• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 2,368 Views, 92 Comments

A Journey Through Ice And Fire - KRissCHu573

After Sombra's defeat, Twilight and her friends are sent to another world...with some aditional side effects.

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Chapter 1: Raiding the Bandits

*This chapter contains nudity. Reader discretion is advised!*
A Journey through Ice and Fire

By KRissCHu573

Chapter 1: Raiding the bandits

Cadance unleashed the spell to charge the crystal heart. It exploded into a blinding flash, dissolving Sombra to nothingness. Shining Armor galloped to his beloved wife, as the dark crystals disappeared from his horn. The two snuggled together, and tears of joy dropped from their eyes. It was all over…or was it?

“Finally! Twily!” The white unicorn called for his sister.

He put on a puzzled look, when no one answered him.

“Twilight?” He said with a confused tone.

Yet again he received silence as a reply. The captain of the Royal Guard and the crystal princess exchanged worried expressions, and began to search for the purple mare and her friends.

Everything was black. All of a sudden Twilight experienced a freezing sensation, and opened her eyes, and sat up. The sight before her was a blistering wind, which carried many snowflakes, and bit her body. The ground, the rocks of what seemed like a mountain and several colossal pine trees were covered in heavy snow. She was surprised that she was no longer in the Crystal Castle.

‘Did the explosion blow me away into the snowy outlands?’ She thought.

Thinking, however, gave her a splitting headache. The mare put a hoof on her forehead, and shut her peepers.

With shocking surprise she opened her eyes, because she couldn’t feel her horn. As she kept searching for it, she looked at her leg. It no longer had purple fur, but light butter colored skin. Her gaze shifted up the limb. Her hoof was replaced by a hand with five fingers. She jumped back in her sitting position At the sight. Her chest felt heavier, and because she did not account for that overweight, the jump had the ex-unicorn flat on her back. She looked down to see two large round growths on her chest. Twilight sat up again, put her new hand underneath her, and searched for her tail, which was also gone. The only things remaining from her former self were her mane style, which went down to her shoulders, and her purple eyes.

“What kind of messed up creature have I turned to?!” She asked herself out loud.

The ex-unicorn was startled by a groan behind her. She squealed, unintentionally jumped forward, and fell on her front body in the snow. At least her new chest growths softened the landing. She got up on her arms, and turned her head around, to see what was emitting the groans. The “mare” saw what seemed like her friends. They had been transformed in pretty much the same way as her. Hands, no tails, the unicorn’s horn and the pegasi’s wings were gone, even their cutiemarks were missing like hers. Only their mane styles, eye color and some facial features remained. Somehow the country mare still had her Stetson. Aside from skin tone, the only thing that differed was the size of their chest growths. Applejack’s were slightly larger, and Dash’s a bit smaller. The other four seemed somewhere in between. The cold was waking everypony up.

Among the groans, Twilight heard Spike’s voice. She wondered how he was transformed. But when her gaze found him, he was still dragon…though a little different. He still had his green spikes and purple scales, which seemed a bit more leathery and bony than usual. The claws on his hands and feet seemed larger. His mouth was filled with lots of sharp, inch and a half long teeth.

“Ow…my head…” Rainbow Dash uttered, as she sat up, and dug her hand in her colorful mane. When she opened her eyes, and saw her limb, she was startled, jumped back, and fell because of the unaccounted weigh on her chest, even if it was not much.

“What in the hay--AAAH!” She yelped. “My wings! Where are my wings?!” The mare panicked.

“Ease up Dash.” Twilights tried to calm her down, as she tried to stand up.

The attempt failed, and the ex-unicorn buried her face in the snow again. She got up on her arms, sighted in annoyance, and crawled several inches closer to her friends.

“Twilight what’s going on?” The dragon asked.

His voice sounded deeper.

“I don’t know. Maybe the explosion blew us out in the outskirts, and the magic outburst transformed us?” She replied with uncertainty.

“Ah don’ think that’s right.” Applejack stepped in. “The outskirts were a bare wasteland. Ah don’ remember any mountains or trees.” She continued.

“Whatever it is, we need to find shelter. My makeup will be ruined by this weather.” Rarity complained.

Everypony gave her disapproving looks.

“What?!” The fashionista exclaimed.

“Yeah, we should go. It’s way too cold for a party!” Pinkie spoke up. “Oh, oh I know! Let’s find someplace to stay, and celebrate that we’re not in the cold anymore!” The pink maned “pony” grinned widely.

“Um…can we go? It’s getting very cold.” Fluttershy quietly said.

Just as they were about to get a move on, four arrows, with a net tied in between them landed around Spike, trapping him. The girls were about to go and help him, but one after another, they felt stings on their necks. Applejack put a hand on the stung spot, and pulled a small dart.

“What in the ha-a-aa-y-…” She stuttered, and dropped asleep on the ground.

Her friends were soon to follow. Before she passed out, Twilight Sparkle saw how four bipedal beings stepped out from a nearby bush. All of them wore some sort of leathery clothing, with what seemed like a belt across their chests. Two of them had milky white skin, one was with an orange and the other was with a black mane. The third had a browning skin tone, with somewhat wider eyes, and a brown mane. The fourth’s skin was a dark green. He had a brownishly-red mane, and a set of small tusks.

“Yeah, six fare maidens and a dragon. This will be quite the sell!” The one with the long orange mane said.

The toxins from the dart only allowed Twilight to watch and listen, before making her pass out.

“What are you doing? Let us go!” Spike yelled as he tried to break free from the net.

“Merciful Clavicus Vile! The beast talks! This raises the price.” The brownish one exclaimed.

“Shut up!” The green one barked. “Knock the damn thing out, tie up the ladies, and let’s return to the fort. I don’t want to end up fighting a saber or a bear for them.” He ordered.

The three nodded. The one with the orange mane and his brown companion began to tie up her friends. As for the black maned one, he kicked Spike, and the dragon stopped moving. The ex-unicorn barely managed to reach her hand in his direction, before her eyes got lost in darkness.


In a few hours, Twilight woke up. With a blurry vision she looked to her left, and saw that she and her friends were chained, with their arms up, to a big lodge. Spike was in a small cage next to them. A roar and another loud sound startled her. She turned to her right, and saw two large, hideous creatures with white fur, in a big cage. If not anything, they smelled awful.

“Twilight! Are you okay sugarcube?” A friendly voice asked from her left.

She turned her gaze, and replied.

“I’m fine Applejack. A bit snoozy, but fine. So what’s going on here?”

“These bandits are planning to sell us. Can you believe it?” Rarity exclaimed.

“What?” Was the only thing Twilight could say.

“Yeah. Us, Spike and those two trolls over there.” Pinkie said with an angry frown on her face.

‘Trolls? Well that explains a lot.’ The ex-unicorn thought.

“That ain’t the worst of it. Some of them said that before sellin’, they’d like to “test the merchandise”.” Applejack said.

“Wait, you don’t mean what I think you mean?” The “mare” with the single striped mane exclaimed worriedly.

“Sadly, Ah do.”

“Ugh, if I could get loose I could take them on!” Rainbow Dash grunted.

“I doubt it dear. There’s a dozen of them, not to mention that they are armed.” Rarity said.

Spike made another unsuccessful attempt to break the cage open, then he sighted in defeat, and spoke with a down tone.

“Sorry everypony.”

“Don’t worry Spike, we’ll get out of this somehow.” Twilight gave him a reassuring smile.

Afterwards she turned again to Applejack.

“What are we up against here? Can’t we try to reason with these creatures?”

“Judging by their voices and body type, Ah recon all of them are guys. That one…”

The farm girl pointed at a bandit with metal armor, a horned helmet and a big two-handed axe, with her eyes.

“…is their leader. And Ah don’ think reason will work. All of ‘em have made their minds about selling us…and…you know…”

Twilight took another look of her friend, and asked.

“Where is your hat?”

“Over there.” Applejack looked at a table in a small shack in front of them.

On it was a medium sized chest.

“They put it in there, and locked the thing.”

“Twilight, you gotta think of something!” Pinkie exclaimed.

“Alright, give me a moment.” The dark maned girl fell in thought.

The wind hissed violently.

“Boss, when are we going to have some fun?” One of the nord bandits, dressed in animal pelts, turned to their leader.

“You all so eager about it? Okay boys, let’s make sure we’re selling fine quality stock.” The steel wearing orc chuckled.

The wood elf on the watch tower at the entrance of the fort thought he saw something in the blurring snow. He put a hand over his eyes, and focused them. All of a sudden his eyes widened. He leaped to the other side of the tower, and shouted.

“INTRUDER! There is a rider comi--”

His speech ended when an arrow with a triple brownish tip pierced his head. The body instantly froze in an ice shell, and caught on fire as it fell down. The sight made the girls scream and yelp. When the lifeless elf hit the ground, the bandit leader shouted.


The ex-mares were surprised when they saw a very large black pony, with red eyes, jump over the wooden gate. It had an ink black hand mark on its flank. On it was another two legged creature. It's skin was cream white, a thin ring of black facial hair around its lips. It wore a scaly beige armor with spikes, and on its head was what seemed like a crown made from teeth, a short black mane slightly showing underneath it. It held a brownish bow with several short spikes on it.

The creature fired an arrow, hitting an archer from a second tower. The horse ran over a bandit. Its rider stepped on the saddle and jumped off, releasing another arrow, which broke the lock on Spike’s cage.

After a quick and unheard thanks, the little dragon got out of the metal prison, and started to free his friends.

The unnamed person put the bow on his back, and pulled out a large bone-white sword. When he fell down he cut an orc, starting from between his head and left shoulder. Once the blade reached the gut, its wielder pulled it out, leaving the body to burn. Another bandit was impaled. During that, the horse was crushing several others under its hooves.

One of the nords climbed on a wooden bridge between two watch towers, and aimed with his bow. The stranger caught sight of that. He turned around and shouted at him.

“Fus Ro Dah!”

Some sort of wave of force threw the bandit off the bridge. He fell on the spiked fence of the fort, dying on the spot.

Just when he was about to unchain Rainbow Dash, Spike looked with surprise at the being.

“What are you waiting for?!” The rainbow maned “mare” yelled.

“What’s the matter Spike?” Twilight asked, as the now free Rarity was helping Fluttershy get up.

“Did you see what that guy just do?!” The purple dragon replied, still locked on their rescuer.

“Right now getting out is more important Spike!” The girl with the purple stripe insisted.

“Yeah, unchain us already!” Rainbow Dash added.

The dragon nodded, and undertook the task once again.

Several more bandits were set on fire as the two-handed blade spilled their blood. After another kill, the man felt that the wind suddenly stopped hitting his back. He rolled to the side, dodging a chop from the orc leader’s axe. He lifted it, leaving a small ice formation on the ground, and yelled at the person, who stormed their fort.

“Come on! Show me what you’ve got milk drinker!”

He received no reply, as his opponent put the large blade on his back, and pulled out two identical swords, which just like the two-handed one, looked as if they were made out of bone, from their cases on his haunches. The orc bared his tusks, roared and charged with another chop. The mysterious man caught the weapon between his crossed blades in a parry.

Both of them pushed against each other, trying to get a foothold on their opponent. During this feat of strength, the pale man put a smirk on his face.

“What are you so happy about?!” The orc raised his voice.

Neither took his gaze of the other. Both of them knew, that whoever made even the slightest flinch back, was going to die. Only the nord had an advantage. His lips lightly opened and a loud word escaped them.


That made the orc stumble backwards for but a moment. It was all the warrior needed. He squatted, and whirled, cutting his opponent’s knees. The bandit leader fell on both of them in a kneeled position, with the two crossed bone swords on his neck.

The orc’s terror filled eyes, met the cold stare of the nord.

“Please…don’t kill me!” He pleaded for his life.

“Grish ‘Nuck Sa L’uum.” The mysterious man began to speak. “You’re from the Mor Khazgur stronghold. Your father died from a disease, so you had to battle your brother Larak for the title of chieftain. He won, but before he could finish you off, you stole the clan’s axe, and ran, becoming a bandit leader. I almost feel like I’m robbing your brother from those 200 septims, but as Brynjolf says: ‘A lad’s gotta do, whatever he has…to make some coin.’”

With all that said, after a few last breaths, Grish ‘Nuck’s head came clean off, followed by the lifeless body, which was both frozen and on fire, with some electric sparks blurring on it. The horrid sight made the “ponies” jaws drop. The victor picked up the head and the axe, as his mount trotted back to him, leaving bloodied prints in the snow. The man put the two things in his hands in a large sack, attached to the horse's side.

“Come on everypony, we need to get out of here!” Twilight said to her friends.

They made for the gate, when Fluttershy stopped, and turned around.

“We can’t leave them here!” She referred to the caged trolls.

She got Spike, and used his claws to open the lock. The pale man yelled when he saw her.

“NO! Don’t open that!”

The warning came in too late. Once the lock was loose, the first troll swiped, and pushed the pink haired girl on the ground, along with the dragon. It roared, bent over, and reached to grab her leg. Her friends yelped at the sight. Just when the monster was about to get its prey, an arrow hit it in the shoulder, filling his body with the sensations of heat and cold. It looked up at the man with the bow, and roared yet again, this time at him. Another arrow hit it in the chest, pushing the troll back, next to the other one.

“Pull her out of there!” He barked the order to Spike, who hesitated for a moment, but a look at the two creatures made him obey.

After the dragon pulled the girl away, the nord lowered the bow, and took a deep breath, not exhaling. The trolls jumped, hitting the ground with their hands, giving out several angry grunts, and then rushed to attack. The ladies' rescuer shouted at them.

“Yol Toor!” He kept his mouth open, unleashing a breath of fire.

This time, everyone along with Spike took notice of that.

“Wow...” Twilight let out, the fire reflecting in her wide open eyes.

"He breathes fire like a dragon? I’m confused!” The baby dragon grabbed his head with both paws.

The pale man kept on the blazing roar. The troll’s fur burned off, their flesh and the metal cage behind them melted, and lastly their bones turned to ash. The wooden fence in the back now supported a large fire. With that background, the stranger turned sideways, and looked at them. Everypony, and dragon’s eyes widened even more in awe at the view.

His gaze shifted from them to a wooden shack. A chest on a table in it in particular. He put the bow on his back, and walked over to it. His seven spectators moved so they could see what he was doing. He got out a pick looking thing and a small shiv from the pouch on his hip. Using them he started working on the lock. While doing so, he spoke.

“Huh, this model lock? If not anything, bandits don’t keep their precious treasures well protected.”

The seven just watched quietly.


In a moment the chest was open. The man lifted its hood, took the gold coins in it, and picked up a strange hat, which he studied closely.

“Um…pardon me sir, but that’s mine.” Applejack broke the awkward silence.

He glanced at them, taking a good look at the group. They noticed that the skin on his cheeks brightened up in a strange shade of red. Then he threw the hat to its owner. In the chest there were also several sets of fur armor. He tossed one to each of the ladies.

“Put these on. They should keep you warm.” He said.

“Who are you?” Twilight asked with a puzzled look on her face.

The stranger chuckled. He took off his crown thingie, revealing his short black mane. He turned to them, bowed lightly, and replied. “I am Rarkath – Dovahkiin."

Author's Note:

HEYO LOVELY PEOPLE~! So yeah, I didn't delete the word file with the first chapter of this, gave it a rework following the critics I got on it and now reboot!

I solemly appologise for my lengthy absense, but I have been having a Gi-fucking-normous writer's block. That's why Defending the Universe will be on hold for a little while more. I barely got the first paragraph of the next chapter done.

In any case, enjoy this little piece for now, and hopefully I will see you soon with a new chapter!

P.S. To any critics out there, if you find even the smallest flaw(aside from grammar I mean), do not hesitate to point it out.