doppelganger of her former teacher and mentor for help, Sunset didn’t think this could get any worse.

Soon the door to the interrogation room opened and Celestia entered, her expression already showed disappointment, but what was else new. She approached the young woman, seeing her cuffed to the table and sat across from her. Silence was held between them for several seconds before a sound was made, and it was the heavy sighing of Principal Celestia that broke the silence.

“Honestly, Sunset, I thought you were better than this?”

“Sorry to disappoint you, again,” retorted Sunset.

“Sunset, I want to believe in you, I know you can be a better person than this! I don’t see why you feel the need to keep lashing out at those who only want to help you?”

“Well I’m asking for it now! I don’t care what you have to do, but I need you to get me out of here, tonight!”

Celestia rubbed the bridge of her nose in frustration. “I can’t do that, Sunset. Look, at best, I can plead to them that you can maybe spend a couple of days in a juvenile detention center, but your…friends, they apparently have priors so they’ll more than likely be in lockup for a while longer.”

Sunset slammed her fists on the table and glared at Celestia, panic filling her at the prospect of staying here longer than a few hours. “‘A couple of days’?! No, I can’t stay here that long! I have to get back, I have to or else I’ll miss it!”

“‘Miss it’? Miss what?” Celestia asked.

“I’ll miss -!” Sunset shut her mouth, almost revealing the secret of the portal, not that it would’ve mattered. It wasn’t as if Celestia would’ve believed her, but she couldn’t afford even the slightest chance that someone wouldn’t try to see if Sunset was telling the truth about the portal. “I’ll…I’ll miss the…the-the Fall Formal! You know they’re going to crown me Princess! I-I don’t want to miss it!”

The Fall Formal! Sunset you F-ing idiot, is that best excuse you can come up with?! Now she’ll just think you’re being some popular bitch afraid of losing her throne, thought Sunset.

“Oh Sunset…You’ve been the Princess more than once at every Formal, I think you can afford to allow one of your fellow classmates to have the spotlight for once. And it probably wouldn’t hurt for you show some humility, I’ve heard all the rumors of the things you’ve done Sunset.”

Sunset Shimmer growled in frustration, she couldn’t believe this was happening. “YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING! And those rumors?! So what?! I don’t care, and it’s not like you or Vice Principal Luna have done a damn thing to stop me! You just idly sit by and let me run the school that you supposedly are in charge of! If I wanted to, I could bring you and every teacher and faculty member down!”

Celestia only shook her head, she had no idea where this rage and anger stemmed from, but she hated seeing such a bright and strong young woman be consumed like this, she was on a path to self-destruction, and Celestia feared that she wouldn’t be able to stop her. The tall woman stood up and turned her back to Sunset as she made her way to the door.

“I’ll see what I can do, but at best, you’ll have to spend some time in juvie, no more than a couple of days, I promise,” said Celestia.

With that, the Principal of CHS left the room, leaving a defeated Sunset to cry alone.


Twilight had seen all this unfold, while Sunset held herself, she couldn’t bear to see all this again. To be reminded of her second greatest blunder, the first was leaving Princess Celestia in tears.

“The next day was the day I arrived at CHS for the first time…when I met Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy,” said Twilight. “I remembered many of the students being…a little happy that you weren’t there…”

“For good reason…I wasn’t a good person, Twilight,” said Sunset in saddened tone.

Twilight turned to comfort Sunset, but the scenery changed yet again, showing Sunset in her apartment again, the shades drawn and Sunset herself sitting up in her bed as she stared at something in front of her.

“What’s going on?”

Sunset remembered this scene as well, she hunched down low and held her head as she tried to shut out this memory.


Sunset sat on her bed, everything felt meaningless. The deadline for the portal was done and over, she missed her chance to get the crown, now who knows where this Princess Twilight Sparkle was now? Doubtful she’d ever come as close to the mirror as she did three days ago. Now it would be at least another two years before the portal opened again, and there’s no telling how much Equestria could change by then, Princess Twilight Sparkle might even be in a castle, surrounded by Royal Guards, and probably twice as powerful.

All her planning, scheming, every underhanded thing she did at the school, every kid she bullied, it was all for nothing. And now, she had nothing. It wouldn’t be long before she graduated from CHS and forced to go out into the world, but to do what was another story. All her ambitions were destroyed and gone, all because she let herself get carried away and act like a stupid teenager. Sunset had nothing now, her grand plan was no more, and she was forced to remain in this world a while longer. Her only option at this point was to hold out as long as she could until the portal opened up again, but then she’d be a stranger in her own home world, and most likely the only pony who would even recognize her and maybe even help her was going to be Princess Celestia, and that was a slim chance.

At best she’d be a homeless mare with no bits to her name or family to call her own, if they were even still alive. It was hell in one world or hell in another, at least back home she’d have her magic back and be in her normal body again, better than this bipedal funny looking body, for one thing it had no tail, her sense of balance was thrown off, and for some reason a pair of certain “assets” that were supposed to be closer to her to her crotch were now up top. And don’t even get her started on clothes.

But the one thing she couldn’t stand, was the one who stole her title as Princess, and somehow made the school unite against her despite all her efforts to divide them.

Out of all the people in this freakin’ world, it had to be the human double of Princess Twilight Sparkle!

Sunset stared at the picture lying on the bed in front of her, taken on the night of the Fall Formal. It showed the five girls that Sunset had tricked into ending their friendship, with Twilight Sparkle standing at the center of them. They all looked so happy, so content, and Twilight, she blushed like a schoolgirl, embarrassed, but even through the picture, anyone could see how happy and joyful she was.
It made her sick.

Her one small consolation was that she could still hold her iron grip of the school, but now Twilight Sparkle had taken that away from her.

“I hate you…” Sunset whispered. “I hate your freakin’ smile, how you look, what you’ve done!”

Sunset took hold of the picture and held it in her hand, glaring at it so intensely one could swear it was smoking.

“I’ve lost everything, and now you’ve isolated me…taken away my influence…”

Her hand slowly clenched into a fist, crumpling the picture.

“I swear, I will make you pay…I don’t know when…or how, but I will! I’ll make you wish you never existed! I’ll make you scream out my name in both agony and pleasure! I’ll turn you into nothing! I SWEAR!”

With that, Sunset clenched her fist hard, digging her nails into the picture and utterly destroying it with all the malice she had.


Sunset wished she had never said that, she was just so angry and sad, she thought she had lost everything and used Twilight as a physical manifestation of everything bad that has happened to her. But as if that wasn’t enough, windows of light appeared around the both of them, showing Sunset’s worst moments as a pony and as a human.

She fell to her knees against a nonexistent surface, feeling the full weight of her grief and sadness weigh down on her. Sunset’s shoulders trembled as she cried, her long hair obscuring her eyes from view.

“Now you know…Twilight…this is everything that I am…I’m not a good person…I’m barely even a good pony…All I’ll do is hurt you, in the end, Twilight…”

Twilight’s eyes softened, she then walked towards Sunset and sat down on her legs in front of Sunset. With a slow and steady hand, Twilight reached out and wiped some of the tears from Sunset’s cheeks, making the former Equestrian look up into the violet irises of her girlfriend.

“Thank you, Sunset, for letting me see this,” said Twilight in a gentle voice.

“Wh-What - why are you thanking me?!”

“Because, my sadness, my grief, was not knowing anything about you, and I’m guessing yours was letting me see this side of you, right?” Twilight asked.

Shamefully, Sunset nodded her head. “I’m sorry…I was just so full of anger and rage, I pegged you as the source of everything bad that happened! Then the next thing I knew, my rage and anger was going away, I still loathed you, but I couldn’t bring myself to hurt you…because the fact of the matter is…everything really was my fault…you…you should be with Rainbow, anybody else other than me…I’ll just end up hurting you Twilight…can’t you see that?!”

“No, I chose you, Sunset. You didn’t make me, I wanted to know more about you, I wanted…I want to be with you! I’ll take it all, all the bad you’ve done, and we’ll turn it into good! Together!” Twilight affirmed.

Twilight moved closer to Sunset and pressed her lips against Sunset’s. All the turmoil in her heart ceased the moment she made contact, all the sadness, it melted away as a warmth grew in her heart. The images of Sunset’s past faded away, revealing the emerald background of the mindscape. When Twilight pulled away, she smiled at Sunset, who smiled back.


“Show me, Sunset, show the good things you do remember.”

Immediately the two of them were surrounded with many windows, one showed Sunset with her father and mother, the pony family of three laughing and playing in one of Canterlot’s many gardens. The scenes shifted again, showing Sunset and Princess Celestia, the young filly cuddled up beside the radiant mare, or lying between her forelegs as the two of the read a book together.

More images flashed by, one showed the mare that Sunset had torn the dress off of. That mare somehow found a package gift, with the same dress that was destroyed, a brand new one at that. All while a pony Sunset watched from afar, a guilty look on her face, but a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth as she saw the elation in the mare it was given to.

The images started to become more recent, and many of them centered around the five girls, and most particularly, Twilight. Sunset took hold of Twilight’s hand, “I know I haven’t said it as much as I should, but…Twilight, I love you.”

The two girls embraced each other as Twilight cried, tears streaming down her face. “I love you too, Sunset.”
The emerald world chimed like the ringing of a bell, and within seconds the two of them were engulfed in light.

Sunset and Twilight awoke, sitting across from each other, with the crystal floating up and towards Tree Hugger. “That was a long one, but it seems that it was exactly what you needed.”

“A long one?” Twilight asked.

Sunset got up on unsteady legs and walked towards the door, she moved the cloth that acted as the door open. She gasped when she noticed that it was already night time. “Jeez, it took us this long to unlock the Heart chakra?!”

“Like I said, that was a long one, but it’s good that you worked that one out.”

A knowing smile appeared on Tree Huggers face, she levitated the crystal onto her stand and helped Twilight help. “Now, the both of you, head back to your hut, and get some rest!”

Sunset and Twilight were suddenly pushed out of Tree Hugger’s hut, the hippie girl flashing them a smile before closing her cloth door.

“What was that about?” Twilight asked. “Do you - mmph!”

Sunset kissed Twilight, bringing her right hand behind the purple girl’s head, and wrapping the other around her waist. It took a moment for Twilight to register what was happening, but once she did, she did not hesitate. Twilight wrapped her arms around Sunset, bringing her closer and deepening the kiss. Unlike before, whenever Twilight had thought about wanting to kiss Sunset, she had just the slightest bit of hesitation, afraid of messing things up early in their relationship. But now, it felt right, this feeling in her chest was growing, and spreading through her whole body.

Both girls pulled away, panting and gazing into each other’s eyes, this feeling of love shared between them begged to be expressed , held in for so long and kept at bay by so many things emotional and physical, now things were clearer, out here, they could express it.

“S-Sunset,” said Twilight huskily.

“Yeah, Sparky?”

“I-I want you, to be with you…right now.”

Sunset smiled and brushed Twilight’s bangs to the side. “I do too, c’mon.”

What followed next was a blur for both girls, they didn’t even know how they ended up back in their hut so quickly, but they didn’t really care. Twilight found herself on the makeshift mattress, her heart racing with adrenaline and endorphins as the prospect of what was about to happen flooded every thought in her mind. Sunset helped Twilight out of her top, revealing a black sports bra, at the same time Sunset removed her own shirt, showing her dark red sports bra.

Sunset ran her hand through Twilight’s long hair, finding the pink streak in it very cute. She straddled Twilight, lowering her body with each passing second, but she stopped, watching as Twilight had a slight worried expression.

“Twilight what’s wrong? If it’s too soon-!”

“No…It’s just…*mumble*”

“What was that?” Sunset asked.

Twilight mumbled incoherently, and blushed even harder.

“Sparky, c’mon, you can tell me.”

The genius girl swallowed hard and looked up at her lover. “I…I’m just afraid because…well…you’re a little more, ahem, experienced…and I-I’m not…”

Sunset couldn’t help but chuckle at how innocent Twilight was right now, she almost broke into full on laughter. Twilight felt her entire face burn with embarrassment, wishing she hadn’t said a thing. But then, Sunset kept lowering herself until she was resting atop Twilight.

“Don’t sweat it, Sparky. We’ll go at your own pace, just enjoy the moment.”

Twilight felt Sunset hug her body, she reciprocated by hugging her back, and their lips met again. A tangle of arms and legs, a symphony of pleasured moans and whispers of sweet nothings, and feelings of comfort and love.

A dance of a phoenix and with a celestial star, two beings of eternity, forever intertwined.

Sunset lied awake, covered only in the blanket which came up over her chest. What remained of her clothes were strewn off to the side, along with Twilight’s. Speaking of which, the purple girl was lying next to her, cuddling close to the warm body of her lover as Sunset draped her right arm around the nerdy girl.

The last few hours were, as cliche as it was, and for lack of a better word, magical. Sunset had had a few intimate moments with some ponies back in Equestria, both mare and stallion, but they never meant anything. Just something to scratch that itch, same thing applied even in this human world. Of course she avoided doing anything intimate with males, unlike her pony body, her human body was able to get pregnant outside of her cycle. So she stuck to other girls, which she didn’t mind, she found human female bodies to have their perks in some ways.

But like before, they were only one-night-stands, only done for pleasure and nothing more. What she just shared with Twilight, it was more than just sex, they…made love. There was no empty feeling in this, she felt, whole, Twilight was always going to be by her side, and Sunset was going to make sure that she would always remain by hers, and never hurt her.

Sunset angled her head and kissed Twilight on the forehead, making her girlfriend smile in content.

“I love you, Twilight.”

‘Well, guess it was about time the two you finally said it. I’m glad.’

Sunset eyes widened, she scanned the hut, but it didn’t take her long before she spotted the source of the voice. At first, she thought it was Hel, it definitely sounded like her, but she looked…different.

Hel was sitting in the corner, her normal bat-like wings were gone, instead they were black feathered, raven wings. Her form was less demon like, and more like an older female, her hair was still flaming and undulating. The skin was made of violet plasma, and her eyes flickered with azure flames.


The fire angel looked at herself, her expression looking puzzled. ‘Not sure anymore, I don’t even think Hel is what I am, or maybe I was? In any case, I am happy about what you two have become, it’s nice.’

Sunset held onto Twilight tighter, still unsure of what this new fusion monster could be. “Thanks, I guess…what do you want?”

‘I just wanted to let you know that whatever you two are doing, it’s changing me, and what I am.’ Hel stood up and looked at herself again, and then to the couple. ‘I don’t recommend fusing into me if you can help it, it might be bad for you and everyone.’

Sunset raised an eyebrow at that, it sounded like genuine concern was in her voice, as opposed to the normally sadistic and evil tone in her voice.

“Why…not that I’m complaining?” Sunset asked.

Hel looked at herself, energy flickering off her fingers. ‘Because I don’t think I could control our power, and I’d rather not see you two hurt.’ The amalgamation disappeared and reappeared next to Twilight, making Sunset’s heart race with fear, however, all that vanished when she saw how gently Hel brushed her hand against Twilight’s cheek. ‘She really is cute, when she’s sleeping.’

Sunset looked down at Twilight, smiling at her as the warmth in her heart grew.

‘And you are as well, Sunset, you’re both beautiful…’

“What -!”

Sunset looked back at Hel, but she was gone. She was sure this time, not being able to sense her presence anymore. One thing was for sure, Sunset wasn’t going to be able to get what she saw out of her head, Hel was changing, because they were changing. Whether or not this would be for the better was still yet to be determined.


It had been a long time since he’d been on site, and put time into a project. Project Skull was his brainchild, but it was made apparent that these Firestorm girls were becoming stronger and stronger, and that was something that this man couldn’t have.

His name was Crazy Rich, aka Miser of the Organization. His sandy colored skin, and graying hair, and eyes that could burn your very soul. Crazy Rich, or Mr. Rich as he preferred when out in the world, learned from an early age that money was power, and anyone who said otherwise was either a fool or holding a trump card.

Money had the power to command loyalty, money had the power to turn over whole nations, money had the power to buy and sell another human beings’ freedom, and it could even make the most sensible of men become your personal jester just for a chance to be rich. When he was young, Crazy Rich’s father showed him the wonders that money could bring, as well as the debaucheries he could indulge in.

His son, Filthy Rich, was a bitter disappointment. He tried to show him the proper use of money and the power it brought, but Filthy Rich didn’t want any of it, so Crazy Rich disowned him. Last he heard, Filthy Rich was doing quite well as a businessman, and was quite wealthy. Even had a child.

Miser scoffed, happy he had disowned him a long time ago. When the world is chaos, he would make sure to save all three of them, if for nothing else than to serve as his personal entertainment, and maybe some experimentation on his granddaughter, the little wretch, Diamond - whatever, could be useful due to her young age.

But now, Miser had another wretch to deal with. For months and weeks now, Dusk had barely done a thing to stop the two rogue Firestorms and now he had been hold up in the labs, working on god knows what. That was fine, Miser was working on something of his own, something that would require the use of the Firestorm Protocols.

The old man walked into the lab, many of the scientists and soldiers paused, either to greet him or to salute him as he walked by. Miser’s eyes gleamed with maniacal glee as he gazed upon the latest creation of his wealth. It was a gigantic mechanical suit, with polished onyx colored armor, along with red plates. The chest plate had four open ports, with engraved lines that seemed like circuits to channel energy through the machine.

This juggernaut of a machine was going to put Dusk Shine’s Firestorm Protocols to better use. The old man amber colored eyes looked one of the scientists, making him stiffen to attention.

“Is it ready yet?”

“A-Almost sir! We just need to the Protocols and then we can run final tests.”

“Not a problem.” Miser snapped his fingers, two soldiers walked up, each carrying a suitcase. They placed the suitcases on the tables and punched in a code to open them. The cases hissed as coolant fog seeped out of it. A glow emitted from the two cases, making all set their eyes on what laid inside. To the multitude of gasps, they beheld four of the Firestorm Protocols.

“Install them in the Titannus and begin setting it up for operation.”

The scientists nodded and began handling the Protocols, Miser was about to get his money’s worth soon.

“Well, well, well, I thought my inventory was short a few Protocols.”

Everyone in the room turned their heads at once, looking towards the entrance as Dusk Shine entered, carrying himself in his usual superior demeanor. Miser never turned, instead he smirked.

“I’m surprised you noticed anything. You’ve been so preoccupied with your pet project that you haven’t even taken care of your other one,” said Miser.

“I’m currently taking steps towards that. The fact of the matter is that there still much about the Firestorm Matrix that those girls possess that we don’t know about, something that Professor Neigh hasn’t put into his notes. But I believe I am close to figuring it out, with a little more time -”

Miser chuckled loudly. “‘Time’?! Time is one thing you don’t have my boy, both literally and figuratively, am I right?”

Dusk Shine glared at the old man, but let it go for now. “I won’t deny that, small, setback, but I can guarantee you that this apparatus will not succeed. The Firestorm Protocols on their own are a good power source, but without a human being to be merged with, their true power cannot be accessed.”

“Humph, I’m well aware of that, boy! That is why the Titannus isn’t just fueled by the Protocols, but can fuse with its pilot, channels their energy, refining it, funneling it into the pilot for a perfect blend of man-machine-atomic interface! A virtual titan, stronger than a god!”

Miser turned and grinned at Dusk Shine. “Even stronger than those two little girls and their Matrix.”

“I’m near doubtful that you can succeed in this endeavor, at best this a waste of money. Then again, you have plenty of it, so it’s probably nothing more than a drop in the bucket for you.”

Miser stamped his cane against the floor. “You don’t seem very optimistic.”

“Considering their annoying track record, I have little doubt that whomever you get to pilot that metal monstrosity will surely be torn apart, suit and all.”

Dusk Shine turned around and made his exit, all while Miser continued to bore holes into the back of the young man’s head with his glare. He truly despised that thing, that failed attempt at recreating the one good thing that could’ve been. The girl they spawned in their lab was a one of a kind, truly worthy successor to the Organization should she had been allowed mature and learn. Dusk Shine was only a pale imitation, all the brains and even a lethal, killer instinct to match, but his flaw was in his biology. Soon Dusk Shine’s body would give out, his rapid cellular degeneration would eventually claim him and he’d be no more.

So Miser only had to suffer him for a little while longer, getting every they could squeeze out of him until they were sure his usefulness was at its end, and then, whether by his cells or by a bullet, he’d die and Miser could only hope to be there and witness it. For now though, the Titannus needed his attention, the time was soon approaching when he’d put those girls in their place, once and for all.

And then, Dusk Shine, I’ll be coming for you!

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