• Published 8th Feb 2014
  • 4,880 Views, 78 Comments

Dragon's Reign - Vladimir

This is a crossover of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Reign of Fire, and my own OC's. This sory is Inspired by Reign of Fire: Equestria - killagatosrs.

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The Wedding Part 1

A month had passed after my 'training' with Discord. He had been training me on how strong I was with the abilities of beings from other dimensions, even going as far as to use their technique's, we were forced to train in the Everfree Forest from how destructive it was becoming. But today is the day of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Captain of The Royal Guard; Shining Armor. I had a feeling of foreboding coursing throughout the air, as I kept sensing that there were multiple targets heading towards Canterlot. I had warned the guards and Celestia about this possible threat. She ordered Shinning to set up a force field to keep enemies out, but I decided to do better; I placed my highest Hive rankers from ten to zero.

All from different classes. Number Ten was Boulder, a Tanker class that has been training with Discord and Shining -Discord personally trained them in certain styles from different dimensions- who wields a scabbard, on his face though, and he wears a sort of helmet that covers his left eye. Number Nine was Aqua, she wields a triton as well as wears a mask to cover her face -she was a burrower class-. Number Eight was oddly one I did not expect, one of the abnormal serpents, a Hydra; Glacier. Glacier wields a broad sword that lays across his lower back. Number Seven was a Wyvern Class, her name is; Aura. She wields claws that rest on her right hand, while she is fast, she can become faster when she releases her second et of wings. Number Six is Felicia, she used to be a Breeder however, once she had gained her own powers, she soon became dangerous and loved to fight, she acted so much like a cat, which she resembled even as a Breeder -no serpent is the same as the last in any class, some even resemble mammals, machines, et cetra- She wields a white katana.

Number Five was is kind of weird, but he is powerful, I will not deny that. He was a Burrower class, he wields a scythe with a chain coming from the very bottom of the pole, his eyes are covered in with a visor -Burrowers can't see on account they don't have eyes to use-. Number Four is Sapphire's older sister, her name is Nightmare. She wields a crescent moon scythe while her attacks are deadly, she is probably the sixth to acquire more than two forms when she decides to go serious. Number Three is Abyss, he used to be an abnormal class type, now we count thirteen classes, Nightmare and Abyss are in these new classes. Nightmare being a bat-like serpent class, while Abyss was more like a sea serpent-shark class. He wields a Lance of sorts. Number two is Emerald. She is part of the thirteenth class, a Kraken class, he wields a double-bladed war axe. Number One is a Fire starter class, she wilds a spear while her skeletal piece is an armored left arm. Number Zero is Sapphire, she wields a Shield while. she was the first to 'evolve' as my hive calls it.

They make me proud that they are my strongest warriors. After I had personally tested their strengths, six to zero proved to be a challenge for me and caused me to resorted to the battles ending in a draw. Each of them have their personal attacks and abilities, however they share some techniques as well, which I do not mind, they are essentially 'brothers and sisters'. Twilight Sparkle and her friends had arrived, Spike gawked at all of them, however he noted that Nightmare, Aura, Felicia, Emerald and aqua, he claimed them to be 'beautiful'. To which they are, however they ere still part of my hive and I did not exactly trust him yet with anyone from it.

"Welcome to Canterlot, I hop you enjoy the wedding." I said to the seven of them. Rainbow Dash still seemed wary of me, as if she was expecting me to snap and kill everyone in Equestria. Had I wanted to, it would have already happened.

"Enjoy the wedding my hoof..." Twilight grumbled as she began to move past me. I raised my arm, stopping her from going any further. "What the hay!? I was going to go yell at my brother!" She screeched at me.

"I am sorry Miss Twilight, however I cannot permit you to pass until he gives the get go." I said calmly. She glared at me, she moved closer, closer, closer, staring at me as if I were going to let up. Did these pony guards actually that weak? "Miss Twilight what the fuck are you doing?" I asked calmly still.

"I was hoping you would let me pass if I stared at you like this, the other guards do..." She explained to me with a slight blush.

"Well I am not weak like hose guards, had I a reason, I would have pinned you to the ground for not following an order. But unfortunately I can not as I was told to have you wait her for Shinning to come and get you." I said to her calmly, she groaned loudly which annoyed me to no end as to how so many ponies and other beings can be so annoying. An hour passed until the silence was broken by a familiar voice.

"Twily!!" Called out an innocent child's voice, as I turned to see who it belonged to, a large smile grew on my face. There standing in a adorable sundress was Flame, she was smiling and innocent smile. "There you are!! And I see you met daddy! Silly Daddy!!" She chirped out as she had randomly appeared on my shoulder, I was used to it, but apparently Twilight was not, or was it the fact that I was being called daddy?

"Daddy!? Your a father!?" Twilight shrieked out.

"Not my real one, but since he's the hive king, all of us younglings see him as daddy!" She exclaimed happily. I nodded my head with a loving smile. Twilight stared at me, but she smiled and patted my shoulder.

"So how many 'younglings look up to you?" She asked with her smile ever present.

"Around a hundred for all thirteen classes!" Flame cheered happily. Twilight's jaw dropped a stared at me. With the smile ever present, I shrugged my shoulders before heading inside after a guard told me that Shinning wanted to see Twilight. The three of us headed down a hall, however, it was filled with giggles and stories being swapped between Twilight and Flame. We soon met with Shinning Armor. Twilight and him had a fight, then Cadance entered and seemed like a real bitch this time. I had headed out with Flame tailing me and met with Luna. The three of us decided to take a nice nap until it was time for the wedding. Little did I know of the events that were happening to Twilight at the moment, otherwise I would have placed spies to guard her. The three of us napped in peace, all smiles on our faces.

Author's Note:

Sorry this chapter was so short, but the next part will be longer, don't worry. See you all next time.