• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 719 Views, 54 Comments

The Amazing Adventures of the Great and Powerful Trixie!! - Azure_Shadow

Trixie Lulamoon is the mighty apprentice to Princess Celestia, but to get the egotistical mare out of her mane, Celestia sends Trixie on an impossible quest, find and defeat Nightmare Moon!

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Of Pies and Diamond Dogs: Part 1

It's been three days, approaching four since Trixie's "mission" began in New Canterlot. She was walking on a dirt path, a forest on one side, and a large valley on the other side. It was currently sunset, the sky a divide between day and night.Trixie looked ahead of her only to see a long stretch of road , with not an inn or town or hot spring in site. She sighed, as she rubbed her belly, which has begun to growl loudly.

"Please silence yourself empty and grumbling belly." said Trixie to her stomach as she gritted her teeth. "If Trixie ever sees that stupid mare again, I'll cast a spell that turns her into a toad! Oh, don't worry partner, the next town is only half a day's walk from here, you'll make it before sunset!" said Trixie trying to imitate a country accent. "Curse that mare and her apples to Tartarus!" shouted Trixie to nopony in particular. "Can things get any worse!?".

As if on cue, Trixie suddenly heard what sounded like a cry for help, followed by some laughter. Trixie looked through the bushes that were on the road next to her. She saw, in a small clearing, a pink earth pony with a mane and tail that resembled cotton candy, being surrounded by two large beasts that both had collars around their necks, and were giving the pony evil grins.

Trixie recognized these creatures from one of the many bestiaries that the princess assigned for her to read as homework. These creatures were Diamond Dogs, greedy creatures who'll do anything for gems. They were incredibly strong, but not very bright. (and not very appealing to the eye Trixie added) Trixie watched as they threatened the pink pony.

"So, little one, where are our precious gems?" asked a large chocolate brown dog who was at least three mares tall.

"I don't have and gems, and if I did, why would I give them to you bunch of meanies?" replied the pink pony.

"Well, I think you do." said a small dark grey dog standing next to the pony as he reached for the saddlebag that she had on her back.

"STOP!, that's not gems! It's food for my family!" shouted the pink pony.

"Oh really?" replied the dark grey dog. "Well then, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if we had a little nibble then?"

That's when the diamond dogs started to walk closer towards the pink pony who was up against a tree at this point. Just then, the pink pony's eyes turned away from the three dogs coming closer, and immediately locked gaze with Trixie. In that moment, Trixie thought to herself " Oh buck, I'm gonna need to get involved aren't I?"

"Hey you!" shouted the pink pony. "Can you help me out here? I'm in a bit of a pickle, or is it a jam? a fix?"

The two grotesque dogs turned around to see Trixie's face sticking out of the bushes. "Ooh, look Clay, another mare with gems for us." said the brown Diamond Dog.

Trixie came out of the bushes, and in her best hero voice said "Stop tormenting that defenseless mare right now, you ugly excuses for canines, lest you feel the wrath of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" shouted Trixie as her horn was suddenly covered with a pink aura.

"HA HA HA! And what if we don't little mare? " asked the blue dog as he came in within inches of Trixie's face.

Trixie gave a smug grin to the dog. as she replied "Or else, THIS!" as she finished shouting, a bright light came from her horn, which caused the blue dog clutch his eyes in agony.

"Damn It!" shouted the dog as he fell back to his friends, still clutching his eyes. He slowly got up, and pointed in the opposite direction of Trixie. "Kill her!" he shouted angrily.

"Um, Clay, she's over there." said the big brown dog as he pointed to Trixie.

"Over where? I've been blinded you idiot!" shouted Clay.

The dog next to Clay grabbed him gently, and shifted him, so that his finger now pointed at Trixie. Clay grunted "Fine, kill her now you idiot!" Immediately, the other dog ran towards Trixie, one ready to slam her into the nearest tree. The chocolate brown dog tried to grab Trixie, but she was much faster than the big dog, as she kept dodging grab after grab, until she did an impressive roll under one of the dog's arms.

"Would you look at that, slow and stupid, what a combination." said Trixie as she gave a little clap with her hooves.

"Shut up!" yelled the large dog, as he tried taking swings at Trixie while she kept dodging them.

Eventually, Trixie stopped dodging the swings, and stood in front of the now tired dog who was gasping for breath."Well, that was fun, but the great and powerful Trixie grows bored with you." said Trixie as her horn started to glow again, this time summoning a large fireball to hit the dog which caused him to go flying back towards his blind friend, with a now soot black coat.

"What was that sound Grant?" asked Clay as he was still rubbing his eyes. His sight was just starting to return, only to see his associate laying in front of him, nearly burnt to a crisp, and the azure mare with a big grin on her face, readying a large orb of pink energy at the tip of her horn.

Trixie released the orb of energy at breakneck speed. The large orb hit the two incapacitated Diamond Dogs, sending them back farther into the woods, and making both hit a large oak tree further behind them. Both dogs slowly got up, and ran away on all fours, yelping all the way. Trixie watched as they disappeared into the forest, while chuckling to herself.

"It looks like Trixie wins again, not that there was ever any doubt." she chuckled as she turned to face the pink pony picking herself up from the ground. "Are you alright?" asked Trixie, with not an ounce of concern in her voice.

"Woooow! That was amazing!" shouted the pony as she ran up to Trixie, and gave her a back breaking hug." Those dogs were all big and scary, but you were all super and awesome! You're like a hero!"


"Oops, sorry missus hero!" said the pink mare as she released Trixie from her grip.

As Trixie caught her breath, she slowly stood up, to see the pony grinning at her. "Thank you for not chocking me, but you didn't answer Trixie's question."

"OH! sorry, I'm just fine, It's a good thing you showed up! Those Diamond Dogs almost got me! They had me up against that tree, and I was really scared, but then, I felt my Pinkie Sense, and saw you! And you saved me! like a hero!" replied the pink mare. as she started to jump up and down in excitement.

"Pinkie what?" asked a confused Trixie.

"You look like you need a place to stay right!?"

"Why yes, wait.. how did you know the great and powerful Trixie needed a place to stay?"

"My family doesn't live near any towns, the next one is almost five hours away." replied the pink mare.

Hearing this made Trixie even angrier with the mare who gave her poor directions earlier that day. "When I return from my mission, the first thing I'm going to do is find that country hick, and toss her into the royal dungeon!" Thought Trixie."But first, things first." she said as she turned to the pink mare. "You said you have a house near here right?"

"Yeppers! We live on a road tucked away at the end of this forest, since you saved me from those big Dummy Dogs, I'm sure my parents would let you stay the night!" said the pink mare.

"Anything would be better than sleeping in the woods, some food would also be appreciated." said Trixie.

"Oh sure! I was just bringing some food back home! until I was stopped by those nasty dogs, Well, let's get going! It's going to be really really dark soon!" said the pink mare as she motioned for Trixie to follow her,

"Oh, I almost forgot! My name's Pinkie Pie! What's yours?" asked Pinkie Pie.

"Trixie Lulamoon" answered Trixie.

"Okey Dokey Trixie! Let's go home!"

------ To be continued....

Author's Note:

So here's the next chapter, I don't really have mush to say about it, except please comment, and give any thoughts/criticisms you've had on the story so far! Every comment helps improve the story!