• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 1,559 Views, 17 Comments

Splinter in his side - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Growing increasingly weary of the attacks from the Dark Eldar, the Emperor dispatches Russ and Khan to deal with this. Little do they know, they have a stowaway on board.

  • ...

Russ vs Vect

Russ glared at Vect who mockingly gestured at the element of loyalty at his belt. A giant middle-finger to the Space Wolves primarch.
Of course, Leman decided to humor the Dark Eldar. It's not often he get's a good fight like this. Time to savor it.

"You first." Russ said as he went into a defensive stance.

"Very well." Vect replied, making a mock salute with his klaive. The more to troll this mon'keigh with.

The primarch had expected for the Dark Eldar to rush him, and try and cut him to pieces with his blade.


Instead, the red miasma changed it's swirling form, and sent tendrils of blood and spikes at him.

The move surprised the primarch, yet did little to falter him. The spikes and tendrils hurt like hell, but did little to damage him physically, mustering his great strength he leapt forward and punched Vect in the face, sending him flying back.

The lord of Commoragh wiped blood off his face as he charged back and struck Russ with his blade. The primarch stumbled for a moment before retaliating with a blow to the gut. The Dark Eldar stumbled back, and sent the foul magic of his miasma back at the primarch who could only clench his teeth as the vile powers of the miasma sent his body aflame with pain.

"Coward." Russ muttered as he leapt forward and struck Vect with his blade. The Dark Eldar raised to parry, which broke off his attack, allowing the primarch to catch his breath as he rained blows down upon the Dark Eldar.

"You cannot win." Vect taunted. "When I have killed you, I will destroy all that you hold dear!"

"Let's see you try." Russ retorted as doubled his blows. The lord of Commoragh was a skilled warrior, and defended himself expertly before launching a counter-attack.

They were going to be fighting for a long time.

Cyrus heard the snap of bone as he dropped the Dark Eldar warrior he was strangling. Tossing the corpse out a window, he watched as his companions massacred the slavers, freeing their abused victims.

The scout captain couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction in his heart. Kicking open the door to the next room, his comrades quickly cleared that one with little effort.

"Where's the element?" Cyrus asked as he found a survivor. "And where's Fluttershy?"

The Dark Eldar glared at him, cleared his throat, and spat into his face.

"Filthy Mon'keigh!"


The two other Deathwatch marines both smiled at the sight of Cyrus breaking his victim's legs. The screams of the Dark Eldar adding to their grim satisfaction.

"Tell me." Cyrus said taking out his knife.

The Eldar only replied by making rather vulgar insults at the Space Marine's maternal ancestor. It didn't exactly help that Cyrus' comrades found it funny.

Shooting them both a baleful glance, the two quickly shut up though Cyrus could of sworn he kept hearing muffled sniggers. Taking his knife, he decided to cut off his victim's fingers.

"You think that's funny?" Cyrus asked rhetorically at the screaming alien. "Here's something funny. A joke. What's black and white and red all over?"

That awkward moment when you realize.... his armor is black....his skin is a pale white.... and Cyrus just got handed a power bat.

Oh boy.

Vect nicked Russ on the cheek, despite his discomfort, Russ knew hesitating to nurse his injury would be fatal. He attacked with all the might, strength and fury of a primarch, driving his enemy back.

Vect could see that Russ intended to pin him to a wall. If he succeeds, then the primarch would have him exactly where he would want him. Spinning around, he moved to the side and positioned himself away from the wall and landed a heavy blow on the primarch. Russ stumbled backwards.

Little did Vect actually know, that was merely a feigned retreat, when he leapt forward, he was treated with a killer blow to the jaw. He could feel small things juggle in his mouth which was his broken teeth.

In hilariously bad timing for the two fighters, someone had conveniently decided to open fire upon them. In the massive explosion that occurred, the two found themselves flying straight into an active webway portal.

It was rather lucky that the webway portal didn't leave them in the middle of nowhere, for they only ended up in an empty arena in Commoragh, save for a few stacks of weapons.

"Khan, can you hear me?"

"Loud and clear, brother." Khan replied. "My apologies, it seems the Dark Eldar are rather treacherous."

That wasn't exactly news. But...... why the hell not, and treat it like he didn't know that? He was too drunk most of the time to listen to facts anyways.

"Yeah, yeah. You got your trigger ready?"

"You want to teleport back? But I thought he sur...."

"No. Just get the destination to set to random areas around Commoragh. I have an idea."

And it was excellent timing that Russ got his idea. For he saw Vect had begun to draw the full-power of his miasma.

Cyrus finally managed to break his victim. The wretched Dark Eldar led them to what looked like a coffin. When he opened it, the body that fell out..... it was truly a miracle this.... thing....was still alive.

Fluttershy was covered in bruises and cuts, worse was her wings were in pieces and she was missing pieces of flesh non-vital areas. How anyone could do this.... it just disgusted Cyrus.

Picking the bundle up carefully, Cyrus turned to his two companions.

"Set the charges. This place is going sky-high."


"I am getting you out of here." Cyrus said as he called for a dropship and an apothecary.

Fluttershy managed to give a weak yet sincere "squee."

Leman Russ got up as quickly as he was knocked down. He was laughing.

Vect was astonished at how this man was laughing at the beating he was taken. Did this mon'keigh's mind snap?

"What's so funny?"

"Your pathetic." Russ replied as he punched Vect with the broken handle of his sword.

"You puny being dare call me pathetic?! I will have you suffer for an eternity!"

"You just are." Russ said. "You just are."

Vect's eyes narrowed as he saw Russ grab a splinter rifle.

"You really think that's going to work? They aren't even loaded."