• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 720 Views, 54 Comments

The Amazing Adventures of the Great and Powerful Trixie!! - Azure_Shadow

Trixie Lulamoon is the mighty apprentice to Princess Celestia, but to get the egotistical mare out of her mane, Celestia sends Trixie on an impossible quest, find and defeat Nightmare Moon!

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A dark night of dreams

----14 days since departure from New Canterlot

It had been another long, tedious day of traveling for Trixie, she had been walking for what she believed to be a good fourteen hours at least since she departed from the last town. At this point, Celestia lowered the sun for the day, and put a half moon in its place. Trixie was dog tired at this point, she had eaten the last of the peanut butter crackers she had stockpiled and rationed since her departure from New Canterlot almost two weeks ago, and her water bottle she was carrying with her was as dry as a bone. Trixie walked up a large hill, to see a town a few yards away from her. This town had a very rustic appearance as Trixie noticed when she entered. The streets were cobblestone, the houses were made of stone brick, and there was lots of trees and vegetation spread through parts of the town. After walking through town for a few minutes, she looked at a two floor building. She could see the light from inside the building, which illuminated the sign that was hanging above the door. The sign said The Drunken Draconequus inn and bar. Trixie thought that this was an odd name for an inn, but she decided that It'd have to do. Trixie walked into the small opening room, on the immediate left of her, was a wooden statue of the inn's namesake, a draconequus with a sly smile on his face, extending his lion-like paw, which had multiple hats hung on it. Trixie walked to the front desk and rung the bell for service, not two seconds after, an earth pony with a cream colored coat, lighter brown hair, and a green plaid vest came up behind the counter.

"Good evening, and welcome to the Drunken Draconequus, how may I help you miss?" the earth pony asked in a polite manner.

"One room please, any will do." said Trixie.

"Very well Miss." said the pony as he turned behind him to the cabinet behind him, and took a small bronze key and gave it to Trixie. "That'll be fifteen bits Miss..."

"Trixie Lulamoon." said Trixie just before she yawned and reached into her bag, and gave the earth pony the payment. After that, Trixie signed into the guest book, and went up stairs to her room. It was a very modest room, simple stone brick walls, an oak wood floor, a small table facing a window, and a queen sized bed in the corner. Trixie removed her hat, cape, and saddlebag, and put it next to her bed. She sat on her bed, as she took out two pieces of paper, and lit a candle on the nightstand next to her, as she looked at the pieces of paper in the candlelight. Trixie opened the smaller of the two papers first, it was pure white, and was written in the most elegant calligraphy anypony has ever seen. It was the letter that Celestia had given to her, that described the basics of her mission she was sent on.

My dear student Trixie,

Over the years since I have taken you under my wing, I have watched you grow from a small, timid filly, barley able to use the simplest light spell, to a strong mare, capable of learning my greatest pyromancy spells. After seeing your stellar rate of growth, I believe It to be time you expanded your horizons, and test yourself against the challenges of the real world. So, I believed, what better chance to test yourself, than completing a quest that nopony has ever completed! Your mission is to defeat the evil Nightmare Moon. After our fierce battle almost two thousand years ago, My arch enemy, Nightmare Moon, escaped her demise at the expense of most of her remaining magical energy. I fear that she is trying to regain her energy, so she can try again to usurp my throne, and plunge the world into eternal night. I know this to be a daunting task, and I know it to sound impossible, but I believe in you my faithful student, to help protect Equestria, and grow to be the most powerful unicorn you can be. I suggest that you first try looking into the city of Equinox Falls, that is where the leading authority on Nightmare Moon resides, I believe that that pony can help you in figuring out Nightmare Moon's location. As my student, I expect you to leave no stone unturned, and you shouldn't because if you wish to ever return to New Canterot, you won't come back until you have defeated Nightmare Moon, think of this as an exam! I hope you can pass the trials that leap ahead of you Trixie, best of luck to you!

Your loving mentor,

Princess Celestia

Trixie sighed as she put the letter back in the pack, opening up the other piece of paper that she took out of her saddlebag, was a map of Equestria. She found the town she was in now, the town of Starshire. A weird name Trixie thought, but she didn't think much of it, she looked for Equinox Falls on her map, which was north of Starshire, the problem was that Equinox Falls was still far away from Starshire, Trixie estimated that it would take her at least two months to get there if she traveled on hoof. Trixie let out a grunt of frustration as she threw the map against the wall of her room.

"This is absolutely dreadful! I'm going to a place way out in the beyond of Equestria, and that's only for a slim hope, that I'll get some sort of clue to find out where that blasted Nightmare Moon is!" Trixie angrily explained to nopony in particular as she threw her head down onto her pillow. "Why did Celestia send me on this mission?" asked Trixie before she went to sleep.


That Princess Celestia is quite the interesting teacher, isn't she?

Trixie looked around her, to see that she was no longer in her room, but, what appeared to be..space? But that was impossible, Trixie looked down to see that she was standing on some sort of invisible platform, overlooking what she believed to be multiple celestial bodies. Trixie then looked around for the source of the voice she thought she heard.

"Where are you? Show yourself to Trixie!" shouted Trixie into the vastness of the void around her,

I'm terribly sorry, little one, did I frighten you? asked the voice in a surprisingly concerned tone.

"No! the Great and Powerful Trixie fears no mare!"

The voice gave a soft chuckle, Oh, of course dear! It would take a lot more than just a disembodied voice to scare a unicorn of your calibur.

"Trixie will ask again, who or what are you!?" yelled Trixie into the void once more.

Oh, me? that's not important, what's important is that I've finally found you! said the voice in an upbeat tone.

"Found Trixie? Trixie hadn't even realized she was being searched for." said Trixie with some bit of smugness in her voice.

Oh yes! I've been hoping to find you for quite some time! but you were lost to me for so long, I was starting to give up hope, but here you are!

"Why were you looking for Trixie? And again, who are you?" asked Trixie.

Well, as for looking for you, I believe you're a very....special unicorn Trixie, as for who I am, The voice suddenly stopped, as the void around Trixie, slowly turned from a pitch black, to a sea foam green, and eventually white.

Damn her! said the voice, which suddenly changed tone to a very angry one. The owner of this voice realized this, and quickly switched back to her former calm demeanor. Well, Trixie, it was lovely having a chat with you, unfortunately, I fear our conversation must come to an end for now.

"Wait! You didn't tell Trixie who you are!"

Oh don't worry my dear Trixie, we will speak again soon! Until then! That was the last sentence the voice uttered, as the white light had devoured the dark void surrounding Trixie, and quickly enveloped her as well.

Trixie's eyes shot open, as she quickly sprung up, she had a cold sweat from the dream she had. Trixie looked around to see that she was in her bed at the inn, and that now, sunlight was coming through the window of her room. Trixie looked all around her room to see nopony was in there with her, and all of her possessions were still there.

"What was that all about?" said Trixie as she tried to process the memories of what had occurred the previous night. "It was a dream, but..... why did it feel so real?"

Author's Note:

So until the next chapter gets finished, here's something to tide you over for a short time! Hope you've enjoyed it!