• Published 3rd Feb 2015
  • 5,618 Views, 348 Comments

MLDC: Firestorm Crisis - Michael_Ravencroft

Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, total opposites, the bad girl, and the studious girl. But one fateful night will change everything for them, and quite possiblly the world.

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Entry 39: Welcome to the Show (Part 2)

Spike whimpered a little in his sleep, his breathing hurt a little, but Fluttershy was able to give him some painkillers she took from the animal shelter before their escape. Despite the drugs in his system, it did not numb him to the feeling that Twilight was lying beside him, curled in protection around him. Despite the injuries, Spike was not unaware of their situation, having been listening as much as he could to their conversations.

He remembered clearly, Twilight’s mother had been acting just as she normally did in the morning, pouring food into his bowl and filling his water tray. Twilight’s mother’s mate had left earlier that day and it was just the two of them, what with Twilight spending the night with her mate.

Spike had wanted to tell her thank you, but remembered that Twilight wanted to break the news of the talking dog to her personally, and with everything that was going on, Spike didn’t want to add to the stress.

As he was chowing down on the food, Twilight’s mother had turned on the box with moving pictures and sound, for the life of him Spike could never get any of the dogs he saw in that thing to talk back to him no matter how many times he barked.

However, it was at that time while she was drinking the strong smelling liquid that things changed. Three girls appeared on the moving picture box and began to sing, Spike had recognized them immediately from the night at Sunset’s. Spike stopped his munching and growled at the moving picture box.

“Oh Spike it’s just a music show,” said Velvet. “Although those dance moves are a bit on the suggestive side…”

Suddenly, Spike began to see a change in Twilight’s mother. She was unconsciously swaying to the melody of the song, her eyes transfixed as they continued to sing.

Spike’s sensitive ears could hear something, something under the singing, and a tone that was making his animal instincts blare out that this was something wrong and dangerous. After a minute of the song, Twilight’s mother wore as scowl and looked down at him with disgust, storming out of the kitchen and going upstairs.

It was at that time that Spike heard Sunset’s two wheeled machine and ran to the window, and the rest was history.

Spike stirred again in his sleep, his keen eyes picking up on movement in the dark, he made ready to attack despite his injury but quickly paused when he picked up on the familiar scent of Sunset. When she got closer, Sunset petted his head for a moment, and then began stroking Twilight’s hair for another moment.

Sunset took something out of her jacket and then placed it on the nightstand next to the bed. Spike weakly raised his head and called out, “S-Sunset…?”

The fiery haired girl placed her index finger to her lips, signifying silence, and then shook her head. Spike knew she and Twilight could talk, something to do with their minds or something. Unfortunately, Spike couldn’t quite read human writing, yet. Twilight had promised the canine that she would teach him to read, so even if she wanted to say something with her electronic box, there was no way for him to understand what the weird shapes and lines meant.

Sunset gave a small, sad smile as she left the room. The painkillers were still making him drowsy, despite his wanting to go after Sunset, something told him this was wrong, he could sense it, see it in her eyes. But the medicine was strong, and before he knew it, Spike was back asleep, muttering the words, “Sunset…don’t go…”


Sunset managed to hotwire a car and drove to the address that Adagio has sent her. All along the way she watched as the citizens of Canterlot City stood in a perfect row, as if showing her the way, blocking off streets so that she would not make a wayward turn, or if she did it would cost her the lives of the people she had to plow through in order to do so.

The fiery haired girl pulled up to the expensive looking hotel, where a valet was already waiting for her and opened the door for her. Two door attendants opened the door for Sunset and she was brought into the main foyer of the Frosthay Hotel. It was definitely a lavish hotel, for the rich and wealthy to stay and enjoy the finer things of life. Some of the windows in the lobby were actually stained glass, depicting mythical images from stories that Sunset had perused when she first arrived on Earth.

Sunset strode up to the front desk, where a man was standing at attention, she then took out her phone and typed the words, [I’m here to see Adagio Dazzle.]

The man nodded and picked up the phone. “Madam, your guest has arrived.” The man nodded and few before hanging up the phone. “Mistress Adagio is awaiting for you in the penthouse suite, top floor.”

Of course, she thought.

A bellhop showed Sunset to the elevator, the elevator itself was glass, most likely reinforced, in order to allow an unobstructed view of the city. The sun began to crest over the horizon, bathing the sky in hues of orange and red, chasing the darkness of night away. Sunset still couldn’t get over it, how the sun and moon moved in this world without the aid of a powerful magical being to do so. After reading a slew of science books, she learned that it was due to the gravity the sun generated, having caught planets to swirl around it in orbits.

Science explained a lot, but not everything. The more she delved into it, the more she found that there were some aspects of the world and universe that could not be explained, case in point the Firestorm Protocols, created to explore the power of the so called “god particle”, the source of creation. But Sunset supposed that went hand-in-hand, not even magic could explain a lot of things back in Equestria, and science was still a fledgling field of study that it produced some simple things that later became necessity.

Sunset’s pondering stopped when the elevator halted at the top floor. The bellhop ushered Sunset off and lead her to a pair of double doors, he then knocked on the door and announced, “Mistress Adagio, you have a visitor.”

The door opened immediately, Sunset cast her gaze, well, anywhere but on Adagio. The alpha Siren had apparently not cared to fully dress, having answered the door in her bathrobe, again, and leaving the top notoriously loose to display her assets.

“Sunny, so glad you could come. That’ll be all,” said Adagio as she waved off the bellhop. “Well come in, make yourself at home. The least I can do since we kind of do that at your place.”

Sunset, reluctantly, entered the posh living space. It seemed that Adagio’s fellow Siren sisters were of a similar lax dress code. Aria was lounging on the couch, wearing a baggy t-shirt and black underwear. While Sonata was busy cooking breakfast in the large kitchen, which pretty much put Sunset’s dinky apartment to shame. She was wearing a cliché “Kiss the Cook” apron, and if Sunset didn’t know any better she swore that the blue Siren wasn’t wearing anything underneath that apron.

The former unicorn just had to keep reminding herself what she was here for, and not think about how attractive each of them were. Sparky in a bathrobe, Sparky in a bathrobe, Sparky in a bathrobe!

Adagio chuckled as she noticed the flustered expression on Sunset’s face. “Now Sunset, it’s alright to enjoy the view, no need to keep your head looking down at the floor or up to the ceiling.”

Sunset took out her cellphone, typed, and then showed it to Adagio. [Is this some sort of psychological tactic of yours?! Walking around in skimpy clothing, if for nothing at all then to try and seduce me to your side?!]

Adagio chuckled heartedly at that. “Oh Sunny, this is our home, this is how we dress when we’re here. If it makes you feel any better, you can change out of that outfit, I can have another robe brought up or if you, or if you prefer, you can go around in nothing at all.”

Sunset’s face was becoming redder than a tomato, she then typed furiously and showed the message. [Can we please just get to business already?!]

“Uh-uh, you know the rules, Sunny, Sonata’s cooking is not to be wasted, to the table.” Adagio then glanced towards the couch. “You too, Aria, she’s nearly done.”

The grumpy Siren sighed and got up from her comfortable position on the couch. Sunset walked towards the table, she waited and watched were Aria was going to sit, seeing that there were four chairs and did not know the seating arrangements of the Sirens.

After Aria took her seat, and Adagio, Sunset took the seat across from the alpha Siren. Sonata, having completed her cooking, brought a variety of breakfast dishes, French toast, pancakes, eggs, bacon, orange juice, regular toast, and sausage. One of the stacks had chocolate chips and whipped cream on it, Sunset figured it was for Sonata, but saw a blush on Aria’s face when the stack was placed in front of her.

“Ari loves my chocolate chip pancakes!” Sonata commented. “I thought I’d make them, since it was a special occasion.”

Aria looked embarrassed by her specially made pancake order, earning a smirk from Sunset. Sonata came up beside Sunset, putting down a couple of plates with just a simple spread of eggs, bacon, pancakes, and toast. While she was doing this, Sunset glanced to her left a little and quickly put her gaze forward, realizing that Sonata’s apron was the only clothing she had on.

“I didn’t know exactly what you eat in the morning, so I just fixed the standard, do you drink coffee or do you like OJ?” Sonata asked cheerfully.

Sunset typed on her phone, [orange juice is fine.]

Sonata happily reached over and grabbed the pitcher and poured Sunset a glass of OJ. The whole time this was happening, Sunset felt weird. Here she was, in the proverbial lion’s den, with three dangerous creatures from her home world that the greatest unicorn sorcerer who ever lived banished.

These three who overnight took over the city, where just sitting here, enjoying breakfast as if they were just normal roommates. Well, normal would be a stretch, roommates wouldn’t quite define their relationship, if anything, Sunset would have to call them all girlfriends, lovers. With Adagio being the obvious alpha of the group, such a thing didn’t bother Sunset, herd relationships were not uncommon in Equestria. Although you didn’t see much of them in Canterlot, that wasn’t to say it wasn’t still practiced.

“Aria, would you please hand me Sunny’s gem?” Adagio asked.

The purple Siren looked to Adagio incredulous. “Seriously?! She’s going to go Firestorm the moment you give her voice back!”

Adagio eyed Sunset, regarding her for a moment before she gave a thoughtful hum. “No, I don’t think she will. You remember my etiquette in regards to wasting Sonata’s cooking, right?”

Sunset nodded.

Aria glanced to Sunset, narrowing her eyes as she huffed. Sunset didn’t notice since Aria was wearing her ruby jewel necklace, but there was another necklace, with a thin golden chain hanging around her neck. Aria reached into her shirt and pulled out the other end of the necklace, which had the very orange gemstone that Sunset saw in the video yesterday.

“Don’t you have all this food Sona made go to waste, got it?!” Aria warned.

Sunset leveled her gaze with Aria, she then gave a slow but firm nod.

With that understood, Aria took the gemstone into her hand, and crushed it. A small light was emitting from inside her closed fist, Aria then opened her hand and blew an orb of orange light towards Sunset. The orb floated along the breath of air until it gently settled against Sunset’s throat, melting in until it disappeared.

Sunset coughed for a few moments, but then, “W-What was – I-I can talk?!”

“You’re welcome,” said Aria in a sour tone.

“Such is our power, Sunny, a little hidden power that many don’t know about. The ability to steal another’s voice.” Adagio explained.

Sunset rubbed the spot where the light of her voice returned. For a brief moment she contemplated uttering the command word to transform and attack them all while they were still off guard. However, when she turned to the blue Siren, Sonata, that resolve melted away as she watched her butter a slice of toast and offer it to her.

The fiery haired girl reached out and took the offered toast, she then smiled and said, “Thank you.”

Sonata smiled back and began eating her meal.

“Well then, let’s enjoy.”


The girls took to sleeping in one room, what with the hordes of people looking for them, it was better to have everyone together. Pinkie Pie was sleeping on the floor in her designated sleeping bag, her rear in the air as she slept in an undignified manner.

Fluttershy slept next to Rainbow Dash, despite the two not being a couple, it didn’t stop the pink haired girl from curling up next to her best friend, feeling safer when close to Rainbow. Of course, Rainbow didn’t mind, having draped an arm over the shy girl and keeping her close.

Rarity and Applejack slept in the same bed, with the fashionista nestled close to the farm girl, both with content smiles amidst the chaos. Applejack learned early on after the start of their relationship that Rarity liked to be…handsy in her sleep. By which Rarity would somehow find a way to fondle Applejack in their sleep, either on here rear, chest, or…ahem…let’s just say it made for some awkward sleeping.


All five girls sprang to attention, covering their ears as they felt the psychic shout of Twilight ring through their heads. There was loud thumping coming from down the hall, the door to the bedroom swung open, showing a distraught Twilight.

“Have any of you seen Sunset?!” Twilight asked.

The girls rubbed their heads, trying to shake off the headache that they had just been given. Once their senses returned they were able to process what Twilight asked.

“What do ya mean, Surgarcube? She ain’t with ya?” Applejack asked.

“No, I woke up and she wasn’t there! I checked all over but she’s not in here! DO YOU THINK SHE WAS TAKEN?! THE SIRENS MUST’VE COME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT AND –!”

“TWILIGHT!” The girls shouted.

Twilight snapped out of her worry and noticed that all five girls were holding their heads and scrunching their faces in pain. It dawned on Twilight that her thoughts were literally screaming in their heads, her worry amplifying those thoughts in her friends’ skulls. Twilight took a moment to calm down.

“I-I’m sorry, I-I didn’t mean to I…sorry.”

Pinkie Pie managed to get up and walk over to Twilight, she then began hugging the genius girl and stroking her hair. “It’s alright, you’re just worried about your girlfriend, completely normal behavior in crazy, apocalyptic stuff like this!”

“Think back, Twi, was she acting weird? Mind controlled?” Rainbow asked.

“No…she was fine, she told me to head to bed and see to Spike. I completely knocked out last night I don’t remember seeing her, but she wouldn’t have just left, right?”

Rarity bit her bottom lip, afraid to put this out there, but in a way it had to be said. “You don’t suppose she may have gone to confront the Sirens on her own…do you?”

Applejack smacked her forehead. “Somethin’ tells me she would, they are from her world after all. She may feel like she’s gotta take care of this business herself.”

“No…Sunset wouldn’t, s-she couldn’t…”


All eyes turned to the hallway, the girls rushed out and saw Spike leaning up against the wall, the little dog panted hard as a piece of paper laid in front of him.

“Spike!” Fluttershy gasped as she rushed towards him. “You shouldn’t be moving around!”

“T-The…The paper, Sunset left it…last night,” said Spike in a ragged tone.

Twilight quickly took the piece of paper, her mind reading the note aloud to the others.

Dear Twilight

I’ve worked the formulas of the spell out, but it won’t work. We need more power than what you and I have in our current state to overcome the Sirens’ spell. We can’t involve Nu, I’m afraid that they’ll syphon his magic and become too strong for the both us.

So…I’m going to get our voices back. I don’t think they’ll kill me, if that’s all they wanted then they would’ve done so already, but they need me – well they need us to be exact. So I might be able to use that to my advantage, and if I’m lucky I can get both of our voices, at the least get yours back.

The counter spell may work with you and the girls adding their voices to yours to amplify the energy, but you’ll need something loud to make sure it rings out through the city.

I don’t plan on dying today Sparky, and I don’t plan on this world being taken over or destroyed so soon after actually finding somepony somebody that I love, sorry old habits. And…because I know you all are reading this too…you all annoy me on some level, but…you guys are also the only ones I’ve ever been able to call friends.

See you soon girls, and you too Sparky.


Sunset Shimmer

Twilight’s eyes teared up after reading the letter, but when she looked to her friends, she saw that they too were crying a little, Applejack and Rainbow Dash tried to hide the fact that there were tears coming down, maintaining a stoic expression, but it was clear that the letter had hit them in the heart.

“That stupid idiot,” said Rainbow as she rubbed the tears from her eyes. “Now she’s got me all sappy.”

“Shoot…Sunset ya really know how hit where it hurts,” said Applejack as she quickly sniffed.

Pinkie was uncharacteristically silent for a few moments before whipping out her cellphone from her puffy, curly hair. She hit the speed dial and waited a moment before shouting, “WE NEED YOU HERE, ASAP! WE’RE GOIN’ TO WAR!” She then turned to her friends who looked at her in shock after hearing the tone of voice she used. “What, we’re not letting Sunset fight evil by herself! We need to move out!”

After a few seconds the sound of tires screeching to a halt and a car horn sounding drew their attention. Most of the girls, with the exception of Fluttershy, rushed to one of the window and saw a white Volkswagen bug car, albeit modified, sitting outside Rarity’s shop. A girl with neon blue hair, rosy-purple tinted sunglasses, and headphones, the girl nodded to the beat of the music she was listening to, she then looked up and waved to the girls.

“W-Wait moment, is…is that Vinyl Scratch?” Rarity asked.

“Yep!” Pinkie replied.

“How is she not being controlled by the Sirens?” Rainbow asked.

Pinkie Pie pointed to the girls headphones. “She never takes them off.”

“I’m not really sure how that works, but she does have all your instruments! Fluttershy, do what you can to help Spike, we’re leaving as quickly as possible!” Twilight ordered.

“But Twilight, I-I don’t think we should leave him,” said Fluttershy.

“The best and fastest way to help Spike is to beat the Sirens and get him to a Vet who isn’t mind controlled,” said Twilight.


“Please just do as I ask, Fluttershy!”

The shy girl began to narrow her gaze at Twilight. She knew she wanted to help Sunset, but it would be a waste all around if Spike ended up dying because of her rash call to action. But, before the animal lover could lay into Twilight, she noticed tears coming down from her eyes as she glanced to Spike. It dawned on Fluttershy that Twilight’s words were true, as the city was now, there was zero chance of Spike getting proper help. The faster they defeated the Sirens and got the city back to normal, the faster they could get Spike proper medical attention.

Spike raised his head, seeing the concerned looks he was given. “I’ll be fine, Twi. Go, help Sunset, and beat those monsters…”

Twilight walked over to Fluttershy and Spike and knelt down before them, she petted the small dog’s head and looked to Fluttershy and nodded. “Twilight says ‘We won’t be gone long, we’ll defeat them quickly and get you help, but please be strong Spike’.”

Spike’s expression grew more confident. “I’ve never doubted you, ever. I won’t start now.”

Twilight nodded with a confident smile of her own. Her hands began to glow as her magical aura raged. “Let’s go, we have a city and a friend to save.”

After breakfast was done, Adagio made her way to the large window wall that overlooked the city below. In her right hand she swirled around a glass of OJ Sonata had poured for her, sipping it and savoring the taste.

Sunset walked up beside the alpha Siren, peering out into the distance as well. “You ever afraid someone’s peeping on you guys when you dress like that?”

Adagio chuckled. “From up here? If they are then I’d have to applaud their efforts to try and sneak a peek, I might even give them something to look at. Unfortunately for them, the windows are tinted, and are one-way. We can look out, but no one can look in, the luxuries of the rich.”

Sunset sighed. “Look, I get your point. You, all three of you, are powerful and could take over everything without no sweat.”


“So release them, I know you get your power from negative emotions, and I don’t doubt that you’ve drunken in more than enough to extend your lives and make you all powerful,” said Sunset.

Adagio took another sip before speaking. “Say I do release them, then what? They go back to their miserable little lives, trifling about, committing crimes and the like, and living in squalour. Under our control they will be useful and have purpose. At least we can avoid the world imploding on itself. Besides, with you, Twilight, and the three of us together, there’s not a force on this planet that can stop us. Not the Organization, not even Dusk Shine.”

Sunset turned to the alpha Siren and narrowed her gaze. “I don’t get it, why do you want us to join you so bad?! I already told you that the portal will open up in a couple of years, less than that now, so why?!”

Adagio downed the last of her orange juice and chucked the glass over her shoulder, she then turned to Sunset, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she stared back. “Because, to be honest, you remind me of myself, and yet, you’re so much different. You strive for greater ambitions, and aren’t afraid to do what is necessary in order to see those ambitions made true, and at the same time you’ve not forgotten the one you love.”

Sunset growled at Adagio. “I am nothing like you! I am--was a scheming, lying, manipulative, aggressive bitch before! But that’s not me, I won’t become some kind of monster! I’ve seen what that will lead to……and I want no part of it!”

Adagio smirked and sauntered over to Sunset, she then delicately placed her hand underneath her chin and stared into those aquamarine eyes. “You fear your own power and greatness, you fear the monster within. You fear you can’t temper it, but that’s because you were alone before, Sunset. My lovers and I have learned to unleash that monster within, and tame it. Yet, we haven’t lost sight of what and who we are.”

The alpha Siren slowly turned Sunset’s head in Sonata’s direction. “Sonata was cast aside by our people as a worthless urchin, overlooking the brilliance she possessed. She may seem ditzy, but she is quite observant, and sweet.”

Adagio then moved out of the way and allowed an unobstructed view of Aria back on the couch again. “Aria’s father was killed because he was deemed a coward, despite the fact that he fought hoof and fang to protect the border and stop a horde of sharks coming to our hippocampus city. Aria’s fierce, and gruff exterior belies her kindness and loyalty.”

Sunset was now becoming keenly aware of how Adagio was pressing up against her back.

“And me? I was nothing but a youngling, same as them, my only role was being a glorified concubine to our king. But I escaped, and I found them, together we formed our bond of friendship, and later love. We stormed the shores of Equestria, seeking to carve out our own slice of paradise for ourselves! Until…well, let’s not open up old wounds.”

Sunset then noticed that somehow her leather jacket had slipped off, and that Adagio was gently hugging her from behind.

“You too are misunderstood, your wanting for greater things is not a sin, but part of who you are. Striving for greatness is not a crime, but it does need tempering, take it from somehow who tried to reach for more too quickly,” said Adagio. “You and Twilight are the same, you who don’t belong in this world, and she, one who had no choice but to bear the burden of being used for notorious deeds. You both found each other, and found us, be a part of our family.”

Sunset watched as Adagio caressed her, she hated to admit it, but she liked it, and she liked what Adagio was saying. Both have been handed crap in their lives, Sunset and her folks were in poverty and when she rose like a phoenix from it, she was denied her destiny. Twilight was born to be used as a weapon, to further the agendas of greedy humans and to cause death to others. In some ways, they were not dissimilar from the Sirens.

“It does sound good, and we could all five rule this world without breaking a sweat,” said Sunset.

“Of course.”

“But I’ll decline.” Suddenly, the body of Sunset that Adagio was caressing evaporated and in a flash and reappeared behind Adagio. She then grabbed ahold of her, locking Adagio’s arm at her back and placing her hand over the alpha’s mouth. “I have a family of my own in this world, and I really rather not seem them hurt.”

Aria sprang off the couch, dashing towards them and coming to a halt a couple of feet before Adagio and Sunset. Sonata saw what was going on, and her expression changed from sweet and innocent, to fierce and angered.

“Whoa now you two, don’t get ahead of yourselves,” warned Sunset.

“Let Dagi go, now,” growled Sonata.

“You two faced little – you were playing us the whole time!” Aria accused.

“Not the whole time, I wanted to hear what you guys out and I did come here to get mine and Twilight’s voices back, which reminds me. If Aria had my voice,” Sunset’s gaze turned to Sonata. “I’m guessing Sonata has Twilight’s.”

Sonata flinched and Sunset knew she was right.

“I like you guys, but I love Twilight. And just like you, Dagi, I’ll do whatever I can to protect my lover. So, Sonata, give me Twilight’s voice, and I’ll let Adagio go.”

Aria scoffed at the demand. “You forget, there’s one of you and two of us.”

“Yeah, I didn’t forget.” Suddenly, Sunset’s body began to glow with aquamarine light, the light steadily growing brighter and brighter with each passing second. “I had learned a spell in the forbidden section of Princess Celestia’s library. It’s called Final Atonement in old Equish, basically having the caster channel all their reserves of magical energy, and even their very life force into one powerful explosion of magic. The size and destructive force of the blast is determined by the power of the caster. Weak magic users will have a small detonation, enough to demolish a room this size. But considering it’s me, well, this building’s going to lose ten plus floors.”

Sonata and Aria glanced to each other in a bit of shock, they knew Sunset Shimmer was a schemer, but they never thought she’d reduce herself to a living bomb to just take them out.

What you three don’t know is that this is nothing but a bright as hell illumination spell, but hopefully I can get out of this before Adagio realizes it, those two on the other hand…

“You two can probably escape the blast zone if you leave now, but then, Adagio and I will be meeting the All Mother Faust together.”

Sonata and Aria wanted to attack Sunset, she could see it in their eyes. They truly loved Adagio, so much so that it was practical torture to make them feel this helpless.

“Ari…?” Sonata asked.

Aria growled in frustration. “We give you the gemstone, and you let her go, promise me!”

Adagio glanced to her Siren lovers and then to Sunset. The fiery haired girl nodded slowly. “I will let her go, but only after you give me the stone, and you better hurry.” The glow became even brighter, with flares of magical energy shooting off from her body. It was all show, something she learned from Trixie, but it made them jump in fear. “You’d better hurry, the longer you take the harder it will be for me to stop the chain reaction.”

Sonata hurriedly reached down her apron and pulled out the gemstone, snapping the chain off and presenting it to Sunset. “Here take it, just leave Dagi alone!”

Sunset nodded to the gemstone, wrapping it in a telekinetic aura and made it float to her. “Thank you ladies, now I have only one word for you……FIRESTORM!!!

The glass windows shattered as an immense spike in power erupted from the top of the Frosthay Spire Hotel. Sunset, in Firestorm form, flew out of the penthouse suite and positioned herself high above the hotel. She then raised her hands into the air, and above her formed a giant sphere of plasma fire, one that was growing bigger by the second. No doubt that the Sirens were probably disoriented from her transformation, and with one good blast she’d be able end the threat once and for all.

Then again there are the innocent people no doubt still inside…but if I don’t they’ll still be killed…The sphere began shrink. Collateral damage…justify it that way…it’s justifiable right?!

The sphere grew again, crackling with even more power. Just as she was about to end the threat, something else popped into her mind, Sonata’s smile as she handed her the toast, the content look on Aria’s face as she enjoyed the pancakes that were made for her, and the loving smile that Adagio would send both of her lovers when she thought Sunset wasn’t looking. As she thought on this, the sphere grew smaller and smaller. Were they really the evil creatures that Starswirl the Bearded banished? Can evil creatures like them really feel that kind of deep love for each other? Were they truly that irredeemable?

“You’ll regret that, Sunny,” said Adagio.


The entire penthouse went up as three separate lights shined in the rubble. Storm clouds began to gather, covering the sky darkness. The light shifted, transforming into an ominous green from within the dust cloud. With an intense burst of power, the dust cloud was pushed away, revealing the Sirens.

Sonata’s body was covered in a kind of coral armor, it ran up both her arms and legs, with a breastplate that covered most of her upper body, and everything below the waist, but left her midriff exposed. Below the armor, her body was made of blue plasma, blue as the sky. Two pointed shells covered her ears, as shell ring held Sonata’s azure blue fire hair into its ponytail form. On the left side of Sonata’s chest plate was the symbol of the red sun, but at the center sun was a symbol of a heart with an electric eighth note in front of it, and off to the right side were two other red orbs.

Aria appeared next. The silver armor around her forearms had a sharp dorsal fin, like a shark, with the tips of each finger clawed. Her leg armor only came up to her knee, with the front of both lined up with spikes that looked like shark teeth.Her shoulder pauldrons were shaped to resemble that of a shark's head, while her chest armor covered her torso, much akin to that of a one piece bathing suit. Upon her head was a sharp adornment that was shaped like an M, her body was made of purple plasma, while her flaming hair was violet, held together by spiked rings. The red sun symbol was on her right side, and in the sun was a two-toned star combined with a forte symbol.

And finally Adagio. her outfit was less armor, and more of a velvety cloth. Her chest was covered up by the that very same cloth, allowing for some suggestive cleavage to show. Around her waist was the skirt, the edges trimmed in gold. She wore no boots, but rather sandals akin to that of the ancient greeks, colored gold along with bracelets on her wrists. Her body was made of yellow plasma, and her hair of golden flames. Her sun symbol was like a tattoo on her body, with the red sun on her stomach, within the symbol was another, a gem with a G-clef behind it.

All three had two things that were the same from their transformations, their ruby gemstones had become imbedded into their bodies like their originals forms from long ago, each bore translucent, sparkling wings that looked a lot like fish fins, and lastly and, their eyes were glowing blood red.

“Looks like we’ll have to discipline her, huh, Dagi?” Aria asked.

“Indeed Aria, little Sunny will have to be punished for showing such poor manners,” replied Adagio.

“Oh, oh, are we doing the fun kinky kind of punishment or the regular kind?” Sonata asked.

Aria smacked her forehead. “Go back to sleep Sonata.”

All three drew in breath, and in a single voice they sang.

“♪Ahh, ah-ah, ahh
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ahh, ah-ah, ah, ah-ah
Ah-ha, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah

Sunset watched from her perch in the sky, sensing the build up of magical energy. With her enhanced vision, and the return of her magical senses, she was able to see how a green sparkling mist began to rise from the city itself and swirl around the hotel. The rubies on the girls’ chest glowed brighter and brighter. The mist began to seep into their gemstones, making their very auras shine, and their eyes blaze.

“♪Welcome to the show.♪”

“♪ Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah~ ♪”

“♪We're here to let you know.♪”

“♪ Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah~ ♪”

“♪Our time is now. ♪”

“♪ Ah-ah-ah-ah, ah~ ♪”

“♪Your time is running out. ♪”

“♪Ah, ah, ah~♪”

“♪Ah-ha, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah
Ah-ha, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah

Sunset wasted little time and began heading back towards her friends to give Twilight’s voice back. As Sunset flew, she felt a spike in magical energy, and it was heading right for her. When Sunset looked behind her, she saw nothing. “What the…?”

“Hey, Sunset Shimmer.”

Sonata Dusk had appeared on Sunset’s left, and with a graceful pirouette, brought down her right foot in a ax kick right in the middle of Sunset’s back. The blow was so strong that it created a thundering boom that rang out through the city. Sunset barely had any time to register blow before she was into a sharp freefall to the pavement down below. A dust cloud column shot up from the point of impact. In the crater down below.

Sunset groaned as she dragged herself out of the crater she had made. Her legs felt numb, no doubt the blow having struck a part of her spine that controlled the legs, thankfully her rapid healing was already in effect and repairing the internal damage. Sunset concentrated and floated up into the air, her legs dangling useless underneath her for the moment. When she looked up, she saw a smiling Sonata Dusk hovering over her.

“Yeah, I’m like really fast,” Sonata placed her hands together and immediately sparks of lightning began to arc from them, “like really fast.”

Sonata fired down a cerulean lightning bolt, Sunset was about to speed away, but noticed that there were still civilians in the area. Normally the people would’ve ran away by now, but since they were mind controlled drones they couldn’t. Sunset gritted her teeth as she summoned a magic shield overhead, with her left hand she pointed towards the road, atomic rings formed as she began to channel her nuclear energy. With a fierce cry, Sunset fired a beam of atomic plasma energy straight up through her barrier, clashing with Sonata’s lightning bolt.

It was already apparent to her how strong the Siren was, the boost of negative energy was making her stronger. However, before Sunset could contemplate another strategy she was struck across the face by an armored fist. The crimson Firestorm was sent flying until she struck the side of the building, smashing through several walls before stopping on the other side and landing against a catering van.

Sunset’s healing factor had finally worked to repair her damaged nerves to her legs, allowing her to stand, now it had to work on the rest of her as she tore herself out from the fiberglass. From the hole she was punched through she saw her attacker, Aria Blaze.

With a flash of her red eyes, the dorsal fins on her gauntlets had atomic rings form on them, and in the next second the fins extended into crescent blades. She then took a fighting stance and shot off after Sunset. The purple Siren spun in the air for a moment before coming down with her right blade, Sunset fired a burst of heat from her left hand, using it as a jet to dodge the attack. The blade slashed through the remainder of the truck, but the force generated by the cut even cut a groove into the sidewalk pavement behind it.

Sunset quickly placed the bead with Twilight’s voice into a pocket dimension, freeing up her right hand. Into both hands Sunset summoned one sword made of aquamarine light and one of pure plasma fire. Sunset took a stance, and so too did Aria, both girls squaring off as they awaited the other’s first move.

A piece of rubble from the building fell to the ground and immediately the two dashed to each other, Aria came in with her left blade, while Sunset attack with her right sword. The two blades clashed, sending a shockwave that shattered the glass around them and forced the two of them back. Aria didn’t waste time and came in again, spinning and slashing with her blades, Sunset countered her attacks with both swords, but was finding it increasingly difficult to land a blow.

Aria’s movements weren’t erratic, but graceful, she was just as much dancing as she was fighting, her fluid movements and flexibility working to her advantage as she flipped around Sunset’s attacks, added with the Firestorm power to release most of the limits the human body has, and Aria was a practical tornado of slashing death.

Sunset slashed horizontally with her left blade, but Aria arched her back, bending her knees and yet keeping herself balanced the whole time. Sunset used the moment of her swing to bring down her right blade, Aria, however, dropped to the ground and caught the blade in both hands. The metal and light blade grinded against each other, causing sparks to fly everywhere. Sunset released the magi-saber, throwing Aria’s balance off, she then opened her right palm and fired a plasma fire beam that completely engulfed the Siren.

Sunset noticed that after the attack, Aria was gone, somehow boring into the street and disappearing. The crimson Firestorm jumped back and reformed her blade, preparing to strike again. But then, a blade stuck up from the pavement and began cutting through it like a shark heading straight for its prey. Sunset flew up to avoid the blade, but was unprepared for four weighted chains to pop up from the street, two managed to get Sunset by the ankles went taut the moment she reached a certain height.

Aria appeared from below, and reeled in Sunset with amazing strength. Once in position, Aria jumped up and performed a spinning roundhouse kick in midair, hitting Sunset in the rips. The crimson Firestorm would’ve hit the building, but Aria reeled her back in like a fish on a hook, and kicked her again, but just like last time, she pulled Sunset back in. Five times more Aria did this, like a yo-yo of punishment before slamming Sunset back into the street. Aria jumped into the air and landed over Sunset, with her feet planted on either side of Sunset’s torso. The grumpy Siren plopped down, hard on Sunset’s stomach, making her cough violently from the pain.

Aria grabbed Sunset by the throat and raised her right dorsal blade. “Heh, nice to see you actually can fight. My Dad was a soldier, so I learned some things from him, and some from here in this world, these humans really can come up with a lot of interesting fighting styles,” said Aria.

“Y-Yeah, I know, like how to fight even while pinned!” Sunset grunted.

Sunset focused her magic below her, making it burst and sent both of them up for a split second, but that second was all Sunset needed. She bucked Aria up even more, creating a gap between them. She managed to grab Aria by the neck and toss her to the street, Sunset landed on top of her, pinning her right thigh with her knee, with telekinetic magic, she forced Aria’s arm down, and put her elbow to the uppity Siren’s throat.

Aria struggled underneath Sunset, trying to fight back, but Sunset released more of her power, trying to use her aura to force down Aria’s aura until she passed out. Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.

A focused, concussive blast struck Sunset in the face, sending her skipping down the street like a pebble on a lake. Another concussive blast hit her again, forcing Sunset back into the street to eat asphalt. The crimson Firestorm rose up, panting hard as liquid light ichor began to seep from the corner of her mouth, she couldn’t see where that had come from, but she knew it had to be Adagio.

“Can’t find me, Sunny? Let me make it easier.” Adagio appeared a few feet in front of Sunset, her body seemingly vibrating for some reason. “I have excellent control over sound, I’m able to vibrate my molecules to render me invisible and phase through objects. I can also generate concussive waves of thunderous sound. But also, I can do this with it…HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!”

Adagio belted out a high pitched Siren Call and blasted Sunset with a powerful wave of magic laced sound. The blast didn’t so much as blow Sunset away, as it did make every atom of her body scream out in pain as if threatening to tear itself apart. The lesser objects around her were already turning into dust, their atoms becoming destabilized by the power of Adagio’s voice.

Aria appeared a few feet away from Sunset’s right, atomic rings formed around her forearms as she slashed forward again and again, a stream of cutting wind slammed into Sunset, slashing at her body and armor. Sonata appeared on the left of Sunset, her hands sparking as she unleashed the fury of the sky, blasting Sunset with a lightning bolt.

The trinity attack, after a full minute, ceased, leaving Sunset to fall to her knees, bleeding light ichor, and one eye open as she gritted her teeth against the pain, trying to maintain consciousness.

“You can’t win, Sunny, not with the power we possess…”

Adagio snapped her fingers, her body began to glow as the air became energized with sound, a beat began to start, music filling the air from every direction. The Sirens’ rubies glowed bright as they rose into the air, all three raised their hands into the air as a wave of crimson light that reverberated heavily.

“♪Feel the wave of sound…! ♪”

With a swift flick of their wrists, they brought down the wave of light.

“♪As it crashes down!♪”

Sunset was then struck with three waves of the crimson energy. Each wave was stronger than the last and at the last wave, the blast was strong enough to send Sunset hurdling into the air.

“♪ You can't turn away~ ♪”

“♪We'll make you wanna sta-a-a-ay~!♪”

“♪We will be adored!♪”

Sonata turned into pure lightning and chased after Sunset, thunder roared as Sonata struck Sunset from each angle, and in Sunset’s weakened state, she was completely unable to defend herself.

“♪Tell us that you want us!♪”

Aria entered the fray, causing a tornado to rise up, slashing winds assaulted Sunset again, making her cry out in pain. Sunset managed to fire off one blast after another, but was unable to dispel the tornado. Aria came in and slashed Sunset across the chest, causing a spray of light ichor to flow out.

“♪We won't be ignored~!♪”

Adagio flew in and took Sunset by the throat, she then hurled the both of them to the rooftop of a skyscraper and slammed her against it. Adagio pushed her knee against the bleeding wound, causing Sunset to cry out in pain.

“♪It's time for our reward~!♪”

The alpha Siren leaned down and quickly captured Sunset’s lips. Too stunned and in too much pain to react, Sunset watched as Adagio drew back and brought out the same orb of fiery light, her voice.

“♪Now you need us…! ♪”

Adagio released Sunset as all three Sirens hovered over her. The alpha Siren held the energized voice aloft and then crushed it in her hand before Sunset.

“♪Come and heed us~!♪”

“♪Nothing can stop us now~!♪”

Tires screeched and squealed as Vinyl Scratch’s car tore through the streets of Canterlot City. The girls were holding on for dear life this whole time, both to their instruments and to anything that would prevent them from being thrown out of the car. Thanks to the fact that the city was mind controlled, things like speed limits and cops doing traffic stops were not an issue, and given the urgency of their situation, speeding was warranted.

Vinyl had told the girls she had scouted out a perfect location for them to play and have it echo through the city. A parking garage almost as tall as the actual building it was for. Vinyl sped up, making tight turns as she climbed one level after another. The bug car made it to the final ramp and flew up and slammed on the ground, coming to a screeching halt. Vinyl repositioned the car to point outwards towards the city, and wiped her brow.

“Whew, made it! Hey, you guys alright?” Vinyl asked as she pulled down her shades.

Rarity was gripping the head rest so hard her manicured nails had dug in and created claw marks. Fluttershy was passed out, Rainbow Dash had braced herself and somehow had yet to realize that the car had stopped moving, Applejack was trying to remain stoic, but the death grip she had on Twilight’s wrist was making it turn blue. Pinkie Pie on other hand had a big excited grin on her face.

“Whoo-hoo! That was fun! We should totally drive off the side of this garage all Rapid & Angry style!”

“NO!” The others shouted.

“We need to set up, q-quickly!” Twilight instructed.

As the girls exited the car, they kept a close eye on the sky, watching as the battle raged. Explosions rang out through the city, lightning and wind, and even thunderous sounds were erupting, along with beams of plasma and aquamarine light. Singing could be heard coming from the city, ringing out in all directions simultaneously.

“Ah don’t like the sound of that,” said Applejack.

“So how exactly are we going to play over that?!” Rainbow asked.

Vinyl cleared her throat, gaining the group’s attention. With a press of the button, Vinyl’s car began to, well, transform. Bass speakers extended out to both sides, the back extended, the front panel turned into sound mixing turntable, and the front of the car had sound bars with undulating columns.

The girls, except for Pinkie Pie, jaws dropped as they saw the DJ’s car change into a literal sound system before their eyes. Before a word could be asked about how she managed to create such a thing, a portal opened up before Twilight and a jewel bead fell out, Twilight quickly caught it and recognized.

“It’s my voice, Sunset got it back!” Twilight turned back to the battle going on. “Sunset…”

The girls got into position, readying their instruments for the song and spell. Problem is, how was Twilight going to return her voice? Another explosion got their attention, watching as the Sirens hovered over a roof, Twilight cloud sense it, Sunset was up there, outnumbered and overpowered. Desperately, Twilight tried to call out to her, but was unable to do so. Twilight clutched at the jewel in her hands as tears streamed down her face, she wanted call out to Sunset, she wanted to speak, she…

Suddenly, a blue glow was emitted from around Twilight’s throat, a glow that made the bead respond in kind. The bead rose up from her hands and hovered in the air for a few seconds, but then, a flash from the light at her throat shattered the bead and revealed the glowing orb that was her voice. Twilight closed her eyes, she could feel it inside, this was similar to when they were with Tree Hugger; this was the next chakra.

The blue light became a small vortex, drawing in the orb until it disappeared into that light. The girls looked on in worry and fascination as they wondered if this meant what it meant. Twilight turned to her friends and spoke one word, FIRESTORM.

A sphere of pink flames engulfed her, and in the next moment, Twilight emerged in full Firestorm form. She nodded to her friends, they took the cue and all at once struck the chord, making the sound system blare out as they sang.

“♪Oh-oh, oh-whoa-oh

I've got the music in me

Oh-oh, oh-wh oa-oh~!♪”

Twilight formed a microphone out some of the cars nearby, and with those same powers amplified the sound coming from the speakers. Her magical flowed out from her body, surrounding them all in its glow

“♪Don't need to hear a crowd

Cheering out my name

I didn't come here seeking

Infamy or fame~!♪”

The aura of Twilight’s magic flowed to each of the girls, energizing and invigorating them.

“♪The one and only thing

That I am here to bring

Is music, is the music

Is the music in my soul~!♪”

The magical energies flowed, igniting on each girl as mini transformations occurred. Each girl was adorned in a Firestorm uniform, with red sun symbols that had their personal marks at the center of that sun, and their hair elongated, becoming bellowing flames.

“♪Gonna break out! (Out!)

Set myself free, yeah

Let it all go! (Go!)

Just let it be, yeah

Find the music in your heart

Let the music make you start

To set yourself apart~!♪”

The final part of their transformation, strangely enough, consisted of Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash sprouting blue and yellow flame wings, and what appeared to be pony ears. Pinkie Pie and Applejack grew flaming pony ears as well, but Rarity grew a flaming horn and ears. Twilight, however, grew both wings and a horn, she did not know why, but this power, it felt right, it felt good, this was the power they needed to beat the Sirens.

Down below, the music of the Rainbooms’ song echoed throughout the city, awakening the people, and releasing them from the prisons that were the minds. The people could remember what they had done, and what was being done, all eyes turned to the sky as dueling lights showed in the now cloud filled sky. Rainbow lights on one side, and red light on the other.

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata turned towards the music and sudden spike in magical energy. The alpha Siren floated down to a still recovering Sunset Shimmer and placed her hand on her cheek.

“Sounds like your friends and girlfriend want to have a little battle of the bands.” Adagio chuckled in both a seductive and sinister manner. “Well then, we’ll have a little chat with them.”

Adagio flew back up to her Siren lovers and all three flew towards the Rainbooms, hovering a few yards away from them as they squared off.

“What have you done with Sunset you witches?!” Twilight demanded.

Aria chuckled. “We just gave her the ass whooping of the century, we left her back there.” The purple Siren pointed her thumb towards the building they were just at.

“Yeah, we’re going to make her into our fourth, or a really fun play pal,” said Sonata in an innocent tone.

“The same could be done to you, or you can take up our offer. Join us now, Twilight Sparkle, and I’ll forgive you and Sunset your trespasses against us. Or, we’ll just fight, break you all, and make you all our little playthings.” Adagio narrowed her eyes as she grinned wickedly. “Your answer?”

Rainbow Dash and Applejack answered her with a quick strum of their bass and guitar. Rainbow lightning and apple shaped energy grenades were blasted from their instruments and aimed directly at the Sirens.

Adagio quickly erected a barrier of dense sound, the attacks struck her shield and caused all three Sirens to be pushed back.

Rainbow Dash stepped forward and gave Adagio the bird. “That’s her answer you glorified succubus!”

Twilight grinned and nodded to Applejack and Rainbow. To which both winked back.

Adagio growled in indignation. “Fine then…you want to battle? Then let’s battle.”

“♪What we have in store (ah-ah)

All we want and more (ah-ah)

We will break on through (ah-ah)

Now it's time to finish you~!♪”

The ruby gemstones on their chests glowed brighter, a line of energy shot to Sonata and Aria from Adagio’s gem, and then back to Adagio, amplifying their powers. All three girls raised their hands into the air, releasing that very same pent up energy.

Above them formed three figures, large, and beastly. Their bodies were made of yellow, purple, and blue light and flames, their eyes burning scarlet. These construct creatures were equine the top up, and had fish tails. These were the true forms of the Sirens, the forms they were stripped of upon arriving on Earth, these were the hippocampi of the undersea world of Equestria. Now, their snarling white fangs were turned on the Rainbooms.

The hippocampi constructs circled the seven girls, snarling and glaring at them, like sharks preparing to go in for the kill.

“U-Um…what do we do?!” Fluttershy asked.

Twilight glanced to the constructs, and then to the Sirens. “We fight!”

Sonata’s construct broke from the circle of death and aimed itself straight for Rarity. The fashionista, after seeing what Applejack and Rainbow Dash did, played a few notes on her keytar and was immediately rewarded with a shower of energized diamond shards.

The construct released lightning bolts to counter her diamond shard attack, causing multiple explosions to go off in the air. Rarity strummed her instrument once again, and formed a large diamond shard and launched it at the construct. The lightning rolled off the smooth surface of the shard and struck the construct, exploding and showering it in a wave of shards.

Aria’s construct came in fierce, swiping at Fluttershy and trying to grab a bite of her, wanting to separate the shy girl from the group. But Fluttershy wasn’t scared, well, yes she was, but then she remembered that Spike was still lying injured at Rarity’s home, and that the longer this fight continued, the worse Spike might be getting.

The timid girl’s face contorted into a scowl, a cute scowl, but a scowl nonetheless. Fluttershy spun around with her tambourine, in its wake formed dozens of pink energy construct butterflies. Once she finished her spin, Fluttershy waved her instrument and pointed it at the construct.

The swarm of butterflies assailed the construct, fluttering around it and exploding on impact. The construct fired back a gale force wind blast, shredding the constructs of pink light. Fluttershy upped the ante, swirling her tambourine overhead as more of the pink energy collected. With a flick of the instrument, the energy formed into a pack of wolves. The constructs howled and charged for Aria’s construct. The pack dashed about, with two or three getting skewered by Aria’s long spines.

But eventually, a majority of the wolf pack managed to sink their fangs into the construct, and upon doing so, glowed brighter and brighter until they detonated all over the construct, throwing it back.

Twilight had taken to the skies, blasting the Adagio construct with concentrated magical and graviton energy rays. The Adagio construct would counter with dense soundwave barriers and supersonic sickles that whizzed through the air. The purple Firestorm managed to deflect and dodge most of them, but her focus was on what lied behind the Sirens.

The heroine flew towards the Sirens, preparing to strike, but, at the last second, she disappeared in a flash of rosy-violet light. Twilight reappeared some ways away, hovering over Sunset and gasping at how banged up she was.

Twilight knelt down to her lover and gently shook her. “Sunset, it’s Twilight! Can you hear me?!”

Sunset weakly turned her head to her, but when she talked no sound came out.

“You’re voice…?” Twilight asked.

The crimson Firestorm managed to create a sphere of fiery energy and mimicked Adagio crushing it. Twilight understood what she meant, her white eyes burned with rage at what they had done, taking her love’s voice away was unforgivable. Twilight kept her hand on Sunset in a blink, both were teleported away, back to the others.

Adagio’s construct saw the injured Sunset and grinned. It dove right for Twilight and Sunset, planning on attacking the weakest of the group.

Twilight whirled around and joined the others, she then rose into the air and held the microphone close to her mouth as she sang aloud.


Rosy-violet stars made of atomic and magical energy formed around her, creating a mini star field. The stars then launched themselves, like comets zipping across the universe they aimed right for the construct. The construct was taken off guard and was swept up in the exploding shooting stars.

Twilight inhaled deeply and belted out the finishing note. But at the last second, a powerful wave of light and sound burst forth from her last attack.

“♪AAAAAAAAAAAAH~!♪” The Adagio construct sang, sending out a beam of energized sound and magic that blasted against Twilight’s attack.

The beam continued forward and slammed against Twilight, sending her spiraling back until she hit the ground, skidding to a halt as she glared up at the alpha Siren.

The construct hippocampi of Aria and Sonata floated beside Adagio’s and as one they focused their magic and sang in one unified voice.


The energy and power of the song was doubled as a wave of sound and energy came straight towards them, Twilight formed a barrier with her magic and transmutation powers, but the barrier shattered like fragile glass and threw the six girls to the ground from the buffeting force.

Twilight’s mike flipped into the air and fell to the ground, Vinyl had taken cover below her sound system, peeking up to see the devastation that had occurred.

Sunset, despite her semi-conscious state, was able hear everything that happened, she even felt that things weren’t going good at the moment. When she turned her head, Sunset noticed the mike that Twilight was holding earlier. Sunset grunted as she reached for the mike and took it into her hands. Summoning the remainder of her power she focused it into healing herself enough to stand. Atomic rings formed around her body, mending the damage as quickly as it could.

With a painful grunt, Sunset used a nearby car to prop herself up, panting from the effort and pain. Sunset caught a second wind rose to her feet, slowly, she began to walk towards her friends. This however did not go unnoticed by the Sirens’ constructs who were now glaring at her. Sunset continued to walk until she stood at the front of the group, still clutching the mike in her hands as she looked up at her three foes.

Adagio grinned at the sight of the beaten Equestrian. “I do admire your tenacity, Sunset Shimmer. I’ll give you one last chance, I know you can’t speak so I’ll make this simple. Get on your hands and knees and bow to us. If you do, I’ll spare you and Twilight Sparkle, but that’s all. There is price to pay for defiance for the others. What is your answer?”

Sunset glanced over her shoulder to her friends, and then to Twilight. The purple Firestorm raised her hand to Sunset and spoke, “Sunset…go…while you still can!”

The crimson Firestorm looked to the others, despite the look of fear on their faces, there was still determination and defiance in their eyes, burning like the atomic flames that made up their hair and the Matrix within both herself and Twilight. Sunset’s brow furrowed, she knew what she needed to do. Vinyl looked to the crimson Firestorm, who nodded in her direction, the DJ understood her request without her even uttering it and flipped a few switches, pressed some buttons, and pushed the volume dial up.

The vertical bars began to undulate to a drum beat, making the constructs’ heads quirk in confusion. Sunset held the mike with both hands, she needed to help them, her friends, her love, this world was not her own, but it was now her home, a home where her new life was going to begin, with the girl that she loved.

A blue light shined at Sunset’s throat, warm and soothing, chasing the pain of her body away. The crimson Firestorm looked up to construct Sirens, and inhaled.

“♪You're never gonna bring me down

You're never gonna break this part of me

My friends are here to bring me 'round

Not singing just for popularity~!♪”

The Sirens were stunned when they heard Sunset speak, let alone sing. Adagio had crushed her voice, there was no possible way she could be even uttering a note.

Twilight began to smile, hearing her love’s voice had returned, and hearing how beautiful it was. The purple Firestorm saw that the crimson Firestorm offered her hand to her, and without hesitation she took it and helped her up. Sunset offered the mike, but Twilight shook her head, instead grabbing the mike below Sunset’s grip. This was something they were going to do together.

“♪We're here to let you know

That we won’t let it go!♪”

The Rainbooms, Pinkie, AJ, Rainbow, Rarity, and Fluttershy, rose up together, feeling another rush of power coming from Twilight and Sunset. Pinkie took up the beat of the drum, Applejack and Rainbow began to strum, Fluttershy struck her tambourine to the beat, and Rarity played her keys, adding their voices to their friends’.

“♪Our music is a bomb and it's about to blow~!♪”

The Sirens couldn’t believe what was happening, their power was growing stronger; the magical energies were becoming more and more visible. This would not stand. They had worked too hard, played the parts of obedient agents, too long to let six teenage girls and one former unicorn derail their plans to make this world their own.

The three hippocampi constructs roared and charged for the group, their direct targets being that of Sunset and Twilight, prepared to rip them apart.

“♪And you cantry to fight

But we have got the light of

Friendship on our side!

Got the music in our hearts

We're here to blow this thing apart

And together, we will never

Be afraid of the dark~!♪”

Sunset and Twilight united their right and left hands, together from their union formed a shockwave of fiery rainbow light that slammed against the constructs, bathing over them like a tsunami and throwing them back to their creators. The wave continued to spread as it eventually hit Adagio, Sonata, and Aria, buffeting them with tremendous force and severing their mind control magic. The wave continued out over the city, wiping away the negative energies of the Sirens and filling them with the positive forces of Loyalty, Generosity, Laughter, Kindness, Honesty, and Magic.

“♪Here to sing our song out loud

Get you dancing with the crowd

As the music of our friendship

Survives, survives~!♪”

Sunset looked to Twilight, and Twilight to Sunset, their magic had grown stronger, their bond had grown more powerful. It was in this moment that both of them knew, they would fight by each other’s side, and be there for each other from now, until the end of all things. This realization, brought forth understanding, and a purple light shined in the middle of their foreheads.

This new light unlocked something within them, the sixth chakra. The release brought forth something from Sunset, the flames of her Firestorm form glowed brighter, in tune with Twilight’s. A golden flame horn formed on her forehead, as well as growing fiery pony ears.

Their feelings and positive energy flowed through them and into the girls, and from there it spread out through the entire city, the words to the song in their hearts and in their minds. And as one they all sang.

“♪Got the music in our hearts

We're here to blow this thing apart

And together, we will never

Be afraid of the dark~!♪”

Sunset, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy raised their hands towards the sky, and immediately, seven flaming beams of light shot forth and combined into one overhead. The fire beams swirled about, forming a sphere of rainbow light that grew bigger and bigger, until, two large flaming wings burst forth from the sphere.

“♪Here to sing our song out loud

Get you dancing with the crowd

As the music of our friendship

Survives, survives, SURVIVES~!♪”

Adagio looked about the city, hearing the people sing along with her enemies, she could not understand how these girls could summon such power on this magnitude, was it truly just the Firestorm Matrixes or was the magic inside them even more powerful than even those girls realized. Adagio’s quandary did not last long, Sonata and Aria tapped Adagio and directed her gaze to the sky.

The clouds began to part as a light shined from within them. This light was in fact the power of their united magicks as one, the form of a giant alicorn. The beast took a thundering step forward, its hoof hitting the sky as if stomping on something solid. Its mane, wings, tail, and horn were made of rainbow flames, while its body was made of orange flames, with tints of gold and purple in it.

The giant alicorn flapped its wings and soared into the sky, flying around and clearing away the dark clouds. The fire alicorn then positioned itself right over the Sirens, its horn building up with immense power. The Sirens would not fall, not like this, not ever. The three girls focused all their atomic and magical energy into one final blast, and shot forth a column of red light that roared into the sky, bathing the city below in a scarlet glow, at the head of the blast their construct bodies became one with the beam, roaring at the alicorn ahead of them..

The fire alicorn’s white eyes blazed as it released its power, firing a rainbow beam that shined down to meet the Sirens’ attack. The two beams clashed in the skies above Canterlot City, sending another thundering shockwave that made the very sky tremble. The two beams vied for dominance over the other, but eventually, the aurora beam tripled in size and pushed down the crimson beam of the Sirens. The three could only look on in horror as they were completely bathed in a radiant rainbow light that struck the ground with resounding force and creating an explosion of white light.

The alicorn cut off the beam and flew down to the Rainbooms, looking upon each of them in kind. Twilight and Sunset looked upon this alicorn, feeling a connection to it, familiar and yet somehow different. The fire alicorn nodded to them and released itself, becoming pure energy that returned to those who gave it form.

For a moment there was silence, but then it finally hit them, they won.

“We… We did right? We beat them?” Rainbow asked.

“I…I think we did,” said Rarity.

Applejack began to chuckle, and collapsed onto her rear. “Whoa…Heh, we beat ‘em! And Ah got fire hair, woo-wee, this has been a crazy day.”

Sunset looked to Twilight, but before a word could be spoken Twilight captured Sunset’s lips in a passionate kiss, only parting for a moment to say, “Don’t you ever go off like that again!”

“I won’t,” said Sunset as she returned the kiss with equal fervor.

“Get a room you guys!” Pinkie Pie teased.

Sunset parted and looked to Pinkie. “You offering to lend us one?”

Pinkie Pie then gave the thumbs up.

However, the jubilation of the victory could not be felt for too long, they needed to make sure that the Sirens were beat, and extract their Protocols before they could fight again.

“Vinyl, you okay with staying behind? The girls and us can take it from here,” said Sunset.

The DJ saluted the crimson Firestorm and flipped a switch, transforming her sound system back into a car. “Let me know if you guys ever want to party like this again, this was the best fun I’ve had in awhile!”

With that Vinyl drove down the ramp to the lower levels of the parking garage. Now that it was just the seven of them, Twilight and Sunset combined their magic and enveloped all of them in a bubble of their magic, and in a flash teleported away.

The seven girls reappeared down below, right where the explosion of light went off. Many people had cleared the area, allowing them to get closer to the scene. There they found the beaten Sirens, their armor scuffed, cracked, and chipped, and clothing burned or tattered. Their eyes were no longer glowing red, but white, their negative energy boost having faded away, however, their ruby gemstones still pulsated with magic.

Adagio glared at Sunset and Twilight with malice as she growled. “This…This is not over! We can still…still fight!”

Sunset snorted in annoyance. “It’s over Adagio, you can’t win against us. We’ve shown you how powerful we are, the magic inside us is stronger than your negative power, Firestorm powers included you stand no chance.”

Adagio, Aria, and Sonata rose up, their legs shaky from the amount of damage they withstood.

“You know nothing, we can’t lose! Trapped her for centuries and watching this world fester, immortal by feeding from what scraps we can find, coming close to death and causing strife just to feed on it. That is not living, that is survival, now we have the means to live and make this world ours in place of a place used to call home that shunned us!”

Aria and Sonata had the same fire in their eyes as Adagio, standing beside her as she vented.

“We’ll take this world, and then return to Equestria, and unleash hell on the kingdom that saw fit to cast us aside!” Adagio declared.

Oh, so that’s what your grand plan was?

The Sirens, and even the Rainbooms went silent upon hearing the new voice. It was eventually Rarity who spotted where the voice was coming from, another Firestorm who was hovering in the sky and slowly descending towards them. The Sirens became even more on edge at the sight of this person, taking a cautious step back.

Once the Firestorm was on the ground, he changed into his human form, revealing himself.

“Uh…Twilight…I know you said Shining Armor’s your brother…but is that…?” Rainbow asked, afraid to finish her question.

Twilight stepped forward, changing back to her human form and looking upon the person before her. She knew this person, without ever seeing him, as if her very cells knew it.

“Hello, big sister Twilight.”

“Dusk Shine.”

Author's Note:

Whew...okay, the coding...on this thing...was ridiculous...I'm taking a break for a day. How the heck has this story gotten this long?!

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