• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 5,473 Views, 241 Comments

Apples, Bat Ponies, and Secrets - Random_User

Luna is invited to visit Sweet Apple Acres by Big McIntosh. As they tour the newly created bat sanctuary, the subject of a mysterious new animal visiting the orchard comes up. Luna decides she would like to see the creature for herself.

  • ...

Hopes and Plans

Chapter 3: Hopes and Plans

Horizon grunted as he turned the handle to the well’s pulley. “I don't think that went too badly for a first patrol.”

“We could just go inside and get some water.” Fox stuck his nose over the edge of the well and watched the bucket ascend. “I don't think they would mind.”

“We haven't been invited in.”

“We’re not demons that have to be invited over the threshold.”

“It would be rude, you goof.”

Fox grabbed the bucket when it came into his reach. He placed the bucket on the edge of the well and then offered a ladle to Horizon. “I think you should have the first swig since you did all the hauling.”

“Thanks.” Horizon took the ladle and dipped it into the bucket. “I've always preferred well water to faucet water anyway.” He drained the ladle with one back-tilt of his head.

“I would never have guessed.” Fox took the ladle from Horizon and dipped a drink of his own from the bucket.

“How did things go with Rainbow Dash?”

Fox wiped his lips and grinned. “Everything went just fine. She's as good a flier as the reports say. Did you know she made most of the house she lives in?”

“I'm not surprised; she's one of the best cloud wranglers out there.”

“She's got a good eye for architecture too. Her place looks like a bit of Cloudsdale floated off and decided to stop over Ponyville.”

Horizon took the ladle back. “Do I hear a bit of crush coming on?”

Fox quickly shook his head. “No, nothing like that, she's a bit too brash and loud for me. That doesn't mean that I can't admire her.”


“I won't deny it.”

“What are you two doing?” McIntosh asked as he stepped out on the house's front porch.

“We're getting a drink.” Horizon offered the ladle to the red stallion. “Care for some?”

“Why didn't you just come in the house and get a glass?”

Fox poked Horizon in the ribs. “Yeah, why didn't we?”

Horizon ignored Fox. “We hadn't been invited in and we didn't want to wake anypony up.”

“You two are welcome in the house whenever you want.” McIntosh looked back into the house. “Sis is goin' to have our hides if you don't come eat. She and Granny are fixin' breakfast and they don't take kindly to ponies being late for meals.”

Fox waved a hoof in the air. “I'll pass. I'm still working off the meal from last night.”

McIntosh shook his head. “I wouldn't turn down their cookin' if I were you. Applejack can get mighty sore about ponies not eating too.”


“Two pieces of toast with apple butter and a cup of coffee don't make breakfast,” Applejack grumbled at Fox. “You insinuating my cooking is no good?”

“By Luna's moon, no! Your cooking is fantastic!” Fox patted his stomach. “I want to eat more, but Luna's already hinted that I'm not quite in fighting shape.”

Apple Bloom pointed a hoof at Horizon. “He didn't eat much of anythin' either. Why aren't you gettin' onto him?”

McIntosh reached out a foreleg and scooped the filly against his side. “He didn't eat because he's got too much on his mind. You don't bother a pony when they're thinkin' like that.”

Apple Bloom looked over at Horizon with concern. “You worried you won't be able to catch the monster?”

Fox bumped Horizon under the table. “Hey, she asked you a question.”

Horizon looked up from his plate of eggs. “Sorry about that, Apple Bloom. No, that's not it at all. I'm sure we'll be able to do something about the monster.”

Granny snorted. “I'm telling you all you need is a broom, a sharp eye, and a good swing!”

Fox put his coffee down. “Typically that's essentially what we would do by chasing the creature out or using magic to deter it from returning. However, thanks to the unique nature of this creature, Luna and Twilight both want to capture and examine it.” He grinned. “I have to admit, I'm quite curious about what the creature could be myself.”

“You aren’t so keen on the plan,” Applejack said.

Horizon barely nodded. “I know that something needs to be done and answers found, but I just hope that something bad doesn't happen to the creature when we try to capture it.”

McIntosh shrugged his broad shoulders. “Maybe we won't get the chance. With all the ponies in the sanctuary at night, the critter could decide it's not worth tryin' to sneak onto the farm and go someplace else.”

A smile came to Horizon's face. “Maybe you're right. I don't think I would like the idea of a lot of ponies trying to ambush me at the grocery store.” He picked up his fork and took another bite of eggs.

“I hope you're wrong,” Apple Bloom said.

Horizon stared at her. “Why?”

“We were goin' to get our Cutie Marks in monster catchin'!”

Horizon looked to Applejack. “Who is 'we'?”

“Apple Bloom and a couple of her friends formed a little club that's trying to get their Cutie Marks.”

Apple Bloom stood up in her chair. “We're the Cutie Mark Crusaders! We even have a member in Manehattan!”

Fox motioned for her to sit back down. “If you sister agrees, and it's not on a school night, you and your friends could help us patrol during one of the early shifts.”

“You mean it?!”

“As far as I'm concerned, the more eyes and ears looking out for the creature the better.”

Apple Bloom turned to Applejack. “Can we, Sis? Can we?!”

“We'll see.”


“I've waited long enough. Now spill it.”

Horizon took his helmet off and put it on the foot of his bed. “At least let me get out of my armor.”

“You can talk while taking off your armor,” Fox said as he took off his own helmet. “With the doors shut, there is no chance anypony is going to hear us while we're down here. What is eating you?”

“I don't want the creature to get caught.”

Fox's hooves paused in their work of undoing a strap. “What?”

“The creature is more scared of us that we are of her. I don't like the possibility of her getting hurt when there hasn’t been harm done to pony or property.”

Fox opened the chest at the foot of his bed and placed his armor in it. “You must know more about the creature than you've been letting on.”

“I do.”

“If that's the case, why invite me into this?”

Horizon sat down on his bed. “Because you always have my back, you've always wanted to meet the Elements of Harmony, and I knew you would love visiting the bat sanctuary whether or not we caught the creature.”

“All true.” Fox made his way to the room's table and chairs, sat down, and then indicated with a gesture that Horizon should join him. “If we have this conversation while we're on the beds, I might go to sleep.”

Horizon took the lamp from its hook on one of the support pillars. “If you're that tired, maybe we should put this talk off.”

“Not happening. You're not wiggling out of this after you've made me wait until we finished our patrol and got back here.”

As he sat down across from Fox, Horizon put the lamp on the table. “I'm hoping that if the creature doesn’t appear for a while that Luna and Twilight will give up.”

“So you want me to help you sabotage the search?”

“No, I just want you to help them too much.”

“You're using me as a smoke screen for something.”

“Yes and no. I honestly want to help with the creature, but I want to make sure nopony gets hurt in the process.”

“You’re helping a mare.”

Horizon froze.

Fox crossed his forelegs over his chest. “I knew it. Now I just have to figure out how your mystery mare is wrapped up in this.”

“You can't know that there is a mare involved.”

Fox barked a short laugh. “You and I both know you turn into a soggy mush when mares are involved in stuff like this. Just admit it or I'll have to do some poking around on my own.”

“There's a mare involved.”

“I don't want to bust your chops; I just want to know what I'm getting pulled into. How deep into this is she?”

“She's the one that's been leaving the bits in the trees for the apples.”

Fox watched the lamp's flame for a couple of seconds and then shrugged. “I guess if she’s been leaving pouches of bits in the trees to pay for the apples she can’t be that bad.”

“She isn't bad at all. She's trying to do the right thing, but she doesn't want to draw attention to herself.” Horizon looked Fox in the eye. “Will you help?”

“I get to spend time with the Elements, visit a bat sanctuary full of several species of fruit and vampire bats whenever I want, and help a mare and my buddy out by doing nothing? I think I can swing that.”

“Thank you.”

“No problem. What are buds for if they don't help each other out? Besides, I owe you for getting me here.”

“You might not be thanking me if we're here for a while.”

“That reminds me, I forgot to show you what Twilight and Luna came up with as far as patrols go.” Fox retrieved the schedule from one of his saddlebags and put in on the table. “You lucky dog, you're with Rarity tonight. I've heard she's drop dead gorgeous.”

“You're with Pinkie on second shift.”

“Well, I can rule out that your mystery mare is Rarity. You didn't even react when I said her name.” Fox nudged Horizon. “Will you at least tell me who she is?”

“Not yet.”

Fox's ears folded back. “You don't trust me?”

“I'm trying to shield you, not leave you out. You can't spill what you don't know. If Luna gets wind of what I've done, I don't want you facing her wrath too.” Horizon patted Fox on the back. “If this blows over, and she agrees to it, I'll introduce you to her myself.”

“You don't trust me.”

Horizon rolled his eyes. “What if I give you another secret to show that I trust you?”

“It would have to be a doozy.”

Horizon waved a hoof towards the schedule. “Look at this real closely. Do you notice that there is one pair that shows up more often than any other?”

Fox’s lips moved silently as he read the pairings. “I see it now! Luna is only paired up with McIntosh! You mean...”

“I was sworn by Luna herself not to tell anyone. I just bent the rules like all hay for you. Is that enough to show that I trust you?”

Fox's ears snapped back up. “Alright, you trust me.” He yawned and turned towards his bed. “We need to hit the rack. Tonight is going to be busy, particularly for me.”

Horizon glanced back to the schedule. “Four nights,” he muttered to himself.

“Get the light would you?”

Horizon lifted the lamp’s glass and blew out the flame.


Horizon met Fox and Twilight on the edge of the grove. “Anything?”

Twilight shook her head. “Nothing, my spells didn't even detect anything beyond the typical fruit and vampire bats.”

“It looked very impressive though,” said Fox.

“Thank you, but I would rather it had sensed the creature.”

“You'll have another shot in a couple of days.”

Twilight lit her horn and looked back towards the sanctuary. “Still nothing but the typical bats, what is wrong with my spell?”

“Maybe the light is scaring it off?” said Horizon.

“Bats are more sensitive to light during the night.” Fox nodded towards Twilight’s horn. “That might be why you can't sense the creature, it's staying out of your range because of the spell's glow.”

The glow around Twilight's horn faded. “How can I look for it without magic?”

“Like us, by sight.”

Twilight grabbed Fox's cheeks and examined his eyes. “I wonder if I could make a spell that would give me eyes like yours. Then there wouldn't be any glow and I could see in the dark better.”

“Princess, I'm flattered you like my eyes that much, but would you please let me go?”

Twilight dropped her hooves from his face. “Sorry, I just got a little excited at the idea.”

“Hello, Twilight.”

The trio turned towards the new voice.

“Hello, Fluttershy, I hope you and Horizon have better luck than Fox and I did.”

“You didn't catch the creature? I'm sorry.”

Fox shrugged. “It's nothing to be sorry about. These things can take time, if they happen at all. There are a couple of researchers that I know of that have been trying to catch a sassquash for years and haven’t been able to.”

Twilight hugged Fluttershy. “You two take care. If anything happens, get help as fast as you can.”

Horizon stood beside Fluttershy. “With Fluttershy's ability to talk with animals we'll be just fine.”

“That's true. Now that I think about it, Fluttershy would probably handle the creature better than the rest of us.” Twilight turned and headed down the path towards Ponyville. After a few steps, she lit her horn and vanished in a burst of purple light.

Fox yawned. “Good luck you two. If you need me for anything, I'll be in the cellar.” He more staggered than walked towards the Apple's barn.

Horizon shook his head. “He still hasn't recovered from the other night with Pinkie.” He and Fluttershy quietly made their way into the sanctuary.

For a couple a minutes, neither pony said a word to the other.

“Don't get me wrong, Fox enjoyed meeting Pinkie and having her on the patrol, but I don't think the reports did her justice as far as her endless energy.”

A small smile came to Fluttershy's face. “Pinkie can be a bit rambunctious.”

“She seems nice enough, even if she has the energy level of a foal full of sugar. Will you be at the 'Welcome to Ponyville Creature Catchers Party' she's setting up?”

Fluttershy looked around the grove as if looking for anypony that could have heard her. “I don't think that would be a good idea.”

“I think it would perfectly ironic. Besides, if you don’t make an appearance it would be really suspicious.”

“What if the moon gets bright while I'm there?”

“Then I'll make a distraction, and you haul tail out of there.”

Fluttershy took a slow, deep breath. “I hope all this ends soon. I don't know if I can take the pressure.”

“I think if nopony catches the creature within a couple of weeks the princesses will give up. All you have to do is keep a low profile.”

“I think I can do that.”

“I'll do what I can to help. Fox is on our side too, so don't worry about him.”

“You told him?!”

“No, I didn't tell him anything much at all. He figured out that I was holding things back and asked me a couple of questions. He knows there is a mare that I'm trying to help. I kind of lead him on so that he thinks that the mare I'm trying to help is the pony that has been leaving the pouches of bits to pay for the apples.”

“You didn't even lie to him.”

“I would like to introduce you to him as the mystery mare at some point, if you don't mind. I kind of owe it to him.”

“I don't. If he's trying to help, it's the least I could do.”

“Thanks. He'll probably fall right out when he sees you. Why have you been leaving bits the trees anyway? You could just buy the apples that you need.”

“I've been buying apples from Applejack and her family for a long time. They know how many apples I need for me and my animals.”

“I see. If you're purchases suddenly went up, or you started buy from another vendor, it would draw attention to you.”

“That's one reason. The other is that since I never know when I'm going to change so I can't make plans to buy fresh apples for when I would need them.” She looked up at the apples hanging in the trees. “Apples straight from the branch taste better too. The bats turn their noses up at the apples that I've offered with the medicine already in them so I have to use apples directly from the trees.”

Horizon turned to one of the vampire bats. “I hope you know how much she's going through to help you.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Doing what?”

“Helping me like this. Why didn't you turn me in that night?”

“You looked so terrified that night; I couldn't make myself do it. You were just a scared mare to me, not some vicious monster.”

“How did you know my name?”

“McIntosh talked about you turning into a vampire bat to Luna earlier that evening. I overheard their conversation and you matched the discription.”

"Why are you blushing?”

Horizon hesitantly answered, “I also recognized you from a couple magazines and advertisements I saw from when you were a model.”

Fluttershy's face turned scarlet. “I was hoping that everypony had forgotten about that.”

“I'm surprised that more ponies don’t know who you are when they see you.”

“Photo Finish used a lot of makeup on me. I don’t look near as nice without it.”

“I think you look wonderful just as you are.”

“Thanks, but I know you’re just being polite.”

“I'm serious.”

“You said I looked nice as a vampire fruit bat. I can't look good as both.”

“With your coloration, you have an exotic appearance as a bat pony. As a pegasus, you have a kind and graceful appeal. You really are lovely either way. ”

The sound of heavy steps came from behind them. "Everythin' goin' all right?"

“Hello McIntosh, what brings you out here?” said Horizon.

“Just takin' a walk and looking at the moon. How are you two doin'?”

“Just fine, no sign of the creature so far.”

“That's all right by me. I think Luna and Twilight are wound up over nothin'. It hasn't hurt anypony. If it wants some apples it's more than welcome to them.”

“What about the bits? Doesn't the thought that it knows about money make you a little nervous as to what it can do or that a pony might be helping it?”


“Why not?” Fluttershy said.

“I've been thinkin' about that. Pinkie and Twilight have asked around town and nopony has had bits gone missin'. That means that the creature is not takin' and using the bits itself. I’m much more interested in findin’ the pony that’s been leaving the bit than the creature. They’ve paid too much for what's been eaten and we owe them change.”

“Do you have any clue who might be helping the creature?” said Horizon.

“I don't know, but Zecora might. That is, if the creature is from the Everfree Forest.”

Fluttershy gasped. “You don't think that Zecora is helping the creature do you?!”

“Eenope, Applejack already talked to Zecora about the critter. She didn't have a clue as to what it is. I just meant that she might have seen somepony going into the Everfree Forest that we don't know about.”

“Could she have lied?” Horizon tentatively asked.

“Eenope, Zecora's a good friend of the family’s. Besides that, nopony can lie to my sister.”

“You can't leave things out when you talk to her either.”


“Nothing, I just should have remembered that from the file that I read on your sister.”

McIntosh started walking again and moved past them. “You two stay safe. Just holler if you need anything.”

“McIntosh, if you need something to help you sleep, I can make some chamomile tea with milk in it,” Fluttershy said.

“Thank you kindly, but I’m not having any trouble sleeping.” He pointed a hoof toward the night sky. “You two might enjoy the night more if you flew while lookin' for the creature. I know I would welcome the view.” He made his way deeper into the grove, leaving them behind.

Horizon puffed out a breath of air. “We'll need to be more careful when we talk. He might have heard about you if he had come a little earlier.”

“You're right.” She looked towards where McIntosh had walked out of sight. “I hope he's okay. He seemed to be thinking about something really hard.”

“I wouldn't worry about him; he's a strong pony on several levels.” He looked up towards the stars. “I have to admit, I like his suggestion.” Horizon slightly bowed to Fluttershy and put a hoof to his chest. “Would you do me the honor of joining me for a night flight?”

“I'm not that good of a flier.”

“We'll take it easy then. We need to make sure we check every tree for the creature anyway.”

Fluttershy smiled. “You're right. We wouldn't want to miss it if it's hiding.”

They took off slowly circled the grove. “I've had an idea. What if we go see your friend in the Everfree Forest?”

“Zecora? Why?”

“It would look like we're actually looking for help about the creature, and from what I've read about her in the files, she's also quite talented in magic. Do you trust her enough to tell her about what is going on to get some help with controlling the change?”

“I do.”

“It's a plan then. Now we just have to figure out when a good time to go would be.”


Applejack poured the last of the hogs' feed into the trough. “You sure you don't want somepony to go with you two? The Everfree Forest can be a might bit dangerous.”

“Thanks, but I think Fluttershy and I can handle it.” Horizon held open the pen's gate for her and then fastened it back after she made her way out of the enclosure.

“What made y'all think about seeing Zecora?”

Horizon picked up his feeding bucket and followed her to the barn. “Something your brother said, actually. He pointed out that if nopony has been complaining about their bits missing then somepony has to be giving bits to the creature or is putting the bits in the trees themselves.”

Applejack opened the barn door. “Since the creature’s probably from the Everfree, then that pony may have gone to visit the critter and Zecora may have seen them.”

“That's our thinking.”

“Shoot, it's worth a shot. It's been nearly three weeks and we haven’t seen anythin' of the critter.”

“It's possible with all the extra ponies around that we scared it off.”

“That sounds good to me, but I think Luna and Twilight won't like it.”

Horizon helped Applejack put away the tools they had used during their chores and then headed down into the cellar. After lighting and shuttering the lamp, he quietly pulled his armor from storage and put it on.

Fox grunted and rolled over in his bed. “You poor foal, you've gone diurnal. You're going to have a hay of a time adjusting back to our regular schedule when we back to Canterlot.”

“Sorry, I tried not to wake you.”

“It's fine. What are you gearing up for?”

“Today's the day I'm supposed to escort Fluttershy to Zecora's.”

“That's right. I nearly forgot.” Fox sat up and looked at his clock. “Isn't it early for you to heading towards her place?”

“I was going to stop by town first.”

A moment of silence passed.


“I was going to pick up lunch.”

Fox's eyes widened. “You mean lunch for just for you and her?”

Horizon nodded.

“Whoa! I knew you lit up whenever the schedule put you with her, but I had no idea.” Fox whistled a long, low note. “You're aiming high, trying to court one of the Elements.”

“I'm just trying to be nice.”

“Oh, I’m sure you are. I bet you've got it bad too.”

Horizon glared at him. “What is that supposed to mean?”

“Don't take this the wrong way, but you're not the most positive of ponies. I've seen you spend less than a day with a mare and when you make it back to the barracks you'll have a list of reasons as long as your foreleg about why things wouldn't work between you and her.”

“I don't want to get into a relationship that would do nothing but hurt a mare and me both.”

Fox slapped a hoof to his forehead. “I should have seen this before! It's been staring me in the face the whole time!”

“What are you blithering about?”

You've been critical of Twilight, Rarity, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow, but never Fluttershy.”

“I have not been critical of anypony.”

“You realize that I've read your reports to Luna, since I have to co-sign them. What you wrote, my friend, was critical. It was all professionally worded and true, but critical.”

“I just informed Luna that Twilight can't keep from using magic on patrols, which scares even the normal bats. Rarity is fussy and whines that she's getting her coat dirty or needs to be back at her shop working. Pinkie is one hay bale short of a stack and is noisy as a marching band. Applejack needs to drink a whole cask of cider to loosen up and quit worrying about the farm for five minutes.”

Fox snorted. “That's quite something coming from the guy that's shifted his sleeping habits to help on the farm more.”

“After all they’ve done for us while we’ve been here it’s the least I could do.”

Fox waved a hoof dismissively. “Setting aside that you like working on the farm, whether to help the Apples out or not, what exactly we're your thoughts on Rainbow?” He playfully put a hoof to his chin. “I can't seem to recall.”

Horizon groaned. “Rainbow is more interested in getting in 'some nighttime flight time' than she is looking for the creature.”

Fox grinned a little wider. “Yet you can't find one bad thing to report about Fluttershy?”

“She's quiet and attentive during patrols. She listens to the vampire and fruit bats for any information they can give her. She never has a harsh word for anypony, she's always conscientious of what needs to be done to help others in their tasks, and she's...”

“An ex-supermodel that you have a crush on, I know. By the way, there’s a good chance that she likes you a little too.”


“She talks about you on our patrols. She's been telling me how you're always so nice, that you fly right by her side even though you could go faster, lots of little things.”

Horizon turned over his helmet repeatedly in his hooves.

“Yeah, let that sink in a little.”

Horizon put on his helmet and tossed his saddlebags on his back.

“Not even going to say anything?”

“You think I might have a chance?”

“You're not supposed to respond to a question with a question, but yeah, I think you just might.” Fox lay back down. “Now get out of here before you make yourself late for your special lunch.”

Horizon started towards the stairs.

“Hey, can you get the lamp?”

“Sure.” Horizon blew the lamp out and started heading out again.



“Good luck.”



Horizon took a deep breath, licked his lips, and then knocked on the door.

“Just a moment, I’m coming.” Fluttershy opened the door to her cottage. “Hello, Horizon. I thought you were coming a little later.”

Horizon put the basket he had in his mouth down. “I was. I hope you don't mind, but I thought I would bring lunch so we could eat before we set out.”

“You didn't have to do that.”

A white rabbit appeared between Fluttershy's forelegs and looked at Horizon with distrust.

“Hello. Who are you little guy?”

Fluttershy patted the rabbit on the head. “This is Angel.”

“I might just have something for him.” Horizon opened the basket and rummaged around in it. “Here you go.” He offered Angel a healthy sized carrot.

Angel snatched the carrot from Horizon’s hoof.

“Angel, mind your manners!”

The rabbit ignored her and chewed his carrot.

“It's alright. I'm sure he'll warm up to me eventually.”

The rabbit sneered at him.

“I packed the basket so that we could have a picnic.” Horizon swallowed. “That is, if you would like that. If not, we could just eat here.”

“A picnic sounds wonderful.” She stepped over the still munching rabbit. “You behave, Angel. I'll be back in time to fix dinner.”

The rabbit looked astounded as she shut the door.

“He looks like he could be quite the hooffull.”

“He can be a bit of trouble at times, but he's got a good heart.” She looked at the basket. “Where did you want to go?”

“I hate to admit it, but I haven’t a clue. I've spent most of my time here on the farm.” He rubbed one foreleg over the other. “I don't know where a good spot for a picnic would be.”

“I know just the place.”

She led him to a hill, not far from her cottage, which overlooked the creek that ran by her home.

“This is one of my favorite spots. It's so quiet and calming with the sound of the water running past.”

Horizon put the basket down and began unpacking. “I can see why you like it here. It's beautiful.”

They ate without saying much for most of the meal.

As Horizon placed a slice of cake before her, Fluttershy looked at Horizon and started to giggle.

“What? Do I have something on my mouth?”

She shook her head. “No, I was just thinking that not too long ago I would never have had the courage to do this.”

“What do you mean?”

“I've been shy all my life, and I still am. My friends have helped me a lot to not be so helpless, but the change has given me a bit of a confidence boost.” She looked across the creek towards Sweet Apple Acres. “I guess it lets me feel that I'm more than just plain old scaredy-cat Fluttershy even during the day.”

“There is nothing plain about you.”

Fluttershy blushed and ducked her head. “That's not true.”

“You can talk to animals, you're one of the Elements of Harmony and have saved Equestria several times over with that power, you've faced down cockatrices, dragons and manticores, and Luna only knows what else you've done that wasn’t put in our reports. You're nothing short of amazing.”

She whispered, “Thanks.”

He reached for his helmet. “Fluttershy, I want...”

“Hey guys!” Rainbow landed at the edge of Fluttershy and Horizon's blanket. “What's up with all the eats?”

“Horizon and I are going to see Zecora to see if she knows about anypony helping the creature. He was nice and brought lunch.”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “It's just the two of you?” She looked at the blanket and the spread of food that the pair had partaken in. “Looks like a bit much for just lunch.”

Horizon picked up a clean plate and held it out to Rainbow. “There's some salad and dessert left. Would you like some?”

“Nah, I can't do some of my best moves with food on my stomach. I saw you two and just wanted to say I had a feeling that we might see the creature tonight.”

“We just might, you never know.” Horizon put the plate back down on the blanket. “Fox was telling me that there’s a chance that we may have scared it off with all the patrols. Really rare creatures tend to try to avoid ponies as best they can, according to him.”

“I hope not, Twilight would be torqued.” Rainbow looked towards Canterlot. “Luna wouldn't take the news that the creature got away all that well either.”

“I think Luna would take the news better than Twilight, to be honest.”

Rainbow spread her wings. “You're probably right. Twilight tends to get a little too worked up over things like this; Luna seems more like the kind of pony that would just let it roll off her back.” As she launched from the ground and into the air, she called, “Have fun with the rest of your date! Don’t' do anything I wouldn’t!”

Horizon looked down to the untouched plate.


He turned and met Fluttershy's searching eyes.

“Was this supposed to be a date?”

He reached up and took off his helmet. “I wanted to do something nice for you, but I didn't know if you would want this to be anything more than that.”

“Did you want this to be a date?”

“I was hoping that it might lead to one, eventually.”

She cocked her head to the side. “Eventually?”

“It wouldn't be appropriate right now, but after all this is over would you mind me coming back to visit?”

Her cheeks became rose tinted. “You'd come back just to see me?”

“I would like to see if there could be anything between us.”

She hid her face behind her mane.

Horizon waited for a minute, sighed, and then started to put the plates back in the basket. “Look, I'm sorry. I overstepped myself. I hope that this doesn't make things awkward between us.”

“I wouldn’t mind at all,” she whispered.

His hoof stopped in mid-reach for the next plate. “You wouldn’t?!”

She nodded and peeked from behind her mane. “I would like for you to come back.”

He took one of her hooves in his and gently kissed it. “Thank you.”

Author's Note:

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