• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 2,369 Views, 92 Comments

A Journey Through Ice And Fire - KRissCHu573

After Sombra's defeat, Twilight and her friends are sent to another world...with some aditional side effects.

  • ...

Chapter 2: Dovawho?

A Journey Through Ice and Fire

Chapter 2: Dovawho?

His introduction left them all staring at him with confused expressions. There was a brief awkward silence, which Applejack broke.

"Dovawho now?"

"Apologies, but dusk if falling." He spoke, putting on his helmet. "If you wish to partake in conversation it will be after I light us a fire for the night." He finished, walking over to a beheaded bandit and taking his single-handed axe.

He proceeded back to the wooden construction and began chopping it to pieces. The "ponies" and dragon still bore expressions of confusion as they watched him. Rainbow Dash leaned to her right, whispering to AJ.

"What's with the old fancy talk? He sounds like Princess Luna."

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity, who was standing on the ex-pegasus's left, quietly scolded her. "This person just saved us. At least try to show some gratitude, before you start pointing out things you consider flaws."

"Yes, he did save us but..." Twilight joined in, after which she turned around, examining all of the bodies that now littered the ground. "...I'm not sure that we can trust him." She finished turning back to her friends.

"Not to mention that pony ova' there kinda scares me guys. Ah don' know what, but there's somethin' not right with him and it's giving me the creeps." The country-"mare" added.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"What do you think Pinkie?" Spike asked, and after not receiving any reply was when he and the other five noticed that Pinkie was not with them.

They looked around for a moment, before their eyes stopped on the black pony. It was awkwardly staring down the now clothed in the furs Pinkie Pie, who gave it her usual routine of meeting someone new.

"HIYA!I'mPinkiePie!Nicetomeetyou!What'syourname?Whyareyousobig?Whydoyouhaveacutiemarkonjustoneofyoursides?Doyoulikeparties?..." She hastefuly ranted, going around, on and under the pony, making him feel kind of dizzy.

"Pinkie!" Twilight's exclamation made the pink haired "mare" stop right on top of the large creature's back.

She looked at her friends for a moment and then asked confusedly.

"Why aren't you guys getting dressed? These fuzzy clothes are very warm!" She exclaimed, nuzzling her cheek onto her covered shoulder.

The five's attention was caught by a quiet laugh, emanating from the man standing behind them.

"You should listen to your friend. You must conserve as much body heat as possible, before the sun completely sets." Rarkath commented as he carried a dozen planks over to a camp-fire pit, which had a kettle hanging over it.

As if to emphasize his words, a strong current of wind howled right into their backs, making them immediately put on the clothes. As they did so, Rarkath and his dark companion, who still carried Pinkie, moved to the fire pit. Then the man began to place the wood he was carrying under the kettle, making a small pyramid out of it. By the time he was done, the other "ponies" and the dragon had joined them, everyone sitting around the fire. RD was about to ask how he planned on lighting the fire, when suddenly a ball of flame appeared in his right hand. Everyone slightly backed away with a quiet gasp, except for Pinkie, who stared with wide eyes, while letting out an impressed. "Ooooh!"

Rarkath chuckled, before saying. "Don't worry." Then he pointed the ball at the wood, a steady stream of fire coming out and engulfing it.

Next he closed his hand into a fist, then opened it, the ball of fire gone as mysteriously as it appeared. The "ponies" and the dragon gathered around the fire as their savior went to the black pony and began to look through another saddle-bag it carried.

"What would you like for dinner?" he asked. "I don't mean to brag, but I have cooked for an emperor." He added, following with a chuckle. After wards he began listing. "I've got some rabbit legs, pheasant breasts, a goat leg, venison chops..." He stopped, after hearing multiple sickly moans and turned around to see the six ladies greening up. "Okay...what did I miss?" He asked, bearing a confused expression of his own.

Deducting that whatever they were turned in was apparently carnivorous, Twilight managed a minor smile and spoke. "I'm sorry, but me and my friends...we don't eat meat. Do you happen to have anything else?"

"Oooh. I see." He let out, before asking. "In that case, how does apple-cabbage stew sound?" This time he was met with several faint smiles.

Rarkath poured some water into the kettle, leaving it to boil. Next he took out a cabbage and several apples from the sack on the horse, cutting them into the sizzling liquid with a small dagger. His audience quietly watched as he added more ingredients, stirring them inside of the kettle. Lastly he took a bottle of alto wine from his sack, poured in some of it into the mixture and then closed the kettle, letting the dish to stew inside as he went around the constructions in the fort to get some bowls.

During that, the six moved closer to the fire in order to warm up. It didn't take long for the meal to get ready, and when it was, Rarkath poured a bowl for everyone, himself, the small dragon and the black horse included. His portion was last, and after he got it he sat down, filling the circle around the fire, asking. "So, how do you like it?"

The ladies gave simply stared into their bowls, their hands shaking both from the cold and the fact that they had only begun to use them mere hours ago. Then Twilight brought herself to speak up.

"I'm sorry sir, but it has been...a rough day to say the least and we are still barely warming up, so we can't properly enjoy the food."

He looked at her with an understanding expression. "Well...in that case, allow me to assist you at least with your problem with the cold." He said as he set down his bowl and rubbed his hands, a ball of yellow light, quite similar to the flame one from earlier, appeared between them.

They all slightly backed up in their positions when he aimed it at them, but in the next moment all of them felt...warm and at ease, drifting away at the sensation. However, the second of serenity passed when Fluttershy let out a gasp. The other five, along with Spike looked at her.

"Fluttershy dear what's...wrong..." Rarity began, but slowly just drifted as all of her friends stared at the pink haired girl who was...glowing.

"Sweet Celestia!" Rainbow was the next to exclaim as she pointed out. "We're all glowing!"

Next they all looked back at Rarkath. He brought his hands together, the ball of light vanishing, as well as the glow from their bodies.

"Feeling better?" He sincerely asked.

In return Twilight gave him a question of her own. "What did you just do?"

"This? Oh it's not much. An adept level restoration spell." He casually replied, making them all look with awe in their eyes at him, especially the Princess's prized student, who driven by her curiosity continued with her questions. "You...can use magic?"

He chuckled before replying. "Of course I do. A graduate from the Mages' College is expected to do that at the very least."

The ex-unicorn's eyes shimmered with interest, a smile she usually bore when she found a new book to read coloring her face. But before she could continue with her quest for knowledge, Rarity intervened. "That is very nice, but would be so kind as to tell us your name again? We didn't quite catch it the first time." She said in a lady-like manner, bearing a soft smile.

"Certainly." He replied. "I am Rarkath - Dovahkiin."

"Yeah, 'bout that, what does Dova...heen mean exactly?" Applejack asked.

"Dovahkiin." He corrected. "And I think the little guy can explain that."

The six's eyes turned towards Spike. He just looked at them confusedly, before shrugging and questioning. "How am I supposed to know?"

All eyes went back on Rarkath.

"I must say I am surprised. One would expect that a dragon your age would at least know its own language." He said, before explaining. "Dovahkiin means Dragonborn in the dragon tongue."

That caused them even more surprise, including the dragon himself, who in turn asked. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Dragonborn? Does that mean that your parents are dragons?!"

"What? No." The man replied, chuckling.

"Then would you mind explaining what it means exactly?!" Rainbow Dash sternly let out.
The rest of the "ponies", minus Pinkie Pie, who was too busy eating her portion and watching the situation with great interest as if she was at a play, thought that Dash's harshness might produce a negative reaction from their rescuer, but instead he paid no heed to it and casually spoke.

"Ages ago, when his children - the dragons - had enslaved mortal kind, Akatosh bestowed the gift of the Dragon blood to mortals as a way to...stand up for ourselves. With it came the Dragonborns. The soul and power of a dragon, born into a mortal body. They were the greatest dragon slayers, mainly because a Dragonborn is the only one who can permanently kill a dragon." He noticed that five of them, along with the dragon nervously looked at him. He smiled towards the reptile and said in a reassuring tone. "Don't worry little guy. I only off dragons to defend myself, or others." While thinking. 'Most of the time.'

"What do you mean by...permanently?" Twilight brought herself to ask.

"You see, a couple of thousand years ago the dragons were exterminated by a faction known as The Blades. However, now-days there is...a force...that's bringing them back to life. Only a Dragonborn can prevent that from happening."

Rainbow Dash shot him a suspicious look, as she took notice of his pause. He however had apparently not noticed that as he continued.

"Now that I have introduced myself, how about you do the same? I am willing to wager that maidens such as yourselves carry names of equal fareness."

Rarity's sides slightly reddened. She kept it to herself, but despite what was happening, and his presentation of himself, she was beginning to find the stranger's compliments, and the way he presented them, rather charming. Before any of them could say anything, the pink haired girl dashed in front of Rarkath, grabbing his hand and shaking it wildly as she did a similar introduction, to the one she gave to the black horse.


"Pinkie!" Her friends exclaimed in union, making the ex-mare silence herself for a moment. Understanding what had happened she giggled and backed up, releasing Rarkath's hand and said. "Sorry, I just get really excited when I make new friends."

The man shook his head, to remove the stunned expression which had colored his face. Managing a smile he spoke. "It's alright. A pleasure to meet you, Pinkie Pie?" He questioned. After receiving an affirmative nod, he turned towards the others. "And the rest of you?"

"Uh, yes." Twilight began, clearing her throat. "My name is Twilight Sparkle."

"Rarity, and this little ball of cute is Fluttershy." Rarity introduced the two of them, taking her friend's shyness when meeting somepony for the first time.

"Name's Applejack." The country-"mare" said, followed by the dragon. "And I'm Spike."

Rarath looked between them, confusion and surprise mixed in his eyes. "Very...interesting names. So let me see if I got them all right." He said, after which he began listing the names while pointing at the appropriate owner. "Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Spike,..." His finger pointed in the direction of Rainbow Dash. "And you are?"

"Suspicious." The ex-pegasus shot back, her eyes narrowed at the stranger.

"Rainbow!" Rarity scolded, which had no effect on her friend, as she continued to stare down their rescuer.

"This is Rainbow Dash." Twilight went in, to prevent any possible confrontations. "You'll have to excuse her, she isn't very trusting of other..." The ex-unicorn paused, trying to think of the proper word, but since she had no idea what they were turned into, she used the least offensive one she should thing of. "...beings."

"It's alright." He spoke calmly. "If I too was captured by bandits I wouldn't immediately trust someone who just bolted into their camp and slaughtered them all while going after a bounty on their leader's head." Giving a couple of moments for his words to sink in, Rarkath decided to change the topic. "In any case, where are you lot from? You're obviously not of Skyrim."

Their heads turned towards Twilight, who in turn spoke. "Well, you are right. This "Skyrim" is completely unknown to us. We come from a land called Equestria."

"Equestria?" Rarkath raised an eyebrow. "I've never heard of such a place. Is that somewhere south-west of Cyrodil?"

"I'm not really sure... If you could show me a map I might be able to tell." The ex-unicorn returned.

"Just give me a moment." He said, before turning to the horse. "Shadowmere, come here."

The mount complied and made his way closer.

"Shadowmere huh? That's a fancy name." Applejack pointed out.

"A friend of mine introduced the two of us. I'm not the one who named him like that." Rarkath explained, as he got up and dug through the pouches on Shadowmere's back and sides. "Aha!" He exclaimed after a brief while. Pulling out a piece of paper, he returned to the fire, opening what was a large map. "This is the map of Tamriel. Do you see your native Equestria on it?" The Dragonborn asked.

Twilight leaned in, taking a good look of the map, her eyes suddenly widening in terrified surprise.

"What's wrong sugarcube?" Applejack asked with concern.

"Yeah, do you see Equestria?" Rainbow added.

"Guys..." The single stripe-haired girl slowly spoke. "I think that explosion sent us a lot further from the Crystal Empire than we originally thought..."

The nord quietly observed the situation unveiling before him.

"What in the hay is that supposed to mean?" The rainbow haired girl enquired of her friend.

"I've been over all of our world's maps in the Canterlot archive, but I have never seen this continent." Twilight explained, pointing at Tamriel.

Pinkie gasped loudly and exclaimed. "Then that means!...What exactly?" Her shocked state calming for a moment.

"We're on another world." The ex-unicorn summed up with a worried tone, bringing distressed expressions on her friends' faces.

"Another world?" Rarkath questioned. "You're not making any sense miss Twilight, would you care to explain?" As he said that, one of his hands, unseen by his company, slid down over the handle of one of the swords on his hips, because what he heard made him think that he was dealing with Daedra.

"Well..." Twilight began. "It's going to be a little weird to explain. You see, we all come from a world called Equis. It is populated by various species, most of which intelligent. The one me and my friends..." She gestured to herself and the other five ladies. "...is pony kind..."

She was interrupted by her listener. "Hold on a moment, "pony kind"? You mean to tell me that you come from a world, populated by miniature talking horses, and you six happen to be exactly that?" He questioned in disbelief, even his large companion's eyes we somewhat wider than usual.

Usually they might have taken some offense from the term 'miniature horses', but given the situation they kept that to themselves, the Element of Magic calmly continuing. "Yes, actually." Before Rarkath could even ask the most obvious of questions, she gave him a quick sum up of their race. "Ponies differ in three kinds. The Earth Ponies who are basically normal ponies, like your friend Shadowmere. They have a very deep connection with the land itself. Applejack and Pinkie Pie here are in fact earth ponies. There are also the Pegasi, who have the ability to fly and manipulate the weather. Examples are Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. And lastly are the Unicorns, who are able to use magic, like Rarity and Myself."

"Wow...so there may have actually been truth to her words." The Dragonborn said quietly.

Before Twilight could continue, Pinkie Pie stepped in. "Truth to whose words about what?" The pink haired girl asked excitedly.

The man let out a forced chuckle as he recalled the information needed for the reply. "You see, I had a close friend. But not that kind of close, she was more like...a sister. Once she told me that while on a moonlit walk on the beech she met a unicorn."

"Oooh! Oooh! What did they do?" The overly energetic lady continued.

"Well...she said that they partook some...knitting activities. I didn't really have the desire to enquire more." He awkwardly returned.

At the mention of work related with clothing Rarity's eyes glimmered with interest as she gave a question of her own, though in a much more reserved manner than her friend. "Could we perhaps meet this friend of yours sometime?"

The man's expression shifted into one of sorrow as he replied. "I'm afraid that will not be possible, for you see she is no longer amongst the living."

All of their faces now bore an apologetic look as the purple haired lady spoke. "I'm...sorry. I didn't mean to bring you discomfort."

"It's alright. The ones responsible for that are long since taken care of." He paused, before getting a hold of himself and trying to change the topic. "In any case, was there anything else you wished to share about your kind miss Twilight?"

"Well, yeah." She spoke, though with a little bit of unease after hearing what he had just said. "Excluding the three races there are the Alicorns - ponies which have traits of all of the races. There are only three alicorns. My mentor - Princess Celestia, her younger sister - Princess Luna, and my old foalsitter - Princess Candence." She said simply, not really wanting to give up more than the situation required.

"I see. And what about this little guy?" He referred to Spike.

"Oh, before I became Princess Celestia's student, I took an exam to enter her school for gifted unicorns. That exam was hatching a dragon egg, using magic. From the egg I got hatched Spike. Ever since he has been my number one assistant." The ex-unicorn returned, bearing a warm smile as she pulled her assistant into a light hug.

Rarkath returned an understanding nod, along with a smile of his own. After a couple of sizzling sounds from the fire he spoke once again. "So...is there anything else you'd like to ask?"

"For the time, just one." Twilight said, before giving her question. "What exactly have we been turned into?"

"Huh, I see you don't have humans on your world." Was the reply she received.

'Humans? Really? Oh I'm going to have an earful if Lyra hears about this.' Twilight said to herself mentally. But before she could say anything else, Rarkath stretched his arms upwards, letting out a loud groan of tiredness. After which he said. "Well, it's getting late." Then he got up and along with Shadowmere headed for one of the tents which littered the camp. "I'd suggest you get some sleep. We'll be going on quite the journey tomorrow." The man advised.

"Going where exactly?" Rainbow enquired, mistrust still obvious in her tone.

The Dragonborn turned around and replied. "Going to Mor Khazgur to claim my bounty. After which I can drop you off in one of the holds, while your visit to this world ends." His voice was calm, contrasting the serious expression that colored his face.

"You got this wrong!" Twilight stepped in. "We aren't here by choice. Back on our world an artifact of great magical power was used to stop an evil tyrant. The use of the artifact resulted in an explosion, which for reasons unknown to us sent us here, and transformed us from ponies into humans." The ex-unicorn explained.

Rarkath thought over her words, before saying. "Then that makes our trip even longer. After I get my money I'll take you to the Mages' College in Winterhold. Hopefully my colleagues there can find the reason for your transportation and transformation, and maybe even a way to send you back."

Everyone, minus the rainbow haired girl, perked up from hearing the news, Twilight beating Pinkie in enthusiasm at the mention of visiting a college for the practice of magic on another world.

"Now, I bid you good night." The man returned as he and his mount withdrew to the tent they had selected for themselves.

The ex-ponies and dragon followed his example, all of them huddling in one tent.


Before they went to sleep however, Rainbow Dash began a rather heated discussion. "I can't believe you guys! How can you trust a guy who killed off so many people?!"

"And the two trolls." Spike hesitantly added.

"Yeah, them too." The ex-pegasus summed up.

Rarity was the first to respond. "Rainbow, I hope you are not forgetting that we were captives of those bandits, who were more than content on selling and...raping us. There I said it! If it weren't for Sir Rarkath's interference, Celestia know what might have happened to us!"

Everyone stared baffled at her, Rainbow cautiously speaking. "Rarity? You of all ponies are defending that guy? No, no, no, let me rephrase that. You defend a murderer?"

"Well it would appear that I do. I highly doubt that those brutes could have been handled diplomatically, and they were just as, if not more contempt on murdering him." The fashionista's temper subsided as she looked down towards the ground, before muttering on the brink of tears. "Not to mention that we have no idea how anything in this world works." She sniffed and looked her friend in the eyes. "I am scared Rainbow. I am scared beyond anypony's belief. That's why I think we should give the only being in this world who has shown us kindness so far a chance. Because I am certain that if we don't, we won't stand one ourselves."

Dash stood there stunned for a few moments. She regained her composure as best as she could, before speaking once again. "I get what you mean Rarity. But I'm telling you, there is something off about that guy. I don't know what, but he doesn't strike me as the trustworthy type."

"From what we know, your perception of people Dash is not the best one a pony can have." Applejack filled in.

"Both Applejack and Rarity have a point here Rainbow. It's nothing personal, but right now, or best bet is to take this chance and go along with Rarkath." Twilight backed up her country-friend as the two of them moved closer to the purple haired maiden in order to comfort her.

"Are you serious right now?" The ex-pegasus exclaimed in disbelief.

"Sorry Rainbow, but to me those two seem like okay guys." Pinkie said, what was more surprising was the serious way she said it, and went to the gathered group.

"Well I know that Spike is with me on this one. Right Spike?" Dash enquired, hoping to have at least someone side with her.

"Actually, no." The dragon's response made the ex-mare snap at him.

"What do you mean no?! You heard the guy, he kills dragons too!"

Stepping back in fear of the woman's aggressiveness, Spike spoke his mind. "He does, but he said that he does so only to dragons who endanger lives. And I'm pretty sure that not every world has someone like Fluttershy, who can drive away dragons like her. From what we know so far, his means are justified to me." The small creature finished as he and Fluttershy both moved closer to the group.

"Fluttershy, you too?!" Rainbow Dash yelled out.

"I'm sorry Dashie, but...um...I agree with the others. We don't know enough about this place to make any assumptions." The timid being replied.

The rainbow haired woman entered another stunned state for a while, before quietly speaking."So that's it huh? My friends leave me out in the middle of a crisis situation?"

"That's enough Dash!" Twilight interjected. "We need to think of how we will survive, and not let ourselves be consumed by paranoia."

"You know what, just forget it." The ex-pegasus brushed away the conversation as she snuggled in some fabrics she found.

"Dash..." Twilight said again, but met no reaction by her friend.


With that the evening ended as everypony went to sleep, carrying mixed feelings. Rainbow Dash however had trouble sleeping. The pleasantry of sleep reached her late at night, but because she did not have much time to commit to it, she was the first one to wake. Not wanting to disturb her friends, she was about to make her way out of the tent. But just as the faint morning rays met her eyes, she also saw Rarkath, attaching a wooden wagon on the sides of Shadowmere. The massive horse had been eyeing his companion. Apparently the man had been talking to the horse, as the ex-pegasus caught the finishing words of the human.

"I know brother, I know. But it's going to be only for a time."

'Brother? What the hay is this guy talking about?' Dash thought, when suddenly the noise of her friends waking up caught the Dragonborn's attention.

In an attempt to play it off, the rainbow haired maiden stepped out of the tent, faking a yawn and stretching her arms.

"Good morning miss Rainbow." Rarkath greeted, but only received a contemplate look.

When the others also made their way out, their rescuer invited them onto the wagon.

"Aren't we going to have breakfast first?" Spike asked, rubbing an eye.

"Sorry little guy, but we have a lot of distance to cover. We can eat when we reach the stronghold." The man replied.

The ladies needed a few minutes to gather themselves after the not so luxurious sleep. Once they were functioning acceptably, all of them got onto the wagon. Rarkath mounted Shadowmere and they were off.

Author's Note:

Here it is guys. Though I have a question. A couple of days ago I was at a friend's place, and he was dowloading some mods for Skyrim, a few of which intrigued me. I want to ask, would you like to see some mods, who aren't super story changing, or keep it to just the DLCs?

And for Rotorix specially - Worry not. I am kinda blocked on this story now, so I will probably get on with Defending the Universe.

To all, have a nice time reading!