• Published 31st Dec 2013
  • 5,472 Views, 241 Comments

Apples, Bat Ponies, and Secrets - Random_User

Luna is invited to visit Sweet Apple Acres by Big McIntosh. As they tour the newly created bat sanctuary, the subject of a mysterious new animal visiting the orchard comes up. Luna decides she would like to see the creature for herself.

  • ...

Secrets Discovered

Chapter 5 Secrets Discovered

“You and Apple Bloom are up early. I thought you were the one I heard in the shower.”

“I felt like makin' breakfast for everypony. There's coffee ready, if you want some.”

“Sounds like just what I need this morning’” Applejack poured herself a mug and then sat down at the table. She smiled and looked over her coffee at McIntosh. “You didn't get much sleep last night did you?”

His hooves faltered, but he did not spill the batter he had been pouring.

“Don't fib.”


She sighed, which blew steam over the rim of her mug in his direction. “How long have you two been seein' each other?”

“Since the Summer Wrap-Up Festival.”

“That long?! That's almost a year now!”

“It was only every few nights at first, but we've been seein' a lot more of each other lately.”

“I guess the creature being around helped.”


“You realize that Granny's going to have a fit, right?”

“What's Granny goin' to have a fit about?” Apple Bloom said, as she stepped into the kitchen.

“That he's not goin' to get back together with Cheerilee.”

Apple Bloom blew out a breath of relief. “Granny may not like it, but I'm glad. It's not right for your brother to be datin' your teacher.” Her ears folded back. “Though, I'm sorry she doesn't have a special somepony.”

McIntosh grinned. “She might have one before too long.”

Apple Bloom took her spot at the table. “What about you? Don't you want a special somepony?”

“I want to know that myself. I want to see my great-grandfoals before I go.” Granny crossed the kitchen and stood beside McIntosh. “Anythin' I can do to help?”

“Eenope. I've got it.” He flipped the pancake he had been preparing. “You could get the syrup and butter, though.”

Applejack's ears turned towards the back of the house, as the sound of running water stopped. “Wait a minute. If we're all here who's in the shower?”

“It must be Horizon,” Apple Bloom said.

McIntosh started pulling the plates out of the cabinet. “Eenope. He'll be knocking on the door right pretty soon.”

There was a knock on the front door, just as McIntosh finished his sentence.

“I'll get it!” Apple Bloom jumped up from her spot and ran to the front of the house.

Applejack's slowly turned her head towards McIntosh.

“You all right Applejack?” Horizon asked, as Apple Bloom led him into the kitchen. “You look like you’ve had a bad shock.”

“I don't rightly know how I'm feelin' at the moment.”

“Sis, you're not looking too good. You sure you don't want to lie down on the couch?” Apple Bloom put a hoof to Applejack's forehead. “You want me to get Red Heart?”

Luna stepped around the doorframe. Her mane was slightly wet and she was without her regalia. “What malady has befallen you, Applejack? Is there a way that I could aid you?”

Horizon stumbled backwards and sat down on his haunches. “Princess?!”

She smiled at him. “Good morning, Horizon. I hope you enjoyed the reprieve from your watch.”

“I did.” He ducked his head a little. “May I ask you something?”

“Of course you may.”

“What brings you here so early?”

“I never departed.”

Every head turned towards McIntosh.

He put the last plate in its place on the table, walked over to Luna, and gave her a kiss. “Did you enjoy the shower?”

“Very much so, thank you. May I ask your aid in brushing my mane and tail out after we break our fast?”

“I would be happy to.”

Applejack pointed a hoof at her brother. “Wait an apple pickin' minute! McIntosh, the princess slept here and you didn't bother tellin’ anypony?”

“Neither of us slept here.” Luna winked. “We had a lovely night in the orchard, under the stars. I hope I did not exhaust him so that he will not be able to perform his duties today.”

“Eenope, I’ll be just fine.”

Applejack's mouth fell open.

Luna looked at the place settings. “Where should I sit?”

“Over here, next to me,” said McIntosh.

Horizon barely stifled a laugh.

Apple Bloom looked at Horizon. “What is going on?”

“From what I can tell, your brother and Luna are very special someponies, Applejack is in shock, and Granny has a two pancake head start on the rest of us.”

Apple Bloom turned to her brother. “You and Luna are special someponies?”


“I would prefer for that fact not to be shared for a time.” Luna poured a generous amount of syrup on her pancakes. “Sister does not know of our being together yet. I would hate for her to learn of our relationship through the Foal Free Press.”

Apple Bloom winced. “We don't write articles like that anymore.”

“That is regrettable. I so enjoyed the article about my sister's love of cake. Setting that aside, can I trust you to keep this secret?”

“You certainly can! I'll even Pinkie Promise!” Apple Bloom went through the complete Pinkie Promise oath and accompanying motions.

Applejack looked towards Granny and waved a hoof in McIntosh’s direction. “Aren't you goin' to say anythin'?!”

“What's there to say? I want great-grand foals, and he can't do any better than a princess. I just hope there's a wedding before the foals.”

“There will be,” McIntosh said.

Granny raised an eyebrow. “When exactly?”

“We don't know quite yet.”

Luna smiled. “It will be relatively soon, I assure you.”

Applejack sighed and slumped a little. “I just hope your weddin' is not near as wild as Shinin's and Cadance's was.”

Luna looked around the table. “Where is Fox?”

“Sorry, I was supposed to tell everypony not to worry about him and breakfast,” Horizon said. “He's got something planned for later, so he wanted to get a little more sleep.”

“That feller is goin' on a date with some mare from town I take it,” Granny said, as she forked another pancake onto her plate.

“Yes, ma'am.”

“Good for him.” Granny cut her eyes towards Applejack. “You wouldn't happen to know a nice stallion that likes hard workin' mares with blonde manes would you?”

Applejack tilted her hat over her eyes and groaned.


Fox jolted awake, reached out from under the covers, and swiped his hoof towards the floor a couple of times.

“What the hay?”

He grunted, leaned his head over the edge of the bed, and looked down the side of the bed.

“He moved it didn't he, that son of manticore?!” Fox tossed back the covers and stumbled of his bed. “Where did he hide it?”

He made his way to the foot of the bed. His alarm clock sat on top of his clothing chest. Beside the clock was an empty wine bottle, which was sitting on a note. Fox stopped the ringing of the alarm. “I'm going to short-sheet you for this my friend, just you wait.”

He slid the note from under the bottle and read to himself:

Hey Fox,

I knew you would try to sleep in if I didn't do something. I would hate for you to be late for your first date with your mystery mare because you didn't get your chores done on time.

I'm going to be helping Applejack mend a fence on the east side of the farm if you need me.

In case I don't see you until after you take off, Fluttershy told me to tell you to have good time and good luck.

I hope that things go as well for you as it went for Fluttershy and me. As you can see, we finished the bottle as promised.

Thanks, take care, and good luck.


Fox smiled and shook his head. “All right, no short-sheeting.”

The cellar doors opened and hooves began to descend the stairs.

Fox picked up the wine bottle and put it on his bed. “Hello, Big Mac, let me pull my armor on and I'll be right with out.”

“You need not put on your armor quite yet.”

Fox spun towards the voice. As he did so, he dropped the note. “Princess?!”

“That is the second time this morning that I have received that manner of greeting.” She picked up the note with her magic. As the scanned the note, she asked, “Is my presence truly that unnerving?”

“No, Princess.” He took the note back, after she floated it back to him.

“Horizon spent his evening with Fluttershy last night?”

“Yes, Princess.”

“You may dispense with the honorifics for the moment. I am not here in an official capacity.” She floated the note to Fox and then lifted the wine bottle to herself. “He chose well, this is a fine vintage.”

“A mare named Berry Punch, the owner of The Punch Bowl wine shop, suggested it.”

“I will have to visit her establishment. I am in need of a good Cabernet Sauvignon. ” She levitated the bottle to Fox. “Hold this for him, he may wish to keep it as a memento.”

He took the bottle and put it back on his bed. “What brings you here to see me?”

“I need your opinion.”

“That seems to be happening a lot lately.”

“So McIntosh has told me. It was due to your words that he fell prey to a Nightmare two nights ago.”

“What?! He didn't say anything to me! Is he alright?!”

“Calm yourself, he suffered no harm. I intervened before the Nightmare could feed. Even if it had, it would have taken many more feedings before McIntosh would have faced any true danger.”

Fox prostrated himself on the floor. “I'm sorry; I have failed him and you.”

“By giving him sound council? I think not. One of the reasons that I came was to thank you.”

“Thank me?” Fox glanced up from the floor. “I thought I was going to be punished.”

Luna's wrapped the guard in her magic and lifted him from the floor. “No, my dear Fox, you will not face punishment of any kind.” She put him back on his hooves. “Thanks to your words, McIntosh's and my relationship has grandly progressed.”

“I didn't know you two were seeing each other.”

She lightly bopped him on the nose. “You are being modest. You are an intelligent stallion; you must have suspected something was happening between us.”

“The schedule was a little odd in that you were the only one paired with him.” He smiled up at her. “I think I would have done the same, if there a mare that I was looking forward to seeing.”

“I admit that this farce is has been driven in large part by my desire to share evenings with McIntosh. That brings us to the second reason why I have come. I require your expert opinion as to whether the creature will return or not. I do not wish to use up any more of our time or resources if our search will likely be fruitless.”

“If the creature does not so up soon, I would call the patrols off. If Horizon tackling it did not scare it off, our being the in orchard every night very well might have.”

She nodded. “The patrols shall continue for three more weeks. After that, you and Horizon may return to Canterlot.”

He looked around the cellar. “I think I'll miss it here. It's been very cozy and the meals have been great.” He looked towards Horizon's bed. “Horizon will miss this place a lot more, though.”

“He does seem to have developed an affinity for life here. At breakfast he was the most jovial I have ever seen.”

“I think it will break a little part of him to leave, to be quite honest.”

“Your tours with the guard are almost through. Have you two made plans?”

“I want another tour, without a doubt. Horizon hasn't really talked to me about it much at all.”

“Odd. He is usually looking ahead in all aspects of his life.”

“And seeing how things can go wrong.” Fox looked at the wine bottle and ran a hoof over the label. “I think he's seeing two very different paths and he is not sure which one he wants to take.”

“Fox, help him choose what would be the best for him. If he remains with the guard, so be it. I have come to rely on his insight, no matter how bleakly he often paints things. However, I would rather see him where he can be healthy and thrive.”

“I will.”


Horizon held the last railing in place. “You wouldn't happen to know who Fox is going to see tonight would you?”

“Nope. He seems to want to keep it a secret.” Applejack hammered the railing into place with three solid blows of her hammer. “Done! I appreciate the help.”

“You're welcome. What's next on the list?”

“I've got to take the cart to the market. I think Fox is helpin’ McIntosh buck trees, so you're odd pony out.”

He hooked the pail of nails to his carrying harness. “I'll help you load up.”

“I would appreciate it.” She added her hammer to the pail, and they started towards the barn.

“I could come into town with you too, if you would like.”

She shook her head. “Nah, you can get some rest. You've done enough today and you've got the early shift tonight.”

“I didn't have quite the night that McIntosh did. I'm fine.”

“I can't believe that brother of mine.” She turned toward the orchard and snorted. “He's been datin' Luna for nearly a year and he hasn't told a single soul. Not even one of his own kin!”

“Luna asked him to keep it quiet as he could.”

Applejack gave Horizon a level stare. “So you're takin' his side?”

“You have to remember, I'm being paid by your brother's special somepony. I'm not taking anypony's side.”

“I take it you couldn't say anythin' either.”


“Was that what Luna asked you to keep quiet about?”


“We're you ever goin' to tell me?”

“Unless I was given permission by Luna? Nope.”

“You've been around my brother a little too much.”

Horizon smiled and with a drawl said, “Eenope.”

“Ha, ha, funny colt.”

They entered the barn and put away their harnesses and tools. Horizon helped Applejack load up the cart and hitch up to it.

“You sure you don't want some help?” He pulled the last strap snug and made sure everything was in order. “I could carry a couple of the baskets and help you set up.”

“I'm sure. You get yourself some shuteye and don't worry about me.”

He watched her head into town for a moment and then made his way to the cellar. After removing and putting away his armor, he set his alarm clock and lay down.


Luna's ear flicked. She held up her hoof, silencing the mare who had been speaking. “Captain, my attention is needed elsewhere at the moment. There is a dream I must observe.”

“Is everything all right?”

“If my intuition is proven right, it shall be. However, I need to make certain of a couple of things before I can make a plan of action.”

The Lunar Guard nodded. “Of course, Princess, I can bring you up to speed later.”

“I will not need long. Give me one mark and you can continue your report.”

The guard tilted her head. “Mark?”

Luna nodded and said, “One mark of the candle.”

The guard stared at her blankly.

Luna faintly smiled. “Of course you would be confused. I forgot that candles are no longer used to measure the passage of time. I shall need about a quarter of an hour's time.”

The guard bowed. “I had never thought about using a candle to tell time.”

“I was fond of the practice myself.”

The guard stepped from Luna's office and shut the door behind her.

Luna closed her eyes and lit her horn. After a hoofful of minutes, she opened her eyes and chuckled. “I cannot recall when a single dream revealed so much.”


Luna landed just across the bridge leading to Fluttershy's cottage. As she made her way toward the cottage, several pairs of shining animal eyes watched her progress.

She knocked solidly on the door and waited. A light appeared and the door opened a crack.

A timid voice asked, “Who is it?”

“Tis I, Luna.”

Fluttershy opened the door fully. “Princess, is everything alright?”

“I am hoping that with your help it shall be. May I come in?”

“Of course!” Fluttershy shut the door behind Luna. “Would you like some tea?”

“Some chamomile, if you have any.” Luna followed Fluttershy into the kitchen and took a seat.

“That's my favorite kind. I just got a fresh pound of it.” Fluttershy put a kettle on to boil, got out the tea and her teapot, and turned to Luna. “Would you like a snack?”

“I am grateful for the offer, but I will decline. I am sorry for the lateness of my visit, but my duties prevented me from coming sooner. There is something else I would ask of you this night.”


She smiled and asked, “What are your thoughts concerning Horizon?”

Fluttershy swallowed. “My thoughts? What do you mean?”

“Do not play ignorant; I was told that he has made advances toward you. Or was my source wrong?”

Fluttershy blushed and shook her head.

“What is your opinion of him?”

“He's very nice.”

Luna’s eyebrows rose. “That is all you have to say?”

She nodded.

Luna's smile became predatory. “Then let me ask about something a little more specific. How well does he keep secrets?”

Fluttershy stopped breathing for a moment. The kettle started to whistle shrilly, and Fluttershy started at the sound.

“Please, remain seated. Allow me.” Luna used her magic to prepare the tea. “He has done very well at keeping one of mine. The Apples just learned of it this morning and I think I should tell you too.”

“What secret?”

Luna set Fluttershy's saucer and cup before her. “McIntosh and I are betrothed.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Really?”

“Truly.” Luna added a spoonful of sugar and a touch of milk to her tea.


“Thank you. How do you take your tea?” A teaspoon hovered over the open sugar bowl, held aloft by Luna's magic.

“Plain, you don’t have to do anything.”

“Like Sister.” Luna put the spoon back on the table and took a sip of her own cup. “Delicious. You have good taste.”

“Rarity recommended it to me, actually.”

“Let us change the subject back to your taste in stallions. I would like more of an insight, beyond 'he's nice,' if you would be inclined to share.”

“He's been nothing but a gentlecolt. He is always considerate on patrols and flies by my side even though he could go faster on his own. He has helped the Apples on the farm so much that he's turned himself diurnal. He’s just…nice.”

“You can’t give voice to a single flaw of his?”

Fluttershy looked down into her cup. “He can get a bit pessimistic when you ask him about what he thinks will happen later.”

“He certainly has a penchant for doing so.”

“I think he tries to see the worst possible outcomes so that he can try to prevent them.”

“I believe so as well.” Luna took another sip. “Is he special to you?”

She looked back up to Luna. “Yes.”

“How has he gained your trust and affection so? From what I have learned of you from Twilight's letters to my sister, it would take quite a bit on his part to get you to trust him enough to allow him to court you.”

Fluttershy sat trembling and did not say a word.

“I know why you do not answer. You cannot speak of his actions without revealing your own secret.”

Tears started to form in Fluttershy’s eyes.

“Yes, Fluttershy, I know.” Luna got up and started around the table.

Fluttershy scrambled back, knocking into the table's leg and spilling the teacups. She fell backwards against the kitchen cabinets and slid to the floor.

Luna pulled back as if burned. “Fluttershy?!”

“Please, just punish me! Leave Horizon alone! He just wanted to help!” She curled up into ball, wrapping her tail around herself. “I'm the monster, not him,” she whimpered. She began to sob in shuddering gasps.

Luna made her way over to Fluttershy and pulled her into hug. “It would seem my dark history still stains me. Even those who I count among my friends tremble at the thought of my displeasure.” She kissed the top of Fluttershy's head. “You are no monster. I know what being a monster truly entails.”

Fluttershy looked up into Luna's eyes. “You didn't choose that! You were taken by the Nightmares! I've chosen to be what I am!”

“Fluttershy, you must calm yourself. You risk injury if you continue as you are.” Fluttershy slowly gained control of her breathing as Luna gently stroked her mane. “You did not choose what happened to you either. It is true that you have not sought aid, but what you have done when you have changed indicates that you do not require any.”


“What ills did you inflict on the world when you were changed?”

“Horizon says that I haven’t done anything wrong, but I...”

“He is correct.” She smiled. “As a princess of this realm, I decree that you have done no wrong.”

“What about taking up your and the Guard's time?”

“I have used the nights to see my love. The guards that I allowed to come were chosen very carefully, and their time has not been misspent. Horizon volunteered too readily for me to bar his participation and he has flourished here. Fox desired the opportunity to see the sanctuary and to see the creature, so he too has not suffered.”

“You knew that something was going on?”

“Yes. What was transpiring I could not tell, but I knew there was something more than just an unusual creature visiting the orchard. I also knew there was no real danger to anypony.” Luna used her magic to clean up the table. “I believe there is just enough tea left in the pot for us both to have a cup. Shall we?”

“That sounds good.”

They returned to their seats and Luna poured another cup of tea for them both. “Now, I would hear you tell me more of Horizon. How has Horizon aided you?”

“He didn't turn me in when he could have, he's been helping me hide what I am, and he's even helped me try to get control of the change.”

“You've had trouble with the change?”

“I have trouble controlling it at times. We went to Zecora and she taught me how to handle it better. Horizon trained in with me so he could know the techniques too.”

“When do you suffer the most distress?”

“When the moon is bright. Last night was the brightest I have seen it in a long time. If I hadn't been changed before it really began to shine I would have had to.”

Luna blushed. “My happiness seems to have caused you some distress.”

“What do you mean?”

“I sometimes unconsciously brighten the moon when my spirits are high.”

“What made you so happy last night?”

“It was the first intimate night between McIntosh and me.”

Fluttershy's blush was deeper than Luna's. “Oh.”

“Have you and Horizon shared such a night?”

“Goodness no! We just had our first date!”

“You must admit, he is quite fetching out of his armor.”

“He is.”

Luna took a sip of her tea. “He takes the fitness exams for the Guard quite seriously.”

“I think he really enjoys working on the farm too, which helps.”

“Could you see him doing such a thing for the rest of his life?”

Fluttershy nodded. “He seems to understand how whatever work he does now will help the farm have a better harvest.”

“That fits with his talent.” She finished her tea and levitated the cup to the sink. “I have asked him to aid me with his ability to see ahead in complex situations more than once. Having said that, surely he saw you could not hide your nocturnal tendencies forever.”

“He and Zecora both did. I promised Zecora that I would tell you and my friends. She would not help me otherwise. She said it would have been wrong of me to keep the secret and maybe even dangerous if the magic started affecting me differently.”

“I will have to seek out this Zecora. She seems a wise soul.”

Fluttershy nodded. “She is.”

“I will feign ignorance of your and Horizon's plan on one condition.”

“What is it?”

“You tell the Apples and the other Elements within a week of this night.”

Fluttershy gasped and shook her head. “I don't know if I will be able to control the change well enough by then! I want to show them that I can control it and won't be a problem to anypony.”

“I will not be moved. You have one week. I suggest that you gain control with all possible swiftness.”

“I'll try.”

“You mentioned that Zecora trained Horizon as well. Would his presence help you gain the mastery you need?”


“Then he should be here. Let us move to your den. I have need of your couch.”

Luna and Fluttershy went into the den. Luna motioned for Fluttershy to sit beside her. “Make no noise.” She lit her horn and began forming a deep blue orb of light at the tip of her horn. An answering glowing orb of lighter blue formed just above the couch’s cushions. A second later, Horizon appeared on the couch, still asleep.

“He dreamed of you this afternoon and he is doing so now. He is quite taken with you.”

“Is that how you found out?”

“Yes. He dreamed of you changing and taking a flight with him over the orchard.”

“What is he dreaming now?”

“He is partaking in a picnic with you. I know not the reason why, but he is in full armor.”

“He must be dreaming about the picnic we had together before we went to see Zecora. He was wearing his armor then.”

She nudged Fluttershy. “Wake him.”

Fluttershy made her way to the couch and put a hoof on his shoulder. “Horizon, you need to wake up.”

Horizon opened his eyes. “Fluttershy?”

“It’s me. You're on my couch.”

He wrapped his forehooves around her and carefully pulled her onto the couch so she lay beside him. “Would you just stay here with me for a little while?” He stroked a hoof down her mane and then across her cheek. “I don't know how I got here, but I just want to lie here with you till I wake up.”

Fluttershy smiled. “Horizon, you don't understand. You're awake and on my couch.”

“That's impossible. We were just having our picnic again. I can't have jumped scenes like that without this being a dream.”

“She speaks true,” Luna said.

Horizon leaned up and looked over Fluttershy's shoulder. “Now I know this is a dream.” He waved a hoof at Luna as if she were an offending animal. “Shoo. Go back to whatever part of my mind you came from.” He nuzzled Fluttershy's ear, never taking his eyes off of Luna. “I want to enjoy what is left of this dream with my marefriend, alone.”

Luna took two stately strides, raised a hoof, and then lightly cuffed Horizon's ear. “Now, dost thou think you can 'shoo' me like some cur?”

“You're real!”

“So am I,” Fluttershy said.

Horizon looked at Fluttershy and his eyes widened. “I'm so sorry!”

She giggled. “I thought it was sweet.”

“Get up, both of you. You have little time to spare.”

The pair removed themselves from each other and the couch.

Horizon bowed low to Luna. “I deeply apologize. I thought I was still dreaming.”

“I will overlook it this once.” She grinned down at him. “I have been scouring the dreams of the townsponies trying to discover who had been helping the creature. I should have known to start with you, particularity after your eagerness to volunteer.”

He stepped in front of Fluttershy, putting himself between her and Luna. “Princess, please, she's not a threat! She just wants to use the change to help the nocturnal animals! I'll pay for any damages and for the trouble this has caused everypony. I know I should have told you, but I couldn't turn her in. She was just scared and...”

Luna closed his mouth with her magic. “If all goes well, there will be no need for such reparations. Fluttershy has told me of her plan to reveal what has transpired to the others. I have granted her one week to prepare.” She released his mouth from her magical hold. “You may speak.”

“One week?” He looked to Fluttershy. “You think you'll be ready?”

“If you aid her, she stands a better chance. That is why I summoned you here.”

“I would still like to make up for this. It was my duty to tell you.”

“After she reveals herself in a week, and you still feel so, we shall discuss such things.” Luna turned to leave.

“Why are you doing this?” Fluttershy said.

“Why am I granting you leniency?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“There is reason why being in love is called being moonstruck. I have done foalish things for those I have loved in the past and I try to be understanding with ponies who find themselves in a similar situation.”

“Thank you,” they said in unison.

“I am going to the Apples' farm. I will tell McIntosh that you will return by mid-day, Horizon.” She made her way out of the cottage and shut the door behind her.

Horizon let out a slow breath.

“Are you alright?”

“I think so. I'm more concerned about you. A week is not a lot of time.”

“I can do it.” Fluttershy looked towards the floor. “At least, I think I can.”

He nuzzled her mane. “I know you can. You changed for Fox and Zecora; you can do it for your other friends too. You won't face this alone. I'll be right there too.”

“If I can change on my own you won't have to tell anypony about what you've done.”

“That doesn't feel right.”

She hugged him. “You helped me stay out of trouble now let me help you. Please?”

“All right.” He embraced her in return. “If you get into trouble, I can't promise that I won't try to help.”

“Then I better start practicing.”

Fluttershy repeated the change from pony to fruit bat pony and back to pony repeatedly. Horizon offered support and reminders on Zecora’s lessons when she encountered difficulties.

Fluttershy looked out the window. “The sun is coming up, I can't feel it anymore.”

“That's strange. You were able to at Zecora's.”

“The Everfree Forest has all kinds of wild magic running through it. I think that it was why I was able to change then.”

“We could go back to Zecora's.”

She shook her head, making a strand of mane fall in front of her face. “No, I'm exhausted, and you are too. It would be dangerous for us to go into the forest as tired as we are.”

“You're right.” He carefully brushed the wayward strand back behind her ear. “You should go to bed and get some rest.”

“What about you?”

“I'll go back to the farm and get a little sleep too.”

“You don't have to make that trip right now.” Fluttershy nodded towards the couch. “You could rest here for a while. Luna said she'd tell McIntosh that you'd be back at noon.”

“It would be kind of strange for me to show up before I was supposed to.” He looked at the front door. “What if somepony comes by? I don't want to put you in an awkward position.”

“Nopony is supposed to come by.” She took his hoof and guided him to the couch. “You're staying here. You're almost as tired as I am.”

“Thank you.” He lay down on the couch and smiled a warm smile to her. “You rest well.”

She poked him in the ribs. “Scoot over a little.”

He moved so that his back was against the couch’s cushions. As she lay down beside him, he told her, “Now I don’t want to go to sleep, knowing this is real.”

She kissed his nose, causing his ears to shoot up. “This doesn’t have to be the only time this happens. Would you hold me like before? I liked that.”

He wrapped his forelegs around her and drew her close. “I’ll do this whenever you want.”

She put her head against his chest. “I’m glad.”

Author's Note:

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