• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 1,559 Views, 17 Comments

Splinter in his side - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Growing increasingly weary of the attacks from the Dark Eldar, the Emperor dispatches Russ and Khan to deal with this. Little do they know, they have a stowaway on board.

  • ...


"It seems the slaves got the message." Khan said. "We have found several battle zones outside of our beachhead."

"Great. I think it's time I got in to some of the fun? What say you brother?"

"No thanks. I will take command from here. Have fun."

Russ smiled and nodded as Khan readied his trigger.

"How much more time before we can breach Vect's headquarters?"

"About 3 hours."

"You got one. Get to it."

Russ laughed aloud. He was amused. These pups thought they could harm him? Shards bounced off of his power armor harmlessly as he single-handedly barreled into a squad of kabal warriors, sending Dark Eldar body parts flying.

A raider sought to stop him, firing it's Dark Lance at him.


His speed was legend among mortal men. The gunner could not hit him. He closed the gap between he and the vehicle in the blink of an eye and leapt aboard, right on top of the gunner.

The rest of the crew sat there stunned. Russ decided it was time for an amusement. Grabbing the gunner, he wrenched him from his seat and impaled him upon his own weapon.

"And tell Slannesh I am coming for him next." Russ whispered into his victim's ear as he bled out painfully.

He turned to face the crew, who abandoned ship in a heartbeat not wanting to be trapped with a primarch.

"I pity the mothers who gave birth to you lot." Russ muttered as he picked up a splinter rifle, and flung it like a spear, impaling an unfortunate individual. He promptly broke into hearty laughter as he opened up an canteen of the strongest fenrisian ale.....

In the middle of a battlefield. On a broken Raider, with a bunch of dead bodies. And being shot at.

The last part reminded him there were still scourges in the air. Taking his bolter, he clipped a few wings and listened to the cries of terror and the wet splats.

"Hey Rainbows!" Russ said over the vox. "How long is it?"

"Just a few more.... oh buck...."

"Well speed it!" Russ said as he took another swig. A stray splinter round broke his canteen and spilled his ale.


Rainbow Dash glanced over her shoulder.

The "water" had touched her and had burned a small hole within the haz-mat suit. It wasn't quite high enough in the air yet..... and could she keep on going?

Whatever, Fluttershy need her. Hell, she wouldn't mind diving into a pit of angry Black Templars if that meant helping Fluttershy.

She doubled her efforts, unaware that the back of the suit was beginning to slowly corrode.


He was cut off, as a gaping hole soon made itself visible in his helmet as blood poured out.


"The Dark Eldar are massing their air force!"

"Don't just stand there! Fire!"

The Dark Eldar air force pounded the astartes, the astartes hit them back as shrieks and roars of pain echoed throughout the city from both sides.

"Where the hell is Rainbow Dash?!"

It took a while, but Dashie felt a breeze down by her hind legs.

Uh oh.

This is going to be bad.

She flapped her wings furiously, trying to push the toxic vapors with the wind created. She knew best not to get close to the massive green cloud. ALMOST THERE.

Dashie felt a lightning bolt of pain on one of her hind legs. She put in more speed to her wings. The haz-mat suit was already corroding.

Panic gripped Rainbow. She didn't even want to think of what would happen soon. She decided now was time to put in her 110%.

Did you know, when poisoned you are supposed to remain calm? When the body is panicking, the heart begins to pump blood faster which would carry the poison all across your body.

Rainbow Dash just thought about that when she felt herself passing out, the toxic cloud shot in front of her. The world began to fade to back as she fell down to the ground below.