• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 1,559 Views, 17 Comments

Splinter in his side - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Growing increasingly weary of the attacks from the Dark Eldar, the Emperor dispatches Russ and Khan to deal with this. Little do they know, they have a stowaway on board.

  • ...

Russ's plan

"My lord! There's no one here!" The Deathwatch marine said kicking open the door. "There's plenty of slaves and soldiers though."

"Not good enough!" Russ replied. "Find him and bring me his head!"

"Where's Fluttershy?!" Rainbow Dash asked frantically, popping straight out of nowhere.

"No clue. Keep searching!"

"My lord! We have to get out of here!"

"Are you stupid?! Why would we do that?!"

"There's explosives all over the building!"

"Oh shi....."

He didn't even get to finish his sentence. By then, a good portion of astartes chose to dive out the nearest window/hole/door/whatever to escape.

Time stood to a stand still as Russ turned around, and saw the massive wave of fire approaching.

The Space Wolf never panicked once in his life. Until now.

Calling upon his nigh-infinite strength and speed, Leman Russ burst out of a wall and braced himself for the fall to the ground below.


From a top his raider, Vect chuckled to himself as he took a good view of the building exploding. It was a good plan. Now, it would be the astartes that were surrounded and cut off, not him.

Fluttershy could only stare in horror silently. She had saw Rainbow Dash go in to get her.

"Where are your friends now?" Vect gibed as he shook up the red liquid.

"Monster......" Fluttershy sputtered. Angrily.

"Indeed." Vect replied.

He was rather unprepared for what Fluttershy did next. She lunged over at him. And bite him.
Why does she have fangs?!

It took a while for the guards to pry the two apart. Much to Fluttershy's surprise. Vect wasn't angry.

He was laughing despite the bite marks on his hand.

The laugh made angry Fluttershy turn back into regular Fluttershy.

"You're funny." Vect said. "Grab her by the wings."

She could only gulp as the Dark Eldar drew a long skinning knife.

"Everypo... everyone okay?" Rainbow Dash asked as she helped pull rubble off a trapped space marine.

"Fine." Russ said rolling his eyes. "Alright. This was clearly a trap. A damn good one I might add. Now then... where is he?"

The astartes looked at each other. One of them gingerly raised his hand.


"All the way.... off....in the distance......" The astartes said pointing at the vanishing dot.


"So.... what do we do now?"

"We pursue. That's the one thing left to do." Russ said. "We find Vect. And kill him before whatever his plans are can be put to motion."

"Now you're talking my language! But.... how?"

"I know a way. You see.... we can't outfox this guy..... why not outfight him?"

"You think he's stupid or something? Why would he fight you?"

"If he thinks he can win. I know he would."

"So.... how do we do that?"

Russ smiled.

Rainbow Dash didn't like it one bit.


Vect was having a good day, listening to the gentle weeping of a pegasus pony getting her feathers pulled out and drinking a cup of "just as planned" over how he successfully trolled the enemy..... for the bazillionth time.

Then of course, while sitting in his totally awesome throne in his totally awesome headquarters, he hears a massive explosion!

All he sees later is a blue streak and his personal Raider in pieces.

"Gods damn it." Vect muttered underneath his breath. Taking the red liquid he made sure it was safe.

"Fetch me my wargear." Vect said to a slave. The lord of Commoragh looked around. "Tomorrow, we will drink a toast from the skulls of enemies. Our enemy thinks that Commoragh is dying from their petty attack. Today, Commoragh is in ruins, tommorow, Commoragh will be RICH with spoils, with plunder and slaves!"

The cheering was deafening. The lord of Commoragh could only laugh to himself. He made his point.

"This is a bad idea! I know you're a primarch and all but... he's going to be stronger!"

"I couldn't care more actually. It's a good thing he will be." Russ replied.

"But... he's going to kil..."

"Just... stop your nagging." Russ replied. "When I distract, save your friend and take your artifact. I will meet you with everyone else. Khan, can you hear me? I want another frontal assualt on the city to Vect. He's not getting away.

"Got it."

"We attack in eight hours." The primarch said. "Get some rest while you can."

Vect stood outside in the courtyard and listened to the screams and gunfire. His garden. Where death were the flowers and screams their fragrance.

Taking out his vial, he gingerly opened it, watching as a gas poured out and took form. The miasma soon wrapped around him and consumed him. And then, in an explosion of red colors, he was once again back. Though his eyes..... were a shade of blood red.

"So this is what it's like to be a god! Truly this is wonderful!"

His maniacal laughter echoed throughout the city.

It was just then when he heard the sounds of a massive space marine attack approaching.

Good. He will feast upon their souls tonight.

Leman Russ watched with amusement as Rainbow Dash crushed a Kabal warrior by pushing a rather heavy piece of loose masonry. Grabbing a grenade, he promptly flung it into the masses of the enemy.

Elsewhere, a predator rumbled through the streets, taking down several buildings. A squad of Black Templars screamed their war cries, foaming at the mouths with zeal.

The Space Wolves unleashed their wolves upon the enemy, the vicious hounds of war tore the Dark Eldar apart and used their bodies as chew toys.

After cutting his way through hundreds of enemies, Rainbow Dash tossed the primarch a meltagun. He thanked her and opened fire upon a door.

Vect was waiting for him. Klaive in hand and holding a dark miasma in the other.

"Come here do you? No matter, death would have found you soon enough, human."