• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 5,473 Views, 241 Comments

Apples, Bat Ponies, and Secrets - Random_User

Luna is invited to visit Sweet Apple Acres by Big McIntosh. As they tour the newly created bat sanctuary, the subject of a mysterious new animal visiting the orchard comes up. Luna decides she would like to see the creature for herself.

  • ...

One Ending and Three Beginnings

Chapter 10: One Ending and Three Beginnings

Fluttershy walked close to Horizon, almost brushing her shoulder against his.

McIntosh walked a small distance apart from them. “Sis has cooled quite a bit. She’s not callin’ for your ears anymore.”

“That’s good news,” said Horizon.

Fluttershy turned her head from McIntosh, hiding her face behind her mane. “You must think we’re horrible ponies.”

“I’m a bit sore that you didn’t come to us sooner, but I don't think that either of you are bad ponies,” McIntosh said.

Fluttershy took a slow, shaky breath. “Thank you.”

Horizon lightly bumped his shoulder against hers. “Everything is going to be fine. I doubt they are going to come up with something nasty just to get back at us.”

“Looks like everypony is chompin' at the bit.” McIntosh nodded toward the farmhouse. “They're comin' this way.”

Luna and the other Elements met them halfway and formed a semi-circle around Fluttershy and Horizon. McIntosh moved to stand beside Luna.

“The agreement has been drafted, but I would like you two to look it over before we go any further.” Twilight floated the three pages of the agreement to them, using her magic. “Since this isn't a true legal document, I tried to keep things simple.”

Fluttershy took the agreement from Twilight's magical hold and silently offered to share it with Horizon. There was a period of quiet, as they both read over the agreement.

“This is quite reasonable, considering what we put you through,” Horizon said, after a couple of minutes. “I would sign it as it is, but there are two things that are concerning me.”

“I take it you noticed that I didn't put anything in about Luna's hours or about Fluttershy's change,” Twilight said. “Luna told us that she did not want either of you to pay her back any hours.” She turned to her fellow princess. “She would tell us exactly why, but she said it would not be appropriate for you to.” Twilight then looked at Fluttershy. “I have to admit, I didn't write anything about Fluttershy’s changing because I have no idea what to do about it.”

“I want to keep changing,” Fluttershy said, in a shaky voice.

“Darling, we know you do, but what if it is doing something dreadful to you?” said Rarity.

“It isn't,” insisted Fluttershy, without much strength behind her words.

“Sugar cube, we don't know that for a fact,” Applejack said.

Horizon leaned towards Fluttershy and whispered, “Now is a good time to make the offer.”

“Hey, no giving answers!” said Pinkie. “That's against the rules!”

“We got to talk to each other before Twilight wrote the agreement, they can talk to each other before they sign it,” said Rainbow.

“I guess that makes sense.” Pinkie sat down and stared Horizon and Fluttershy intensely. “I'm watching you, though. No funny stuff.”

“Twilight, what if you studied the change?” Fluttershy's voice shook when she spoke, but she continued, “That way you can find out how it works, see if it's safe, and I can keep it.”

Everypony looked towards Twilight.

Twilight bit her bottom lip. “The idea is really tempting. Any magic strong enough to change a pony's cutie mark is rare. The only thing that is stopping me from letting you keep it is that I don't know enough about this kind of thing to trust myself to determine whether it's hurting you or not.”

“I too am curious as to the nature of this enchantment,” Luna said. “Since she does not seem to be in any immediate peril, I would propose that you inquire into the nature of the enchantment and be vigilant for any degradation in her health. If there is ever a time that you are not certain of her safety, get word to me, and I will render aid.” She gave Fluttershy a small nod. “I believe that to be the prudent course. We gain knowledge without unnecessarily stripping her of an ability that she sees as a boon.”

“I agree,” said Twilight.

Fluttershy's knees buckled.

Horizon braced her, before she fell completely, and then helped her back to standing. “Thank you! You have no idea what that means to the both of us.”

Twilight walked over and hugged Fluttershy. “She is my friend. I am not going to do anything that would hurt her.”

Fluttershy hugged Twilight back and shook with quiet sobs.

“Yay!” Pinkie cheered. She bounded around and in-between the gathered ponies. “Everypony is happy and we're all still friends.”

“Pinkie, dear, there is still something that needs to be discussed.” Rarity motioned towards Luna and Horizon with a sweeping hoof gesture. “Something that will not have quite as pleasant of a conclusion, I'm afraid.”

“This shall not be a task I relish in, but it must be done,” Luna said, and then turned her attention to Horizon.

The barn's cellar doors opened smartly, making every pony look in their direction. Fox stepped through the doorway and then looked back down the cellar’s stairwell. “Cadets, front and center, march!”

The Cutie Mark Crusaders marched out of the cellar, turned together to face Fox, and saluted.

Fox returned their salute. “Cadets, present yourselves before Princess Luna, double time!”

The three fillies turned in synchronous and trotted in line until they stopped front Horizon and Fluttershy, putting themselves between the pair and the other ponies. As one, they turned to face Luna and bowed.

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders Lunar Guard Cadets are here to testify on behalf of Lunar Guard Dark Horizon,” Sweetie Belle said.

Luna regarded Fox with a raised eyebrow. “I assume that you had a hoof in this.”

“I did, Princess.”

“Did you intend to sway my judgment by putting these young Guards before me?”

“I merely informed them of the procedures that are followed during an official hearing, ma'am.” Fox looked at the fillies. “They were the ones that wanted to speak on behalf of Horizon, ma'am.”

Luna turned back to the trio. “Does he speak true?”

“Yes, ma'am,” all three of the fillies responded.

“His efforts, while noble, were not necessary. There shall be no formal hearing. The honorifics are not necessary.”

“What do you mean, ‘no formal hearing’?” Sweetie Belle said.

“I have not been forthright in regards to this matter myself. I knew of Fluttershy’s ability and chose not to divulge that knowledge. I cannot allow another pony to be formally judged for an act when I would not be.”

“Wait, what?” said Scootaloo. “You’re telling us that you knew all along and didn’t tell anypony?”

“I have not known for long. I gleaned the truth less than a fortnight ago. While delving into dreams, looking for insight into how to guide a friend, I learned of Fluttershy's ability to change inadvertently.”

“Why didn’t you tell anypony? Weren’t you wastin’ time too comin' here?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Unless there is a dire need, I rarely speak of or act upon what I learn while in ponies’ dreams before discussing the matter with them first. Dreams are sacrosanct parts of a pony’s heart and soul. Even knowing that the Elements and the Apples would be continuing a fruitless effort, I had to remain silent in order not to violate the privacy of the one whose dreams I visited.” Luna looked over to McIntosh, with a mischievous grin. “My keeping the secret also allowed me to escape the gilded captivity of the palace and visit your brother.”

“Does this mean that Horizon isn't in trouble?” Pinkie asked.

“While there will be no formal hearing, nor will I demand that he repay me for time that I willing gave, Horizon must still make amends for neglecting his duties.” Luna looked to the three miniature Lunar Guards. “I am at a loss as to what a proper penance on his part would be. I wish to know your thoughts on the matter. It might grant me insight to the situation that has thus far eluded me.” She pointed a hoof at Sweetie Belle. “I would hear what you think would be a fitting atonement would be.”

Sweetie glanced in Horizon's direction then quickly brought her eyes back to Luna. “I don't know. I was ready to tell you what Horizon told us about how he knew that he was going to do something wrong when he let Fluttershy go, but he did it to protect her since she seemed so scared. I didn't even think about his punishment.”

“Do you believe that his actions do not merit such?”

Sweetie shook her head. “Horizon said that he did something he shouldn’t have, and everypony did lose time, so I guess he should be. I don't know if what he did was really all that bad so it's tough to come up with something he could do to make it right.”

“How did he say that he failed in his duties?”

“He said that when he decided to help Fluttershy that he could have put other ponies in danger,” Scootaloo interjected. “He told us that if he had been following his oath he should have turned Fluttershy in to protect a lot more ponies instead of just keeping her out of trouble.”

Luna gave Scootaloo a measuring look. “Your tone tells me you do not agree.”

Scootaloo’s wings flared into an angry posture. “I know you're not supposed to keep secrets about important things, but he was trying to help a pony when she needed it! How can that be wrong?!” She folded her wings and looked down towards her hooves. “Sorry, but this whole situation and what Horizon said is really getting to me.”

“Clearly,” Luna said, with a touch of sympathy in her voice. “Can you articulate what is causing you such turmoil?”

“I'll try.” Scootaloo looked at her fellow Crusaders. “Apple Bloom and Sweetie are my best friends, but what if we got into trouble and I had to do something for one of them really quick knowing the other might get hurt while I helped?” She looked back to Luna with the beginnings of tears in her eyes. “I couldn't just watch, but I would feel horrible no matter which one of them I chose to help first. I don't even know what I would do if one of them got hurt.”

Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle hugged her from either side.

“Don't worry, Scoots, we would understand,” said Sweetie Belle.

“You girls might, but I don't think I could live with myself.” Scootaloo sniffed. “I’m not sure if what Horizon did was wrong at all.”

“Too often there is no true right or wrong, only choices and their consequences,” said Luna. “Would you have acted as he did? Remember, if you were to put yourself in Horizon’s horseshoes, you would not have known her until that night.”

Scootaloo paused for a moment, before hesitantly saying, “I would have helped Fluttershy.” Looking as if saying her words had lifted a burden from her, she smiled and nodded. “I couldn’t wait to see if helping her hurt another pony or not. If I did, it would be too late to do anything.”

“I cannot find fault with such an approach. If we fret at length about the possible outcomes of every action we might undertake, we would eventually do nothing out of fear of what might occur.” Luna looked to Apple Bloom. “What of you, young Apple? Your sister, brother, and your friends have shared their thoughts, yet I know not yours.”

Apple Bloom released Scootaloo and turned to Luna. “I don’t know whether lettin’ Fluttershy go was really all that bad or not, but he should have gotten help as soon as he could. That’s something that Scoots, Sweetie, and I learned a long time ago tryin’ to get our marks. Sis, Rarity, and Rainbow have always said that if we ‘pull some featherbrained stunt’ and got ourselves into trouble that we should tell somepony right away. They told us that they might not be happy about us doin’ somethin’ we ought not to, but they would be a lot more upset if we didn’t get help when we should have.”

“Did you really have to use my voice for that one part?” Rainbow groaned. “I've got a reputation to keep up.”

Rarity giggled and poked Rainbow Dash in the shoulder. “As I recall, you were the one that insisted that they Pinkie Pie Swear they would get us if they needed us.”

“What kind of Element of Loyalty would I be if I didn’t help out a friend when they really needed it?” Rainbow crossed her forelegs over her chest and pouted.

“To her credit, she did well in her mimicry. I had no doubt as to who had spoken the words.” Luna's smile faded and her expression changed to one of troubled introspection. “Your sibling's advice is sound, and you and your friends should heed it. Had I followed such wisdom, things might have unfolded very differently for my sister and me.”

McIntosh tenderly nuzzled her. Luna turned to him, their eyes met for a moment, and then she gave him an appreciative smile.

“My love is right; I should not dwell on past mistakes.” Luna turned her attention to Horizon. “Particularity since there is a serious matter that must be addressed at hoof. Step forward, Dark Horizon. I have decided as to your fate.”

Horizon hugged Fluttershy and whispered to her, “I love you. No matter what happens, I will come back to you.” He gave her a brief kiss and then moved to stand before Luna. After coming to full attention, he bowed to Luna. “I await your judgment.”

“You do not care to defend your actions?” Luna said.

“I do not,” Horizon immediately replied. “I fully admit that what I did was in violation of protocol and my oath. I could have put others in danger, including the mare that I have come to love, by not identifying who the creature was. I also realize that by remaining silent I caused others to waste time and effort on a hunt that would have never found a true creature.”

“Then we shall proceed to the matter of judgment.” Luna moved closer to Horizon. “I do not believe it just to punish a pony for acting from the heart when faced with the kind of dilemma that you found yourself in that night. Neither choice you were presented with could be considered right, nor wrong, so I will let the matter rest. However, I am deeply disappointed and wounded by your failure to confide in me after the time of perceived peril had ended.” She studied Horizon for a moment before asking, “Have I not been a just commander of the Lunar Guard?”

“You have.”

“Have I ever given you reason to believe that I would harm another being that was not a clear and immediate threat to me or mine?”


“Have I not taken your council and treated you with respect even when I did not see the portends of events as you did?”

Horizon swallowed and answered in a wavering voice, “You have.”

“Then why did you not tell me of your predicament? I could have determined whether the change endangered Fluttershy, helped her negotiate matters with her friends, and allowed you to be free of the burden of keeping her secret.”

Horizon’s ears folded back and his face showed nothing but misery. “I didn't want to disappoint you. You honored me with my position and your trust, and I repaid you by doing something against my oath by letting her go.”

“Your true failure did not occur on the night in which you discovered Fluttershy, but during all the nights and days afterward. You could have come to me, confessed your misdeeds, and I would have treated you as the Elements have you and Fluttershy, with understanding and temperance.”

“That is something that friends do for each other.” Horizon said, dropping his eyes from hers.

Luna tilted her head, and her ears went askew. “Do you not consider yourself counted among my friends?”

While still looking towards Luna’s hooves, Horizon said, “I am just a guard; I never dared think myself as your friend.”

A look of deep disappointment came to Luna's face. “It pains me to hear such words, but it gives me clarity as to what I must do.” She came to her full height, restoring her royal and powerful presence. “Dark Horizon, I have decided as to your fate. Since I gave my word that I did not wish to see any official inquiry into this matter, I will not reduce your rank or your salary. However, you will only receive pay equal to that of a private, while the rest shall be bequeathed to charities of my choosing. You will also be reassigned to duties that would be suited to one of such a rank.” She paused. “Do you think these first terms draconian?”

“Not at all, Princess,” Horizon replied, in a humble tone.

“As for the hours you squandered in your official capacity, you shall repay them by helping train the incoming recruits, particularly by teaching them about what the oath of duty should mean to them and how to conduct themselves when faced with dilemmas such as you faced.”

Horizon's head snapped up. “Princess, I am in no place to argue, but why would you have me teach about what the oath if I willingly broke it?”

Luna nodded towards the Cutie Mark Crusaders. “You instructed these three well enough. I also believe that those who have erred in the past and have come to recognize it are often in the best position to keep others from treading the same path.” She held Horizon's eyes in a firm stare. “You do see where you failed and wish to better the situation, do you not?”

“I do.”

“Then you shall instruct the recruits to your utmost so they do not err as you have.”

“I will.”

“There is one final matter. You will not be allowed to renew your term in the guard.”

Horizon’s head fell so that his chin touched his breastplate. “You can't have a pony whose loyalty is questionably in the Guard, I understand.”

Luna snorted. “No, you do not. Your talent is seeing the worst that can occur and doing what you can to prevent it. You worry more about others than you do for yourself. I have watched time and time again as you helped others, including me, navigate through difficult circumstances, and yet you have neglected to use your talents to benefit yourself.”

“Princess, I-”

Luna reached out a hoof and gave Horizon a light tap on the nose. “Hush, I have not finished,” she said as if speaking to a foal. “I am not pleased by your actions, make no mistake, but I have seen that while you have toiled here that the doldrums that plagued you have all but gone. I could not allow you to remain in the guard, knowing there is a better place for you.”

“I don't deserve this light of a sentence.”

“Your sin was not so great. Therefore, there is no need for a harsh punishment.” Luna put a hoof on his shoulder. “I also do not make a habit of punishing anypony unduly, particularly those I am fond of. I choose those among my personal guard not only on merit, but on the belief that I can count them among my friends.” She smiled at him. “While you have not 'dared' to do so, I wish you to regard me as a friend as well.”

Horizon smiled and nodded. “I would be glad to.”


Applejack leaned against the farm’s fence. “Twilight said that you’ve almost finished your hours with her. She must have been studyin' you pretty hard the last couple of months.”

“She has, and so has Luna.” Fluttershy said. “I don't understand half of what they're saying, but I do know they still don't know what the magic really is. Luna says it might be magic similar to what causes wereponies. Twilight thinks that is more like the magic that Changelings use. What they do agree on is that it's changed the magic in me a little bit. I have a more wild magic in me than a typical pony.”

“That doesn’t bother you?”

Fluttershy did not take her eyes from the sky, as she answered, “I kind of like the idea that I am a little closer to the animals that I take care of.”

Applejack adjusted her hat in a worried way. “They haven’t found anythin' that makes them think it's doin' something nasty to you, have they?”

Fluttershy smiled and shook her head. “They think it's actually helping me stay healthy since I'm getting more exercise flying at night and eating all the apples that I have been.”

“You are lookin’ good, and I can't complain about the apple sales either.” Applejack gave her a knowing look and grinned. “Watchin' for them isn't goin' to make them get here any faster.”

Fluttershy turned back to Applejack, looking embarrassed. “I'm sorry. I'm being rude.”

“Don’t think anythin’ of it. Mac looks towards that same patch of sky when he knows Luna is comin’.”

“It’s just that I haven’t seen him in two months. We’ve written back and forth, but it’s not the same.”

“Luna and Mac have takin’ up writin’ to each other too. Luna gave him a candle that he can use to send mail to her, like Spike does our letters to Celestia.” Applejack looked past Fluttershy and grinned. “Looks like your lover colt and his friend are here, I see a couple of ponies comin’ this way.”

Fluttershy fidgeted more and more as the pair of flying ponies came closer.

“You're actin' as bad a school filly. You really do have it bad for him don’t you?”

“I do.”

The two unarmored guards began to descend towards Sweet Apple Acres. Fox slowly spiraled down. Horizon dropped much quicker, skimmed along the path leading to the farm's gate, and used his momentum to transfer into a run. Barely coming to a stop, he scooped Fluttershy up in a hug and nuzzled her mane. “I can't tell you how happy I am to see you.”

She wrapped her forelegs around him in return. “I'm glad to see you too.”

“That was some pretty fancy flyin'. Not too many ponies can go from the air into a run like that,” Applejack said.

Fox landed not too far from them and walked over. “It's something we're taught in the guard, gets the drop on the enemy.” He poked Horizon in the back a couple of times. “You two can cuddle later; you're supposed to be getting to work.”

Horizon pulled back from Fluttershy and kissed her nose. “I hate to say it, but he's right.”

Fluttershy blushed and let him go. She looked to Applejack, “What do you need us to do?”

“Mac and I need some help in the western orchard, and this afternoon there are going to be three filies who are goin' to need some lookin' after while I'm at the market. I think one of them is expectin' some flyin' lessons.”

“Sounds good to me,” Horizon said.

Applejack looked to Fox. “I didn't know that you were goin' to be comin' to.”

“Somepony had to escort him, or he might have gotten lost.”

“What's in the saddle bags? They look kinda heavy.”

“Fox is leaving out a couple of minor details,” Horizon said. “There's a reason he's out of armor too.”

Fox cut his eyes over to Horizon. “I was getting to that.” He looked back to Applejack. “Technically we're both on leave for the next couple of days, but we both still have to make things up to Luna.”

One of Applejack's eyebrow's rose. “What did you go and do to get lumped in with with him?”

Fox looked down and lightly kicked the ground. “I confessed to Luna about something that I had done, or rather, what I hadn’t done. She didn’t hammer me like she did Horizon, but I have to clean the Luna’s bat house and Tiberius's litterbox every day till Horizon is out of the guard.”

“Should I even ask what it is that you didn't do? I have a feelin’ I wouldn’t much like it.”

“You wouldn’t.”

“Then I’ll let that dog lie.” Applejack pointed a hoof at his saddlebags. “I still don’t know why your saddlebags are that much heavier than his.”

“Guano isn’t exactly light.”

Applejack pulled back from him, almost coming off the fence. “What in tarnation are you carrying saddlebags full of bat droppin’s for?!”

“Don’t worry, they’re sealed with magic.” Horizon patted the top of one of the bags. “Guano is a great fertilizer. I’m taking some from the bat house to Zecora for her garden.”

“I told him coltfriends usually get their marefriends flowers or jewelry,” said Horizon. “He wouldn’t listen.”

“We are just friends at the moment, I’ll have you know. Besides, I like to give practical gifts.”

“Fox, you’re getting’ awfully close to lyin’,” Applejack said, giving him a disapproving look.

“Fine, you got me. It was Luna’s idea.” Fox chuckled. “I think she liked the idea of me flying all the way from Canterlot with saddlebags filled with royal bat waste too. She included bringing the guano as part of my making things right with her.” Fox touched one of the smaller side pouches on his saddlebags as if its contents could shatter. “I’ll admit I did get Zecora a few things. They’re that actually what caused Luna to suggest the guano.”

Fluttershy asked, “What are they?”

“They’re seeds and bulbs from plants that can be used in healing brews.”

Applejack whistled. “Those don’t come cheap. How did you manage to afford somethin’ like that?”

“One of the royal gardeners owed me a favor, so I asked him to give some of the leftover seeds from the last batch they planted. Don’t worry; I got permission from Luna to make it official.” Fox looked at the pouch, with an expression of concern. “I hope she likes them.”

“No sense you standin’ here with that stuff on your back and wonderin'. Go find out if she likes them.” Applejack gave Fox a wink. “You never know, she might end up likin' you a bit too.”

“One can hope.” Fox turned and trotted towards the Everfree Forest, humming a light tune.

“All right you two, we need to get movin'.” Applejack said, addressing Horizon and Fluttershy. She waved a hoof indicating that they should follow her. “Mac's glad you two goin' to be around for the next few days. There is a lot we need to do before cider season starts, and it's been just the two of us tryin' to get everythin' ready.”

“I remember Rainbow telling me about your cider. She thinks it's the best in Equestria.”

“It is, hooves down,” Applejack said, without hesitation. They moved down the path for a bit, before Applejack asked, “Have you thought about what you're goin' to do after you're out of the Guard?”

“I will still have hours to make up with you and the other Elements. That will take priority. From there, I'm not sure.”

“You got a place to stay while you're finishing up your hours and don't have a bunk to back to?”

“I do.”

Applejack looked over her shoulder at Horizon and gave him a scrutinizing look. “And where would that be?”

“I'm going to be staying in one of the spare rooms at Twilight's castle. They need help arranging a couple of rooms in the castle to serve as the town library until there is a decision made as to what the permanent solution is going to be. Why?”

“There for a second, I thought you might be stayin' at Fluttershy's.”

“I offered, but he turned me down.” Fluttershy blushed at the look that Applejack gave her.

“I thought it best if I didn't stay with her for that long,” Horizon said, drawing Applejack's eye back to him. “Ponies might get the wrong idea.”

“It would look like you two were movin' a mite too fast.” Applejack sighed and turned to face forward again. “At least you two have common sense, unlike Luna and my brother.”

McIntosh's voice boomed through the trees, “Hello!” As they drew closer, McIntosh titled his head. “Miss Fluttershy, what are you blushin' like that for?”

“I was just askin’ where Horizon was goin’ to stay while he was workin’ off his hours after he got out of the Guard,” Applejack said.

“How did that make Miss Fluttershy blush?”

“I kind of insinuated that they might be sharin’ a roof.” She turned away and muttered, “And maybe a bed.”

Fluttershy squeaked and hid behind Horizon.

McIntosh asked Horizon, “You goin' to be stayin' with us?”

“No, Twilight and Spike are letting me stay with them in exchange for helping set up the temporary library a couple of hours a day while I'm here.”

“If you get tired of catalogin’, dustin’, and movin' books, you're welcome here.”

Horizon studied Applejack, as if trying to read her mind.

“What are you lookin’ at me like that for?”

“Were you going to offer me a place to stay back there?”

Applejack gave Horizon a warm, genuine smile. “You shouldn’t be so surprised. If I held a grudge against everypony who did somethin' wrong, I wouldn’t be able to talk to anypony.”

Horizon bowed his head to her. “Thank you. That means a lot to me. I thought you were still angry.”

“She might not be holdin' a grudge, but she's plannin' on workin' you into the ground,” McIntosh said, with a chuckle.

“You got that right.” Applejack titled her hat forward. “For all those hours you owe, you are mine.”

Fluttershy peeked around Horizon. “What about me? I have to make up hours too.”

“I've got plans for you too, don't you worry none.”

Fluttershy's eyes widened. “Oh my.”


Applejack took off her hat and wiped her brow. “Just close up the doors, and we're done for the day.”

“Can do.” Horizon said, pulling the barn's door's closed and dropping the bar in place. “Are you all right, Fluttershy?”

“I'm just tired,” Fluttershy said, leaning against the barn.

“You two worked your tails off,” Applejack said, putting her hat back on. “If we keep this up, we'll have the west orchard done in no time.”

“What will we be working on after that?” said Horizon.

“We'll need to check the barrels for leaks and clean them out. You can't put good cider into bad barrels.”

“Somepony needs to get her home,” McIntosh said, nodding towards Fluttershy. “She's about asleep on her hooves.”

Applejack put a hoof on Fluttershy's shoulder. “I'm sorry Fluttershy. I was plannin' on workin' Horizon till he gave out, not you.”

“I'm all right, I just stayed up a bit too late last night,” Fluttershy said, putting her hoof on top of Applejack’s.

“You stay out too late with your nighttime critters?”

“No, I just couldn't sleep.” Fluttershy's eyes went to Horizon.

Applejack grinned. “I think I’ve gotcha. You were thinkin' about somethin' a bit too much, weren’t you?”

Fluttershy nodded.

Applejack pointed a hoof at Horizon. “You still got some work left in you?”

“I do,” Horizon said, with a bit of pride in his voice. “What do you need me to do?”

“Don't go and sound so smug. That just means I’ll have to work you harder tomorrow.” She tilted her head towards Fluttershy. “Could you make sure she gets back to her place?”

“That wouldn't be work at all. It would be a pleasure. Let me get my saddlebags first and we'll be off.” He looked around, with a confused expression. “Speaking of which, where are my saddlebags?”

“I forgot to tell you,” Applejack said, lightly hitting herself on the side of the head. “I moved them just inside the door to the house so Winona wouldn't chew on them.”

“Thanks for that. I'll be right back.”

After Horizon had gone a few steps towards the house, Applejack whispered in Fluttershy's ear, “Do you want me to ask him to carry you?”

“Applejack!” Fluttershy hissed back.

“That wasn't a no,” Applejack teased.

“Sis, what did you say to her to make her turn that shade?” McIntosh said.

“I was just asking Fluttershy if she would like to be carried to her place.”

One of McIntosh's ears flicked. “Like Fox did with Miss Rarity?”

“That's what I was thinkin'.”

McIntosh Rubbed his chin with a hoof. “I bet he would, even after all the work he did.”

Fluttershy begged, “Please don't encourage her!”

“I won't. I don't think she means it anyway.” McIntosh turned towards the house. “Here he comes.”

“Sorry about taking so long,” said Horizon. “I was saying hello to Granny.”

“You know, she's missed havin' you and Fox around the house,” Applejack said. “Apple Bloom has been missin' you too.”

“I've missed being here.”

McIntosh motioned towards Fluttershy. “You two better get moseyin'. She's about asleep on her hooves.”

“Shall we?” Horizon said, with a slight bow to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy and Horizon made their way towards Fluttershy's home as Applejack and McIntosh watched them go.

“I thought that Fluttershy was goin' to burst before he got here,” said Applejack.

“They look like they're goin' to be good for each other.” McIntosh bumped Applejack with his shoulder. “That reminds me, has Granny been buggin' you to find a special somepony?”

“You have no idea.”

“I surely do. She put the pressure on me to go ahead and settle down with Miss Cheerillee.” He bumped her again, with a little more force. “She wasn't the only one.”

“I take it that the horseshoe is on the other hoof?”



“How are you doing?” said Horizon.

Fluttershy hummed a note and said, “I'm fine, just a little tired.”

“We're nearly there.”

“You remember the spot where we had our picnic?”

“Of course I do.”

“Do you want to go there for a bit?”

“You sure you're up for it?”

“I am.”

“I don't have a blanket with me. I could go and get one from your place, if you would like.”

“We can sit on the grass, it wouldn't bother me.”

They made their way to the picnic spot. Fluttershy drew in a slow breath and sighed happily. “This is one of my favorite spots in the world.”

Horizon took of his saddlebags and rummaged through them. “I don’t have a blanket, but I have a towel.”

She looked over at the towel, as he held it up. “Would we both be able to fit on it?”

Horizon turned the towel a couple of different ways. “It would be close, but I think we can get most of the two of us on it if we're close together.”

“Sounds perfect.”

Horizon spread the towel out and allowed Fluttershy to settle down on it first. He then joined her, pulling her close with one of his wings.

She leaned against him. “How many days are you going to be here?”

“Just three. Luna wants me to use up my leave time before my term with the Guard ends, but there are limits on how many I can use at a time due to our rotations.”

“You didn't tell Applejack that you were staying with me while you're here during your break.”

“She didn't ask, so I didn't offer the information. I didn't know how she would take it. ”

“I don't think she would have a problem with it.” She paused. “Well, not much of one.”

“Rarity probably wouldn't handle it as well.” Horizon put a hoof to his chest and his nose in the air. In an elite Canterlot accent, he said, “She would probably call it scandalous or indecent.”

“Then she would ask for details,” said Fluttershy, with a laugh.

“I wouldn't doubt it.”

After a couple of quiet moments, Fluttershy's breathing slowed and her head began to droop.

“Asleep all ready?” Horizon whispered. “Let's see if I can move without waking you up.” He moved slowly, arranging it so she lay against him.

She stirred for a moment. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean to fall asleep.” Fluttershy attempted to sit up, but Horizon stopped her by resting a hoof on her shoulder.

“Don't worry about it. As much as we worked today, a little nap wouldn't hurt either of us.”

“But I don't want to waste any time with you.”

“I don't consider this a waste at all.” He kissed the top of her head. “Besides, if we get a little rest we can go night flying again.”

“That sounds wonderful.”


McIntosh smiled as Luna descended towards him. “That's always a beautiful sight.”

Luna landed and returned his smile. “Thank you for your kind words, but all pegasi could do the same.”

“They wouldn't be you, and they wouldn't have your grace.”

Luna gave him a soft kiss on the cheek. “I think most would find that you overly favor me in your comparison.”

“I'll admit I'm biased, but that wouldn't make what I said any less true.”

She shook her head, her smile remaining. “Putting aside the matter as to whether my skills surpass other fliers, as I made my way here, I saw a sight I wish to share with you.” She led McIntosh away from the gate of Sweet Apple Acres. “I trust my guards arrived at the prescribed hour?”

“They did. I heard that you had Fox haul a load of guano all the way here.”

Luna laughed and nodded. “Verily, I did. However, I must confess that the idea began as a jest on my part. I think his desire to impress Zecora made him deaf to the levity in my voice when I made the suggestion.”

“I didn't know he was datin' her.”

“At the moment, he is not. However, I have no doubt that their courtship will begin in earnest without much time passing.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Fox asked my blessing in taking her seeds of healing and magical plants from the royal garden. That he thought of such a thing shows that he is attentive to what she values. If she recognizes and values that he is aware of what is important to her, which I have little doubt she will, then she will allow him to continue in his efforts to woo her.”

“She's helped us by makin' medicine for Granny and our animals a couple of different times, sounds like he's givin' her a gift that will help a lot of ponies.”

“I have yet to speak with her, which is a failing I intend to remedy during the next fortnight. She and I have many things to discuss.” Luna motioned for McIntosh to be quiet. “We are nearly there. I shall cast a glamor that will aid in us not being seen, but it will not diminish any sounds that we make.” Luna's horn glowed, and their outlines faded into the evening. “If we move with stealth, there is little chance that we shall be noticed by pony or beast.”

He followed her to the crest of a nearby hill, their forms moving like vague shapes in deep waters through the twilight.

Luna put her mouth close to McIntosh's ear. “Do they not paint the very picture of tranquility?”

“Eeyup,” he whispered back.

On the slope of the next hill from them, Fluttershy and Horizon lay together on a towel. Fluttershy was leaned against him, her head tilted against his shoulder. Horizon's head was turned so that his cheek rested against her head.

“I confess, his actions galled me more than I let show. There were moments that I scolded myself for being too generous in his sentencing. Seeing his affection for her has aided in quelling my vexation with him.”

“Ssh. I think he might have heard you.”


Horizon's ear flicked and his head rose. He looked around for a moment. After passing over the spot where Luna and McIntosh stood a couple of times, his eyes lingered on the hilltop. His ears focuses forward and he leaned forward slightly, giving him a predatory appearance.

Fluttershy raised her head and yawned. She followed his gaze and looked the nearby hilltop. “Is something wrong?”

Horizon shook his head, breaking his gaze. “I thought I heard something. Sorry for waking you.”

Fluttershy looked up at the moon, where it was still low in the night sky. “You shouldn't be.” A soft glow surrounded her, and she shifted to her fruit bat form. “We'll have most of the night to fly now.”

“As much as I love the idea, we can't. Not with all the work that we'll be doing tomorrow. We'll have to keep it to a short flight.”

Fluttershy's ears folded back and she drooped a little. “You're right.”

Horizon put a hoof under Fluttershy's chin, lifted her head, and kissed her. “I'll be out of the guard soon and working my hours off here. It's eating me too, but before long we'll be able to fly and be together a lot more. We just have to be patient.”

Her ears perked back up. “You're right, I shouldn't be worrying about you not being here while you're here.” She got to her hoofs, stepped away from Horizon a bit, and spread her wings. “You ready?”

Horizon stood up. “Ladies first.”

Fluttershy launched into the air.

Horizon gave her a couple of wing beats head start before following her into the night air.


“I am glad to see that they give each other such joy.”

“Being with the pony that you love tends to do that,” McIntosh said. “I know bein' with you does that for me.”

Using a wing, Luna pulled him in close. “I have made it clear to Horizon that I am to be the one that presides over their wedding.”

“What if they decide to elope? Neither of them is exactly fond of crowds.”

“I spoke to him of that possibility as well. I made it abundantly clear that if they do not seek me out to perform the ceremonies, even if it is just the two of them and my sister as a witness, then I shall be most cross.” Luna took a deep breath, and said, “Speaking of such matters, my sister has insisted that she be the one to perform our marriage.”

McIntosh turned his head towards her. “Are you alright?”

“I am in good health.” She met his eye. “Our wedding date will have to be decided with more haste than we envisioned.”

A look of comprehension and a broad smile spread on McIntosh’s face. “How long?”

“Of that I am not certain. After our first night under the stars, there have been several opportunities for such a thing to occur. When sister learned of my condition, she congratulated me and teased me unmercifully in turn.”

McIntosh's red paled to an almost pink hue. “I hope she isn't angry with me.”

“She is most excited at the prospect. She also understands, better than most, that this kind of thing can occur when ponies are passionately in love. Do you know of Prince Bluebood?”

“Eeyup. Can't say I've ever heard anything nice about him, though, especially from Miss Rarity.”

“His title has a touch of validity, as his ancestor, many generations ago, was my sister's foal. She was begotten in a fashion similar to our own.”

“Celestia had a filly?!”

“She has had several foals, as have I, truth be told. While I have not sought to determine the truth of the matter using the royal records, the thought has occurred to me that Twilight and Cadence might be our descendants.” She smiled. “Of course, judging by their respective powers and coat colors, Twilight would be of my lineage and Cadence of hers.” Luna used her free wing to gently tap McIntosh on the nose. “Surely you did not think my sister and I, with our long lives, would not have raised foals?”

“I guess I never thought about it before.” He rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof. “I guess I should have, especially after you had that talk with me in my dream.” He looked down towards her belly. “A foal. Our foal.”

“It is far too early for me to give any outward sign that I carry.”

McIntosh's eyes returned to hers. “I know, it’s just the idea of what is goin' to happen.”

She smiled. “I am glad to hear such such delight in your voice, even though this is not going to how we had envisioned.”

“This might rearrange thin's a bit and move up the weddin', but that's not important.” He kissed her and pulled her into a hug so that her head rested on his shoulder. “What's important is that I'm goin' to be havin' a foal with the mare that I love. I can't be any happier.”

“Nor can I.”

Comments ( 32 )

:pinkiehappy: UPDATE!
WELL worth the wait!

SEQUEL!!! i now wanna see the luna mac baby!

I thought Fox was after Rainbow... :applejackunsure:

5828570 Thank you! I am glad you liked the ending. I was not sure how it would be taken, since it leaves things quite a bit open.

True, it leaves stuff open, but this way if you ever decide to add stuff, you can :raritywink:

5828664 Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed this story. It started as a simple exercise and turned into one of my favorites to write.

I do not mean to disappoint you, but I do not typically do sequels. I find a point in the story that seems a good place to tie things up, as far as the narrative, and then let it go. I am afraid that if I push too far that I will wear the story and characters thin.

5829896 Fox admires Rainbow, but he does not see her as marefriend material. She is a bit too much for him to keep up with, and he knows it. Rainbow had a special pony before this all began too. She, of course, kept that fact a secret from every pony else. Well, except Pinkie. You can't really keep much from Pinkie.

“I kind of insulated that they might be sharin’ a roof.”

I suspect you mean "insinuate". :derpytongue2:

“I won't. I don't she means it anyway.”

You either mean "I doubt she means it" or "I don't think she means it".

Other than that, this was fantastic as always. :twilightsmile:

Beautiful ending to a great story.

5830455 Thank you for the kind words and for pointing out the errors. It seems that no matter how many times, or how carefully, I read a story a couple of them manage to slip through.

5831041 Thank you very much. Endings have always given me a rough time. I tried my best to make a conclusion that would not be overly harsh or sappy. I am glad that you like how things played out.

“You didn't tell Applejack that you were staying with me while you're here.”
“She didn't ask, so I didn't offer the information.

Um, She did ask, and you said you were staying with Twilight.

5833210 Thank you for the comment! The first time I read back through, I thought I had goofed something up quite royally. I see why you interpreted things the way that you did. I should have be a bit more clear in the dialog as to what each of them was talking about.

When Applejack asked, he answered as to where he was staying after he got out of the Guard. He just did not mention that for the short visit he was there for that he was staying at Fluttershy's.

I appreciate you being so sharp sighted. I have gone back and changed a couple of things so that their discussion is not so vague.

5836351 Thank you. That means quite a lot to me. My endings have tended to fall flat. I was really hoping to avoid that trend this time.

5836499 I hadn't noticed that in your stories... :rainbowhuh:

5836511 You are too kind. I have to admit that I have always felt Oddly in Tune and Shadow of Sombra both could have used some more work on their endings. While they were not horrible, I did not feel that they did the characters justice.

5836580 I can't say for sure. It's your work, not mine.

5862035 Thank you for all the comments. I am glad that you are enjoying the story. The story took me a lot longer to write than I thought it would, but I think the extra time paid off in the end because it allowed me to fine tune the story more.

Thank you for another great story! :twilightsmile:

This was perfect for winding down before going to bed. :twilightblush:

5886756 You are more than welcome. I am glad that you enjoyed it. It means a lot that you have read as many of my stories as you have. Readers like you are the reason that I keep going, even when things get a little tough.


Thank you for the wonderful feedback. I started this story on a lark, and it grew well beyond what I thought it could ever go. I am glad that you enjoyed it and that you liked the ending. The ending stories is where I feel my writing is the weakest. It is very encouraging to read such a compliment. Take care and Happy New Year!

This is an awesome story and a good read. But there is something i feel needs to be said. I can honestly see this being a thing in the show and it pisses me off. Not that you did the story well no its the reactions of the elements that pissed me off. You see Applejack hates liars i get that but it pisses me off that she feels entitled to knowing everything about her friends lives and that goes for the other elements too. Fluttershy discovers a new ability decides to keep it secret and when they find out the chastise her for wasting their time. I can understand applejack being angry with horizon for lying but fluttershy did nothing wrong. She had a secret and it was her right to keep it if she chose. Hell fluttershy didn't even lie just didn't tell. just because your disappointed in someone keeping something from you for fear of judgement does not mean that the person wronged you in anyway.

Also how the hell much "community service" time did they decide on? They were at it for what 3 weeks give or take, only nights so what 8hrs x 21days so 168hrs of community service. Again don't think it was warranted but if that is the time given horizon waited pretty fuckin late to figure out if he wanted to stay in another term. I mean in the army your given 90 days prior to your time of release.

That being said yes Horizon did get off easy for breaking protocol, though usually it depends on the outcome in this case he could just have easily ended without facing any re-precautions as he would having the book thrown at him. I've seen soldiers getting article 15's for doing something good like saving someone because they disobeyed orders and those same acts being rewarded. It really just depends on the chain of command.

6892164 I am glad you enjoyed the story. Initially, I had planned for it to be rather short and sweet. Before I knew what was going on, it turned into a long term project.

As for the community service, I think your calculations are about right. To be honest I never worked out the total number of hours for myself. Keep in mind that the agreement was created outside both the traditional military code and the courts so that there would not be an official blemish on either Fluttershy's or Horizon records. While the hours might seem a bit much, considering what they could have faced it is not that bad of a deal.

Thank you for giving such thoughtful feedback. Getting comments like yours helps me improve my writing and gives me a boost when I need it.

I just stated my opinion. The thing is what official capacity could fluttershy have faced charges with? From my understanding she was using the apples in the bat sanctuary so it couldn't be considered stealing when it was counted as waste for bats. So maybe trespassing? The thing that bugs me most is why would her friends demand ANY kind of repercussions from her. Don't get me wrong I can see Applejack getting but hurt over being lied to but I feel that if her friends had pushed she would have accepted fluttershy not paying her back and would actually be okay with it. I would think Rainbow dash, Rarity, and definately pinkie pie would have sided for not taking any action against them what so ever on the books or no. Twilight would be conflicted between the moral dilemma and Applejacks claim. Now if it were a complete stranger on the other hand I could see them taking action and making fluttershy work to pay them back for their grievance. As for Horizon again i got no issue with he did get off easy I was just confused and baffled on how much extra service he got and how close to his end of duty was.

And no i am not an avid lover of fluttershy she's cute at times but by i honestly think she's useless half the time. Just in case you were wondering.

I tend to like each main character about equally. All of the characters have annoying moments, including Fluttershy.

But in my head, only the episodes where they are treated as a fully developed character "count" for me. Like Pinkie's comic relief moments don't affect how I look at her, except if they are framed around her "real character" I see elsewhere. Pinkie is the most egregious of these offenses, but all the characters have been treated like this (even Twilight, like in Spike at Your Service).

I guess in the narrative sense, I tend to not like Fluttershy as much, but I can't help but treat them as if I was meeting them as people in real life, and in that case, none of their character flaws are enough for me to not want to get to know them.

Comment posted by Thor447 deleted Apr 8th, 2020

Loved how this story played out. I do have to ask the way you ended the story does leave it up to having a sequel. Any thoughts of making a sequel too this one?

I am glad you liked the story enough to ask about a sequel. To be honest, I felt I was stretching the narrative thin towards the end. While I enjoyed Fluttershy's and Horizon's exploits, I was glad that the story wrapped up where it did. I did play around a couple of ideas for a sequel, but they never seemed to have the beginning spark that this one did. Rather than try to force something, I decided to leave the story right where it is.

I understand maybe in a fue years something may spark a sequel. Maybe even a crossover with one of your other stores who knows what the future holds.

As great as the characterizations, the plot (and subplots), and the story as a whole was, let's pay tribute to what's really extraordinary here...

...you got Zecora's dialogue down pat! I don't think I've ever seen a fic where she spoke so much, but the rhyming was so correct and concise! Most writers either make up some excuse for her not to rhyme, or they don't do that well of a job, and that's in stories without nearly this much dialogue attributed to her, but you pulled it off magnificently!

Kudos to you on another great story! I'm glad I had the time to go back and read it!

Thank you! This story started out as a 'small' project that grew out of control. I think the story was in charge of me more than I ever was of it, but it was fun.

I love Zecora's character. She did not get near the love she deserved in the show. She had a wonderful mix of sass and wisdom and a personality all of her own. I am an ex-poet, so writing for her allowed me to work old mental muscles and play around in ways I had not in a long time.

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