• Published 14th Jan 2014
  • 2,369 Views, 92 Comments

A Journey Through Ice And Fire - KRissCHu573

After Sombra's defeat, Twilight and her friends are sent to another world...with some aditional side effects.

  • ...

Chapter 7: Life Choices

A Journey Through Ice and Fire

Chapter 7: Life Choices

"So, where should we go first girls?" Twilight asked her friends as they exited the Winking Skeever.

"Well, we could get ourselves new clothes for starters. As cozy as these furs are...they aren't really something I'd like to keep wearing. Along with that they are pretty itchy." Rarity said.

"Huh. Guess I should add that." Applejack noted out of the blue.

The rest of the group looked curiously at her. "Add it where?" Rarity questioned, bearing a puzzled expression.

"To the list of things on which the two of us actually agree on." The former cowpony casually returned.

The response caused rarity to blink in confusion, after which she raised a brow and asked. "You actually keep a list of such thing?"

As confirmation she received a single. "Eeeyup."

"Aanyhow..." Twilight intervened, before the matter could escalate. "Where did Rarkath say we could get clothes?"

"Um...I think it was a shop called The Bits and Pieces?" Fluttershy chirped in.

"Hmm, okay, but where is th-" Before Twilight could finish her sentence she was interrupted by Pinkie Pie, who called out to them. "FOUND IT!"

Then she turned around and pointed at the building she was standing right in front of. Off of its side hung a sign with a libra painted on it. The rest of the group was phased by how quickly their friend had not only supposedly discovered the shop, but the fact that she had gotten about a dozen feet away from them, without them noticing.

When they made their way to her, Applejack asked the question that was on everybody's mind. "How are you certain that this 'ere's the place we're lookin' for?"

"The mister over there told me." The pink haired girl said, pointing at a bald man, who wore rather filthy, supposedly white, clothes and was missing an eye. "I asked him where it was and he said he'd tell me if I gave him a gold piece."

"But where did you even get..." Twilight spoke, but paused, immediately beginning to search herself for the coin purse, but was unable to find it.

As she did so, Pinkie casually explained. "I took the coins Rarkath left us silly, duh." After which she extended the coin purse back to Twilight, all of her friends looking at her in disbelief.

Their surprised stares made Pinkie scratch her head in confusion. "What?" She asked innocently.

Spike was the first one who managed to shrug off his shocked state and said. "I think Twilight needs to give you a talk on taking things without permission."

Pinkie's head leaned to the side as she tried to comprehend his words, but in a single heartbeat it straightened itself, her face beaming with joyus smile as she cheerfully let out. "Okie-dokie-lokie~."

Deciding to not torment their minds with the matter any longer the gang went into the shop. Past the gates a narrow hallway, decorated with horns made into torches, led them to an opening where the register was. Behind the counter stood a dark skinned woman in a blue dress.

"Good day ladies, what can I-AAH!" She greeted, but jumped back, gasping, at the sight of Spike.

"Nonono, don't worry! He is friendly." Twilight blurted out in a hurry to calm the woman. To emphasize her point she picked up the small dragon and brought him up to her chest's height, with him facing the slightly calmer shopkeeper. "See?"

"R-Right..." The lady said, taking a cautious step forward. "I wasn't aware that dragons could be tames as pets."

"Well that's the case, I'm not a pet." Spike deadpanned.

Hearing him talk made the shopkeeper flinch from worry, but the situation as a whole caused the group to share a short giggle.

"Sorry for scaring you like that. My name is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight said, flashing the woman a sincere smile.

Feeling slightly more relaxed the lady replied in a warm manner. "That is a rather unusual name, but who am I to judge. I'm Sayma, it's a pleasure to meet you miss Twilight. And who might your company be?"

Once the rest of the group introduced themselves, Sayma said with a light chuckle. "Welcome. Look around. We've got everything you could want in life. At least... that's what my husband always tells me."

"We're actually looking for some new clothes." Rarity spoke up. "These...aren't really fit for a city environment."

"Yeah, I can see the issue." Sayma noted, grabbing her chin in thought. "I'll bring out the dress models we have in store and you can get yourself whatever you like." After which she went to the back room and returned with several different dresses, placing them on the counter.

Giving them a look over, Rarity noted. "Don't you have anything more...extravagant?"

"These are the daily models. Anything else is worn only on special occasions." Samya explained.

"I really like this green one." Fluttershy added, picking up a green dress with a cowl.

"It does look nice, but I don't feel that any of these would suit me. Could you perhaps sell me some fabrics and sewing materials?" The fashionista asked.

"Sure, I'll go get some." The woman returned, but before she could walk out, Applejack asked.

"Um, pardon me missis Sayma, but I'm not really the dress type. Do you happen ta have anything more solid or something?"

"Hmm, no, not really. But if you want you can go and speak with my husband Beirand at the forge across The Fletcher. He might be able to fit you with an armor piece." The shopkeeper suggested.

"That doesn't sound half bad. Thanks." The blond maiden said.

"Ooh! Ooh! I want one too!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed.

"Well, you can come along with me then sugarcube."

"I think I'll join too." Twilight stepped in. "Judging from the body build a dress would restrain movements quite a lot, and I would rather be freer to move."

"Alright then. Um, how much do will the dress and the materials cost?" Rarity asked.

"The dress is worth fifty septims, and the materials to make another shouldn't cost much more than forty." Sayma replied. "I'll go see what we have." Then went to the back room.

"Twilight could you get me-" Before the purple haired lady could finish, Pinkie Pie placed a small pile of coins on the table.

"You'll probably want to make it more sparkly, so you might need more~." Pinkie happily said.

"Why thank you dear." Rarity returned, giving her friend a hug.

Applejack, Twilight and Spike stared confusedly at the situation, but quickly shrugged it off. "I don't need anything, so I guess I'll stay with Rarity." The small dragon said. ... Shortly after he noticed Pinkie Pie wiggling her eyebrows in his direction.

"A-a-and Fluttershy. Yeah. To...you know...Keep them safe if anything happens." Spike added, blushing slightly, while his friends shared a short laugh.

"Don't mind us Spike,..." Twilight spoke, now with regained composure. "I'm glad you're turning out as such a noble gentleman."

The blush quickly faded away as he proudly stuck his neck up. "Well yeah. I had great upbringing."

"'Atta boy." Applejack said, after which she turned to the others. "We'll get going. Meet back at the tavern?"

"Yeah, that sounds fine." Rarity returned.

After exchanging goodbyes, the party split, with half of them exiting the shop.

"Alright, this is what we have in stock." Sayma said when she returned, setting down a variety of fabrics and various other sewing materials on the countertop.

The fashionista made sure to thoroughly look through all of them, picking out the things she needed. "Do you happen to have this in violet?" She asked, raising a roll of blue fabric.

"Not at the moment, but I'm expecting a shipment of new supplies within the week. You are welcome to come back then and browse through them." The shopkeeper returned.

Smiling back, Rarity said. "Thank you very much dear, that would be splendid. How much for the dress and the materials?"

"That'd be a hundred and sixty septims."

After Twilight and Applejack managed to convince Pinkie Pie to be calmer and not "blow up" like she usually did the three maidens approached the forge to which they were pointed. There they could see two men working.

"You're making progress, Heimvar. But my boy could still work the bellows better than you do!" The larger bald man, who wore a pale red tunic covered by a black vest called out in a joking manner to the other.

Heimvar, as the three assumed the said man was named, retained the cover of his head, along with a thin moustache. His attire was the same as the other, only his tunic was a filthy white.

"Yeah, but can he hammer the anvil for eight hours straight?" Hermvar returned with a light chuckle as he put a reddened piece of metal on the anvil and hit it with a hammer several times.

The other man laughed and stated. "Give him time. In a couple years, he'll be the age you were when you started!" As he patted Heimvar's back.


The men's attention was caught by Twilight and her friends as they approached.

"Good day to you ladies, my name's Beirand, what can I help you with?" The man in the red tunic asked.

"Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle, and these are my friends Applejack and Pinkie Pie." Twilight introduced, gesturing at each. After the two other ladies greeted, Twilight got onto the matter they came for. "We were told we could get some armor here."

"Well, you have been mostly well informed." Beirand returned.

"What do ya mean 'mostly'?" Applejack asked.

"Seems there is no end to the need of the Imperials. We rarely have time for other customers and even rarely do we actually get other customers... but let's first see what you'd like? We have several models that are done, but might need a little more fitting to your posture. Hermvar, bring them out."

"Aye Beirand." The other man said as he went into the building embedded in the stone wall.

"So, mind telling me in more detail what you're all looking for?" The blacksmith asked.

"Well, I'm a farm pon- er..woman and I s'pose I'd like to feel some weight on mah shoulder." Applejack said.

"A woman not afraid to dirty up her hands isn't a common sight in this hold, and deserves respect. Some hard steel should fit you just nicely." Beirand said, turning to the pink haired lady.

"Hmm...I don't know. I want something simple so I can decorate it~!" Pinkie beamed.

Not understanding what she meant, the man smiled faintly as he said. "Best among the simple is iron. Solid and true. You can be sure that it won't let you down. But even iron can have its fair share of decorating before it needs repair or change. And for you?" He addressed Twilight.

"I'm not that physically strong, so I guess I could use something lighter, but also able to keep my body heat." The explained.

"Light armor it is then. As far as I can recall we have models ranging from hide to scaled. I'm sure we'll find you all a match, or make one fit you just fine." Beirand said, a sincere smile coloring his face, which the trio returned.

*Present day.*

Rainbow Dash laid on the ground, darkness encompassing her mind when suddenly a bucket of cold water was splashed over her face, causing her to immediately sit up as she gasped for air and spat out water.

"Oh good, you're up." A voice said casually.

She raised her hands to wipe the water from her eyes and noticed that her hands were tied up at the wrists. Doing her best to shake it off she wiped away the water and looked up, seeing Rarkath standing above her, dressed in tight red and black armor. Her face shifted into an angry grimace when she noticed the smug smile on his face.

"If I didn't know any better I'd say you enjoy the feeling of healing magic." He said as he pointed at her left shoulder.

Reluctantly she looked to her left and saw a small scar on her shoulder.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I didn't have much time to work on it. Babette works fast when she wants to, or is told to." He continued to casually speak as he made a couple of slow steps to the side.

"Where are we?! How long have I been out?!" The woman lashed out at him.

"Uh, in a shed, duh. And you've kept your eyes closed for a couple of days." He calmly explained.

"You lied to us!" She continued to bark against him. "That place, those people, you are one of that band of murderers who killed the emperor!"

"We prefer the term 'guild of assassins'. I advise you to remember that, because I am not fond of people who speak disrespectfully about my family." Rarkath spoke, not showing any hint of distraught from her words. "Oh and since there's no point in hiding it anymore, remember that story I told you seven about the emperor's death? The truth is I was the one who slew him."

Rainbow could not believe what she was hearing. "I can't believe this! You would kill your own ruler?! The one whom you swore to serve?! WHY?!"

"Simple. The will of Sithis demanded it and for vengeance for my family." He said.

"Sithis? What the bucking hay is that?" She questioned.

"Hmm... That's like telling you about the cold of space, or terror of midnight. Sithis is all those things. He is... the Void. He is the Dread-Father, and we - the Dark Brotherhood - are his devoted children. Metaphorically speaking of course." He explained. "And his bidding is passed onto us by his wife, the Lady of Death - the Night Mother, our mother. Before you ask, that was the woman in the metal coffin you saw. She in turn speaks only to one - the Listener, and he to the rest."

"Let me guess, you're that Listener." The maiden spitefully said.

"That I am. And you should thank our mother for it, because if I were not, you'd be dead."

"What do you mean?" She confusedly asked.


"That's right,..." Nazir began speaking. "...but that doesn't mean we should freak out about the tiniest things which we're certain have not led to unwanted consequences. 'Listener...' N-" He was cut off by Rarkath.

"Shhh!" The Dragonborn let out as he raised one of his hands, upon hearing the voice of the Night Mother.

'An intruder has infiltrated the sanctuary. At this very moment she gazes right at your back.'

Rarkath grabbed the bow from the table and in one swift motion pulled an arrow on it, turned around and fired it. The following scream of pain confirmed that he had hit his target.

"What in Oblivion was that?!" Nazir exclaimed.

"We had an intruder. Let's see who it was." Rarkath calmly said

After getting up the stairs the family was met by a peculiar sight, which caused the Dragonborn's eyes to widen.

"Such vibrant colors. Cicero has never seen so many, especially in one's hair." The jester noted.

"How in Sithis' name is she here?" Rarkath let out.

"You know this one Listener?" The female initiate questioned.

"She was one of the party I spoke of." He replied.

"Well this shatters Nazir's assumption that unwanted consequences didn't happen." Babette haughtily noted, looking at the desert warrior.

"Even the divines make mistakes Babette, and I am not their better." Nazir returned in his defense.

"In any case, should we dispose of her Listener?" The male initiate asked.

After giving it several moments of thought, something came to Rarkath's mind and he said. "No. I think we might have some use from her. Babette go make something that will keep her subdued for a few days."

"As you commend Listener." The vampire returned in a slightly mocking manner, performing a curtsie, before walking off.

"Nazir, do we have any low profile contracts?" Rarkath asked as his hands lit up and the light from them began healing Rainbow Dash's wound.

*fading out of flashback*

"Were it anyone else things would have gone a whole 'nother way. So I don't see what you're fussing about so much. You're warm, dry...and still very much alive." Rarkath said with a hint of dark humor in his tone.

Noticing that she grimaced and angrily asked. "And why exactly am I alive?"

"Right onto business." The Dragonborn began speaking. "I don't go back on my promises, and I did promise to teach you how to live with having killed someone. Also, you are supposed to be loyalty incarnate, right? I want to see what is the extent of that loyalty."

"Gee, that's nice of ya. Do tell how you intend to figure that out?!" She sarcastically said.

"It's rather simple really." Rarkath returned as he pulled out a dagger, causing Rainbow to slightly jump back in frightful surprise. Smiling he added. "You become part of the family."

"You...want me to join you murderers?!" She barked out in disbelief.

"Not just that. I want you to join us, to work like us, and to be like us." Rarkath said in a smug manner.

"And if I refuse?" She glared at him.

"Okay, let me clear out your options here." He began explaining. "You can either become part of our family and learn how to calm your thoughts from the one life you have taken, or..." In a swift move he pressed the dagger to her throat, putting on a grimace of his own as Rainbow's face was colored by fear. "...you can make me make up a believable story for your friends about how you died. Just imagine their grief, and that of the ones who care about you in Equestria, caused by your death. Do you think you can handle such pain in your final moment, or in your afterlife?"

The very thought of what he said made Rainbow Dash shut her eyes, thin steaks of tears squeezing through.

"So, what's it going to be?" He menacingly asked, his gaze peering into her.

Moments later, after sniffing once she said. "Alright, fine. I'll join your m-...family."

"And as your Listener, you will obey my every command without question." He added.

The maiden opened her mouth to protest, but quickly shut it up and reluctantly nodded in acceptance.

Smiling, Rarkath reassuringly said. "Good girl." And then cut Rainbow's bindings off. Then he stood up and offered her a hand.

The maiden did her best to shift her visage into anything that did not resemble sadness. She pushed away his hand and got on her feet.

"Now, there is one last thing." The Dragonborn casually said.

"What thing?" She mistrustfully asked.

"Before you are allowed into the family you need to accomplish a trial, which just so happens to be the first lesson in dealing with a conscience troubled by murder." He explained.

Gulping, but keeping a stoic face, Rainbow inquired. "And that would be?"

"Miss Rainbow Dash, I'd like you to meet our guests." Rarkath stated and gestured behind her.

Turning around, the rainbow haired girl gasped upon seeing three people kneeling on the floor, their hands tied behind their backs and their heads covered by brownish sacks.

"As a guild of assassins we conduct contracts, in which we are given a target and receive payment for dispatching it. One of our guests has a contract on their head, and your task is to kill them." Rarkath casually explained.

"H-How is this supposed to help me deal with killing?!" Rainbow screeched out.

The man's response was chilling. "Simple. The more you kill, the less you care. Do you have any objections?" He asked as he looked grimly at her.

Rainbow wanted to speak her mind against it, but stopped herself and shook her head. "No...Listener..."

"Good. Now proceed." He said, handing her the dagger.

"Okay..." She gulped. "...Which one is the target?"

"That's not for me to tell you. You have to choose. Follow your instinct on who it is." Rarkath chuckled out, taking a step back, nudging her to go to the captives.

Rainbow's breathing became heavy, as she slowly turned and began walking towards the three, dagger firmly gasped in her shaking hand.

"Hello?! Who is this?!" "Oh gods please help me! Please help me!" "Come out you filthy scum! Let me loose and fight like a true nord!" All three spoke in unison.

Quick breaths came out of the maiden's mouth as she was a mere step away from them, pointing the dagger at the woman on the left.

"I am Anna Hammerfist, captain of the Stormcloack army and I demand to know where I am and what is going on!" The woman raised her voice, causing Rainbow to take a frightful step back.

Immediately afterwards the man in the middle cried out. "Please! I am a wealthy merchant! I will pay any price, and give you anything you want! Just please don't kill meehe!" As he uttered his last words he leaned forward, his head stopping on the floor as he began sobbing.

"Ugh, stupid milk drinker!" The man on the right shouted, getting Rainbow's attention. Feeling her position he turned his face right towards her, as if his eyes pierced through the sack and stabbed her like daggers as he barked out. "You better release me, and I might consider granting you a quick death! When my men find out that I've been taken and find you, and trust me they will, they will rip you limb from limb! And scatter what's left of you all around Skyrim for the beasts and worms to devour! No one messes with one of the strongest bandit bands in the Reach!..." He continued on making threats.

As all three continued to loudly bicker, Rainbow Dash put her hands over her ears and closed her eyes in an attempt to block them out. Oh how she wished that this was nothing more than a bad dream. That she could open her eyes and that she would wake up in Cloudsdale, where it would be just another normal day. Nothing spectacular or awesome needed to happen, all she wanted was a normal day. ... But deep down she knew that this was very real.

Her eyes shot open when she felt a presence close behind herself. Rarkath leaned next to her ear and whispered under the thundering of the other three. "Choose."

She couldn't take it anymore. For a mere moment the maiden's mind snapped and went blank. She let out a deafening scream, which made the captives silent, as she drove the whole blade of the dagger into the bandit's skull, right between his eyes. She let go of the handle and stepped back panting. With no will to keep it balanced the body slowly leaned to the side, after which plopped on the ground like a rock, the surface around the dagger shifting its color to a dark red.

Silence choked the room, Rainbow's pants being the only sound present. Her eyes were as wide as dinner plates, staring down at the now lifeless body. She jumped in her place when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning her head to the side she saw a proudly smiling Rarkath.

"Well done, sister." He said.

"Did...did I get him? Did I get the right one? The one with the contract on his head?" She worriedly asked between breaths.

"Well he was the leader of a group of bandits. A monster of a man. He was both hunted by the Jarls and had enemies among other bandit bands. Surely he must have been the one." The man said in a somewhat...teasing tone, after which he chuckled. "But that's not the point."

"Not the point?" Rainbow asked, struck with shock, after which she burst out. "BESIDES THE POINT?! You just made me kill someone in cold blood, and you are telling me that whether there was payment for his death or not is not the bucking point?!! Well, tell me then O Listener, why in the hay is that bucking so?!"

Taking a step forward, Rarkath coldly said. "Because no one will care about his death. And no one should care about his death." He ended, slightly pushing her back with one finger over her chest.

The two were in a standoff between a glare and a smug look, when a whimpering voice caught their attention. "W-w-what about us?" The merchant asked.

Ignoring the man, Rarkath turned to Rainbow Dash. "We're done here. Come on." Then headed for the door of the shed and exited.

"Wait! You can't just leave us here!" "Please I'll pay any price just let me go!" The merchant and Anna yelled, causing Rainbow Dash to look down at them for a moment. Her eyes were swollen with water, but she forced them shut, turned around and walked after Rarkath, doing her best to ignore the pleas of the two remaining captives. At the entrance she looked back at them one last time, before promptly closing the door shut.

Turning her gaze away from the door, she saw Rarkath, now in his steel armor set, climbing on top of Shadowmere. The large stallion moved close to the maiden and the Dragonborn asked. "Shall we?" Gesturing for her to get on with his head.

"What will happen to the other two?" She asked, now in a cold manner.

"Don't worry about them. They will be handled." Rarkath said.

Looking at her feet for a few moments, Rainbow sighed and climbed onto Shadowmere's back, and the three rode off towards the all too familiar city across the frozen lake.

Author's Note:

Wooot! Nailed the one month update promise. However I do not know when the next chapter might be out. Hope you guys enjoyed this one! :pinkiesmile:

Comments ( 12 )

Heh, same routine the Dragonborn went through though of course there are different victims this time and since there was a captain from the Stormcloaks among those three, the civil war is probably still going on. You probably gave out hints of it in earlier chapters but I'm too lazy to check.

However, what I'm not too lazy to do is this:

incarnite - incarnate

I am a wealth merchant! - wealthy

5744504 Damn it, MS Word 2010 Y DU YOU KEEP FAILING ME?!! :flutterrage:
:twilightsmile: Thanks for spotting those.

I did enjoy this chapter. It was quiite good! :pinkiesmile:

Also, I don't remember. In this story, is Spike basically a mini dragon?

5751639 Yep. With no wings.


Ohh, okay. Thanks!

Is the next chapter maybe gonna come out sooner? :pinkiehappy:

5752729 I'm going to be honest, it might even take longer. These past 3 chapters I had the general concept figured out and tried to devide it. As of now I am blank on stuff. ...

Please don't hate me. :fluttershyouch:


Aww, okay. That's okay, dude. Just take your time, don't rush it! Can't rush art, afterall. :pinkiesmile:

5752746 Yep~. :twilightsmile: Thanks for the understanding loyal reader~! Have all of my virtual non-homo love!


Oh indeed! You're very welcome, sir! :pinkiehappy: :heart:

Of course,:applejackunsure: don't take too long. I follow a few stories that haven't updated in over a year.

huh, weird she would just start to accept that. i do believe in the process she is going through though to actually work in the long run (by making a monster or a murderer).

should be fun watching if she is melee or ranged.

5788079 I think you got it a little mixed up. To be a Thane you don't need to have a bought property, being a Thane allows you to buy property in a hold. If you have a house your housecarl waits for you there, but if you don't they are in the building where the Jarl resides. Besides, why buy some knock off apartment building when you get to have a house of your own? :trollestia: (Reminder that Rarkath is based on my game character, and after Heartfire I have not bought a single property, other that one on which you build your house.)

Any update plans?

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