• Published 25th Dec 2013
  • 1,559 Views, 17 Comments

Splinter in his side - ThatRarityIsaSpy

Growing increasingly weary of the attacks from the Dark Eldar, the Emperor dispatches Russ and Khan to deal with this. Little do they know, they have a stowaway on board.

  • ...

My duty

"So, how do we know whomever's using this doesn't end up inside a wall?" Russ asked as he took out his trigger.

"We don't." Khan said. "We can only hope this works."

The Space Wolves primarch moved his men over to a massive barrel that looked more like a weapon than a teleporter. Gingerly, he pulled his trigger.

In the massive beam of light that followed, Russ caught a glimpse of his men disappearing into the light. On the other side of the ship, Khan was greeted by people appearing in bright flashes out of nowhere.

"Test is a success." Khan said looking over at the Space Wolves on the other end of the ship.

They say Vect knew the weakness of every living being in the galaxy. They say there was no one better at exploiting weakness better than Vect.

That too was true for the case of a yellow pegasus. Inflicting injuries upon her.....was... unamusing after a while. She broke far too easily.

But Vect knew about the elements.
Her's was kindness.
How would one do the most harm to Fluttershy?

Easy. She always cared for every living soul, but as kindness goes, others first. Self last.
Other's first. Self last.

Vect soon had his new way planned out. His new plaything was naïve (understatement of the century.)

He decided to force her to watch as his men torment a slave. That was the most interesting part. She actually got mad.
That's when it got a little fun.
Vect decided to play a trick. He made sure not to harm the slave too badly. Just enough so that it was painful yet anyone with even a clue with medicine would be able to fix said injuries.
He then gave Fluttershy some "tools" to fix the slave up with.

The stupidity of his new plaything was hilarious. She ACTUALLY believed that Vect gave her medical equipment.

Looking over at the syringe, Vect allowed himself a laugh. That was the best poison to both slowly kill a victim and induce terrifying visions. It took time for Fluttershy to actually realize she killed her patient, and her reaction was beyond hilarious.

The Lord of Commoragh sat back on his throne as Fluttershy was once again leashed to it. He watched pitilessly as she tried to make eye-contact, in her fear, she slunk back down.

The Archon chuckled. He would have fun with this one for a long time.

But his own pleasure could wake. He was ambitious. That's the sole reason why he's leading the Dark city now.

Looking over the lightning bolt shaped gem. He looked at it carefully. It radiated power.

As we all know, pyskers draw the attention of she-who-must-not-be-named.

He had been paying attention to what was going on. True, the power of the dark gods had been shattered and their armies crushed, but who wanted to take chances? Psykers are still banned in Commoragh.
As of now though, he has a way to use magic, without having his soul devoured by she who thirsts.

This will certainly be a good day. Going to his personal laboratory, he intended every bit on tapping into the power of this trinket.


"We will be entering the Dark City soon." The robotic voice announced.

"You know your job?" Cyrus asked as he put on his Deathwatch armor.

"Yeah! Those bad guys won't see what hit them!"

"Alright. It's not too late to bail you know. You can still qu..."

"No way! When those giant big bugs showed up to take your eye, did YOU QUIT?!"

"But that's dif...."

"No it's not! Fluttershy's my friend and they took my element. It's my duty to get it back!"

"Very well then."

"Entering webway in 10."

"Here we go." Rainbow Dash said putting on her haz-mat suit.

"See you in Commoragh then." Cyrus said.


It was a lovely day in Commoragh, there was rape and murder going on in the streets, slaves were being abused, scourges and hellions were fighting in the skies and gangs were shooting each other into swiss cheese.

Then out of nowhere...




The Dark Eldar weren't exactly used to being attacked in their own playground. As a result, the White Scars attack took them by surprise. The hundreds of drop pods sent down smashed apart buildings and deployed their deadly cargos. The astartes within made short work of the petty gangs in the streets and began to ransack sections of the city.

As White Scar tactics went. Hit fast and hit hard. Stormtalons commenced strafe runs, destroying key points nearby. This would buy time for their brothers on the ground to gain a foothold.

The White Scars struck with lightning speed, and it wasn't long before they leveled entire blocks of the city. Through the streets, many bike squads sent Melta rounds and mines through the streets, causing havoc and carnage.

Soon, the area was cleared. The Space Wolves and the Black Templars made their descent.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Vect asked angrily as another explosion leveled a building within view.

"Mon'keighs!" The scourge said. "They are attacking the city. They have already freed many slaves and riots are occurring all over the city!"

"Crush these rabble-rousers!" Vect said. "Kill the mon'keighs and the rest will be brought to submission."

"My friends have come." Fluttershy said glaring coldly at Vect. This caught him rather off guard but he regained his posture.

"Won't matter. Their corpses will keep you company."

Rainbow Dash waved a hoof at the man operating the airlock, and she was sent outside, her wings flapping defiantly against the wind. She soon headed for the massive lake, remembering Khan's words of not to touch the "water".

This would be tough. She would have to rely on only herself to create a tornade that would make a cloud of the lethal vapors. She was careful to avoid the fishermen.

Over the vox, she listened to the fighting. Khan had given her an earpiece so she may listen. Once her job was done, she would head over to provide as a spotter and a scout for the space marines in the city.

As of now, she concentrated on her current task.

This was so AWESOME.