• Published 31st Jan 2014
  • 721 Views, 54 Comments

The Amazing Adventures of the Great and Powerful Trixie!! - Azure_Shadow

Trixie Lulamoon is the mighty apprentice to Princess Celestia, but to get the egotistical mare out of her mane, Celestia sends Trixie on an impossible quest, find and defeat Nightmare Moon!

  • ...

Of Pies and Diamond Dogs: Part 3

When Trixie woke up the next day, she had to think of a plan to save Pinkie's sisters. She put on her cape and hat, and quickly said her "goodbyes" to Pinkie and her parents. She quickly left the farm, and sneaked over to the entrance to the valley where Pinkie said the mine was located. She walked down the path to the mine, as she heard somepony following her down the path. Trixie stopped and quickly turned around and readied her horn. She kept staring down the path, but nopony came from the direction that she was coming from.

"What are you looking at Trixie?" asked a voice from barely a few inches from her ear.

"GAH!!" shouted Trixie as she quickly leaped forward and turned to face the owner of the voice. She immediately dropped her guard when she realized the voice was Pinkie Pie's.

"Pinkie! Don't do that! You nearly gave the Great and Powerful Trixie a great and powerful heart attack!" said Trixie as she held her hoof close to her chest.

"Sorry about that Trixie, I just wanted to help!"

"What!? NO! Trixie does not need help taking care of a few mangy mutts that have overrun a mine."

"I have no doubts about that Trixie, but my family's mine is HUGE! there are tons of tunnels and passageways, and dead ends, and other bad stuff! I've been going through these mines since I was a little filly! So please let me help! please please please please PLEEAAASSSEEE?

Trixie sighed, "Well, I guess having someone to navigate for me would help prevent from getting lost. Fine, you may stay and help Trixie, but I want you behind me at all times, and at the first sign of danger, I want you to run away."

"Okey Dokey Trixie!" said Pinkie "I've got your back!"

The two ponies walked down to the valley where the mine was located. After seeing it, Trixie surveyed the situation. She saw how there were Diamond Dogs walking all around the valley. Trixie was able to count thirteen dogs, but she knew that there were probably more inside the mine. She saw that there were two large Diamond Dogs guarding the entrance to the mine. Trixie looked at the entrance to the mine from behind a large rock close to it. After some surveying of the surrounding area, Trixie saw that there were a few boulders piled up on the side of the mine away from the dogs. Pinkie saw this pile of rocks, and looked as if something clicked in her mind. Pinkie tapped Trixie on the shoulder, and pointed to the pile. Pinkie made a quick dash over to the rocks, with Trixie following closely behind her. Trixie kept lookout for Diamond Dogs, while Pinkie started quickly removing the pile of rocks from the side of the mine. After a short time, Pinkie had uncovered all of the rocks, unveiling a small hole withing the side of the mine. Both ponies climbed into the hole that led to an end of a mineshaft. This mine was very dimly lit, it was hard to see in, even in the middle of the day, the only major source of light, being the lanterns that lined the walls of the mine.

"Pinkie, how did you know about that other entrance?" Trixie whispered.

"Well, there was this one time me and my sisters had a contest who could keep mining for the longest, and in the fun, I accindentally made that big hole in the wall in the side of the mine, dad was really mad, but mainly because it was dangerous, and thought I'd get hurt." replied Pinkie.

The two mares continued down further into the mineshaft, which was very cold, dark, and , the thing that Trixie found the most unsettling, quiet. They walked down a series of shafts, into a large circular room in the mine. This room had mine carts and barrels filled with different gems within them. This room had a few Diamond Dogs as well, so the two mares hid behind an overturned minecart. After waiting for the right time to move on, Trixie and Pinkie both heard two Diamond Dogs walk by the mine cart, as the two began to speak.

"Hey, fresh meat, take this gruel to that pony in the cell down the rightmost path got it?" said an older, gruff voice

"Why do I have to feed those ugly ponies?" asked a younger sounding voice.

"Because I told you, and If you don't, Pack Leader Onyx will really let you have it for letting the slaves starve."

"Fine, fine just give me the stupid gruel."

"Did you hear that Trixie? there's a pony in the rightmost path!" whispered Pinkie.

"Yes, I have ears Pinkie, now let's follow this oaf quietly." said Trixie.

The ponies followed closely behind the small Diamond Dog carrying a bowl of gruel. They tried their best to keep their distance, while at the same time, not allerting the dog to their presence. The two followed as the dog went through turn after turn within the shaft, grumbling to himself the whole way through. They eventually came to a more brightly lit room, with two large torches at opposite ends of the small cave- like room. There was a very crude jail cell in this room, made of wood tied together with cloth. Inside of the crudely constructed cell, was a female earth pony, but Trixie couldn't make much more of it from the distance she saw her. The dog stopped in front of the door, and almost dropped the bowl to the floor of the cell spilling some of its contents. and kicking it over to the mare, making her jump in fear.

"Go on, little pony, eat up." said the Diamond Dog in a devilish manner, "You'll need your energy for labor at the mines."

The mare whimpered slightly, slowly turning her head to face the bowl of gruel. She took a brief gulp, and then put her muzzle into it, drinking or eating the gruel like she was a puppy, eating from Its food bowl. Once the Diamond Dog saw this, he started laughing at the poor mare, amused at how she was eating the food like a house hold pet.

"Look at how stupid you look!" said the dog while still laughing. " Eating like a caged animal who hasn't been fed in weeks, your only job in life is to carry carts of gems to and from the pack leader all day, every day. A sad existence if you ask me." said the Diamond Dog as he kept laughing at the poor mare.

This act made Pinkie nearly boil with rage, she was about to run up to the dog and slam into him if Trixie hadn't stopped her yet. The two mares lied in wait until the dog finished his laughs, and left the room. With the dog gone, Pinkie and Trixie slowly made their way to the cell that the other earth pony was being held in. She was now done with the gruel, but her face had a look of desperation, to it. As she looked up, Trixie was able to see more about the mare. She a long dark grey mane, wild and unkempt. She had a greyish green coat, What Trixie really noticed about her, was that she had a very tired and scared look in her eyes.

"Who's there?" asked the mare.

"Inkie! you're ok!" said Pinkie in an excited whisper.

"Pinkie, Is that you? Dear Celestia, did the Diamond Dogs get you too?"

"Nope, we snuck in to rescue you!"


"Oh yeah! I brought a friend! Inkie, this is my new friend Trixie! She said she can help us get you and Blinkie home!" Pinkie said as Trixie moved to the front of the cell's door and used her magic to unlatch the door.

"You can save us?" asked Inkie.

"Trixie can get you and your sisters away from the Diamond Dogs, that's what Trixie promised, but we need to get to your sister and get out quickly, those mutts will realize eventually that you're gone, and if we're not out by the time that will make it much harder for Trixie to get you all to safety, now hurry! Time is of the essence." Trixie said as she turned around to see the Diamond Dog from before re-enter the room. Before the dog could act, Trixie grabbed him with her magic and threw him into the cell that Inkie was kept in. Pinkie ran into the cell and grabbed the dog by the collar, and brought him closer, so the two were now muzzle to muzzle.

"Where's Blinky you big meanie!? said Pinkie who was now interrogating the small dog.


Pinkie immediately smacked the dog hard across the face twice, and brought him close enough so he could feel the air expel from her nose. "Don't Who? me mister! You know who I'm talking about!" Pinkie said as she delivered another slap to the dog's face.

"I really don't!" said the dog in between slaps.

"Oh, for the love of Starswirl, she's talking about your other prisoner!" said Trixie.

"Oh, the other pony, sorry, can't tell you, my pack leader would tear my head off If I did." the dog said, as Pinkie immediately started smacking him quicker and harder than before."I..SMACK...won't...SMACK..tell...SMACK..you....SMACK...anything."

"This isn't getting us anywhere." said Trixie as she walked up to the dog who's cheeks were now red. "Alright you inane pup, tell us what we want to know, or you will feel the wrath of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" said Trixie who also got her face close to the dog's as Trixie's magic aura enveloped her horn. The magic aura from Trixie's horn provided enough light for the dog to see her face in the dimly lit cell, after seeing her face for a moment, the dog's eyes suddenly widened with fear.

"Wait, a blue unicorn... are you the one that burned Clay yesterday!?"

"If you're referring to that brute that tried to to take Pinkie yesterday, than yes, I fried him like an egg, now, If you don't want me to do the same to you, I suggest you tell us what we need to know. So Trixie will ask again, where is Pinkie's other sister?"

"Alright, I'll tell you! She's in the mines, we're having her pull carts with gems!" the dog yelled before Pinkie smacked him again.

"Why do you keep smacking me? I told you where your sister is!

"Because I don't like you!" said Pinkie as she smacked the dog one final time. Pinkie hit the dog with enough force this time, to knock out the dog. Pinkie laid down the dog on the floor and turned to look at Trixie and her sister who were giving her surprised stares. "What?"

"N-Nothing, let's just find your sister and leave" said Trixie.

The three mares snuck back through the mines, with Pinkie leading the way through the long splitting, dark passageways with Trixie and Inkie following closely behind. As they went deeper into the mine, it became slightly brighter as the ponies started to see beautiful gems lining the walls of the mineshaft they were walking down, there were multiple colors of gems, purple, emerald green, red, blue, and yellow, all illuminating the path the ponies walked down.

"I forgot how beautiful this part of the mine was" said Pinkie as she was looking at the gems.

"I'm sure many of these gems would do wonders with enchantment." said Trixie.

"After all the work those Diamond Dogs had me do, I never want to see another gem as long as I live." said Inkie.

The three made it down to the lowest floor of the mine, a large room, with hundreds of gems of all sizes and colors, lining the walls. There were multiple Diamond Dogs, each mining gems. the three ponies looked around the large room, as best as they could without being seen. After a while, Trixie saw a mare emerge from the far back of the cavern. She was a mare, about the size of Pinkie, she had short grey hair, a greyish-purple coat, and an opal as a cutie mark. Trixie motioned for Pinkie and Inkie to look in the direction of the mare.

"That's her! That's Blinkie Pie!" said Inkie.

"But how can we get to her? She's at the end of this big room, and there are like, twenty dogs! How can we get by without being seen?" asked Pinkie.

Trixie looked around the room to see if there was anything she could use to help get to Blinkie, she didn't see much she could work with, there was only a large rock she and the others were hiding, a few minecarts that were too far apart, and too close to the dogs. Trixie wasn't sure what she could do, until a voice caught her attention.

"Hey guys! look at this! We've struck the motherload!" shouted an old very dark red Diamond Dog, as he pointed to an absolutely humongous diamond. Every dog in the room looked towards the old dog, and all gasped in amazement. Many of them walked over to the diamond and just stared at it, admiring its . While looking at these dogs look at the diamond, Trixie got an idea.

"Okay you two, listen up, I have a plan!" said Trixie.

"Oh boy! What's the plan Trixie?" asked Pinkie.

"Trixie is going to use a spell to distract the dogs, when I use it, I'll need you two to immediately run to your sister, and release her, and then we need to get out of the mine, got it?"

"You can count on us Trixie!" said Pinkie who did an army solute.

"What she said." said Inkie who shrugged her arms.

When she was sure all of the dogs were staring at the large diamond Trixie started to focus magical energy into her horn. She used the same light spell that she had used on that small dog the day before. When she was sure she had a clear shot, she fired a beam of light at the diamond. the beam hit, and a brilliant flash of light suddenly came from the diamond, blinding all of the dogs who stared at the large gem. The dogs all grabbed their eyes, while howling and moaning in pain. During this, Pinkie and Inkie immediately ran towards their sister, who was unfortunately, also staring at the rock and was blinded. Pinkie and Inkie released their incapacitated sister from the cart she was connected to, picked her up, and ran back to the entrance of the room where Trixie was waiting. They all immediately ran through the exit to the room, each of them, as fast as their legs could carry them, the two earth ponies were running fast, even while holding their blinded sister, they were still running at a pace faster than Trixie was, earth pony stamina and speed as she believed. they ran through the maze of mineshafts, trying to get back to the hole they had originally snuck into. They reached the large room with multiple pathways again, and thought they were home free, but before they could get to the exit to the room, their mad dash was halted by a large presence that entered through that way. This large force quickly dropped its arm, the four ponies just barely able to jump back and dodge it.

"Well well well, what do we have here? Some escapees and two intruders in my mine?" said the large body.

"Intruders!? You and your Diamond Dog meanies are the intruders, this mine belongs to my family!" yelled an angry Pinkie.

The large presence chuckled, and then spoke. "Well little filly, this IS my mine now, I saw it, I wanted it, and I took it, not that your family did much to stand up to me and my pack, so since no one is stopping me, I guess I now own this mine."

This large presence stepped further into the room, under the light of the lanterns, his true form came into focus. It was a Diamond Dog no doubt, but this one TOWERED over the four mares, Trixie herself just barely reaching its knee with her hat on. This dog had a black coat, although the tips of its claws and fingers were stained red with dried blood. He was wearing a jeweled black collar, a brown leather vest, barely clinging to his large physique, and black wrist bands. He whole body was covered in scars, including his face, which had a devilish grin. "But there's no need to be mad, you should be happy! Because now, all four of you get to work here in the mine! you won't have to worry about your siblings safety, because you'll all share a nice cozy cell."

"Over my dead body." said Trixie as she stepped in front of Pinkie and her sisters.

The large dog gave a deep laugh as he looked down at Trixie. "Oh, THAT my little pony, can be arranged." said the dog as he brought his head down low enough to meet eyes with Trixie.

"Then what say we make a little wager?" asked Trixie.

"Hahahaha, and what would that be little one?"

"We have a duel, If I win, you and your dirty pack of mutts get out of here."

"And If I win?" asked the dog as he lifted his eye in suspicion to Trixie.

"You and your pack get the mine, and us."

"TRIXIE! What are you, mad?" asked Pinkie.

"Don't worry Pinkie, I'm not the Great and Powerful Trixie for nothing." said Trixie as she winked to Pinkie.

The pack leader laughed, and stood up again. "Well then, you have a deal, just know that nopony, or any other creature, has ever been able to defeat Pack Leader Onyx!." he said as he jumped to the opposite side of the room. Trixie walked to the middle of the room, and stood her ground. Onyx was first to move, quickly punching the ground where Trixie was standing with his gigantic fist, Trixie was quick, as she jumped on top of Onyx's fist, and ran up his arm to fire a series of fireballs to hit the dog in the face. Onyx grunted in pain as he swatted his other arm at Trixie, who jumped over that arm, and hit Onyx with another barrage of fireballs. This made Onyx angry, as he quickly made windmill motion with his arms, which caused Trixie to fall to the ground. Onyx then tried madly to stomp on Trixie. Trixie side stepped each of his stomps, she eventually got behind Onyx when he was trying to stomp on her. Trixie then used a spell to unleash a small flamethrower from the tip of her horn, and singed Onyx's tail. This made Onyx yelp in pain, as he jumped away from Trixie while clutching his tail. This was rather funny looking, as Trixie chuckled.

This served to make Onyx even angrier, as he gave a loud shout of his anger. This caused other Diamond Dogs to enter the room, many of them, after seeing the pony fight their leader, started gritting their teeth, and walking towards Trixie.

"Don't any of you maggots interfere!" yelled Onyx, to which the dogs backed off and made a ring around the two combatants. Onyx once again, tried to punch Trixie multiple times, nut to no avail, as Trixie kept dodging blow after blow by Onyx. After multiple failed attempts to hit Trixie, the large dog started to kick at her. she kept dodging as eventually, she was able to jump and climb his body, this time, on his back, where she assaulted the back of his head with more fireballs. Trixie got too cocky with this move, as Onyx was able to grab her, and throw her to the ground in front of him. This stunned Trixie, but not for long, as she was able to roll away from Onyx's incoming stomp attack. After that, Onyx turned his head towards Pinkie and her sisters, he suddenly , in a quicj burst of speed, bade a swiping motion towards them, Trixie saw what was going to happen, and ran towards the sisters, and pushed them out of the way of the swipe. Trixie got hit by the full force of the attack, as she was sent rolling away, with the wind knocked out of her, and coughing,

"You dirty dog, that was a cheap move." said Trixie as she attempted to stand up from the previous attack.

"Well, the secret to any fight is to exploit your enemies weaknesses, you seem to use your superior speed to out maneuver me, and attack me, so I have used the weakness of you wanting to protect those three.

"Well then, I'm sure you won't mind if I do the same." said Trixie as she suddenly used her flamethrower spell to blast away some of the Diamond Dogs standing in front of the room's exit. "Pinkie, Inkie, take your sister and get out off here!" said Trixie.

"But Trixie? What about you!?" asked Pinkie.

"Trixie will be just fine, now go!"



Inkie Pie put her hoof on Pinkie's shoulder. "She's got a point Pinkie, let's go!"

With a great deal of hesitation, Pinkie reluctantly left with her sisters through the exit.

Onyx chuckled, as the other dogs growled. "Well, this seems to be a tad unfair to our wager, I thought this would've been a nice clean fight, too bad you had to be such a little bitch about protecting your friends."

If Trixie was listening, she didn't show it. She had here eyes closed as she was mouthing words that Onyx couldn't make out.

"We went through a lot of trouble getting those ponies to work in the mine, but now they're leaving. No matter! once I take care of you, I'll just have my dogs round them up again, and while I'm at it, let's take the parents too, I'm sure each of them has a few years worth of work left in them!"

Trixie still did not acknowledge the large dog speaking, as she kept mouthing words, as she was doing this, sweat was forming on her face, as a very faint glow of magic enveloped her horn.

"What's wrong? Cat got your tongue? Or are you saying your last prayers? It doesn't matter, It'll all be over soon." said Onyx as he made a motion for other dogs to move towards Trixie, who was still mouthing words, as she was sweating even harder than before.

Any last words my little pony? or are you just gonna stand their?"

After those words left Onyx's mouth, Trixie's eyes shot open, as she shouted, what to many of the Diamond Dogs, would be the last words they'd ever hear.

CELESTIAL INFERNO!" with the shout of those words, a bright light flashed from Trixie's horn, and faster than any dog could realize, the whole room was enveloped in a mighty blaze surrounding Trixie. The flames spread all over the room, as a large whirlpool of flames enveloped the room. No living creature was safe from this attack, as every Diamond Dog that was in the room was slowly incinerated. Even Onyx, the largest of the Diamond Dogs, couldn't take the hellfire- like heat of the spell, as he too could only howl in pain, as his claws dug into his face, with his last sight being the bright orange dancing flames of Trixie's spell. The spell lasted for only a minute more, as the flames slowly died, and the mine returned to its quiet state. Anything that wasn't stone was burnt to black. The Diamond Dogs that were still in the room, were now mummified husks of their former selves, many of them burnt beyond all recognition. Onyx was the same color as he was before, black, his vest was no more, and the collar was fused with the neck of his corpse. Trixie looked around the room, to see her handiwork. She immediately felt an unbearable throbbing in her head, and a horribly queasy stomach, slowly fell to her hooves, and passed out.

"Hey, Trixie, Hey Trixie! Wakey Wakey Eggs and Bakey!!" Trixie woke up to this voice assaulting her ears. She slowly oened her eyes to see that she was in her room at Pinkie's house, under the covers. She looked at Pinkie, who had a large grin on her face.

"YAY! You're finally awake!" she said as she gave Trixie a hug.

"Pinkie Pie? What happened?" asked a confused Trixie.

"That's what I want to know! After we escaped the mine, we heard screaming coming from it, and we saw a bunch of Diamond Dogs running out of the mine! When we went in to investigate, we found you in that room where you fought that big dog, we were really worried! So we brought you back home, where my mom patched you up!"

Trixie took a look at herself, she noticed she had a few bandages on her body, as well as her head being wrapped with bandages. Trixie looked next to her to see her hat and cape on the nightstand next to her bed.

"I used a spell..a very powerful spell, to defeat those Diamond Dogs, and that spell took care of them." Trixie said.

"That's really cool Trixie! but wait, you're up now, my family really wants to see you!" Pinkie immediately took Trixie by the hoof, and led her down the stairs, to the living room of the house where the other Pies were sitting in talking.

"Dear Celestia, there she is! our hero!" said Pinkie's dad as he got up out oh his chair and walked over to Trixie.

"Oh my, thank you Trixie!" said Pinkie's mother who also walked up to Trixie and gave her a hug.

"Thank you so much Miss Trixie! Our family owes you a dept we can't ever hope to repay!" said Pinkie's father.

"Oh, it was nothing." said Trixie, but to this the Pies shook their heads.

"Oh no, not only did you save our daughters like you promised Pinkie, but you saved our livelihood too! You really are a wonderful mare Trixie. said Pinkie's dad.

"It's thanks to you, our family is whole again, and we can continue on with our lives!" said Pinkie's mom.

"Yeah, thanks for saving us, we really owe you big time!" said Blinkie.

"Thanks for keeping your Pinkie Promise Trixie!" said Pinkie.

Trixie made a small chuckle "Was there ever any doubt?"

"Nope! I knew you could do it! My Pinkie Sense told me so! And you know what my Pinkie sense is telling me now?"


"It's telling me it's time for a paarrrtyyyyy!"

And party they did, Trixie and the Pie family celebrated all night long, it was a fun night filled with laughter, smiles, and of course, balloons, and cake! Trixie stayed with the Pies for a few more days after that in order to make sure she had regained her strength, but after four days, it was time for Trixie to return to her previous quest.

Trixie had her hat and cape on, along with a cyan saddlebag underneath the cape. She was on the road outside the farm, as she was saying her goodbyes to the Pie family.

"Thanks again for saving our family." said Mr. Pie

"You'll always be welcome here Miss Trixie." said Mrs. Pie.

"You ever need anything, don't be afraid to ask for help." said Blinkie Pie.

"If you're in the area, don't be a stranger!" said Inkie Pie.

"Thank you all for everything." said Trixie, "It means a lot to me on how much you helped me."

"Do you think that's enough food and water for your trip to the next town?" asked Mr. Pie.

"Yes, I believe so, thank you." replied Trixie. That was the point all eyes turned to Pinkie Pie, as it was her turn to say goodbye.

"Trixie, thanks a bunch for helping me and my family, I don't know what we would've done if you hadn't come along, I can't thank you enough for helping us! Are you sure you can't stay?"

"Yes, I'm sorry, but I have an important mission from the princess, and it needs my attention."

"Well when you complete your mission, we're gonna have to throw a mondo big super welcome back, good job, mission accomplished party!" said Pinkie with a big grin on her face. "You will come back, promise?"


"No, that won't do, you gotta Pinkie Promise!"

"Alright, I, The Great and Powerful Trixie Lulamoon hereby Pinkie Promise to return when my mission is complete, so Pinkie can throw me a welcome back party." Trixie said as she made the motions of the Pinkie Promise that Pinkie taut her a few days before.

"Awesome! No going back now! you Pinkie Promised, gotta keep it!" said Pinkie. Her eyes lit up as she pulled something out from who knows where (its Pinkie) and put it on Trixie's wrist, Trixie looked at it to see a small bracelet, that had gems to match Pinkie's cutie mark on it.

"What is this Pinkie?" asked Trixie.

"It's a friendship bracelet silly! It's for being such an amazing friend. So even if you get sad and lonely on your trip, you just need to look at it, and remember all the friends you have here!" said Pinkie.

Trixie looked at the bracelet for a while, and hid her face behind her cape, mainly so that the Pies wouldn't see her shed a tear. Trixie then walked up to Pinkie, and gave her a big hug.

"Thank you Pinkie, I'll treasure It forever." said Trixie.

"Your welcome Trixie! well, you better get a move on if you wanna reach the next town before dark!"

"Yes, well thank you all again, and goodbye." said Trixie as she walked away from the Pie residence. A minutes later, when she was walking down the path to the next town, she stopped to get one last good look at the Pie residence, before looking at the bracelet Pinkie gave her. After looking at it, some lyrics to a song she remembered hearing as a filly popped into her head as she was walking.

I used to wonder what friendship could be

------To be continued

Author's Note:

Thank Celestia this chapter is over! I didn't have much of an idea how I was going to do this, but I got it done Hooray! So please comment, share your thoughts and the usual, and look forward to the next part!