• Published 9th Jan 2014
  • 808 Views, 43 Comments

Not Everyone Gets a Happily Ever After in Equestria - Nyx_Enchanted_Zandra

What if Twilight had a sister, but didn't remember? What if Rainbow dash had a sister, but she was stolen at a young age? This story is the intertwining of those two young filly's lives. (But mainly twilight's pegasus sister who hated

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Life of a Star (8)

"So where do you live, Coco?" Starspark asked.
"Right on the edge of Ponyville, sort of near the forest, but also near Sweet Apple Acres," Coco replied.
"Ponyville? Is that near Cloudsdale?"
"Kind of. Ponyville is near where Cloudsdale would be if it was on the ground. Why?"

"Just wondering. For some reason I don't remember a lot before being in the Everfree Forest, but I do remember that name. I just wanted to know."

"Ok. Look, here we are!" The two ponies stood in front of a modest-looking cottage with two stories and a garden outside, which made it seem cozy. Starspark and Coco stepped inside and were instantly greeted by Coco's family, an older mare and stallion, a younger stallion, and two fillies, both just a year away from becoming mares. They felt surprised when they saw Starspark walk in behind Coco, but were nevertheless glad to see her.

Starspark's heart buzzed with joy, and she showed it overtly through the smile upon her face. She giggled when one of the older fillies tickled her stomach, and her giggling soon changed to plain-out laughter as the young stallion joined in. "Stop it! Stop it! You're tickling me! Stop it!"

"Never! We must continue our quest until it is finished!" The young stallion joked.

The family obviously loved Starspark already. They all went to bed with happy thoughts in their heads. And as the months passed by, the group of ponies bonded with Starspark strongly.

One day as she trotted down the hallway for a midnight snack, Starspark noticed the family whispering about something at the table without her, making sure to keep quiet. "How much do we have so far?" Coco asked.

"We're almost there, just ten bits more," replied Stawberry Twist.

"10 bits more until what?" Starspark thought.

"But what if she doesn't like it? What if all this was for nothing?" queried Caramel Swirl.

"She'll like it, all of us know it in our hearts. It'll be the best two weeks of her life," contradicted Porcelain Bowl, her father. "We know she will. Starspark is going to love Flight Camp. She can finally learn how to really flap those wings of hers!"

"Flight Camp! So that's what the ten more bits are for!" she realized with a joyful smile. As she stepped back, a board creaked under her hoof.

"Hey, did you hear something? I think somepony's out in the hallway," Strawberry Twist said.

"Well if you think somepony's out there then go check. I didn't hear anything," replied Coco.

Strawberry Twist slid from her chair at the dining table and walked over to the hallway. She checked each direction, but saw nopony standing there. However, she neglected to look up. Starspark silently flapped her miniature wings, keeping her afloat and attached to the ceiling. When Strawberry had gone back into the other room, Starspark flapped her way down from the ceiling and landed on the wooden floor below with a soft whoosh. She instantly creeped back to her room and her bed, making to sure to be absolutely silent.

"Starspark! Wake up! Breakfast!" Caramel Swirl called.

A few weeks had passed since Starspark overheard her family's midnight conversation. She knew they had to "tell" her soon, because it didn't usually take three weeks to gather up ten bits. But then again, her family was a bit on the poor side of Ponyville's residency. Feeding a family of six three times a day and seven days a week isn't cheap.

Starspark groaned as she rose from her pillow, but soon recanted as she sniffed the air. Chocolate-Chip Waffles. Her favorite. She happily jumped out of bed and raced down the hall to the kitchen, where her mother, Cinnamon Dust, stood cooking the waffles.

"You look hungry," Cinnamon Dust joked as Starspark sat and watched the battery confections solidify in the pan, her mouth hanging open and looking as if it was preparing to drool, which wouldn't be hard with Starspark's tongue sticking out like a dog's. "Go sit down, these two are almost done cooking. I'll bring them over in a minute," Cinnamon Dust said. Starspark obediently followed the commands and plopped herself into her chair, waiting to receive her breakfast.

Once everypony settled down at the table and had finished their food, Porcelain Bowl looked first at Cinnamon Dust, then at Oakwood Axe, and finally Strawberry Twist and Caramel Swirl. Porcelain reached under his chair and pulled back up a medium-sized cloth bag. The contents clinked as they moved, most likely made of some sort of metal.

"Now Starspark," Porcelain Bowl began. "Obviously you are coming upon the age at which you learn to fly, and as we're Earth ponies we can't exactly teach you how. And so, over the last two months we have been putting aside a small portion of our income to go into a special..."fund" of sorts. And that fund is so we can pay for you to go to Cloudsdale Flight Camp for Young Pegasi."

Starspark beamed at her family, unable to control her joy. She ran around the table and kept saying,"Thank you! Thank you thank you thank you!"

When she calmed down Caramel Swirl winked at her younger sister and replied,"You're welcome! You're welcome you're welcome you're welcome!" The two giggled for a short bit afterwards.

"So...mom? When do I have to leave?" Starspark wondered out loud.

"Oh right! You actually get to start tomorrow!"

"I do? Wow. That was quick."

"Then what are we waiting for?" her father said. "Let's get you packed up!"