• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 1,559 Views, 17 Comments

Splinter in his side - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Growing increasingly weary of the attacks from the Dark Eldar, the Emperor dispatches Russ and Khan to deal with this. Little do they know, they have a stowaway on board.

  • ...

Chapter 3

"Our plan will begin like this. Within the Dark city, there are many Dark Eldar webways set up specifically for the sake of ships and vehicles. Our first wave of Assault will be what establishes a foothold in the inner city of Commoragh. The White Scars will perform this daring action."

"When a good foothold has been established, the Space Wolves and Black Templars will begin their assualt. Understand that we are literally outnumbered millions to one. Our hope is that in the chaos and discord that we sow among the Dark Eldar, their slaves will escape and cause a massive revolt. Success or failure may even depend on this."

"Several Deathwatch kill-teams will then be assigned to attack the headquarters of the overlord of Commoragh itself. Retrieve the Element of Harmony and entity referred to as "Fluttershy" at all costs."

"Our primary objective is to retrieve such two entities. Our secondary objective will be freeing the wretched slaves of the Dark Eldar. Because it would be impossible for us to literally barge in and shoot everything up like a band of orks, we will have to hope that the commotion we create will allow the slaves to escape. This would cause enough chaos amongst the ranks of the Dark Eldar that they can not fully mobilize to defend their city. We can also count on the fact that some Dark Eldar will be fighting among themselves, we will have to use that to our advantage."


Thought of the day: An open mind is like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded. A narrow mind is the seed of ignorance. Ignorance is the bane of progress.

"Understand that our enemies, the Dark Eldar are arguably the most depraved beings in this entire universe." The Emperor said as he addressed his legions below. "Now, I called you all here back to Terra temporarily not because I needed to tell you something I am certain you all know."

The legions of the Emperor stood silent. From her vantage point on the cloud Rainbow Dash could hardly fathom how 10,000 warriors remained perfectly silent and listened with perfect attention. Certainly not even the Equestrian royal guard held a candle to this.

"Our enemies should not the poor sheep of that serves the blind shepherds, nor our enemies are the blind shepherds either. Our enemies should always be the enemies of progress and reason. Chaos had stopped advancement. The inquisition which had been disbanded recently had stopped advancement and created ignorance. The zealotry that had gripped everyone had created ignorance. I am here to tell you, no more. Humanity must move forward and forget the ruination of the past, yet remember the valuable lessons it teaches. I hope through war, we may secure peace and advancement onto this galaxy. The true warrior is the one who despises war. Go to Commoragh, liberate the wretched and destroy the city and it's vile denizens. This is no easy task, I have secured the most advanced technologies of warfare for you on this mission. Return with the dark city in ashes, it's power broken, and it's evil no longer a threat, or return not at all."

"Okay, we are going to try how well this works." Khan said as Rainbow Dash placed on a haz-mat suit made just for her. "I hope you can still fly and manipulate things like vapor in that suit."

"I should be able to. Magic does carry over to anything I am wearing."

"Alright then. I will be releasing toxins into the testing chamber." The Techmarine said. "Whatever you do, do not remove the suit unless you want to go home in a body bag."

"Got it." Rainbow Dash said, her heart pounding so hard it risked breaking through her chest.

The lever was pulled.

"Entity: Rainbow Dash, efficiency at 84.6% when operating under pressure." The Techmarine said.

"She doesn't crack under pressure. What other factors?"

"Efficiency at 73.7% when under stress. Efficiency at 105% when under adrenaline."

"Seems nice. What else?"

"164.3% when under peril."

"Under peril?"

"We sent her through an obstacle course full of explosives, flamers and bolters. She made it through...... faster.....then normal? What?"

"Define peril please?"

"A mixture of pressure, danger and adrenaline. I wonder if we could make use of any dru...."

"Not a chance." Rainbow Dash said walking in. "I HATE NEEDLES."

"We could get a...."

"No." Khan said. "Let's leave it the way it is."


Fluttershy looked up at Vect. The lord of Commoragh looked back, burning holes into her head with his gaze. She looked back down, hiding behind her mane. The very thoughts of what had happened to her in the past few hours were enough to induce nightmares for multiple lifetimes. The indignation she suffered was unspeakable. And yet, her vile master found this all amusing. He found the torment of his victims amusing.

He knew about the elements too. That was what concerned Fluttershy. He was intent on tapping into their power. Unforunatly for the two of them, if anyone would know anything about the elements in Commoragh, it would be the yellow pegasus.

"So.... tell me Fluttershy.... what does one have to do to tap into the power of these elements?"

It didn't seem to matter how much Fluttershy attempted to beg, reason or attempt to answer his question. She didn't know, and there was no way out.

She wondered if she would ever escape this hell.
She was alone, trapped in the palace of some mad tyrant who was amused by her suffering.
Alone, trapped in the middle of an evil city.
She had nowhere to run, and certainly nowhere to hide.
She could only pray her friends could find her.

Even in her mind, she couldn't remain free. The foul potions of the Dark Eldar gave her nightmares and scares onto no end.

But in her heart, she was always free. She thought about as Twilight tried to deduce a way to open the webway. She about as Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie form a plan to get her out.
She thought about, Cyrus, who held a sentimental attachment to Equestria, who had been at the final battle against chaos, who had been the one to reason with those of his race that intended to destroy Equestria on Day 1.
She thought about The Emperor, and how he wished for the best for everyone. She wondered if he would help.

She had but one dream that night. It was just a voice. But it gave her what she needed to survive in the tender care of Vect.

"We're coming."

"Sweet dreams?" Vect taunted the next... morning? No clue.

"Why are you doing this?" Fluttershy asked.

"No reason. Thirsty? Lick it up." Vect said as he poured wine on the ground, enjoying the sight of his plaything weeping bitter tears at her humiliation.

"Why? What have I ever done to you?"

"You see, death is my bread. I need it to live. But rather, pain is my meat and terror is my wine. I enjoy and relish those two. You should be glad that you are for the latter." Vect grabbed the chain and tugged it. "Now then, why don't we try something new today? Why don't we take a nice walk around Commoragh? The view is nice...."

Fluttershy gulped.

"What's up with those Black Templar guys?!" Rainbow Dash asked as she bandaged her brow. "Are they ACTUALLY trying to kill me?"

"Probably." Cyrus said. "Is that foam on his mouth?!"

"Sure is. He was ranting about heresy and aliens for half an hour straight. Took about enough darts to put a void whale to sleep to calm him down."

"I think you should avoid them. They don't take too kindly to even us, and we've been fighting together for 10,000 years." Russ said.

"They still have awesome armor though........."

"Yeah, yeah. They're also zealots and fanatics who kill anything that slightly disagrees with The Emperor. But anyways, we are going to try a new tactic now."

"What is it?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"You know how teleportation works right?"


"You see, we found a more efficient way that doesn't involve the warp or a psyker. Perfectly safe too. The Emperor was rather generous with giving out technology. I am wondering what else has he made."

"Like I always said to Twilight, he's an even larger egghead than her."

"Humph. It was made by Equestrian engineers and scientists in case you're wondering."