• Published 31st Dec 2013
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Apples, Bat Ponies, and Secrets - Random_User

Luna is invited to visit Sweet Apple Acres by Big McIntosh. As they tour the newly created bat sanctuary, the subject of a mysterious new animal visiting the orchard comes up. Luna decides she would like to see the creature for herself.

  • ...

Shared Nights

Chapter 4: Shared Nights

Horizon scanned the clearing and the oddly decorated hut. “You weren't kidding. Her place isn't just different; it looks like it's from another world.”

“I'll see if she's home.” Fluttershy made her way to the door and softly knocked. “Zecora, are you in? I need to talk to you.” She waited for a couple of moments and knocked again. “I hope we didn't come while she's out.”

“She can't have gone too far. Look, there is smoke coming from the chimney.”

The door opened and a black and white striped face appeared. “Hello Fluttershy, I was not expecting you to come by.”

“I hate to show up uninvited, but I need your help.”

“Fluttershy, my dear, you are always welcome here.” She looked over the pegasus' shoulder. “Now this is a surprise, here stands a bat pony before my eyes.”

“This is Dark Horizon; he's been helping me with my problem.”

Horizon shook hooves with Zecora. “It's a pleasure to meet you.”

“Come inside you two, I have to watch a potion that has yet to fully brew.”

Horizon shut the door behind him as he entered the hut. “Wow, your masks are amazing.” Horizon looked at the various decorations that hung around the hut. “Did you carve all these yourself?”

“These are from my homeland; I bought them from a friend’s stand.” Zecora stirred the cauldron that was sitting in the middle of the hut and added an ingredient to the boiling mixture. “I sense that you have quite a tale, tell it to me while I make sure this potion does not fail.”

As Fluttershy related what had caused her to seek help, Zecora’s eyes rarely left her work, but the herbalist would nod at key points to show that she was listening.

“We thought that you would be able to help me control the change. I know that what I’m asking is selfish, so if you don't feel comfortable helping me I'll understand.”

“You are using this gift to help animals in need; if I did not help I would be a poor friend indeed.” Zecora held up a hoof. “However, I must insist, keeping your condition a secret must desist. It will not matter who lends you aid, you will not be able to keep up your charade.”

“But I can't tell the others! Twilight will try to undo the spell! Fluttershy ran her hooves over a strand of her mane repeatedly. “I know I've caused problems and this isn't normal for a pony, but I want to be able to go out at night like I have been.”

“Do not shed tears; you should not have such fears. Twilight is your friend, any wound she would try to mend. But if you tell her how you have used the change, I'm sure she would not see your wish as strange.”

“What if she does?”

Zecora smiled. “Twilight likes to delve deep into magic, if she could not study such a thing it would be tragic.”

“You mean I could offer to let her study how the change works on me?”

“It actually could work out the best for you; with my skills there is only so much I can do. Another approach is needed here, to make sure that your health remains clear.”

“I'm with Zecora. If you keep going out at night, somepony else is bound to find out about your changing no matter how careful you are. I think Twilight and the other Elements wouldn't have a problem with you changing. Convincing Luna could prove to be a bit more of issue.”

“That is much further down the path and I doubt you will face the Princess’ wrath.” Zecora locked eyes with Fluttershy. “Now you must me what you choose, tell your friends or my help you will lose.”

“I'll tell them.”

Fluttershy and Horizon jumped back as the cauldron suddenly belched a thick purple cloud.

“Now that the potion is through, I can devote my full attention to you. This will not be a simple task; you must do exactly as I ask.”

“I will,” Fluttershy said.

Zecora turned to Horizon. “You too must heed what I have to say or I will send you away.”

“I will do whatever you ask of me.”

“Then step outside my home, but do not allow yourself to roam.”

He nodded and did as Zecora ordered.

“What do you need me to do?” Fluttershy said, after Horizon left.

“I need to take a look at you, hold still till I am through.” Zecora checked Fluttershy from head to hoof and from nose to tail. “You are doing quite well, if there has been any injury I cannot tell.”

“Well, there are these.” Fluttershy showed Zecora the set of underdeveloped fangs that she had gained.

“Those should not raise concern; unless meat is what you yearn.”

Fluttershy blanched. “Goodness no! I have a hard time feeding the ferrets and Harry their fish; I would never eat an animal.”

“There is something I need to know, how far does your trust in the stallion go?”

“I trust him completely.”

“That is good to hear, I think it would be good to have him near.”

Zecora went to the door and opened it. “I am through with what I needed to do; now I need to see you.”
Horizon stepped back into the hut. “How did things turn out?”

“She says that I'm fine.”

“I'm glad to hear it.”

Zecora waved a hoof at him. “Remove that suit of metal, in my home you can safely settle.”

Horizon took off his armor and saddlebags and put them in a pile near the door.

“You seem to be in your prime, you must work hard most of the time.”

“The Lunar Guard has strict standards that I have to meet twice a year so I try to stay in shape as best I can. Working on the Apples' farm lately has helped too.”

“Here you will not need strength to train; there will be little toil and no pain.”

“You want to train me too? Why?”

“Two can often learn better than one, and for me it will be more fun.”

Horizon laughed. “If training me will help Fluttershy, I'm game.”

“We must make this place dark as night, so put out or cover every light.”

Horizon and Fluttershy helped put out the candles and cover the windows. Zecora had them sit in a circle facing each other.

“Relax and let things go, much deeper inward we must flow.”


“Hey, Mac, is something bothering you?”

McIntosh turned to Fox. “What makes you ask somethin' like that?”

“If you chew on that sprig any more you're going to end up swallowing it.”

McIntosh took what was left of the sprig of wheat out of his mouth, examined it, and then tossed it away. “Thanks you. That could have gotten mighty uncomfortable.”

Fox tossed a couple of stray apples into the buckets arranged at the base of the tree. “You and Horizon both stew over things too much. Talk to me, I might be able to help.”

“No offense, but I don't think you can help me with the problem I've got.”

“Mare trouble?”

McIntosh slowly nodded.

“Yep, you and Horizon need to go to the bar and talk over a couple of hard ciders.”

“Is he havin' relationship troubles?”

“Nothing he can’t handle. I think he's trying to figure out how to approach a mare he likes and is being too cautious. You, on the other hoof, have the look of a stallion that is thinking about a mare he's known for a while.”

“Hey guys!” Horizon called, as walked through the farm's gate. “Need any help?”

“Nah, we got it. You need to rest up; you're with Pinkie on the early shift tonight.”

McIntosh lobbed Horizon an apple. “Applejack told me you missed lunch. Take a couple of apples for a snack.”

Horizon threw the apple back to McIntosh. “Thanks, but we managed to fit lunch in before we left.”

“How did the trip go?” Fox hooked a pair of the filled baskets to this carrying harness. “Has Zecora seen anything?”

“The trip went well, but Zecora had not seen the creature or the pony that has been leaving the bits.”

“That's a right shame.” McIntosh made his way to the next tree and gave it a buck. Dozens of apples fell into the arraigned buckets and only a few fell to the ground. “I don't like to owe another pony bits.”

Horizon looked towards the barn. “If you two don't mind, I think I'm going to get a quick nap in before this evening.”

“We don't mind at all, you look plum give out.”

“I'll see you at shift change,” Fox said, as Horizon started to walk away.

McIntosh watched Horizon go. “Fluttershy, huh?”

Fox chuckled. “Got it in one.”

“I noticed they've been pretty friendly with each other durin' their patrols in the sanctuary.”

A thoughtful look came to Fox's face. “Now that you've mention it, she's never like that with anypony else that I've seen.”


Fox shrugged. “Don't worry about them; let's get back to your problem. You need to stop thinking and start talking with your special somepony. If you two can't figure out a solution to whatever is bothering you, you may want to take a hard look at where your relationship is going.”

“Sounds like the voice of experience.”

“I had a marefriend that I planned on asking to be my fiancé.”

“What happ...?”

“I wanted to join Lunar Guard and she didn't want to wait for me to get through my tours. She told me I had to make a choice, so I did.” Fox closed his eyes and his shoulders sagged. “Sorry, I didn't mean that to come out so harshly.”

McIntosh patted him on the shoulder. “She doesn’t sound like she was the gal for you.”

“She wasn't. I know that now, but it still stings.”

McIntosh bent down, picked a long sprig of grass, and put in his mouth. “Are you lookin' for a special somepony?”

“Not really. If a nice mare comes along I wouldn't mind, but I'm not actively looking if you know what I mean.”

“Eeyup.” McIntosh smiled. “I have a friend that I could introduce you to.”

“I appreciate the offer, but you don't have to do that.”

“Just offerin'.” McIntosh picked up a set of four full by hooking them to his carrying harness. “It's about dark; we should call it a day. Let's get these back to the barn, put everythin' away, and wash up for dinner.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

After a few steps towards the barn, Fox said, “What does your friend do?”


Luna stepped into the dreamscape. She looked around the foyer of the Apple's home. The front door had been left open and flashes of lighting would throw the interior of the house into a stark contrast of black and white. Her ears swiveled toward the sound of voices.

“You pitiful peon, you dare you spurn my affections?!”

“That's not what I meant!”

“Then explain yourself!”

As she stepped out of the Apple's farmhouse, Luna's breath caught.

McIntosh was on his knees before an image of Luna ablaze in her full fury. Her eyes were lit with power, the air swirled around her, raising her mane towards the sky. Storm clouds blocked the light from the moon and stars. The strongest source of light was the streaks of lightning that leaped between the clouds.

“You should look...”

“Silence,” the image commanded. “I shall look where I please and I would gaze upon you. You are handsome and strong. You are the stallion that I have chosen and I shall have you, whether you will it or no.”

Tears flowed down McIntosh’s face.

Luna flew from the porch and landed beside McIntosh. “Be gone! I cast you from this stallion’s dreams! Never trouble him or any pony again!” She lit her horn; cast a spell that struck the image with a power beam of light, and the image faded away.

McIntosh, tears still streaming down his face, looked up at the princess. “Luna?”

Luna went to the ground and hugged McIntosh to her. “You face no danger now. The creature is gone.”

McIntosh returned her hug. “Thank you.”

Luna kissed the top of his head. “You drew the attention of a true Nightmare. That does not happen unless something is greatly troubling a pony’s dreams. Your relationship with me is at the root of your ills, if the form the Nightmare is indicative of anything.”

He nodded.

“What thoughts allowed that creature to bring you to this depth of despair?”

“It was somethin' Fox said today.”

Her eyes narrowed. “I shall have words with him.”

“It wasn't anythin' like that!” McIntosh drew back from Luna. “He could tell I was thinkin' about somethin' and gave me some advice when I told him I was thinkin' about a mare.”

“He told you of his failed relationship with his marefriend.”

“Eeyup, he said you and I should talk.”

“He knows of our relationship?”

“He knows I was thinkin' about a mare, that's all.”

“I would not doubt that he already knows of us.”

“Does that bother you?”

She shook her head. “Not in the slightest.”

“I thought you wanted to keep us bein' together a secret.”

“Had I wanted such a thing I would not have kissed you in plain view of everypony during the Summer Wrap-Up Festival. What I have been trying to do is to shield you from is the attention of the high society ponies. I doubt that you and your family would enjoy their scrutiny.”

He smiled. “Applejack certainly wouldn’t like it at all.”

She put a hoof to his cheek and made him look in her eyes. “Let us speak of our troubles.”


“Are we not a pair?”

“We are.”

“Then we have matters that need attention.” She dropped her hoof from his face. “Now tell me what your concerns are.”

McIntosh took a breath. “I'm not a good enough stallion for you.”

Luna laughed. “My love, whatever made you think such a thing?”

“I've watched how Fluttershy and Horizon have been growin' closer together.”

“What have you observed that makes you think they are forging a bond?”

“They fly close to each other durin' their patrols, they talk about everythin' with each other, and they both perk up when the other is around.”

“Sounds quite similar to how we have conducted ourselves.”

“But I don’t have enough to talk to you about.”

“It does take some cajoling to get you to voice your thoughts on occasion, but I have never found a conversation with you to be lacking.”

“I only have one lifetime of experience to share with you.”

Luna tilted her chin up. “I wondered when that subject would arise. You are afraid that with my longevity that you have nothing new to offer a mare of my…experience.”

“You have to be bored with me at times. All I can talk about is farmin' and helpin' my family. I can't be nearly as intrestin' as any of the others you have been with.”

“You are mistaken. You are quite interesting.”

“How? I'm just a farmer.”

“I have had many lovers over my lifetime.” She stood and gestured for McIntosh to join her. “I have loved unicorns of tremendous magical power, pegasi who surpassed Rainbow Dash in flying prowess, and earth ponies of the deepest strength. None of them are you, nor can you or I compare them to you.”

They walked into the orchard.

“Why not?” he asked.

“Tis quite simple, they are not here and now.” She motioned to the trees. “You live in a different time, in a different place, and are a different pony. You grow bountiful harvests that provide for your family, countless other ponies, and animals both tame and wild. You quietly manage the farm’s business affairs and do not make a display of your accomplishments and intelligence. My previous loves could not have done what you have, and you could not do as they did.”

“In a way, that's what's been botherin' me. I can't do what they have done for you. I cannot share magic with you. I can't fly with you. I'm just an earth pony.”

“You insult both yourself and your noble kind with such words.” She walked over and put a hoof to the trunk of one of the apple trees. “You do have a magic, however it does not manifest itself outwardly in a manner like that of the magic of the unicorns or pegasi. You nurture and allow things to grow hardily. That is something I cannot do. I lack both the skill and the knowledge to accomplish such a task.”

“You could.”

“True. Being an alicorn allows me the full potential of all the pony races. However, I would need to train for years just as any other pony. I know very little of soil conditions, or how to focus my power and use it to bolster the growth of a plant or an animal. I certainly do not know the cycles of growth and withdrawal of the world as you do.”

“Would you like me to teach you?”

She turned to him and smiled. “Now you realize that you have something to offer me than no other pony has or ever will again. I wish to learn your arts and understand how you see the world. Are you willing to give me such insight?”

“I would be honored.”

Luna walked over to him and put her fore hooves around his neck. “Speak to me of what I can offer you in return.”

“I don't want anthin'.”

“That would mean that you not desire me.”

“That's not true!”

“Then you want something of me, something only I could give you. Love is a complete sharing between two ponies. I have told you what I want you to share with me, now you shall do the same.”

“You've already give me what I want. You're somepony I can to talk to. You give me the moon, stars, and the quiet nights that I enjoy. You give my life magic, I can't ask for more than that.”

A blush tinted her face. “That is a high complement, but that is not what I meant.” She glanced beyond him. “Swiftly, name something I can give you. It nears time for you to awake.”

“I want to fly with you.”

She kissed him. “Then you shall.”


“Hey, wake up!”

Horizon blearily opened his eyes. “Is it time for shift change already?”

Fox snatched the covers off Horizon. “No, Luna is here! She wants to see us both right now!”

“Oh, horse apples!” Horizon rolled out of bed and immediately started to pull on his armor.

“I'll help!”

“No, don't! Another set of hooves would just complicate things. See if you can stall her. I'll be there as soon as I can!”

“He will not be able to do so.”

Both guards bowed to Luna as she descended the cellar stairs.

“I apologize, Princess, for being out of uniform.” As he spoke, one of Horizon's pauldrons slid from his shoulder and crashed nosily to the floor.

Luna picked up the errant piece of armor with her magic and placed it on the foot of Horizon's bed. “There is no need to apologize, for I have come unannounced and you were abed.” She regarded him with a curious look. “Is it true that you have made yourself diurnal?”

“It's true. I've been trying to help with the farm as much as I can. Most of the work is done during the day, so I shifted my sleeping habits.”

“Then I regret that you have been disturbed, for what I wanted to inform you two of is that tonight you and your partners have been relieved of your patrols. I have decided that I shall take the whole of this night's vigil.”

“Would you like one of us to accompany you?” Fox said.

“No, another shall be with me this night. You two are to remove your armor and rest yourselves this night.” She gave them a level, powerful stare. “I have made it clear to the others that our efforts are not to be disturbed. You two shall honor my command as well.”

“We will,” Horizon said.

Luna made her way out of the cellar, shutting the doors behind her with her magic.

“We have a trip to make,” Fox said, as he began taking his own armor off.

“I'm not going anywhere besides back to bed.”

“The hay you are! You're coming with me, and I won't take 'no' for an answer.”

“What has gotten into you? We have a night off and I'm going to get as must rest as I can. Whatever it is, it can wait.”

“I know.”

Horizon tossed the last piece of his armor in his chest and shut the chest with a snap. “You know what?”

“I know about Fluttershy leaving the coins.”

As Horizon turned towards Fox, his face paled. “I don’t know how you found out, but please, I beg you, don't...”

Fox put a hoof to Horizon's chest. “Calm down. I haven’t spilled the beans and I don't plan to. You promised to introduce me to the mystery mare and I'm holding you to that promise right now.”

“Does it have to be tonight?”

“Yes. Think about it, if I figured it out then somepony else is bound to too. The quicker she knows about this the better.”


“Don't say another word or I'll march right in the house and tell Applejack.”

Horizon's eyes widened and he vigorously shook his head.

“All right then, we need to head over to her place right now.”

Horizon put his hooves together pleadingly.

Fox rolled his eyes. “You can talk; I just wanted to get my point across.”

“Please, be nice to her.”

“I intend to be. In fact, we're all going to sit down and discuss this whole mess over dinner. By the way, you're buying.”


Luna knocked on the Apples' front door.

After a moment, Apple Bloom answered. She jumped back a little as she looked up at Luna. “Princess, what are you doin' here?!”

“The schedule for the patrols for tonight has been altered. I require your brother to accompany me this night.”

“I think he's in the shower. I'll see if he's out yet.” She raced from the door and up the stairs, leaving Luna standing on the porch.

“Apple Bloom, what I have told you about running in the house?!” Applejack stepped out of the kitchen. “I swear to Celestia, she never listens.”

“It has always amused me when ponies use my or Sister’s name in such a manner.”

Applejack's head snapped towards Luna. “Princess Luna!” She took her hat off and put it to her chest. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean anthin' by it.”

“I took no offense, nor would my sister. I find it a complement that ponies regard us well enough to swear by our names.”

Rapid and light hooffalls coming down the stairs being followed heavier and more relaxed ones drew their attention.
Apple Bloom skidded to a stop in front of Luna. “I got him for you! He was just drying off.”

McIntosh bowed. “Good evening, Princess.”

“The sun has yet begun to set. It remains a little early for my time.”

“What do you need my brother for?” said Applejack.

“I need him for this night’s patrols. A change to the schedule was called for and we shall take the night’s full vigil.” She gave
McIntosh a smile. “That is, if he is willing to aid me.”

“I would happy to.” He rubbed one hoof over a foreleg in a foal-like manner. “If you haven’t eaten, you could join us for supper before we have to get patrollin'.”

“I would very much enjoy that.”


“I'll knock, since you are a little burdened.”

Horizon snarled something that was muffled by the handle he was carrying in his mouth.

“Horizon, what would Fluttershy think if she heard such language?”

Horizon darkly muttered.

“You're right, I am enjoying this.” Fox knocked on the door. “I promise, as soon as this evening is over I won't lord this over you anymore.”

The door opened and Fluttershy stepped out. She glanced back and forth between them. “Fox? Horizon? Is everything alright?”

“Everything is just fine.” Fox gestured to Horizon. “My friend wanted to surprise you with dinner.”

Horizon growled at him menacingly.

“All right, I'll confess. I'm the reason that we're here. I suggested we bring dinner since we were going to be dropping in unexpectedly.” He patted Horizon's shoulder. “Though, he did insist that we get your favorites.”

Horizon sighed around the bag's handle and nodded.

Fluttershy laughed. “Please, come in.”

Horizon and Fox laid out the dinner while Fluttershy gathered the plates and utensils.

“You got a dandelion salad from The Grazing Meadow! How did you know that was my favorite?”

Horizon rubbed the back of his neck. “I remembered what you said about the salads when I asked where I good place to get something to eat was.”

“He's very attentive to anything you say.”

“Fox,” Horizon said, “that's enough.”

Angel sat near Fluttershy and glared at the two guards.

“Ah, this must be the infamous Angel.” Fox leaned towards the rabbit. “I hear you're quite the hooffull.”

Angel swatted Fox on the nose.

Fox rubbed his nose. “The little fuzz ball has a good right hook!”

“Angel, outside! You know better than that!”

He shook his head at his caretaker.

“I've got this.” Fox picked the rabbit up by the scruff of the neck, took him to the door, and tossed him outside. “You can come back after you've thought about what you've done.” He shut the door sharply. “I can't believe the nerve of that little guy!”

“He's never hit anypony else before. I'm sorry.”

“He hits you?”

Fluttershy's eyes widened. “Horizon, it's okay! It was just one time and we had a strong talk afterward.”

“If he does it again, tell me and I'll tan his hide for you.”

Fluttershy look horrified.

Horizon waved his hooves. “Not literally! I don't even know how!”

“Oh, thank goodness.”

The meal progressed pleasantly for all three ponies.

After his last bite of cake, Fox put down his fork. “She may be half crazy, but Pinkie knows how to bake.”

“I've never tasted anything of hers that was not good. At least, when she isn't trying something new like her habeñero muffins.”

“Fluttershy, as much as I would have loved to, Fox and I didn't come over just for dinner.”

“Horizon, you're stealing my thunder,” Fox said.

“This is going to be hard enough as it is, don't spring it on her.”

“You, sit beside her. Don't give me that look, move your flank, and sit.”

Horizon moved to sit beside Fluttershy.

“Look, if I'm causing you two trouble...”

Fox shook his head. “It's just Horizon being his typical stick-up-the-tail self. He's conflicted right now. He wants to be proper and professional, yet at the same time he wants to be right by your side to protect you.”

“Fox,” Horizon said, with a bit of edge to his voice.

“No, my friend, you need to loosen up. You've gotten yourself in this deep; you're already way beyond trying to remain professional. You might as well let it all out.”

Fluttershy looked to Horizon. “What does he mean?”

“I know that you’re the pony that's been leaving the bits.”

Fluttershy gasped and covered her mouth with her hooves.

Horizon put a hoof around her shoulders. “How did you figure it out?”

“It came it bits and pieces, but everything fit together for me yesterday. You keeping things from me to protect a mare limited the field quite a bit. It took me longer than it should have to see your attraction to Fluttershy. I knew you didn't know anypony from this town and I should have figured out there was something that made you friendlier with her than the others.”

Fluttershy looked at the tabletop. “What else gave me away?”

“Your and Horizon's trip to Zecora's was the hint I needed. If you two had just gone there to get a couple of questions answered you would have been back much faster. You spent hours with her, so something else had to be going on.”

Fluttershy nervously asked, “Now that you know, what are you going to do?”

“Nothing, beyond sit here with you two until we get our story straight like you did with Zecora.”

“What?” Horizon said.

“Come on. What else could you three have been doing all that time? I don't intend to get either of you in trouble. I've come to think of you as a friend, Fluttershy. Let me help.”

Fluttershy looked up from the table. “That's not what we we're doing.”


“It's all right, Horizon, I promised I would tell my friends.”

“Thank you for that, I'm flattered. But I don't understand, you promised who to tell your friends what?”

“I'm the creature.”

Fox's mouth dropped open. “You're kidding.”

She shook her head. “That's why we were at Zecora's for so long; she's helping me learn to control the change.”

“All right, now I know you're pulling my tail.” Fox turned to Horizon. “She's joking, right?”

“She's not.”

“Dear Luna herself, you're serious.” He timidly knocked his forehooves together and looked to Fluttershy. “Can I see, please?”

She smiled and nodded. “I'll try.”

“Can we watch you transform, or do you want me and Horizon to step out?”

“You can both stay.”

“I'll get the lights.” Horizon walked around the cottage, putting out the candles until only one was left lit.”

Fluttershy closed her eyes and let her head drop. After a little bit, she shook her head. “I can't do it with you watching.”

Horizon took her hooves with his. “You did it a Zecora's a couple of times, so you know you can. You'll have to make the change happen in front of other ponies whenever you decide to show the others. Think of this as a practice run.”


She turned to Fox.

“I want to see you transformed because I am fascinated by bats, nothing more. If you don't feel comfortable doing it, you don't have to.”

“No, I want to do this. I need to do this.”

Horizon gently pulled her closer and put his forehead on hers. “Remember what Zecora told us, calm, deep, and even breaths. Feel instead yourself instead of think and just let things flow.”

Fluttershy took a slow breath, closed her eyes again, and started the change. Her appearance altered, giving her more bat like qualities.

Fox clapped. “That was amazing!” He sped around the kitchen, relighting the candles as he went. “Do you mind if I get a little closer?”

She smiled. “I don't mind at all.” She moved towards the center of the room and the light.

Fox slowly walked around her and examined her features. “Bat pony ears, eyes, just like us. You have hybrid wings, but not our tail.” He watched as she backed towards Horizon, reached out with her tail, and wrapped it around one of his forelegs. “It's prehensile! That's why you could hang upside down!”

She smiled at Fox, revealing all her teeth.

“Fully functioning fangs too?!” He sighed wistfully. “I should have brought my field equipment. I could study you for days.”


“Sorry, I know you want to look her over in detail first. I can wait for the footnotes. Just make sure they're detailed and with full scientific measurements.”

Horizon put his free hoof to his forehead and groaned.

Keeping her tail wrapped around his leg, Fluttershy sat back down next to Horizon. “I'm glad you not disgusted.”

“Why would I be disgusted? You're drop-dead gorgeous!”

Horizon chuckled as Fluttershy blushed and ducked her head behind her mane. “I told you that you were beautiful either way.”

“Save the lovey-dovey stuff for later. We need to figure out what we're going to do before somepony else finds out about this,” said Fox.

“We already have a rough plan laid out. Fluttershy is going to Zecora's a few more times to get help managing the change. When she can control it, she's going to tell the Elements and Luna about it.”

“I hope by showing them that I can control the change, and that it doesn't hurt me or anypony, that I'll be able to keep the magic that's allowing me to make the transformation,” Fluttershy added.

“Bold, but it makes sense. We already know that somepony could start to figure out that Fluttershy has been leaving the coins with the clues that are out there right now, so we also know we can't keep this a secret forever.” Fox rubbed his chin with a hoof. “We're going to have to be really careful till you make your big reveal. I think McIntosh might be able to pull things together like I did if he gets a couple of more hints.”

Horizon nodded. “He may not say much, but he's very smart. I don't doubt he could figure it out.” He looked Fox in the eye. “When Fluttershy tells her secret to the others I'm not going to hide what I've done. I promise I won't let anypony know that you've been helping us.”

Fluttershy added resolutely, “Me too.”

“I appreciate your concern, but you two worry about your hides first. I'm a big colt. I can handle myself. There is one thing I would like Horizon to do for me, though.”


“Bring me the wine bottle you neglected to pull from your saddlebags.”

“I told you this is not the night for that!”

“Just get the wine and stop whining.”

“That was horrible.”

Fluttershy unwrapped her tail from his leg. “Horizon, a little wine can't hurt.”

Horizon got the wine bottle and brought it to Fox before returning to Fluttershy's side.

“Thanks.” Fox turned the label so that Fluttershy could read it. “I was told this was a good vintage by the mare that sold it to me.”

Horizon coughed. “Technically, she sold it to me.”

“Ignore him. Would you enjoy it?”

She nodded.

“Good, then I want you two to share this bottle till there is nothing left.” He put the wine on the table and turned to leave.

She tilted her head. “What about you?”

“I'm going to get some shut eye. I've got a date of my own tomorrow night.”

“With who?”

“That would be telling. You two have had your secrets, now I can have one for a little bit.” As Fox walked out of the kitchen, he told them, “I mean it, the whole bottle!”

As soon as the front door shut, Horizon said, “I'm glad he's thinking about seeing somepony again.”

“What happened?”

“The long and the short of it was that his marefriend didn't want to wait for him to get out of the guard. He had rough time of it for a little while after that. I helped him focus on meeting the physical standards and passing the entrance exams for the Lunar Guard. That's one of the reasons were such good buddies.”

“I hope he's met somepony that will appreciate what a good stallion he is.” Fluttershy looked at the bottle of wine. “You spent too much on this.”

“You know how much the wine was?”

“Berry Punch suggested this to Rarity one time we were in the wine shop.”

“If you enjoy it, it will be more than worth the bits.”

She opened one of the kitchen cabinets. “I think I have a corkscrew somewhere. It's been so long since I used it; I'm not sure where it is.”

Horizon helped her find the corkscrew and two wine glasses. He pulled the cork, poured the wine, and offered her the first glass.
She took it. “Thank you.” She sipped the wine and hummed. “It's delicious.”

“I'm glad.”

“Do you think we should we consider this our first date?”

He stopped his glass just before it reached his mouth. “It would fit well with how we met. Nothing about us has been orthodox so far.” Horizon grinned and extended his glass to her. “I would like to.”

She tapped his glass with hers. “Then it is.”


“I may have to hire your grandmother as one of the castle's chefs. Every time I share a meal with your family she outdoes herself.” Luna looked around the orchard as they walked. “This seems somewhat familiar, though quite a bit more pleasant, wouldn't you say?”


“I have insured that we have the sanctuary to ourselves this evening. We need not worry about intrusions.”

“That sounds nice. We haven’t gotten to see much of each other lately.”

“What made you ask to fly alongside me?”

McIntosh looked towards the night sky. “Some part of me has always wanted to fly. I've dreamed of what it feels like and what I could see from up there.” He looked back towards the ground. “It's been botherin' me that I would never see the night as you do, from the air and above the clouds. I guess that's why the Nightmare came after me during my sleep. I was worried I wouldn't be able to do or be enough for you.”

“Hold.” She and McIntosh stopped on the path. “Close your eyes.”

He did as she asked.

“This may feel strange, but I ask that you do not move.” She wrapped him in her magic. A couple of seconds passed as she completed weaving the enchantment. As the last of light of her spell faded, she said, “Now you may open your eyes and look upon yourself.”

McIntosh looked over his shoulders. The spell had granted him a pair of ethereal wings that resembled those of a lunar moth. “Thank you!” He gave the wings a couple of gentle flaps and then steadily progressed to stronger, more powerful strokes. He slowly began to lift off the ground. He paused, looked to Luna, and then he settled back down to the ground.

“Why did you stop? You were doing quite well.”

He extended a hoof to her. “I don't want to fly without you.”

She smiled and took his hoof. “Then let us fly.”

They flew in elegant spirals into the air and circled around the orchard. After completing a few circuits, they landed on a cloud and gazed at the stars.

She leaned against him. “Is this what you dreamed it would be?”

He put a wing around her. “Eenope, this is much better than any dream I've ever had.”

“The spell only lasts for the length of a night. If the sun's light touches you, they will disappear as will your ability to remain on clouds. We will need to head back to the orchard before that time draws near.”

“Can we fly together till then?”

“Of course.”

He followed her as she gracefully launched from the cloud. His take off burst the cloud into mist.

“Shoot, I liked that cloud.”

“That just means we shall have to do this again so that you can practice getting aloft.”

Not long before dawn, they landed on the edge of the sanctuary furthest from the Apples' home.
Luna led him just inside the trees and then hugged McIntosh. “There is one more thing that I wish us to share that I did not speak of during your dream.”

“Tell me what it is and I'll give it to you.”

“This is not something I ask for lightly.” She kissed his nose, letting her lips linger for a moment. “The Nightmare spoke true when it described you as strong and handsome.” She nipped the tip of his ear and whispered sultrily, “I want us to share of each other as mare and stallion.”


“Here and now.” For a second, Luna seemed uncertain. “Perhaps I am being too forward. Forgive me; I have yet to learn the proper courti...”

He interrupted her with a kiss. “I would love to.”

She reached up, took off her crown, and then used her magic to move it a distance from them.

McIntosh started to reach up towards her moon emblazoned, royal collar. “May I?”

She smirked and raised an eyebrow. “You stopped my words with a kiss and yet you ask permission for something so simple?”

He blushed and nodded.

She briefly kissed him again. “You may.”

As he reached around her neck and undid the collar's clasp, he kissed from her chin to her collarbone. “I've dreamed of this.”

“I know.” As she started to lie on the grass, she pulled him down along with her. “So have I.”

Author's Note:

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