• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 720 Views, 54 Comments

The Amazing Adventures of the Great and Powerful Trixie!! - Azure_Shadow

Trixie Lulamoon is the mighty apprentice to Princess Celestia, but to get the egotistical mare out of her mane, Celestia sends Trixie on an impossible quest, find and defeat Nightmare Moon!

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Of Pies and Diamond Dogs: Part 2

Trixie and Pinkie reached the house just as dusk fell over them. Trixie wasn't sure what to make of Pinkie's residence, it was a large farm house, painted dark green, with black shudders, and a black roof. It was a very nice house sure, but when Trixie looked around, she saw a barren patch of land all around them, nothing but dust, dirt, and more dirt.

"So Pinkie, this is a very.....unique property you call home." said Trixie.

"You think so? Thanks Trixie! I think it's awesome, but it could still use some jazzing up! I'm thinking maybe some bluebells, or daisies, or roses, wait, what am I doing? It's nighttime, and we're not inside! My parents are probable worried sick!" Pinkie suddenly realized, Then, quicker than Trixie could blink, Pinkie ran through the front door of her house. (literally, ran THROUGH the door) Trixie climbed into the house through the Pinkie shaped hole in the door, she looked into the house. It had a very rustic appearance, with wooden furniture, quilts, and old photographs hung up on the walls. Trixie walked into what she believed to be the living room to see Pinkie being embraced by two older ponies she assumed were Pinkie's parents. Both of them had tears in their eyes, and were hugging Pinkie as hard as Pinkie had hugged Trixie in the forest.

"Oh Pinkie, thank heavens you made it home safely!" said Pinkie's mother in between sobs.

"We were starting to fear the worst, we thought you got captured by the Diamond Dogs!" said Pinkie's dad.

"I almost did get taken by the Diamond Dogs! But then I met this really nice pony named Trixie, and she beat 'em up! and she's right there!" said Pinkie, as her parents turned their attention towards the unicorn wearing a hat and cape.

"Um, hello, my name is Trixie Lula-" is all Trixie could say before the two older earth ponies suddenly reached out and pulled her into the group hug.

"Why thank you so much for saving our daughter! How can we ever hope to repay you!?" asked Pinkie's father.

"Oh yes, please let us know how we can repay your kindness miss Trixie!" said Pinkie's mother.

"Please....can't.....breathe...again." said Trixie as she was gasping for air like a fish out of water. The Pie family saw this, and let go of the poor azure Unicorn.

"Trixie really really REALLY needs a place to stay for the night, can she stay here? PLEAASSSE?" asked Pinkie who was now giving her parents the puppy dog eyes.

"Of course! The pony who saved our little Pinkie Pie is always welcome here!" said Pinkie's dad.

"YAY!!" yelled Pinkie as she hugged Trixie again. "This will be just like a sleepover! and with a new friend, that's even better!" Pinkie said in excitement.

"Why, that's very generous of you ponies, the great and powerful Trixie thanks you." Trixie said as she removed her hat and cape. After some introductions, the family and Trixie sat around large oak table to have dinner, It wasn't anything special, Just some pasta with parmesan cheese and sauce , with a small side salad, and a mug of milk. After all Trixie had been through in the past few hours, toasting a Diamond Dog, throwing two Diamond Dogs at a tree, nearly getting chocked to death (twice) all made Trixie forget how hungry she was, until now that was. She tried keeping table etiquette as best as she could, while tearing through the meal that laid before her.

"You must have been very hungry Miss Trixie." said Pinkie's mother.

"Don't forget to breath now dear." said Pinkie's father as he gave a small chuckle while looking at Trixie.

" Pardon Trixie, I've had a very long day, and this is the first decent meal that I've had in two days." replied Trixie, trying to hide the blush in her face.

"Yeah, and you need to get your energy back, after taking out those ugly dog meanies." said Pinkie. Pinkie recalled the event as her eyes suddenly lit up, and she gave a small gasp. "Hey, if you were able to take out those big meanies, than maybe you could also help us-"

Mr. Pie immediately swallowed his bite of food, and said "Pinkie NO! absolutely out of the question! Don't talk about it!"

"But daddy."

"NO! I'm sorry Pinkie, but this isn't her problem, we don't need to bring any other innocent ponies into this!"


"Your father's right Pinkie, It's too dangerous." replied Pinkie's mother.

"But, what other choice do we have!? what else can we do!?"

"We'll handle it." said Pinkie's father.

"YOU SAY THAT ABOUT EVERYTHING! EVEN WHEN WE CAN'T!" yelled Pinkie as she got out of her seat angrily, and ran out of the kitchen.

"What was that all about?" asked a dumbfounded Trixie who just watched a drama unfold in front of her.

"It's a family matter, we don't really want to talk about it." said Pinkie's mother.

"But what's going on?"

"Let me show you to your room." said Pinkie's father, who was clearly avoiding the question. Trixie thought it was useless to try to get any information out of the two earth ponies at this point, and followed Pinkie's dad upstairs to a room on the far left of the only hallway on the second floor. Her room wasn't a small room, but it wasn't big either. It had a lovely blue carpet, a single bed, and an armoire in the corner of the room. The lights weren't on, but the room was illuminated by the light of the spotless, pure white light of the moon from a window next to the bed. Trixie used the washroom at the opposite end of the hallway to get ready for bed. She set her hat and cape on the nightstand next to her bed she was about to turn in for the night, when she heard a quiet knock knock knock on her door.

"Come in" said Trixie. The door quietly opened, and Pinkie slowly poked her head into the doorway, and then the rest of her body. She was wearing a long lavender nightgown, and her mane and tail were now strait.

"Um Hi, can we talk please?" said Pinkie in a very quiet voice.

"Sure what is it?" asked Trixie. Pinkie slowly tip-toed to Trixie's bed, and sat on the end opposite to Trixie.

"I'm sorry for what happened at dinner. I'm usually not that mad." said Pinkie who's face was looking down to the sheets of the bed.

"Trixie forgives you, but please, tell Trixie what that was all about."

"Well, my parents are really upset, it's about the Diamond Dogs."

"I thought that might have something to do with it, so what's wrong?"

"Well, our family farms rocks for a living, I;m not sure what their used for, but it puts food on the table, so everyone is glad to work to help the family. Just recently, while we were mining, we struck gemstones in our mines, and we were all super happy! happier than we've been in a long time! The gems we found were able to pay for a bunch of things we needed, but couldn't afford with just farming rocks. Everything was great! but eventually, I guess Diamond Dogs heard the sudden appearance of gems in our mine, and they all came, and started mining all the gems for themselves!" said Pinkie who was now clutching her tail as tears started running from here eyes. "Well, the dogs taking over the mine was one thing, but eventually, they thought we still had gems, so they took my two sisters, and made them their slaves in the mine." said Pinkie who was now giving soft sobbing noises.

Trixie wasn't sure what to do. She had never seen a mare get this sad about anything before. After a short time of thinking, Trixie crawled up to Pinkie and brought her hooves around Pinkie, and pulled her in for a soft hug. At this point, Pinkie grabbed Trixie's waist, and started crying harder into her shoulder. "Uh, there there," assured Trixie. "Everything is ok."

"No...(sniff) everything's not ok, my parents are sad, I may never see my sisters again, and I might be taken to work in the mine next, or worse!" Pinkie said in between sniffles and sobs.

"Why doesn't your parents ask for help?" asked Trixie.

"We tried asking for help in the villages around here, but noone wants to try to fight those Diamond Dogs, saying there's too many of them, or that they won't get enough money for it." said Pinkie.

This made Trixie angry, how could anypony with a beating heart turn away this family's desperate cry for help? The thought just burned her up inside. She pushed Pinkie back a bit so she could look her in the eyes. "Pinkie, listen to me, everything will be ok, because the great and powerful Trixie will get your siblings back!"

"Real- (sniff) really? You'd do that Trixie?" asked Pinkie.

"Of course! as the mighty student of Princess Celestia herself, I promise to get your family back!" exclaimed Trixie.

"P-Pinkie Promise?" asked Pinkie Pie who had now almost stopped crying.

"Pinkie Promise" Trixie repeated.

Pinkie Pie suddenly brought Trixie in for another hug. "Thank you Trixie, I knew my Pinkie Sense was right about you."

"What was it right about?" asked Trixie

"How you'd be a true friend." Pinkie replied.

" A friend?" asked Trixie with a great deal of shock in her voice.

"Yeppers, and it was right on the money!" Pinkie said as she gave Trixie a big grin.

"Well, If I'm getting your sisters back, I'll need some shut eye" said Trixie as she let out a yawn.

"Oh, right, well goodnight Trixie." said Pinkie as she slowly left the room and closed the door.

Trixie sighed, and looked out her window to see the perfectly white sphere that was the full moon illuminate the valley the farm stood on. "A true friend huh?" Trixie thought before going to sleep.

-End of Part 3

Author's Note:

Well, this is going to be the second to last part of the Pie Saga as I'm suddenly calling it. Find out next time, if Trixie will be able to keep her Pinkie Promise, or if her mission will go to the dogs. As always, feel free to comment and fave and give advice! Every bit helps!