• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 720 Views, 54 Comments

The Amazing Adventures of the Great and Powerful Trixie!! - Azure_Shadow

Trixie Lulamoon is the mighty apprentice to Princess Celestia, but to get the egotistical mare out of her mane, Celestia sends Trixie on an impossible quest, find and defeat Nightmare Moon!

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Soarin' through adventure! : Part 1

Trixie walked down the steps to the ground floor of the Drunken Draconequus, her gave never leaving the floor. The pony from the night before was about to exit the building, when he heard Trixie coming down the old wooden stairs to the ground floor.

"Good morning Ms.Lulamoon, did you have a nice rest?"

"Huh? Oh, hello, yes Trixie had a fine rest last night"

"Well I'm glad to hear that." said the earth pony as he gave Trixie a grin.

"Thank you." said Trixie as she gave her room key back to the pony.

Trixie walked out of the inn, to see the town during the day, for the first time. It was just as beautiful during the day as it was during the night; only now, there were a lot of ponies walking the streets. Trixie was walking on the cobblestone streets in town, she was still lost in thought about the dream that she had last night.

"What was that dream about? Who was that voice that was talking to me? And why did it say it was looking for me?" Those were just a few of the many questions that were running through Trixie's mind as she continued down the path that led to Equinox Falls, but because she was so engrossed in her own thoughts, Trixie failed to notice that an object had suddenly came down a path connected to the one she was walking on. Trixie's thoughts were interrupted by a heavy weight suddenly making contact with her. The momentum of the unknown object was enough to fling Trixie to her left a few feet, as she landed in a conveniently placed pile of dirt next to an empty flower bed.

Trixie was momentarily dazed, as she was trying to process what just happened. She got up to realize that her coat, cape, and hat were covered in dirt, but when she checked her hoof, her friendship bracelet that Pinkie had given her had been spared getting instantly covered with dirt. As Trixie was wiping away the dirt from her hat and cape, she looked up to see what had hit her earlier. In front of her, sitting down and rubbing his head, was a pegasus. The pegasus was a stallion, a little taller than Trixie was; he had a wild dark blue mane, a very pale cornflower coat, and was wearing goggles. His cutie mark appeared to be a lightning bolt pierciing a storm cloud.

"Ow....what hit me?" asked the pegasus as he slowly opened his eyes.

"That's what Trixie would like to know." said Trixie, who's mind was now out of the gutter.

The pegasus looked up to see that Trixie, while she had gotten most of the dirt off, still had a fair bit of dust on her, she was looking at him with piercing dark violet eyes.

"Oh man, did I fly into you!?" asked the pegasus who got up and walked up to Trixie. "I'm sorry, are you hurt?" the pegasus asked as he was looking closely at Trixie.

Trixie felt a slight twinge of embarassmrent as the pegasus stared at her for a bit, checking her body for any sort of visible wounds, but she quickly composed herself."The Great and Powerful Trixie is fine, no thanks to you." said Trixie with no attempt to hide the irritation in her voice. "You need to watch where you're going!"

"Yeah, I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing." said the pegasus as he used his hoof to rub the back of his head.

Trixie felt a small feeling of guilt, knowing that she too, was not looking where she was going. "Look, It's fine, but be more careful, you could've really hurt somepony." said Trixie as she began to continue down the path she was walking down, until the pegasus spoke up.

"Wait!" said the pegasus. Trixie turned her head towards him, as she slightly raised her eyebrow.

"What is it?" asked Trixie, with irritation still in her voice.

"I'm really sorry for crashing into you! Please, let me make it up to you somehow." said the pegasus as he searched for an idea on what to do. "Um, there's a cafe right near here, please, let me buy you something to eat."

"No, that's alright, Trixie doesn't need-" Trixie's sentence was cut off by a loud gurgling sound coming from her stomach.

The stallion chuckled "You don't need what now?"

Trixie grunted slightly, as her azure cheeks turned a shade closer to pink.

"C'mon you're hungry, I crashed into you, and I'm buying." said the pegasus.

Since she was hungry, and the pegasus was buying, she decided to go with him. The cafe was only a short walk away from the intersection of road where the two first met. It was a small building, with white brick, and an outside terrace where a few ponies were sitting and eating. They walked into the cafe and sat at a table for two in front of a small window. A waiter came shortly after the two were done looking at the menu.

"Good morning! And how are we today?" asked the waiter.

"Fine" said Trixie and the pegasus in unison, to which both slightly blushed and looked away from each other.

"And what can I get you two today?" asked the waiter as he took out a notepad and pen.

"I'll have a dandelion sandwich with some orange juice please." said the pegasus.

"Trixie will have the french toast with powdered sugar, and a coffee with cream and sugar."

The waiter nodded as he put his notepad away and took the menus from the two ponies. The two of them sat in awkward silence for a few minutes as the pegasus alternated looking out the window, and looking at Trixie, who was looking away from the pegasus.

"So, where are you from?" asked the pegasus, finally breaking the silence.

"New Canterlot." replied Trixie who was now looking at the pegasus.

"New Canterlot? Wow! I hear that place is HUGE!" said the pegasus with a huge amount of surprise in his voice.

"It is a very large city, and for good reason, it's the capital of Equestria, and where the Princess herself resides!"

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that! That's really cool, living in the same city as the Princess."

Trixie had a growing grin on her face, this pegasus was awed by the fact Trixie came from the same place that the Princess was ruling from. A thought suddenly crossed Trixie's mind. Should I tell him? It's not like It's uncommon knowledge, and after I defeat Nightmare Moon, my work is sure to be publicly celebrated, plus, I want to see how he'll react.

"Well Mr....."Trixie said as she realized she never got the pegasus' name.

"Oh, uum, Soarin'!" said the pegasus who had a small speck of panic and uncertainty in his voice, but Trixie didn't pick it up due to the swelling of her ego.

"Well Mr.Soarin', If you think that it's impressive to live in the same city as her highness, what would you say if Trixie told you that she not only studies under the princess, but also lives under the same roof as her?"

The reaction Trixie got was not one she expected. Instead of total awe, she got a chuckle of mild amusement out of Soarin'. "I'd say you're pulling my leg!" said Soarin' as he let out a laugh. It took him a minute of noticing that Trixie wasn't saying anything, but still not taking her eyes off of him, to make his eyes open wide. "Wait, you're NOT joking!?" asked Soarin' with a voice more to that which Trixie was expecting before as she gave him a nod. "Dear Celestia that's awesome!" said Soarin' as he slammed his front hooves on the table, which caused several of the other patrons and waiters to look his way as he slouched back into his chair in embarrassment.

"Still, the student of the Princess herself! That's pretty cool! you must be like, really smart and strong if the princess is teaching you stuff."

"Well, Trixie doesn't like to brag." said Trixie, which was quite possibly the biggest lie that she had ever told. Trixie was a great and powerful unicorn, and she wanted everypony in Equestria to know it. "BUT, Trixie just happens to be Princess Celestia's one and only pupil, and is currently on an important mission to defeat Nightmare Moon, and bring everlasting peace to Equestria!" Trixie shouted in one breath, which again caused the other patrons and waiters to look in the direction of Soarin' and Trixie.

"Wow, that's.....something Trixie." said Soarin' with with a hint of shock in his voice at Trixie's outburst.

"Trixie knows, the princess would leave such a daunting task only with her greatest pupil" said Trixie as she lifted her arms in the air.

"Hey Trixie, I have a question."

"What is it?"

"I think it may be a stupid question."

"Princess Celestia believes there are no stupid questions Soarin'." said Trixie as she gave Soarin' a warm smile.

"Who's Nightmare Moon?"

In that moment, Trixie warm smile turned to a dumbfounded look. "But Trixie is not the princess, HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW ABOUT NIGHTMARE MOON!?" yelled Trixie. The rest of the patrons once again all shot angry glances at the two ponies. "Oops, Trixie apologizes." said Trixie as she slightly bowed to the other patrons before turning back to Soarin' and putting here angry face back on. "How do you not know about Nightmare Moon!?" asked Trixie again in a harsh whisper.

"I don't know, I just never did!" replied Soarin'

"It's history 101! Little fillies and colts learn about it in the third grade! It's in every history book!"

"Well, I never heard of her!" defended Soarin'.

Trixie sighed, at last, the waiter brought Soarin's orange juice, and Trixie's coffee. Trixie took a long sip of hers, and spoke again. "Well, Trixie guess a little history lesson wouldn't hurt as we wait for our food, but I'm only going to explain this once, so listen up."

Soarin' nodded his head as Trixie administered the lesson.

"Well, two thousand years ago, back when Equestria was just starting to become peaceful after the defeat of the Lord of Chaos, there were not one, but two princesses, Princess Celestia of the sun, and Princess Luna of the moon. Under their watchful rule, Equestria thrived. there were no major wars, settlements were springing up all over Equestria, and all seemed right with the world. However, that does not mean all was at peace, the Lord of Chaos's influence could still be seen all over Equestria, monstrous species such as Diamond Dogs, Chimeras, Hydras, Hell hounds,Changelings, and all other sorts of monsters were running amok through the world, byproducts of the Lord of Chaos's magic. Many of these creatures would attack settlements, burn down buildings, spread chaos, and end lives. The princesses were at a stalemate, as they didn't know how to counteract these massive swarms of monsters, as they were attempting to destroy Canterlot."

"The princesses and the royal guard did the best they could to defeat these swarms of chaos, but even with the power of two alicorns, they couldn't keep fighting day and night without rest. Things looked grim, but one day, the court mage and personal adviser to the princesses; Starswirl the Bearded, found a solution in the ancient texts of the Age of Antiquity. The texts spoke of a powerful collection of relics, relics with powers that rivaled the magic of the Lord of Chaos himself. These relics were known as the Elements of Harmony, and they possessed the power to save Equestria from the swarms of monsters that plagued the land. Starswirl, after much time, was able to recover each relic, and with their great power, the princesses were able to seal away the monsters to the same plain of existence as their mad father. After using the elements, while not all monsters were sent away, many went to find sanctuary in the darkest areas of Equestria and beyond, and Equestria was at peace once again."

Soarin' Interrupted; "Wait, what does any of this have to do with Nightmare Moon?"

"I'm getting to that part!" said Trixie as she took another sip of her coffee to wet her dry throat. "After that, there was a falling out between the princesses, and their followers. Princess Luna, and her followers, believed that they should use the elements to expand Equestria, and make it thrive into a new golden age. But Celestia and her followers didn't agree with them, they thought relying on the influence of the elements was a grave mistake, and that using the elements to grow all across the world, would be grievously irresponsible. These conflicting beliefs sparked opposition, and hatred between the followers of the two princesses boiled fiercely, until the followers of Luna were caught trying to steal the elements from their vault. After this great act, the tension finally resulted in violence, and as such, the Equestrian Civil War, broke out.

The war raged all over Equestria, only instead of Equestrians fighting the hordes of the Lord of Chaos, they fought each other. This war took its toll on those involved. Not even Princess Luna herself was able to stop anger and hatred from entering her heart. The war had transformed the once kind, and wise Princess Luna into Nightmare Moon, a warped shadow of her former self who's focus was to crush her sister. After Luna's fall from grace, A fierce battle erupted between the Princesses directly. The battle lasted for days, each princess fighting for just a small leg up against the other. As the princesses of the celestial bodies themselves, the power of the fight between them and their followers tore apart Equestria, even more so than the swarms of chaos attempted. Eventually however, after many days of battling without rest, Celestia was able to gain an advantage over Nightmare Moon by using the elements they fought over to attack her. The elements did not kill Nightmare Moon, but it did severely wound her, and she was no longer able to fight the war. After the struggle, the former Princess Luna was somehow able to escape the grasp of the now victorious Celestia, and her and her followers escaped far away from Equestria. This war completely destroyed Equestria, and left Canterlot in ruins. Only through hard work, time, and working together, Equestria was rebuilt, and has since then continued to thrive under Princess Celestia's reign."

"Wow, that's a lot of history, how did you learn it all?" asked Soarin' who was now captivated in Trixie's story.

"Like Trixie said before, she learned it in grade school!" replied Trixie.

The two realized that they were starving after that little lesson, and just in time, their food finally came. After eating and paying for their food, the two left the cafe, and walked down the road that Trixie was originally going down before Soarin' crashed into her.

"So, that your job is to find and defeat a near demi-god that Celestia herself just defeated by a last resort attack?" asked Soarin'.

"Yes, that's correct." answered Trixie

"Wow, that's quite the mission, think you can do it on your own?"

"Of course! Trixie isn't called The Great and Powerful Trixie for nothing, you know."

"I guess, but still, what if she still has followers, ponies who don't want you anywhere near her?"

"Well then, they'll have to be quite formidable if they wish to face Trixie."

"Yeah, they must be." said Soarin' before he was lost in though once more, before turning his head towards Trixie once more. "Hey Trixie, I have another question."

"Is it as stupid as the last one?" asked Trixie who raised her eyebrow to Soarin'.

"NO! I want to know, where was that Starswirl guy during that 'Equestrian Civil War' thing? He sounded like a big deal."

"Oh, Starswirl, Oh, Trixie apologizes, she forgot to mention that there was a sixty year gap between the battle against the swarms of chaos, and the Civil War."

"Oh, so by this point Starswirl was-"

"Dead, he was old and bedridden during the events of the war, he died close to the time Luna became Nightmare Moon."

"Oh, I guess that answers that question."

Trixie and Soarin' eventually reached the gate that led to to the long stretch north to Equinox Falls.

"So , I guess this is goodbye huh?" asked Soarin' with a slightly sad tone in his voice.

"Trixie is afraid so, she has a job to do. But don't worry, Trixie will soon return to New Canterlot, and be praised as a hero through Equestria!" said Trixie as she triumphantly raised her arms into the air.

"Hah, well alright, I guess I'll see you around." said Soarin' as he gave a Trixie a grin. Trixie walked down the path, knowing that the trek to Equinox Falls would be a long one. Soarin' watched her until she was out of sight. A thought occurred to him as he was remembering what Trixie told him, a sly grin slowly crept across his face.

"Being praised as a hero huh?"

-------End of part one

Author's Note:

Alright, start of the 2nd arc of the story! This chapter was a beast! Soarin' crashes into Trixie, and Trixie subsequently drops a major history bomb on him. A lot has happened in this chapter! Expect more to come soon! Until then, comment, fav, and like! And special shout out to CogWing for the awesome cover art, and Tidal for the terrific editing job!

Comments ( 8 )

Hey, tell me when in the story i should set my time machine to if i want to get to when in the story the bar is. I have a feeling there's going to need to be some paradox stopping, because my ring finger is fading away!
that's because i might have gone back in time and tricked your past self to punch your alternate self in the face, take his place and mess up both of the timelines!
Because SSundee dared me to!
Fine, i'll go fix it.

Say goodnight, "Other Emb" (TeeHee Metroid reference)
*Cocks gun* not so fast, past Rick!
What the fuck?
Yes! My alternate universe theories are true!
If you kill my alternate self, i'll disappear, this account won't exist, and neither will you!
HAH! I'll still exist! Remember, i'm 'Cash's minecraft account!
(Shit, he's got me there.. WAIT! if i kill him here, he can't kill my alternate self!
*bursts through wall*Mes!
Another me?
Don't kill Rick!
Why? He'll tear apart the timeline if i don't!
Well, if you do, the canterlot of your timeline will crumble!
the bombs i planted in the changeling invasion! you won't get them all in time!
Shit! What do we do?
What do I do. Your speaking to yourself, so it would be I and Me, not Us We or You.
I used the wrong "you're"?
I should have used an exclamation point to show a angered tone!
*pulls out gun* I should have used "an"!
*shoots himself*
Oh, shit.
Well... our timelines are screwed.
Guys! Don't let Rick kill himself!
You're to late, CV! He already did!
Wait! I know how to fix it!
We stop me from going back in time in the first place!
*jumps in through window* Embers and I can't!
Because ALL of us would be erased if we did that!
Do 3rd me's plan?
Yeah, sure.
Don't see anything wrong with it.

So, we finally meet Soarin. And now he is going to follow Trixie to become a hero? This will be bad. Then again, it might be what Trixie needs. Question: where are the Elements of Harmony now?

3912514 Still under the watchful eyes of Celestia.

3917736 I think I was able to fit her ego into my fic.:rainbowlaugh:

3917791 Maybe saying "burnt to a crisp" took it too far, I meant like in animes and cartoons, like when the characters are attacked by fire, and have soot on them.

3937698 Thanks for the input!

Update, darn you!

5587374 Heh, sorry it took me so long to reply.:twilightsheepish:

Yeah....this needs to be updated.

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