• Published 31st Dec 2013
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Apples, Bat Ponies, and Secrets - Random_User

Luna is invited to visit Sweet Apple Acres by Big McIntosh. As they tour the newly created bat sanctuary, the subject of a mysterious new animal visiting the orchard comes up. Luna decides she would like to see the creature for herself.

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Fillies, Flights, and Frights

Chapter 8: Fillies, Flights, and Frights

As Applejack led Horizon to the outskirts of town, she would occasionally glance back at him.

“You don’t have to keep checking on me,” Horizon said. “I’m hitched to the cart. I can’t make a run for it.”

She matched her pace so that she walked beside him. “I guess we’re far enough away from town that we can talk. So, you and Shy have a thin’ goin’, huh?”

“We do. How did you figure it out?”

“You picked the best of the apples for her and then offered to put them in her saddle bags. You haven’t done that for anypony else.”

“You noticed that?”

“I sure did, but it was what she didn’t do that I told me a lot more.”

“What do you mean?”

“She has to trust a pony for them to touch her. Your hoof stayed a bit too long on hers when you gave her change, and she didn’t do anythin’. She didn’t even react when you opened her saddlebags and put the apples in. All of that showed she really feels secure around you.”

“I didn’t even think about it. I was just trying to be nice to her.”

“Why didn’t you two tell me and the girls?”

Horizon looked down at the path. “We thought it would seem improper if ponies knew that we were seeing each other while I was guarding her during the patrols.”

“Is there somethin’ in your regulations that keeps you from seein’ a pony you’re guardin’?”

He was silent for a moment and then shook his head. “Nothing specific, but I guess it would be against the regulation that requires that guards to refrain from conduct that would call into question the integrity of the Lunar Guard’ if somepony really wanted to argue it.”

Applejack trotted in front of him and blocked the path, causing Horizon to bring the cart to a stop. She gestured back towards Ponyville. “You don’t have to worry about somethin’ like that. Twilight’s brother was seein’ Cadence while he was guardin’ her and they ended up gettin’ hitched by Celestia herself.”

Horizon chuckled. “I would have thought that you would have been mad at me for not telling you, not trying to make me feel better about things.”

“I am a bit sore about it, I won’t lie, but I understand why you kept quiet about it.” She thumped his chest with a hoof. “We’re friends now; you don’t have to hide somethin’ like this from me. I won’t tell anypony if you don’t want me to.”

“Thank you. I won’t keep anything like this from you again, I promise.”

“You’re not out of the fryin’ pan yet. Fluttershy is like a sister to me and I don’t want to see her feelin’s hurt.”

“Are you worried that I’m dating her because she’s one of the Elements or because she’s an ex-supermodel?”

“I’ve had a couple of thoughts along those lines,” Applejack said, while adjusting her hat to sit at a more aggressive angle.

Horizon met her challenging stare. “What can I do to prove to you that I have true feelings for her?”

“I want you to answer me one thin’.”

“Alright, ask.”

“Do you really care for her?”

“I love her.”

Applejack adjusted her hat back to its usual position and nodded. “That’s what I wanted to hear. Now come on. There’s still work to be done back home.”


Horizon placed a basket under one of the trees. He looked up, adjusted the basket’s position slightly with his hoof, turned his back to the trunk, and gave it a solid buck. The tree’s apples fell, most landing in the baskets. He sighed as he watched one apple roll a distance from the tree. “Whoever coined the phrase ‘apples never far too from the tree’ must have never bucked apples.”

Apple Bloom and Horizon circled the tree, gathering up and tossing the stray apples into the baskets.

“Don’t feel bad. They’ve had a lot more practice.” She tossed a bad apple over her shoulder. “At least you can get them to fall. I can’t even make one of them come down.”

“You will soon. You just have to grow a bit more.” Horizon hummed a light tune as he tossed the errant apples into the baskets.

Apple Bloom watched him. “You really like workin’ here don’t you?”

“I do.”

“Why? Don’t get me wrong, this is my home, but isn’t Canterlot more intrestin’ than here?”

“Yes and no.” Horizon paused in mid-motion of throwing an apple and looked at it. “Canterlot does have a lot more glitz, impressive buildings, and things like that, but that is about all it has.” He slowly turned the apple, causing the light of the sun to play across its surface. “It’s expensive to live in Canterlot, it’s crowded, and there is no grass or trees except in the parks. The city is just too artificial.”

“I would think living in a place like that would be exciting.”

“For a little while it was. When I first joined the Lunar Guard, everything in Canterlot everything seem great. But I quickly realized that it wasn’t a place I wanted to live for too long.”

Apple Bloom tilted her head. “What do you mean?”

“In Canterlot, it feels like you’re always under scrutiny. The ponies there are constantly measuring each other to see where they are on the social ladder. One of the worst things about living there is that the ponies that are raised in Canterlot don’t see bat ponies as being that high on the social ladder.”

“They shouldn’t judge a pony just because of how they look.” Apple Bloom overthrew an apple, sailing it over its intended basket.

Horizon deftly caught the apple in one of his wings and then rolled the apple down the wing’s membrane and into the basket.

“Neat trick,” said Apple Bloom. “Zecora scared everypony in town for a while, but once everypony got to know her they really liked her.”

“There are a lot of ponies that don’t care to get to know a pony before they judge them.”

“That’s just plain wrong.”

“I wish more ponies felt the way you do.”

“Apple Bloom was the one that got ponies to open up to Zecora,” said McIntosh, as he walked up to them with a cart. “Sis here can pull some foolish thin’s every now and then, especially when she she’s tryin’ to get her mark, but she’s got a good heart.”

“McIntosh!” Apple Bloom protested.

“I’m just tellin’ the truth.”

“That don’t make it right to say it in front of somepony else!”

Horizon laughed and helped McIntosh unhitch from the cart. “That is what we older brothers are for.”

“You’re an older brother?” said Apple Bloom.

“I am. My sister’s name is Restless Night. She’s a bit older than you.”

“What is she like?”

“If I had to describe her in a word, it would be inquisitive. She always wants to see and experience new things in new places. I wouldn’t be surprised if she ends up being a scout in the Lunar Guard.”

Horizon and McIntosh loaded the baskets into the cart while Apple Bloom made sure there were no stray apples left behind. Horizon helped McIntosh back into his harness. Apple Bloom rode in the back of the cart, as they made their way back to the barn.

“So your family’s talent is seein’ what other ponies don’t?” asked McIntosh.

“That would be a good description of what we do.”

“I wonder what my talent is goin’ be.” Apple Bloom looked at her bare flank. “I’ve be tryin’ everything to get my cutie mark, but nothin’ has worked.”

“It will come when you least expect it. There are a lot of ponies that don’t know exactly when they got their mark because they were so absorbed in what they were doing that they didn’t even notice it appearing.”

“I think I remember Twilight saying that she didn’t notice getting’ her cutie mark until Celestia pointed it out.” Apple Bloom looked over the side of the cart at Horizon’s tiger moth mark. “How did you get your cutie mark?”

“My dad and I volunteered to help a neighbor of ours move. Our town had a community cart that you could use so long as you took care of it and returned it. The thing was old, but it was still serviceable. To make a long story short, while I was helping my dad hitch up to the cart, I saw that something was wrong with one of the traces.”

“That’s not good,” McIntosh said, as he glanced at the traces of his own cart.

“Don’t worry; I look over the cart every day to make sure everything is alright.” Horizon turned back to Apple Bloom. “I was so scared about the trace or something else breaking and hurting Dad that I freaked out. I went over the cart from one end to the other making sure that everything was all right. I was so frantic that I didn’t even notice that I had gotten my mark until Dad started laughing. He said that it was fitting that I would get my mark for being a ‘worry wart,’ but he congratulated me and thanked me all the same.”

“Why is your cutie mark a moth then?” Apple Bloom said.

“Tiger moths warn predators that they are not good to eat with their colors and markings. Since I have a knack at seeing dangers and helping others avoid them, it fits pretty well.”

McIntosh pulled the cart into the barn, and Apple Bloom jumped down from the back. “Do you need my help anymore? I have to head over to Rarity’s place. She’s goin’ to have us show off our uniforms off before the patrol.”

“Go on little Sis, we’ve got it from here.”

Apple Bloom ran out of the barn, nearly running into Applejack in her haste.

“Careful, Sis, you could hurt somepony!” Applejack scolded.


“Big Mac, I could use Horizon’s help getting’ supper ready for tonight,” Applejack called into the barn. “Granny isn’t feelin’ her best. With all the other ponies comin’ tonight, I need another set of hooves in the kitchen. You don’t need him for any heavy liftin’ do you?”

“Eenope, we’ve already done the hard stuff. I can put the apples away by myself.”

“I’ll help Mac out of his harness and be right there,” said Horizon.


“The salads are ready to go.” Horizon put down the knife he had been using and scooped the chopped carrot pieces into the bowls on the counter next to him. “What can I start working on next?”

“The next thin’ to get goin’ on are the desserts,” Applejack said, as she closed the oven’s door. “If you get another bag of flour, I’ll clean up here, and we’ll get started on a couple of pie crusts once you get back.”

“Sounds good to me, I’ll get some real quick.” He stepped into the pantry and looked over the shelves. “Applejack, we’re out of flour.”

“Is there any on the top shelf on your left?”

“Not that I can see.”

“Shoot. I guess I’ll have to get some from the cellar.”

Horizon backed out of the pantry. “I can go get it. Somepony has to keep an eye on the oven.”

Applejack glanced at the kitchen clock. “Looks like the girls are a little late. Rarity must be paradin’ them all over town.”

The front door opened and the sound of hooves marching together resounded through the house.

“Fox, I believe the ponies we are looking for are in the kitchen,” said Luna.

“I believe so, Princess. Cadets, report to the kitchen and prepare for inspection.”

A trio of fillies’ voices answered, “Yes sir!” Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie Belle marched into the kitchen. They formed a tidy line, turned to face Horizon and Applejack with synchronized snap turns, and then stood at attention. The uniforms they had been given were light gray with purple and gold accents. On the left shoulder of each of the uniforms was the Lunar Guards’ crest. On the right shoulders, the uniforms bore Luna’s mark.

“Impressive.” Horizon smiled at the fillies. “There are full grown ponies that can’t do what you just did.” He slowly walked around the trio, looking them over.

Fox, Luna, and Rarity came into the kitchen.

“It’s amazing how well they took to marching in formation,” Fox said.

“They’ve put on a talent show and were the Ponyville flag bearers for the Equstria Games, so they already know how to move together,” said Rarity. “Well, what do you think?”

“Apple Bloom, could you buck a tree in your uniform?” said Horizon.

“Yes, sir, that would be no problem.”

“Sweetie Belle, are can concentrate on your magic with the uniform on?”

“Yes sir.”

“Scootaloo, do your wings have enough range of movement for you to get off the ground?”

Scootaloo swallowed. “I don’t know, sir.”

“What do you mean?”

“I haven’t tried, sir.”

Applejack moved over to Horizon’s side and whispered in his ear, “She can’t fly yet.”

“I didn’t know that,” he whispered back. “Scootaloo, can you hover yet?”

Sweetie and Apple Bloom eyes looked Scootaloo’s way, but they remained at attention.

“Sort of, sir.” Scootaloo’s voice trembled as she answered.

“Good enough.” Horizon folded his legs under him and lowed himself to the floor. “Get on my back.”


“I’m sure what you meant to say was, ‘what, sir,’ so I’ll let that slide this once.” He leaned towards Scootaloo and held her eye. “However, I will not tolerate a recruit that does not follow orders. Get on my back.”

“Yes sir!”

Scootaloo scrambled onto Horizon’s back. He got to his hooves and then slightly bowed to Luna. “My Princess, I would like to test the uniform’s potential. I ask your permission to advance this cadet to flight training.”

Luna nodded. “You have my permission.”

Horizon strode out of the house, carrying Scootaloo. The others followed behind him.

“Scootaloo, I know we’ve only met a couple of times. I need you to answer me honestly. Do you trust me?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good, then hold on.” Horizon launched himself into the twilight air and gained altitude in wide, ascending circles. “When we get high enough, I want you to jump from my back.”

Scootaloo went rigid and did not respond.

“I know you can’t fly yet. A lot of fillies and colts your age can’t. However, if you beat your wings like you are trying to hover, you will make it down to the ground without any trouble.”

“I don’t think I can do it, sir.”

“I have no doubt you can. If I did, we wouldn’t be up here.”

“You sure this will work, sir?”

Horizon glanced back at her. “It’s how my parents taught my sister and me how to fly.”

“What if I mess up?”

“You forgot the ‘sir’ again.”

“Sorry, sir, I’m just nervous.”

“There is nothing to be nervous about. I’ll be right with you. Fox is below us, acting as a safety. Luna or Rarity can grab you with their magic too. Trust me, you’re safe. If you’re worried about looking bad, don’t worry, you can’t do worse than my first attempt with my dad.”

“Was it really that bad, sir?”

“It was so horrible even my mom said it was a disaster.”

“That is bad, sir.”

Horizon leveled off his flight and slowly started to circle the farm. “You see that open field, west of the farmhouse? That is where we are going to land.”


“Jump and flap those wings!”

Scootaloo launched from Horizon’s back. She flapped her wings, turning them into orange blurs, but her decent was still rapid.

“You’re not cupping your wings into the right shape. Brute force won’t help you stay in the air.” Horizon matched her decent. “Watch how many times I flap my wings compared to yours. You’re wasting a lot of energy.”

“You’re wings are different, sir!”

“They work the same. Well, almost. But that is not the point; you need finesse, not power.”

Fox joined them in the air. “Not bad. Somepony has been working with you.”

“Rainbow Dash has, sir,” Scootaloo said. “The ground is coming up pretty fast, sir!”

Fox flew under Scootaloo and allowed her to settle on his back. “That’s enough for this time. I’ll take up you up next.”

“You want me to do that again, sir?”

Fox landed and looked over his shoulder at Scootaloo. “Of course, training takes repetition. I could use the exercise too. You can drop the ‘sir’ now. I think Horizon was just trying to motivate you.”

Horizon sighed, as he landed beside them. “You’re too soft, Fox. That’s how discipline starts to break down.”

“That was so cool!” Apple Bloom cheered, as she and Sweetie Belle ran towards them. “I thought you were goin’ to take off!” Rarity and Luna followed behind the fillies, but at a statelier walk.

Scootaloo’s ears folded back. “I wasn’t even close.” She jumped off Fox’s back and onto the ground.

Horizon patted her on the shoulder. “You’re not giving yourself enough credit. You did some serious wing work up there and you’re not even breathing hard.”

“That’s because she pulls Sweetie and me all over Ponyville with her scooter,” said Apple Bloom.

“She trains with Rainbow Dash too,” Sweetie Belle said. “They do all kinds of crazy exercises. Just watching all the stuff they do makes me tired.”

“Do you train with your parents too?” asked Horizon.

“I can’t, they’re earth ponies.”

“That does tend to make things difficult,” said Fox. “We’ll just have to get more training time in with you before we go. Horizon is right. What you need more than anything is form work.”

“Scootaloo pointed something out in the air that I have been thinking about. Our wings aren’t like hers. I don’t know if the techniques that we use would be helpful to her.”

Fox shrugged. “So we need a pegasus that can fly slowly and smoothly, not a speed demon like Rainbow. Anypony come to mind?”

“Fluttershy,” Horizon said. “She has the best form I have ever seen.”

“I think you might be a little biased when it comes to judging Flutershy’s form,” said Fox, with a bit of a chuckle in his voice.

Horizon shot him a withering glare.

“We could get Fluttershy right now,” suggested Sweetie Belle.

“She could stay for supper too! Sis and McIntosh wouldn’t mind.” Apple Bloom gave Horizon a pleading look. “Please, I want to see if she can get Scoots to fly!”

Fox grinned. “Sounds like a plan to me. Keep in mind, even if she comes, it might not be tonight when Scootaloo starts flying. Training proper wing form can take a lot of time.”

“This may not be the best night to ask her over,” said Horizon. “She’s probably tired from going to visit Zecora and carrying those apples.”

“All the more reason she should join us this evening,” said Rarity, as she and Luna joined the group. “She would not have to go through all the trouble of cooking for herself.” Rarity smiled at Scootaloo. “That was a wonderful effort! Did you have any trouble moving your wings in the uniform?”

“I didn’t even think about having it on,” Scootaloo said.

“Your work is to be commended. Not every designer can create garments that are functional and pleasing to the eye.” Luna looked at the fillies with a thoughtful expression. “I would be most interested to see how the designs would fair when worn by one of the Guard.”

Rarity squealed for a moment, before composing herself. “If it is possible, Princess, could I borrow one of your guards to see how the designs would need to be adjusted?” She looked towards Horizon. “Having a good model can do wonders to inspire the design process.”

“Forget about the uniforms, Sis,” said Sweetie Belle. “Let’s get Fluttershy and see if the can help Scoots!”

“You must remain here to prepare for your patrol. However, that does not preclude her from joining us.” Luna turned to her guards. “Horizon, you shall deliver an invitation for Fluttershy to join us. If she declines, return swiftly to inform us. Fox, you are to take over Horizon’s post in the kitchen.”

Both Fox and Horizon snapped off sharp salutes and replied, “Yes, Princess!”


Horizon knocked on the cottage door. “Fluttershy, it’s me, Horizon.” He smiled as the door opened. “I hope I didn’t come at a bad time.”

Fluttershy smiled back at him. “Not at all, I was just about to start supper.”

“That is sort of why I came. Luna and the Apples would like you to come over for dinner.” Horizon looked towards his hooves. “I have to apologize; I unintentionally volunteered you to help train Scootaloo on proper wing form too.”

“I don’t mind. Though, I thought Rainbow had been helping her.”

“Rainbow seems to have been trying to get Scootaloo’s strength and wing beat numbers up without correcting her form. I mentioned that you had the best wing form that I had seen and things went from there.” Horizon looked up into her eyes. “If tonight is a bad night, you don’t have to come over.”

“I would love to go. I just can’t stay too late. I have a lot to catch up on tomorrow.”

“You don’t seem as tired as I thought you would be. I’m glad.”

“I’ve gotten a lot better.” She gestured for him to follow her. She led him into the den, where she shifted into her bat form with little effort. “Our flight last night helped.”

“What do you mean?”

“I thought it was wrong to want to keep being whatever it is that I change into. I thought it was selfish.” She hugged him and put her head his shoulder. “Now that I have somepony to share it with, and who enjoys it as much as I do, I don’t feel as bad.”

He wrapped his forelegs around her. “You’ll feel even better once you’ve told your friends about this too.”

The cottage’s door opened. “Sorry, Horizon, I tried to get them to wait. They just insisted that…” Rarity’s words ended in a sharp gasp.

Horzion quickly turned his head. “Rarity?!”

Dodging around Rarity, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, and Sweetie rushed into the cottage. They froze as they saw the embracing ponies.

“It’s got Horzion!” Apple Bloom yelled.

“Sis, do something!” screamed Sweetie Belle.

“We don’t need your sister, we can take it!” assured Scootaloo.

“Girls, get out!” Rarity used her magic to shove the fillies out the door. “Run back to the Apple’s and get help!” Rarity slammed the door shut, muffling the fillies’ shouts of protest. “You’re not the first monster I have faced. Let go of him, and I might go easy on you. However, if you have hurt Fluttershy, I swear to Celestia there won’t be enough of you left for Twilight and Luna to examine.”

Horizon turned to face Rarity and held up his hooves. “Rarity, wait!” He spread his wings, shielding his marefriend. “She hasn’t hurt anypony!”

“Then where is Fluttershy?!” Rarity’s horn flared with power.

“Rarity, I’m right here.”

Rarity’s magic faltered. “Fluttershy, darling, please come out where I can see you. Tell me this thing hasn’t hurt you.”

Fluttershy put a hoof on the top of Horizon’s left wing and slowly pushed it down. She stepped forward so that she stood next to him. “It’s me, Rarity.”

“Fluttershy?” asked, her eyes widening.

Fluttershy nodded. “I’m the creature.”

Rarity fainted.

“That could have gone better.” Horizon picked Rarity up from the floor and carefully put her on Fluttershy’s couch.

“Is she alright?” Fluttershy asked in a weak voice.

“She’s out cold, but I think she’s fine.”

Tears rolled down Fluttershy’s cheeks. “Good.”

“I had a feeling that something like this might happen.” Horizon tenderly pulled Fluttershy against his chest. “I have a couple of survival packs and some bits hidden close by. Just say the word, and we’ll run. They wouldn’t be able to track us through the Everfree. From there, I know a couple of places we can go.”

“I’m not going to run. That is what caused all this trouble in the first place.”

“I’m glad you ran. If you hadn’t, we wouldn’t be together.” He stroked her mane and rocked her gently. “No matter what happens, I’m going to be right here for you.”


Fox looked out the kitchen window. “Something is wrong. The girls are back, but nopony else is with them. They’re running like timberwolves are right on their tails too.”

“Luna, anypony, help!”

“Apple Bloom?!” Applejack raced out of the kitchen and out of the house. As soon as she reached the fillies, she hugged Apple Bloom to her. “What is goin’ on?!”

“It’s got them!” Sweetie cried.

“We don’t know where Fluttershy is, but it’s in her house!” yelled Scootaloo.

“Cadets, Lunar Guards do not panic!” Fox shouted. “Calm down and tell us what happened. Ponies’ lives could be at stake.”

“We wanted Fluttershy to hurry up and teach Scoots, so we begged Rarity for us to go get her since Horizon was takin’ so long.” Apple Bloom squirmed out of Applejacks hold. “Rarity wasn’t going to let us go, but Sweetie pointed out that Fluttershy hadn’t seen our uniforms.”

Scootaloo nodded. “Rarity agreed after that, so we went to Fluttershy’s to show off our uniforms and to try to get Fluttershy to come on. When we got there, the creature was already in Fluttershy’s and had Horizon.”

“Where’s Rarity?”

“Sis stayed behind to fight the creature,” Sweetie said. “She threw us out and told us to get help.”

“You did well and followed orders under stress,” Fox said, his voice sincere. “I have a couple of things for you to do that will help. I need you to tell Luna and McIntosh exactly what you told me. Then, I want you and Applejack to go get the other Elements and bring them here as quickly as you can.”

“Wait a plumb minute! You’re not thinkin’ about goin’ to help them alone are you?!”

Fox smiled at Applejack. “Fighting creatures of the night is what I am trained to do. I’ll be fine.”

Applejack snorted. “Don’t be bull headed. I’m goin’ with you!”

“Somepony has to look after these three when they go to deliver the message to the others. You’re faster than McIntosh, so you won’t slow them down.”

“Somethin’ wrong?” McIntosh asked, as he and Luna stepped out from the barn.

“I have to go.” Fox said to the fillies. “Can I count on you three?”

“Yes sir!” They replied.

Fox shot into the air and flew towards Fluttershy’s.

“At least take Luna with you!” Applejack shouted at him.

“What would require me going with him?” Luna asked.

Sweetie ran up to Luna and saluted. “We have been ordered to report to you, Princess.” She quickly explained to Luna what had happened.

“You have done well. Now, you are to follow Fox’s orders. Summon the other Elements. McIntosh and I will do what needs to be done here.”

After saluting Luna, the fillies raced towards Ponyville.

Applejack began to follow them, hesitated, and then looked back to Luna.

“Fox spoke true of your speed and of the fillies needing a guardian this night.” Luna gestured after the trio with a hoof. “Go, Applejack, they will need your aid more than we.”

After giving Luna a nod, Applejack ran after the fillies.

McIntosh rolled his shoulders, making them to pop and crackle. “Well, I guess that leaves us to help wrangle in that critter. I’ll put the flour back and get my rope.”

“We need not get involved. Fox, Horizon, and Rarity will bring the creature in without incident. I need your aid in another matter that requires more immediate attention.”

McIntosh stared at her. “What could be more important than helpin’ with the creature?”

Luna turned and headed towards the house. “We must ensure that your sister’s toil in the kitchen does not go to waste.”

McIntosh caught up to Luna and walked by her side. “You’ve been keepin’ a secret or two under that crown of yours. I wondered what was goin’ on when you sent Sis with the girls.”

Luna nodded. “I must speak with you as to what is about to unfold. While I hold your sister in high regards, she is not the calmest of ponies when faced with the unexpected.”

McIntosh opened the door for Luna. “I take it she’s not goin’ to like what’s comin’?”

“Not in the slightest.” Luna paused before entering the doorway. “I ask that you take on a heavy burden. You will need to be the voice of reason when the fate of the creature is decided.”

“I don’t know if I like the sound of that. Are you countin’ on me to be a judge of some kind?”

“In a manner of speaking, yes I am.”

“I’m not much for judgin’ others, whether they’re creatures or not.”

“Then you are perfectly suited for the task. I cannot act in my official capacity in this matter, for reasons that I will explain.”

“What about Celestia?”

“I would not involve my sister in this unless there was no other alternative. Celestia too often thinks with justice in mind when mercy would better serve. The decisions that will have to be made are matters of the heart.” Luna put a hoof to his chest. “I trust yours to do what is right.”

“I’ll do my best.”

She gently kissed him. “I would not expect anything less.”