• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 2,369 Views, 92 Comments

A Journey Through Ice And Fire - KRissCHu573

After Sombra's defeat, Twilight and her friends are sent to another world...with some aditional side effects.

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Chapter 3: Orcish hospitality

A Journey through Ice and Fire

Chapter 3: Orcish hospitality

The group had been traveling for close to a day, making it out of the snowy mountain range and into the slightly brighter grass land down in the mountain's skirts. The journey may have been long, but it was definitely not silent. The maidens, minus the unusually quiet Rainbow Dash, and the dragon told Rarkath more about Equestria, the Princesses and the everlasting peace which they had kept up over the land, excluding a few unexpected occasions. That made the warrior daydream of a time when his own home would be as tranquil. However, the knowledge of the improbability of that happening quickly decimated the dream.

He in turn had told his company how their transformation had apparently turned them into nordic women, as well as more about Skyrim, and what was happening at the moment. About Alduin's return, the prophecy which came along with it and his integration into said prophecy.

After that story, the ex-ponies shared about the prophecy they took part in, and how they became the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. The man had a bit of trouble completely comprehending the aspect of such things, and the power which the magic of friendship held, due to his constant exposure to the opposite, but it didn't take him long to grasp the majority of it.

As they were crossing the last couple of miles to the orcish stronghold he told them of how the Empire's hands were tied by the Aldmery Dominion in order to preserve peace on Tamriel. The problems that had caused specifically in Skyrim, regarding their religious beliefs and the ongoing war between the Empire and the Stormcloaks. The girls and dragon could barely believe the amount of conflict this land, and as it seemed the whole continent, was torn apart by.

"Well, where do ya' stand in this whole imperial-stormcloaky thing?" Applejack asked.

The question drew out a sigh from the Dragonborn, after which he answered. "Don't get me wrong, I love Skyrim as any nord would, and I am not very fond with the fact that the Empire was going to have me executed, but what Ulfric does...it's just not right! It's true that this is our homeland for which we have sacrificed blood and soul, but that isn't a reason to behave so skeeverish towards the other races. Even amongst the high elves there are individuals worthy of befriending. I believe in the reasoning that what you do, will be done to you eventually...unless you have powerful friends..."

He made a momentary pause after that statement, which once again unnerved Rainbow Dash. She was baffled how her friends didn't pick up on these quite dark details. It was apparent that the man hadn't lied about anything he'd said so far, otherwise AJ would have caught in on it and would have brought him out, but the ex-pegasus knew that he wasn't letting out the whole story. However she kept those doubts to herself, not wanting to provoke another confrontation with her friends, like the one from last night, and followed Rarkath's continuation after the almost unnoticeable pause.

"...and right now, as mighty as she and her children may be, Skyrim isn't the condition to oppose the Thalmor alone! No matter what Ulfric says, we need the Empire on our side as a friend! That's why not long after my failed execution, thank you Alduin,..." He jokingly said with a chuckle, which was awkwardly shared by most of the group. "...I made my way to Solitude to meet General Tulius and joined in the ranks of the Legion...after receiving a proper apology for the misunderstanding at Helgen, and swore allegiance to the Emperor. Sadly he was assassinated before I did so..."

"Wait a second!" Pinkie exclaimed in suspicious seriousness. "Didn't you say that you cooked for an Emperor?" She leaned in on his shoulder from the back, staring him down, a worried expression forming on his face.

Along with the pink haired girl, everyone narrowed their eyes at the man, RD allowing herself a faint smug smile. Rarkath's eyes darted around for a bit, before closing, a mist of regret covering his face.

"Yes. Yes I did." He grimly said, before continuing. "It was long before I joined the Legion, and even longer before I discovered that I was Dragonborn. I found a wounded Imperial soldier in the woodlands on the other side of the village Dragon Bridge. I tried to treat his wounds as best as I could with the healing magic I knew, but I couldn't save him. With his dying breath he told me that the guild of assassins called The Dark Brotherhood had been hired to assassinate the Emperor when he came from Cyrodil to mourn his cousin's death."

"W..What happened to him?" Twilight unintentionally asked with worry in her tone.

"Her." He corrected. "On her wedding day she gave a speech in front of the guests from a balcony. Out of nowhere, one of the stone statues above the balcony was pushed and fell on her, killing her on the spot. Undoubtedly, a doing of the Brotherhood to get the Emperor to come to Skyrim."

"How dreadful! And on the poor thing's wedding day!" Rarity exclaimed as all of the group's eyes widened in horror at the return of the memory of the last wedding they attended." Rainbow Dash was the first to regain her composure. When she did so she sternly said. "That still doesn't explain your statement for cooking for the Emperor."

Receiving disapproving looks from her friends, she did not avert her gaze from the man who replied. "Right. When the soldier told me that he asked me to help in any way possible. Because the Emperor's entourage wanted the guard to be handled only by military men I had to find my way into the kitchens of the Blue Palace. I helped around, waiting for the assassin to appear, thus my statement." He finished.

"What happened?" Rarity cautiously asked.

"When a very famous chef that was invited to cook for his Excellency arrived, he and the chief chef of the kitchen cooked the first meal that would be presented to the guests. The guy put really weird things inside of the dish. A sweet roll, vampire dust, a giant's toe and a gold coin." His company made disgusted expressions. "In the end he put in some root, which he claimed was a secret ingredient. When the Emperor tasted the dish he died in his seat a couple of seconds after. On top of it all the imposter managed to escape the guards...and myself included." He finished, looking down.

The others shared a moment of silence with him.

"Thankfully it turned out that that was a look alike that was hired to pose as the Emperor." He tried to bring himself into a better mood.

"But he still died..." Fluttershy quietly uttered.

Apparently she was the first one who couldn't conceal the toll the thought of all the death happening around them brought. The question of how much longer could they hold out crossed the minds of the rest of her friends.

After another drawn sigh Rarkath continued. "Yes...he did...but that was merely a delay. Apparently the Dark Brotherhood had found out that they were offered a fake target. A few days after the incident in the Blue Palace, the real Emperor was found dead aboard his private ship, stabbed in the back with some sort of dagger, along with the entire crew..." Everyone let out a horrified gasp. Straightening his back, the man put on a serious expression and spoke in a stern manner. "His death very well shook the whole of the Empire even more than it already was. And with the ongoing Stormcloak rebellion the imperial forces and coordination were stretched too thin, making this an ideal time for the Thalmor to strike. So I joined the Legion to at least help end the conflict here in Skyrim sooner, so that the Empire could somewhat regain its composure in order to stand against the Aldmery Dominion."

"Despite the...redness brought by your cause it is still a noble one. Wouldn't you guys agree?" Rarity said, fixing her eyes on Rainbow Dash, who in turn huffed and crossed her arms across her chest, before asking Rarkath. "So you guys just let these elves boss you around and torture you, often to death, if you don't comply to them?"

"In the regions still loyal to the Empire this is an often occurrence. The people are forced to obey, and they mostly do. Almost everyone has their own little shrine of Talos hidden somewhere in their homes. There are also those...who are still loyal and proud imperial citizens, but are not afraid to show no mercy to any Thalmor they meet out on the road and away from any city guard. I myself am one such." His response brought worried expressions on their faces.

Twilight gulped and gave a question of her own. "S-So..if we happen upon any of them...you'll...?" She couldn't bring herself to finish the last words.

However, she didn't need to as the Dragonborn pieced her question together, letting out a simple stern reply. "Yes."

A really awkward silence for close to a minute, before Pinkie broke it. "Look! Look! What's that?!" She shouted as she jumped on Rarkath's shoulders, almost pushing him off of the wagon, and vigorously pointed at the front of their route.

Her friends narrowed their eyes at the distance, seeing a large building, build close to a mountain and surrounded by a wooden fence, similar to the one of the camp they recently escaped from. The sudden reminder made them want to protest against going there, but before they could vocalise their opinions the man calmed them down. "Easy. It's okay. This is the orcish stronghold, it's not a bandit camp, though it's very hard to tell the one from the other."

"Heh..ya don't say.." Applejack awkwardly let out.


When they were in view, one of the guards on the wall turned around and called to the rest of the stronghold. "Open the gate! The mercenary has returned!"

Following the order two of the guards went down from the wooden constructions they stood on and pulled the gates open, making way for the wagon to pass. As they entered, the girls saw how close to a dozen orcs from both genders began to gather around them, a significant eye catcher being a rather large male, covered in greenish armor.

Rarkath jumped down from the wagon and addressed the orc in question. "Greetings chieftain Larak."

"Save the pleasantries outsider. I ask for my brother's head and our clan's axe, yet you come back with females. Was Grish ‘Nuck too much for you to handle, so you decided to receive your reward, by trading some wenches for it?" Larak asked with a malicious tone.

The girls were quite offended by the words directed towards them, but the dragon was way more displeased than they were. "Hey! Don't you dare offend my friends like that!" Spike shouted as he leaped out of the wagon and into view.

All of the green skins backed a couple of steps, each reaching for his, or her weapon, but halted when the nord raised his voice. "Stop!"

Not sparing a moment Larak asked. "What in the name of Malakath is this dragon doing with you?!"

The tense situation managed to get the six women really worried of the outcome.

"One at a time chieftain." Rarkath spoke as he walked to one of the bags on Shadowmere's side. "Your brother and his entire flock have been dealt with." He said, taking out the head and the axe he was sent to retrieve, after which he continued. "Both these fare maidens and the purple reptile were their captives. Since I am the one who freed them, they are now under my protection and are of no concern, or threat to you and your people." Next he brought and handed the two items to the chieftain.

Eyeing the man for a brief moment, the orc gruffed and took them, addressing one of the others. "Shuftharz, give the outsider his gold."

She complied, walking up and handing a sack of ringing coin to the Dragonborn. He accepted it with a respectful nod, after which he once again turned towards Larak, who had already had someone else take the head and the axe firmly held in his grasp. "I may require a small favor of you chieftain Larak."

"What is it you require?" The orc asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You see, my company, courtesy of your brother, has not had the chance to eat for over a day. Could you by some chance provide us with some meat free sustenance?" Rarkath enquired with the most polite tone he could muster.

"We're not servants of man, nord. You were paid for your job and now you wish us to feed you, your females and a dragon?" The chieftain snorted.

"Yes. As a matter of fact I'm willing to return half of the septims you gave me, in exchange for a meal."

The chieftain grimaced before shouting out. "Do we look like staff you can just pay around?! Here outsider you have to earn the things you request!"

"Are you suggesting that I need to best you in hand to hand combat, in order to earn the hospitality for my company, Larak?" Rarkath questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"You're not slow, I'll give you that." The orc snorted.

"Please, sir Rarkath, you do not need to engage in more trouble than you already have because of us." Rarity tried to use het lady manner to prevent the fight, but the addressed silenced her by raising his hand. "Don't worry milady. I have bested most of the chieftains of the other strongholds, having a good reason to add one more to the list is a great opportunity for me."

"Does that guy have to turn everything into a fight?" Applejack quietly asked amongst her friends, almost all of whom responded with a single shrug, the exceptions being Rainbow Dash, who had crossed her arms in front of her chest and glared at the man, and Pinkie Pie, who had gone to the edge of the wagon and loudly cheered. "Go Rari! Go Rari!" Her chants made the rest of the stronghold's inhabitants confusedly look at the maidens and dragon.

Fluttershy squatted down and hid behind her hair, while the rest of her company returned awkward smiles. Even Shadowmere rolled his eyes from the display. In the mean time, Rarkath and Larak stared each other down. In the middle of Pinkie's cheers the nord asked the orc. "So, do we have a deal?"

"Definitely." The chieftain replied sternly.

"Rarkath, are you certain that this is necessary?" Twilight asked, concern obvious in her tone.

The man turned his head to look at her as he said. "I repeat myself lady Twilight, your needn't worry, this will be over-.." As he turned to face his opponent, the nord's last word was halted by the orc's right fist jamming itself into his jaw. The blow sent the Dragonborn back and down on his back, the crown-like helmet atop his head falling off. As he raised his stern gaze to eye Larak the chieftain exclaimed. "Enough talk milk drinker! Time to show your worth!" "...quickly." Rarkath muttered as he rubbed the impact spot a couple of times and got up, taking a battle ready stance.

The orc did the same as the gathered inhabitants of the stronghold, along with Pinkie Pie, began to cheer, and the maids and dragon worriedly observed from the safety of the wagon. The two warriors slowly circled each other, each binding their time and waiting for the other to make their move. Larak's steamy nature made him very agitated from the waiting, so he lunged at his opponent with another right hook. The single second the distance between the two provided gave Rarkath enough time to react, by sidestepping to the left and landing an elbow on the orc's back.

The hit made him stagger a couple of steps forward, but he quickly regained his footing and raised his guard, blocking a straight left from the nord. Rarkath swung his right arm for another attack, but Larak used the moment of openness to slam both of his fists into his opponent's chest. Despite the dragon scales' superiority to orichalcum and absorbing most of the damage, the hit took out most of the man's air out, making him let out a gasping sound, which was shared by the occupants of the wagon.

Someone from the crowd exclaimed something out, Pinkie following suit.

Using the momentum he had build up the orc (SPARTA!)kicked the Dragonborn in the gut, sending him into a back-roll on the ground, after which he charged at him with a straight right. The roll ended with Rarkath halting himself back on his feet. He had but a moment to acknowledge the incoming knuckle sandwich. Lacking the time to dodge he switched to counter offense. As Larak's arm shot forth, the nord grabbed it with both hands, pulling the orc forward and kneeing him in the gut, using the advantage he had, regarding the material the two wore as protection.

The chieftain had his breath knocked out of him as well, after which he was slammed to the ground. A couple of the stronghold's inhabitants shouted out disapproving comments addressed to him, but he was unable to hear them. Rarkath backed away a couple of steps, allowing his opponent to slowly get up. Aside from her friends who either hid their eyes, looked at the raising orc, or Pinkie who ran in between the small crowd yelling, Rainbow Dash watched the two as close as possible, allowing herself almost no distractions. Her look of worry was replaced by one of curiosity as she saw the nord spread his arms. Some sort of shine emanated from his hands. Narrowing her eyes she saw that they were covered in a thin layer of ice, which apparently everyone else ignored.

When Larak got up to his feet and turned around to face his opponent, he was met with four swift hits, two right hooks and two left hooks, jamming right into his face, some steam coming out, which to the public seemed like his breath showing in the flagging weather. The last hit knocked the orc out of consciousness and he crumbled down on his back. The audience's cheers ceased as they looked at the standing nord, who shook his hands up and down, bearing an expression of discomfort.

"Tss, okay.. That took a bit longer than I expected." Rarkath said as he brought his hands together, a sizable ball of light appearing, which suddenly glowed, along with its caster, healing the bluish spots left on his face.

When he was done he pointed the ball at the orc, making his body glow as well, during which the bruises on his face faded away. Shortly after the chieftain came to and saw the nord offering him a hand. "Bested by a human." He muttered as he took it and Rarkath pulled him up. "We all have our good and bad days." The man spoke. "Once I had to remain in bed after getting bit by a skeever." He finished with a chuckle, which the green warrior shared. "Once again you prove yourself a worthy ally to the Strongholds outsider." Larak said, to which the nord returned a light bow. "You definitely earned your females and yourself our hospitality." The orc continued, letting out a quiet laugh as he harshly patted the nord on the back. "And I'm very grateful for it." The Dragonborn spoke. "Would you mind, I need to assure my company that everything is fine and taken care of?" "Certainly." Larak returned and went to gather his wives, instructing them to prepare an evening meal, while Rarkath picked up his helmet, put it back on and walked back to his entourage, bearing a smug smile.

"Well, prepare yourselves. Orcs may be the finest smiths on the continent, but their cooking takes some getting used to." The maidens shot him with disapproving scowls, to which Rarkath raised a brow and asked. "What?"

"You scared the daylights out of us!" Rarity exclaimed.

"So..I am to take it that in Equestria you don't use duels of honorable combat as a means to settle matters?" He questioned.

"Pff.." Rainbow Dash let out a quiet gruff of disapproval, rolling her eyes. "Usually amongst the nobility, when a challenge to a duel is issued they choose one of their personal guard, or other individuals, to represent them against the challenger's pick." Twilight quickly explained, momentarily missing the point.

"Really?" He spoke, disappointment and disgust obvious in his tone. "How can cowards that don't defend their honor by themselves even dare to call themselves men?"

"Stallions,..." The single striped haired girl corrected, before hastefully continuing. "...but that's not the point! Why did you engage in such a needless endeavor? What if the orc had beaten you?" He words were accompanied by five glares, minus Fluttershy, who hid behind her friends, and Pinkie Pie, who wasn't around them.

The whole over worriedness directed towards him, began to unnerve the Dragonborn. Adding to that were the multiple times they questioned his judgement. In a small outburst of irritation he said. "Well forgive me ponies, but unlike the apparent heaven your realm is, here things are not so peaceful. In this world you must fight in order to survive. There's no Princess to help you up and wipe off the dirt every time when you trip and fall. Those who are unable to adopt the harshness stay behind thick walls, but currently we don't have that luxury."

The shaken up expressions they put on afterwards made him sigh and continue in a calmer demeanor. "I am doing my best to help you, but I can't do much if you fight me every step of the way. I know the concepts of this land are as far from your own as you can imagine and may seem barbaric and wrong to you, but that sort of opinion is the only mistake you will find about them. I will help you and I know what I'm doing. The only thing I ask from you in return is to trust me, like I trusted you when you told me of your true origin. Do we have a deal?"

Though hesitantly, all of the maidens, except for the rainbow haired one, and the dragon nodded in acceptance.

"Good. Now where's Pin-.." He was cut off by the very woman, who's location he was about to enquire. "WOOW! It was SO AAWESOME~!" She squealed. "Larak was all like: Hyu! HWA! kick,punch!" She ranted, demonstrating several punches and kicks in the air. "And you were like: Hya! Na! slam,punch,knee! Oh and that HuHwaHiiYa! at the end!" She continued, making similar motions, ending with four quick jabs in the air.

"I..take it you enjoyed yourself?.." Rarkath hesitantly questioned, to which he received a reply, booming with excitement. "Are you kidding?! That was one of the best duels I have ever seen!"

That made all of her friends raise a brow, and/or gawk in confusion, Twilight being the one who got a hold of herself enough to ask. "Pinkie, you have seen such fights before?"

"Nnnope! This was my first time~!" The pink haired girl returned, her excitement not faltering at all.

"Well...she's adapting quickly.." The Dragonborn said, before continuing in a warmer inviting demeanor. "But enough of that for one day. Let's go into the log house and have our fill, shall we?" His suggestion was met with nods of agreement, following which Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Last one is an apple eaten by a vampire fruit bat!" Afterwards she darted towards the building. Everyone sighed lightly, bearing a smile, and followed the energetic maid.


After a little while, the chieftain's wives served many fine looking dishes. Even if they stuck to only the vegan ones, the ex-ponies figured out what Rarkath meant when he said that orcish cooking took some use to. The exceptional amount of spices made the food taste extraordinary, but it had to be eaten with at least a mug of ale to soothe the hot sensation it left. After finishing some small talk with Larak the nord joined the maidens and dragon on the table they sat on. "How do you like the meals? My cooking barely matches it, doesn't it?" He jokingly asked.

"With a risk to sound a bit like Rarity here Rar..." Applejack began, receiving a disapproving. "Hey!" From the fashionista. "...but this definitely beats that stew ya made for us."

Rarkat chuckled. "That's okay. I'm glad I made up for the day long wait." After saying that, his glance went to the side, noticing Rainbow Dash sitting on a chair next to a window away from the group. "What's with her?" He asked, taking a bite from the roasted rabbit leg he held.

The spirit of the company sort of died down as Rarity took up the task of replying. "Well...you see, our coming here has taken its toll on us all, and Rainbow Dash isn't one of the most trusting ponies-err.. people..."

"Your point?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Sighing the ex-unicorn decided to be straight. "She doesn't trust you as much as we do sir Rarkath. On multiple occasions she tried to convince us to not put so much faith in you, because you seemed...shady to her." She said, trying to be as unoffensive as possible. "But we didn't agree with her, and now she feels left out...that we no longer value her opinion...and our friendship.." The purple haired woman finished, letting out a single tear, her friends gently embracing her in an attempt to comfort her.

Bearing a serious expression the Dragonborn got up and headed for the rainbow haired girl.

"Rarkath what are you doing?" Twilight asked, but her question received no reply.

Rainbow was looking out of the window, staring into the rising moon and thought of home. Her quiet exile was interrupted when Rarkath addressed her. "May I join you?"

She shot him a malicious glance, before once again turning her attention to the celestial body. Ignoring her silent decline the man pulled over a chair and sat in front of her, saying. "Lady Dash, we need to talk."

"About what?" She coldly asked, not turning to face him.

Letting out a displeased breath Rarkath spoke. "I see you are not an admirer of small talk, so I'll be straight with my point. What in Oblivion is your problem with me?" He sternly shot at her.

"What's my problem?" She returned with a note of offense, now facing him. "Well my problem is that the oh so noble protector we got is not what he presents himself to be! You ended a life for the sake of currency and killed many more in cold blood, simply because they stood in your way. And speaking of cold, I saw you cheat in your "duel of honorable combat"..." She shot back, making quote gestures with her whole palms, due to the fact that she was still not very used to her fingers. "...against the orc."

"You saw that huh? And the fact that you and your friends now enjoy a warm sizable meal because of that doesn't mean anything?" He sternly spoke. "Or the fact that you were not raped, and afterwards saved from spending the rest of your lives as some rich noble, or rich marauder's bed slaves?" His words made her stare down at the floor. "I'm going to get things out of the clear, everything I have done so far was to help you and your friends. If you dislike me so, then at least keep it to yourself and stop causing them so much emotional trauma. We'll be leaving in an hour. The sooner we get to the College, the sooner we'll find a way to return you to your world, so you won't have to deal with me." He finished, getting up and walking away, leaving Rainbow Dash to still stare at the floor as a feeling of guilt for giving her friends, and the nord, such a hard time overwhelming her.

An hour later Rarkath had the wagon set up and his company got on, ready for the long trip ahead of them. "Are you sure you won't stay the night?" Larak asked, as he and the other inhabitants of the stronghold gathered to see them away.

"Sadly we cannot. We have to get to Winterhold at least by Fredas. It's a very urgent matter." The Dragonborn explained.

"I see. Well, know that you are always welcome in Mor Khazgur outsider. Safe travels."

"Thank you friend." The nord replied with a respective bow of his head.

Afterwards the gate to the stronghold was opened and the man and his company rode out into the night.

Author's Note:
