• Published 8th Feb 2014
  • 4,857 Views, 78 Comments

Dragon's Reign - Vladimir

This is a crossover of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Reign of Fire, and my own OC's. This sory is Inspired by Reign of Fire: Equestria - killagatosrs.

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Waking up and answers....

Nova awoke in a jolt, it was dark and the sun had gone down past the horizon. He scanned his surroundings and felt strangely warm. Lights flickered on and he could see that he was in a room filled with white and machines showing his vitals. He looked towards the door when h saw Celestia walk in.

"Ah, I see you are awake, Nova" She said. Nova tensed up, he stared at her, flashbacks going through his mind, he began to thrash, not from anger or hate, but fear. "Calm down my dear boy, we will no hurt you..." Discord said from when he appeared behind Celestia, causing her to jump. He began to hyperventilate. Soft gentle hands were placed on his shoulders, he turned his head and saw Luna, she looked into his eyes and he felt fear leave him, in fact he calmed down completely. She smiled down at him, all he could do was blush and make an odd squeaking noise.

"Well now, why dost thou blush?" Luna questioned. He was going to try and answer, until he heard the faint roar of a wyvern, he leapt from the bed grabbing Luna around the waist, he looked to his right and picked up his rifle and aimed it at the window, growling. A wyverns head showed itself out of the window, and all desire o fight left Nova, it had grown larger than normal and it's yellow eyes showing no malice as the others had. He placed the rifle onto his back, Luna still beside him a blush on her face. "W-why didst thou do that?" She questioned.

"That...Is a Wyvern, a Flyer from what I will assume is my world." -Said wyvern snorted as if slightly offended- "And they are very dangerous...well, they should be." Nova walked up to the window and looked at the serpent. The wyvern looked back at him, then it's gaze went towards Luna, then back, it repeated this motion before it made a chattering noise with it's head away from them. Nova was going to look until he jumped from the collective growls from the other serpents, he looked at them all, Fire starters, Burrowers, Tankers, Wyverns, and Breeders. He stared at them all, ten for each class and he held Luna tither to himself instinctively. Celestia and Discord stayed quiet while watching. Luna looked at Nova with a raised eye brow and when he looked at her, he blushed a deep shade of red and let go. "I-I'm so sorry Princess Luna!" he stated.

She blushed and waved her hand. "Tis okay fair stallion, we are not harmed." Internally she was happy to be held by a stallion after a thousand years of being stuck on the moon. "We art happy that thou is....protective over Us." Nova nodded his head, his blush going away. "Why didst thou grab us and hold us close though?" She questioned.

"I uh....I am not exactly sure, I saw the wyvern and then you, so I thought of protecting you. But seeing as to how none of the serpents are attacking us...I guess I should let go?" he questioned at the end. Luna mulled it over, she enjoyed being held by this strange stallion and did not wish for him to stop doing so.

"We are fine like this." She blushed when his grip tightened. Nova nodded, truth be told he found her rather attractive, and didn't want to let her go. Luna looked behind her and Nova and saw Celestia in Discord's arms, massive grins on their faces. She blushed even more and shook slightly. Nova looked at her, eyebrow raised and curious as to why she was shaking.

"Is something e matter? Cold?" Luna shook her head rapidly and looked at a wall, avoiding his gaze. He shrugged it off in his mind , reasoning that she saw something that shook her up or something. He turned which startled Luna into looking at him. "Hm...? Something wrong Princess?" She shook her head looking up at him, she was a few inches shorter than him.

"No, nothing is wrong, I am fine!" She all but exclaimed. Nova nodded his head, and turned to the two, he assumed they were a couple the way they were holding onto each other. Luna looked up at him while he wasn't looking, before looking away blushing.

"So dear boy, what exactly are you? We haven't seen a human like you before." Discord questioned, he had gotten the feeling that he wasn't exactly a human and wanted to know if he was safe to be around.

"I am not..." Nova said solemnly. "At least, not anymore...." Luna looked up at him, his tone of voice not boding with her for some reason. Why was she acting like this to him? She could only wonder so many questions with very few answers she had made herself.

"What dost thou mean, you are no a human anymore?" Luna asked. They all were curious by this. She squeaked when she felt his grip around her tighten all of a sudden, his eyes narrowed at a wall.

"Because I was used as a lab rat, to try and help combat the serpents. Humanity was desperate and very few were chosen for this." He sighed sadly, looking at the ground, his eyes stung with tears. "It did not help when most of them turned on the humans, they led the serpents around into...battle..." Realization hit him and looked out the window, the dragons(serpents) were doing nothing, but when they saw him the roared, almost like a cheer. He stopped and he just stared. "I...I killed their hive leader...I became the new one...the new alpha..." He sad quietly. Luna walked up to him and placed an arm on his shoulder, turning him to face her.

"We are sorry to ask you his, but how were you changed, when we had looked at your test results, vitals, etc. it said you were capable of changing your body, much like were-ponies can." Nova nodded his head and sighed again.

"After the first incident, we rebuild most of our old countries back up, it was nice, but our world had been scarred, most countries were not able to sustain life anymore, so there were very few countries left. America, The United Kingdom, Europe, and Canada. Those were all that was left. But then, the second incident happened, the first to go was Europe, they lasted for a while, but soon fell, then came America, Canada, and finally the United Kingdom, the place where the first incident occurred in 2002." He sat against a wall, holding his head in his hands. "They tried to bomb the serpents, which at fist worked, but soon more types started to show up from the dead countries and some from the oceans. But then they decided to make us lab rats, I was the youngest..." He stopped, he grit his teeth and shut his eyes tight, the three could see he was trying to hold tears back. Luna got n her knees beside him and gently rubbed his back, he looked up at her, his eyes filled with sorrow.

"We are sorry for thine world. We will ask at a later date." Nova nodded his head, and looked down, only to blush when Luna hugged him tightly. He hugged her back feeling slightly better. The two stayed like that for a few minutes, each enjoying the company. However the silence was broken when the door opened quickly and with Twilight and her friends rushing in. Nova immediately stood up, grabbing Celestia, Discord and Luna putting himself between the three and the mane six.

"Prince-...Why are you awake?" Twilight asked. Nova responded with a growl, his rifle in his hand with a finger on the trigger. Luna placed a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look back at her. She shook her head and looked at Twilight.

"Twilight Sparkle, what is the matter?" Luna questioned, her voice show signs of annoyance for some reason.

Twilight seemed to think something over, before her eyes lit up and looked at Nova. "I was hoping to conduct some experiments on him to-" she never got to finish, because Nova had grabbed her by her throat, and with excessive force slammed her into a nearby wall.

"I WILL NOT BECOME AN EXPERIMENT AGAIN YOU LITTLE IECE OF-" Luna grabbed his arm, and shook her head.

"Calm down Nova, she might have meant of a way to see what you are." He narrowed his eyes at Twilight, before releasing her, causing her to fall to the floor, coughing. Rainbow Dash got in his face, yelling at him.

"What the hay is your problem you bucker!?" Nova snarled at her, causing her to shrink, then a wyverns head burst through the window, snapping it's jaws at Rainbow, scaring her away from him. It hissed at her and the other five. Nova patted it's head gently, calming it down.

"It is alright, she was worried about her friend." It nodded and left the room. His attention was turned towards the cowering ponies. "I will not become an experiment again, and if you try anything to me..." He thrust his hand into the wall, causing it to crack, when he pulled I out however, it left a hole which cracked even more so. "I will only trust those who have given me theirs. And I can smell the six of yours fear. It was pathetic to say the least." Rainbow growled and balled her hand into a fist. Before she could do anything however, Nova had wrapped an arm around Luna's waist, neither of them seemed to notice nor minded it. Twilight looked at them before blushing.

"Are you two an item now or something?" The two looked at each other and raised an eye brow. Before both blushed deep red.

"No, we are no together" Luna stated. Nova nodded his head in agreement, however he felt oddly saddened by this, but shrugged it off. "Now then, why else were you coming here?" Twilight looked at Nova, she bit her lower lip and sighed.

"That was the main reason besides coming to see it- err...him." She stated, Luna nodded and looked towards Celestia. They started to nod their heads every once in a while, Discord was randomly dancing on the ceiling listening to music on Nova's IPod.

"Can I have that back?" Nova asked Discord. He nodded, but not before making a copy of it, and gave Nova the original one back. "Thanks..." Nova said. Discord nodded, and resumed his dancing, which made every head turn towards him. Nova simply stared at Discord, before shrugging and shaking his head. Somehow he got the feeling that this was going to be the new norm for him. Nova placed his head phones into his ears and put on some music. Discord and Nova began bobbing their heads, both listening to he same thing. The two hummed at the same moments, and the group could see similarities in them, both were more than one creature, they apparently had the same taste is music, and both seemed to be un-predictable. After an hour of doing this, Celstia and Luna became curious and asked to listen as well, the two nodded and the four ended up humming and bobbing their heads. Twilight and her friends stood there confused as to what was happening.

The four soon stopped their silliness, and calmed down. "We enjoyed that song! But why were they talking about burning a city and world?" Luna questioned. The others grew curious.

"I dunno to be honest, tough it does fit a lot with my world...well what was left of I that is." Nova stated, Discord, Celestia and Luna suddenly grew silent. Twilight and her friends gave the princess questioning glances, and she shook her head, telling them not t ask. A humming noise was heard coming from outside, Nova quickly grabbed Luna, Celstia, Discord and sweep kicked the main six all onto he ground, he raised his rifle. A small wyvern fluttered through the broken window, and landed in front of Nova, it chirped as he awkwardly looked around and put his arm out, it hopped and landed on his arm, before looking around like a parrot would.

"*GASP!* What is that...that THING!?" Rarity exclaimed in surprise. The wyvern growled at her as it wrapped it's tail around Nova's and Luna's arms, locking the two together, blushing. "Was it something I said?" To everyone's surprise, it nodded, growling at her more, barring it's sharp teeth.

"Um...I am sure she didn't mean anything bad by it, but I have a question..." The wyvern nodded it's head to Nova, as if giving him the 'go ahead'. "Why are Luna and I stuck together with your tail?" It looked at them, before knocking it's wing knuckles together. Nova blushed. "So...you think that she is my...mate?" It nodded in affirmation. He blushed more and looked at Luna, expecting to see her mad, but saw a twinkle in her eyes. 'Why is she looking at me like that?' he wondered. Luna saw him staring an blushed heavily. More awkward silence was in the air. The wyvern made a face-claw expression and shook it's head before chirping at the two getting their attention.

"Dost thou claim me to be his mate?" Luna asked, The wyvern made a strange smile and nodded, she looked from the wyvern to Nova, and then back. "Why exactly?" It sniffed her then Nova and nodded. She blushed an understood, she had Nova's scent on her, which apparently meant she was now his? 'But that doesn't make any sense, unless these creatures were looking out for Nova, but if what he said was true, then he would be their...Hive leader, a king? No, a Prince? Maybe. So did they think I was his?' She got a nod from the serpent, which took her aback. 'I see, so you connect through the mind, I understand.' She then looked at Nova, she stared at him for a while, and decided what the hay? "Nov-" she was cut off.

"Would you like to go out for uh...lunch sometime Luna?" Nova asked. Luna nodded her head and smiled, t which he smiled back. He was only in this world for a few hours and he already had a date, with a princess no less. But he kept smiling, and the wyvern released the two and flew out the window. The two stayed next to each other, that is until Discord walked up to Nova, and grinned.

"So it looks like you are similar to me." Nova gave him a questioning look. "You can use magic, Chaotic magic! I can sense it in you. You know, I could always teach you to utilize it for good, or bad, either way I suppose." Nova soon adopted Discord grin and nodded his head.

"Sure thing." Nova answered. Discord clapped his hands and his grin grew larger.

"Excellent my dear boy." He looked at Celestia who smiled, he smiled right back at her before the two nuzzled. Nova and Luna blushed at the two, before looking back at the door, the others had left, having to get to bed. The two gave each other a hug, until Nova thought of something.

"Where will I stay? Cause I don't think I can stay in this place..." Luna looked at Celestia with pleading eyes. Celestia giggled and nuzzled her little sister.

"You will be coming with us back to Canterlot, though I get the feeling that your...'Hive' will be following you." He looked at the serpents to see them all rising, as if getting ready to follow, he nodded his head and turned to the three.

"Right, well, lets get going then." The four of them left the hospital and went into what looked to be a mix between a helicopter and a chariot. Nova nodded his head and got in after Luna. The machine rose into the air, and headed towards the castle. The hoard of serpents following close behind.


Far beneath the Badlands, there stood a woman with long blue hair, her clothes were that of an eastern style, she bore a black crown, a large black horn coming from her head, bug like wings coming from her back, her eyes were green and slit, she made a devious smile. She looked off into the darkness, seeing multiple pairs of green and blue eyes, and the sound of buzzing could be heard.

"My children...We will attack Canterlot soon, very soon. And when those little...ponies....fall, we will rule over Equestria!" The woman bellowed. Sounds of cheering was heard, and loud thumping as well.

"FOR THE QUEEN! FOR THE QUEEN! FOR THE QUEEN!" Was what she heard from the darkness. She cackled and looked towards a map, on it, was the map of Equestria, an 'X' on the city of Canterlot, and Ponyvile. Soon she would have what she deserved.


The four made it to Canterlot safely. Celestia had ordered a guard to tae Nova to a guest room. And now he lay on his new bed, looking at the ceiling, waiting to be taken by sleep, only to look at his door to see Luna poke her head in.

"What's wrong Luna? Could you not sleep?" He asked, some concern in hi voice. She smiled and shook her head, which caused him to give her a questioning look.

"We are the princess of the night, we watch over all out subjects, however, I...did feel lonely." She admitted, blushing at the end. Nova nodded, he moved the covers down for her.

"Here, you can stay here if you want, I'm assuming your royal duties are finished?" She nodded, and got into the the bed next to him. Soon he fell into slumber. Later on Luna too fell asleep, both had smiles on heir faces, enjoying each others company, for tomorrow was going to be interesting.

Author's Note:

Here be chapter two, Honestly this was also fun to play around with. Buuuuuuut I will most likely need to edit this at a later date, if not later today. See you all later!