• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 2,368 Views, 92 Comments

A Journey Through Ice And Fire - KRissCHu573

After Sombra's defeat, Twilight and her friends are sent to another world...with some aditional side effects.

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Chapter 4: A Night Of Gold And Crimson

A Journey Through Ice and Fire

Chapter 4: A Night Of Gold And Crimson

Soon after they left the stronghold, the equestians enquired, from both Rarkath and Rainbow Dash, what the two had talked about that made for their hasty leave, but neither said anything, thus the group traveled in silence, not counting Pinkie's ramble of astonishment, regarding the surrounding area.

That continued for the next several days. Eventually they had reached a bridge. Something which brought the girls unease was the large skull that hung above it. Adding to the discomfort was their companion's revelation that it was a dragon skull. Beyond it was a small settlement, populated by what the "mares" understood were both nords and imperials. The village was aptly named Dragonbridge, but before they could get a chance to have a look around it, Rarkath lashed the ropes on Shadowmere, causing the humongous stallion to speed up, quickly getting them through the settlement's premises.

"Hey, what gives?" Pinkie exclaimed. "I wanted to look around and make some new friends."

"Sorry, but I have better things to do than be glared with mistrust and accused of treason, which I have not, nor intend to commit." The Dragonborn coldly let out, not even turning around to face the maidens.

After his words the enthusiastic woman slummed down, her puffy hair bizarrely deflating. As he light pink haired friend tried to comfort her out of her gloomy state along with the little dragon, three of the ex-ponies looked disapprovingly at their rainbow haired companion, who returned the eye contact and snorted out. "What?" But received no response.


Night had already claimed reign over Skyrim as the wagon moved at a brisk pace through the dark veil.

Spike and five of the maidens had fallen to the sweet embrace of sleep, except for Twilight Sparkle, who just couldn't bring herself to enjoy such luxury. Every time she tried closing her eyes she saw Ponyville. How she and her friends were either a calm and relaxing day together, or were on another extraordinary adventure, which was bound to teach them a new lesson in friendship, which in turn the ex-unicorn would be more than happy to report to her mentor. The thing that united everything was the warmth Celestia's sun rained down upon them.

But as nice as those dreams were, they were quickly blown away by the cold howling wind biting the purple stripe haired girl's bared arms. Then she would open her eyes and see the impossible world she and her friends had ended up in. In a couple of days they had experienced more than all of the dire situations they had overcome back on their home world. They were turned into carnivorous beasts, and witnessed hostility and death in such amounts that were simply unimaginable to happen in Equestria, because the Princesses would never allow for it to occur.

The thought of her mentor and what she, Cadence and Shining Armor must be going through right now made Twilight let out a tear, only for it to quickly crystallize from the cold and break off from her face.

"Can't sleep?" A deep voice caused her to defensively shrink in her position, before she registered it to be Rarkath.

"N-No.." She wearily let out as her eyes moved to look at the man. Despite the thick moonless night she managed to see his gaze was still locked on the road ahead. Moving up she sat on the bench in front, next to the nord, snuggling in the fur she wore, before uttering. "Thank you."

"I'm afraid not all of your companions share this opinion." He returned.

"I know Rainbow can be a bit hard on ponies-..." Twilight began, before being cut off by Rarkath.

"People. You should all start practicing new terminology if you want to go around villages or holds. Referring to a majority of different individuals by only the appropriate terms for one single kind is found to be quite offensive." He explained.

"...people,..." She corrected herself after the brief lecture, before continuing. "...but she has good in her. She just doesn't like to show it very often. But if..." Twilight paused, picking her words properly. "...anybody opens up to her, and allows her to get to know them, they will see that she has a good heart and can be a great friend."

"Open up to her?" He questioned, slight disbelief finding its way in his tone as he turned to face the woman. "She apparently hasn't been open to you in regards to her opinion of me, let alone-..." This time, she cut him off.

"I just want to ask you to not go so hard on her. Even if she won't admit it she is scared by everything that is happening just as much as we are, and her acting the way she does is her way of dealing with it. You seem to be well aware of equality between species and individuals, so will accepting this be too much for you to handle?"

Her words made the man sigh. After a moment he said. "There is truth to your words miss Twilight. I must apologise for my behavior this evening. It's just that..." He paused to sigh again. "...I experienced the loss of family not very long ago, and I am not quite over it yet."

That revelation caused Twilight to feel a sense of dread pass through her body. Losing someone as close as a friend or family was obviously very hard to take, no matter the world you live in. She couldn't possibly imagine how she would feel if her parents, Shining Armor or Cadance died, and considering how easily such a thing could happen in here in Skyrim, she did not even want to try imagining how Rarkath was feeling right now.

She was about to ask him about his family, when Shadowmere suddenly stopped, letting out a displeased grunting sound, causing everybody else to start waking up.

*yawn* "What's going on? Are we there yet?" Spike asked, rubbing his eyes.

Before anyone could present a question of their own, the Dragonborn shushed at them, before saying. "Be quiet. We have company."

In return to his statement everyone looked forward and managed to see a torch light moving in their direction down the road ahead.

"Who are those po-er..people?" Twilight asked as she narrowed her eyes, trying to identify the figures which were accompanied by the light.

Then he lightly tapped the black stallion with the ropes, making him continue forward in a slow pace. A scowl had formed on the nord's face, and even though unseen by the maidens a similar expression colored Shadowmere's as well, as he easily managed to distinguish the figures' clothing. He replied to the question in a spiteful hiss. "Thalmor." And proceeded to spit to the side.

Both the rude gesture and the man's tone brought the women on edge. The effect was enhanced when they remembered who the Thalmor were from his tales, Pinkie's face becoming twisted by anger. If there was one thing she truly despised it was meanies who made others unhappy.

Mere minutes later the two groups were in proper view of one another. The walkers were a quartet. Two male high elves in their typical golden armor, their hair hidden underneath their helmets. One of them holding a lit torch, another male high elf who wore the black golden bordered robe of a Thalmor mage, some of his white hair showing from underneath his hood.

The three elves had triangularly surrounded the fourth member of their party - a nord man dressed in rags and wearing bindings on his wrists and ankles and his head hung down, staring at the ground, his face covered by his reddish long hair. His slender figure suggested that he had not seen good days in a while, as he simply marched after the leading robed elf.

When they were several feet away from each other, the mage said in a commanding tone. "Halt!"

Rarkath and Shadowmere complied, though the tension in the air around them could let the grils and dragon feel their reluctance.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" The elf continued.

"Travelers...travelling." The man calmly replied, whilst his mount's blood red glare focused on the greenish skinned being in front of them.

"You're not amusing citizen. Now-" The mage was cut off by Rarkath. "What's his crime?" The wagon driver asked, nodding his head at the prisoner.

"That is none of your business citizen. Now move a-" Before the elf could finish, he was interrupted again,...by a rather angry Pinkie Pie. "What do you mean it's none of his business?! You can't just arrest somepony and shackle him up like that without a good reason which everypony should know!"

"Pinkie!" Her friends exclaimed.

"Miss Pinkie, please keep quiet, I will handle this." Rarkath calmly addressed the ex-earth pony.

"You should teach your savage whores how to behave in the presence of superior beings, nord." The black robed individual snorted.

"What?!" All of the girls, except for FLuttershy, who hid behind her friends, exclaimed.

"You watch your mouth pal, before I come and break your teeth out!" Rainbow Dash threatened, waving her fist in the elf's direction.

"How dare you brutes, with needless to say poor fashion sense, speak so?! What gives you the right to boss people around in a land that is not yours?!" Rarity added.

"You better apologise to my friends, or you'll be sorry!" Spike raised his voice at the same time.

"You meanie butts should get lost and leave everyone alone!" Pinkie let out.

The whole thing had the elves' faces fluster with rage.

"You harbor a scaly demon and you even dare to offend and threaten representatives of the Thalmor?!" The mage angerly exclaimed. "Filthy pink swine! Lieutenant arrest these women!"

Nodding, the armored elf who wasn't holding a torch moved towards the wagon, causing the girls and dragon to slightly back up in their place. Just as he was about to reach for them, lightning fast the tip of a bony blade was pressed against his throat. All three greenish beings looked at Rarkath, who coldly stared at them and spoke in an equally chilling manner. "These maidens are under my protection. If you wish to harm them, then you must first go through me." Along with that Shadowmere threateningly shook his head.

"So be it! Arrest the man too!" The mage barked out to the second guard.

But before he had any time to react the black stallion charged forward. During the distraction the ex-ponies caused, the Dragonborn had cut off the ropes holding the large horse to the wagon, setting him free.

The black robed elf and the nord prisoner barely managed to jump to the side, but the torch carrier got trampled under the animal's hooves. As that happened, the other armored elf had grabbed hold of Rarkath's lower arm and had thrown him off of the wagon. The nord's weight managed to topple the elf as well, and the two were now rolling and struggling on the ground.

The whole thing had made the women huddle together, when the mage stood up.

"Foolish men! I sentence you here and now!" He shouted, bringing his hands together. In them a purple ball formed. He aimed it in front of himself and suddenly a colossal bulky figure of ice emerged from a purple mist. The thing's arms had no hands, and instead were sharpened like spears. It made for the wagon and with a single bash shattered it to pieces, sending everyone on it flying out. It was about to pierce Rarity's chest when Shadowmere's bloodied hind legs bucked it from the back, sending if several feet away. The mount quickly followed the creature in order to break it down under its weight.

"Gah!" The mage let out before he picked Fluttershy by the throat and raised her in the air, a white ball forming in his other hand.

"You let go of her this instant!" Rainbow shouted as she charged at him, but the very next moment a shard of ice got fired from the elf's hand, piercing the rainbow haired girl's left lower leg, causing her to scream in pain as she stumbled forward.

During that Rarkath and the other elf had gotten up and were now trading blows, the golden armored individual pushing the other towards a nearby tree.

The whimpering light pink haired girl struggled to breathe in the robed elf's grasp, as he prepared to send another ice shard through her head.

The armored elf had managed to take out his mace and had pinned the nord to the tree. One of his arms was pressing its length over the Dragonborn's throat and the other was about to slam his head with the mace, but Rarkath managed to catch it by the wrist with his own hand, whilst his other free hand tried to push the arm away from his throat.

Just when the black robed individual was about to strike his target Rainbow looked up from her bleeding leg at his direction, him being a couple of feet away and yelled. "FLUTTERSHY!"

That caused the elf to flinch for a moment, which was enough for Twilight and Applejack to reach him and push him away. Their ex-pegasus friend fell on the ground and began gasping for air. They were just about to help her, when the fallen elf got up and shouted. "ENOUGH!"

He sent a torrent of cold in their direction, pushing the two women down on the ground next to the third one.

"You all die now!" He called out as ice formed in his hands.

"NO!" Pinkie, who was helping Rarity, the fashionista herself, Spike and Rarkath yelled. The Dragonborn instantly doubled his efforts to break the bind, but whatever he did the mace was still going to flatten his head. So he moved his hand from the arm on his throat, a ball of electricity forming in it. He proceeded to grab the elf by the head, sending a surge of lightning through his body, frying him on the spot.

As the golden armored body fell to the ground, he tried to quickly fix his breathing, so that he could rush to help the girls, but he didn't have enough time.

The mage was just about to bring down the shards on his victims, when an arm caught him around the neck from behind and a bloodied icy tip came out from his chest. Time suddenly stopped as everyone looked upon Rainbow Dash, who was holding to the mage, the ice shard that har pierced her still bleeding leg at hand and half-way through the elf's body.

She let go and staggered for a couple of steps back, before falling on her back and passing out from blood loss. The last elf held his hands to his chest and coughed out blood several times, before he fell on his face, a small puddle of blood slowly forming underneath him. Along with his death, the Frost Atronach, which tried to stab its arms into Shadowmere, vanished in a purple mist.

"Rainbow!" Rarity called out as Rarkath made to the fallen maid. Several steps away from her he summoned the all too familiar orb of light, aimed it at Rainbow Dash, her wounds closing and healing as her body shined in the darkness.

Shortly after she was fully healed and the Dragonborn fell to his knees and balanced himself with his hands on the ground, panting heavily. The rest of the girls and the dragon gathered around them. Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy sat their rainbow haired friend up, while Twilight, Applejack and Spike helped the man up to his legs, the two women staying under his shoulders for support.

"Did they hurt you?" Twilight worriedly asked.

"No..." Rarkath panted out. After a couple more breaths and he continued. "I used up my magica reserve for that spell...the body takes a great toll of exhaustion when that happens..."

"Come on Rainbow, wake up!" The pink haired maiden pleaded to her still unconscious friend. "We can't have a "We got away from the meanies, and Rainbow Dash saved her friends" party without Rainbow Dash!"

Just as those words escaped her lips, the ex-pegasus's eyes slowly pried open. "I..Is everypony...okay?..." She mumbled out, to which the three friendly faces above her smiled and nodded.

Suddenly someone cleared his throat, causing the group to turn back. They saw the other man moving to the black robed elf. He took out a key from the robe and began to take off his bindings.

"Thank you all very much for helping me." He said as he smiled, his eyes closed.

"You're...welcome, sir." Twilight returned with a hint of hesitation in her tone.

"You don't know what those elves put me through. The beat me, dragged me around, starved me..." The man went on.

"Ahm sure Rar here can wip us something up, once he's back on his feet." The blond maiden told him.

Still smiling, the nord chuckled and said. "Oh, I plan on having a little feast right...now." Upon uttering that he opened his eyes, showing their fiery orange color.

Rarkath's own gaze widened at the sight. "Vam-" He was about to shout, but was cut off by the other man, who dashed at the group at lightning speed and back-handed the Dragonborn, throwing him several feet to the side.

The girls and dragon yelled in horror and backed away, Fluttershy turning around and crawling, but it was to no use. A reddish light formed in both of the man's palms. He let out waves of it at them with one of his hands, while the other did the same at the fallen nord. When the light reached them they began to feel more tired, as if their life was leaving them. The monster's smile grew into a wicked grin and he was about to say something, when a pair of back legs bucked him right in the ribs, sending him flying for about fifteen feet. He yowled in pain from both the hit and the impact with the ground, rolling on his back, only to see Shadowmere's bloody gaze, before the stallion stomped down, splattering the vampire's head.

"What the hay was that?!" Rarity exclaimed in a very unladylike manner.

"A vampire.." Rarkath coughed out. "A vicious monster that was once alive, but then turned undead. They feed on the blood of mortals." He explained as he crawled towards one of the dead elves.

Opening up the pouch on the corpse's side he took out two small red bottles, signaling for the ex-ponies to come.

"Drink these, quickly. That spell he used could have infected you with a desiese. These potions can cure it." He said as he handed the two potions to Twilight and Applejack.

The two women complied and downed the potions as the man slowly got up and went to the other corpse. During that Fluttershy had knelt down to the fallen Rainbow Dash, resting her friend's head in her lap. Rarkath had looted four more potions, giving one to Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

"Hey, what about me?" Spike questioned.

"You're a dragon. You're immune to any form of illness, so you don't need one." The Dragonborn explained as he went to the two ex-pegasi.

When he reached them he bent a knee and forwarded them the potions. The light pink haired woman shook her head as she took one and said, concern obvious in her voice. "The spell didn't reach me. You take the other potion." After which she opened the bottle and brought it to her friend's lips. Nodding, Rarkath got up and downed the liquid.

After the last drop was gone, he went back to the corpses, took out small bags from their pouches...and began to take off their clothing.

"W-What are you doing?" Rarity stuttered out, her sides slightly reddening.

"We'll have to postpone our visit to the College. First we have to get you some clothes that won't make you stand out so much." He explained as he stripped the second golden armor set.

"Yer not expectin' us ta wear their getup now, are ya?" Applejack cautiously asked.

"No. Thalmor outfits will simply make you targets. I'm taking these to sell them. The fabric and the gold on them will be enough to buy you something more fitting." The Dragonborn explained as he took the black robe, put the two sets of armor on it and tied them inside.

"Well how are we going to carry both Rainbow and those clothes without the wagon?" Twilight questioned.

"My magica isn't returning fast enough. I guess I'll need to use one." The man sighed as he took out a small blue bottle from his own pouch and drank its contents.

Afterwards a purple ball of energy formed in his hand, similar to the one the mage elf used, and he aimed it at the empty road. A moment later the darkness around them was lifted as the purple skeleton of a horse, which was entirely covered in purplish flames appeared. The girls slightly backed up, before Rarkath assured them. "Don't worry, he's a friend." Then he picked up and put the armor sets on the skeletal mount's back side.

Then he walked over to the ex-pegasi and picked Rainbow in his arms. "Shadowmere can carry four of you and Spike. Someone from you, me and Rainbow will mount on Arvak." He addressed the others.

The thought of riding this...ghostly stallion did not appeal to them at all, but Twilight got a hold of herself for her friends' sake and stated. "I'll ride with you to keep an eye on Rainbow."

In return she received an understanding nod. First Twilight climbed on. To her surprise she did not feel the flames at all. The only issue was the stallion's bare ribs. Next Rainbow was put on Arvak, her friend wrapping her arms around her to keep the ex-pegasus from falling off. Lastly Rarkath climbed up. He grabbed hold of the flames as if they were ropes, and after the rest of the gang were up on Shadowmere, they set off, leaving four corpses to stain the road.

Author's Note:

Well...got my muse up for this. Sorry for the long dellay...hope you like. :pinkiesmile: