• Published 8th Feb 2014
  • 4,879 Views, 78 Comments

Dragon's Reign - Vladimir

This is a crossover of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Reign of Fire, and my own OC's. This sory is Inspired by Reign of Fire: Equestria - killagatosrs.

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Scorpious and Sapphire VS. Basilisk....

I stare down Basilisk, his sword drawn while I have my claws, in my hands I dual sword, and we have a stare off. He is twice the size of my, and if he wanted to hard enough, literally eat me, but, I have my tail and stinger, my claws are razor sharp and hard as iron. My shell alone is strong enough to take dragons fire. My body resembles a changeling except I have two scorpion claws/pincers protruding from my back, my tail is a scorpions, but instead of one stinger, I have three. My eyes are pink with red ad white slits, my two fangs -much like Chrysalis's- are pitch black as well.

"So Scorpious, you truly believe you can win? How foolish, you know that beings under my rank are weak! That goes for you as well!" He hisses before charging me, I make an 'X' with my swords and block his, he growls before smirking, his tail whips across my face, and sends me back into a wall. I hiss in pain, a small cut on my cheek. I glare at him before he appears before me, he raises his sword into the air and swings down. I shoulder roll left, a part of the crystal floor gets smashed and looks like a war-hammer landed there.

"Crap, if I keep fighting like this, I'll die for sure." I say under my breath. A rush of pain forms on my back as I spin kick Basilisk away, I can see that he managed to cut me. My eyes widened and I jump into the air and start spinning faster and faster, I can her my claws cutting the wind as I throw myself at him and my right claw hits him, but it only causes him a small cut instead of a gash or slice.

"It seems you have grown weaker since the last time we met, Scorpious." He hisses before I am thrown to the ground, my green blood comes from my nose, and as I go to stand back up, he kicks me in the side, sending me into a wall hard. He swings his sword and stones snakes fly through the air at me. I cut he snakes apart, we rush each other, our blades send sparks as they clash. We keep attacking and parrying the other, he even parry's my stingers, but, I persist. He growls as his body has a few cuts on it.

I stab my tail at him, he dodges his head to the left, I then cut into his left shoulder, he hisses in pain. I push him back and I jump onto a wall before pushing myself off of it, I spin in a circle as a mini tornado surrounds me, he hisses and swings his sword down, I block his attack, but my right pincer is stabbed into his side.

I smirk as I start to push into him, that is, until my whole left pincer arm is ripped off. I cry out in pain. He kicks me in the chest before using his hand, and in a chopping motion forces me into the floor, crystals fly everywhere. I couch when he elbow drops onto my chest and breaks a few ribs. I stab my tail at him, he appears in the ceiling above me, he spits out green goo, I roll away, and when I look back, it's acidic in nature.

"It seems you truly are weaker. Shame." He says from behind me. I spin and my left pincer cuts his cheek, he hisses and bites at me, I block his fangs with my swords. He kicks at my side, but my pincer block it like a shield. He growls and appears above me again, he spits more acidic goo at me again but it hits a pillar. Said pillar starts to collapse on ME and I swing my swords up, cutting the crystal into four pieces. I spin and by luck I kick Basilisk in the chest before knocking him back. I growl and follow him, and stab a sword into his side, he roars in pain before his tail whips me away.

I hit the ground and cough, he goes to stab me in the chest, I bring the 'X' back while blocking, he growls louder as he tries to push me down harder, but then my tail goes through his wounded shoulder. He roars and I pull them out. He grabs me by my throat and raises me into the air. I swing my right arm in a sideways arch, but then, it is sliced off and flies to the other side of the room, my second blade imbeds itself into the far wall above my dismembered arm.

"foolishness Scorpious. How can you protect others, when you can't protect yourself!!" He roars. He throws me in the air, but as I come down, he sends a gash across my chest. My green blood sprays out onto the crystal floor, I fall onto my back. I cough up blood, and look up at him.

"Damn it..." I mutter before I cough up more blood.

"So you think you can beat me, eh Scorpious? How foolish. And hear I am, dirtying my sword with your blood. Tch, perhaps fighting you truly was a waist of time, then again, at least after I kill you, I can kill your crush and her mate." Basilisk says to me. My left claw is gone, my right arm is on the other side of the room, I am panting heavily as my chest has a gash through it.

"I won't let you...even if I were to die, I'll die protecting them and this world!" I roar at him before charging forward. I am sent back flying into the far wall, I cough up green blood as I slump against it. He raises his sword.

"This is where you die, Scorpious, farewell!" He yells before swinging down, I close my eyes and grit my teeth, waiting for the final blow, but then a heavenly voice calls out.

"He won't be dying anytime soon!" I open my eyes and see Sapphire and Shield standing there, completely healed, the two of them have a new glow about them. Basilisk hisses, his left arm is shot off by a blue beam. "That's no way to talk to a lady, now then, DIE!!" She yells before the two of them clash, my vision begins to fade, the last thing I see before passing out, it Sapphire and Basilisk just a few feet apart, and then darkness.

=====Sapphire's PoV===========================================

Nighty and I rush to the castle after I showed him just how much I loved him. He stayed behind me -that pervert~- and we go past enemy targets, however the hives are winning, the griffins and dragons and Minotaur's are dwindling, most of them had retreated back to their own borders. We go through the front doors and find Scorpious about to get killed. Nighty and I had a talk, I explained about what I go from him, and he had asked me if he had a mate, I told him no and then he said to make a herd with him, I grew confused from that, I had asked if that's what father did with Luna and the others and he nodded. I asked him if he was going to be okay with that, he said he was and the fact he had protected us was a good reason to give him a chance.

"This is where you die, Scorpious, farewell!" He yells as he is about to kill him, but then I growl.

"He won't be dying anytime soon!" I yell. Scorpious opens his eyes and sees me fire a blue beam that takes off the snakes left arm The snake hisses at me in both rage and pain. "That's no way to talk to a lady, now then, DIE!!" I yell before I charge at him, we start our clash as Nighty heads to Scorpious' side. We get a few feet apart before I holster my guns and draw my sword, I block his and push him into the ground with my super strength. I see his eyes widen.

"What are you?" He hisses. I glare down at him, before pointing a hand in his face, his eyes widen more as he seems a purple sphere start to form, I whisper in his ear.

"I am part of Nova's Elite Guard, I am number 0, I am the sapphire serpent, I. Am. SAPPHIRE!!!" I yell down at him, I see some fear in his eyes. I go to fire the beam down at him, but he side steps all the way across the room from me, or so he thinks. I appear behind him and fire the beam. He grabs part of the broken pillar and uses it as a shield, it protects him. He whips his tail at me, I grab it and pull him to me, I grab his head and slam him into the ground. I go to stab him in the head, he moves last second, his arm has reformed.

"You certainly are as strong as they say you are. But you won't win!" He yells before running at me. I pop my neck from left to right before smirking.

"I'm not even taking you seriously, but if you want, I can!!" I yell as my sword glows, my body also begins to glow as well. My cloths change into a low cut blue dress that shows my cleavage, I can feel Nighty get 'happy' by this form. My eyes turn sapphire blue and hot pink, my hair whips about in an ethereal wind much like Luna's ad Celestia's do. I have two large fan like wings form, the fans go down to the tip of my tail, my skin becomes harder than diamonds. I stand there with bright blue claws.

I look at Basilisk, he stares at me, my body is leaner, my chest larger my hips wider, I smirk and lick my lips before appearing before him, ripping his arm is ripped off once again, he swings his sword down, but it bounces right off of my shoulder. I giggle before swiping at him, his chest gains five gashes in it. I summon a flowing sapphire mace, I swing it at him, he is sent through a wall. I giggle more, a smile graces my red lips as I point a hand at Scorpious, I blast a white beam at him, it connects with his chest and his body heals, but his limbs down grow back.

I walk over to him and bite his neck gently, I had bitten my tongue to get my blood on my fangs, I then let my blood go into his body. I see his missing limbs grow back, his eyes opens slowly and as he looks up at me, I kiss him gently.

"No one hurts my mates, Scorpious, welcome to the herd." I say as I tap on his nose with a claw gently. A blush spreads over his face. He points to himself and then to me ad Nighty, I nod my head with a smirk, I lick my lips once again and nip at his chinline. "You are going to be hanging around here more with me~" I purr into his ear just as the snake returns. I look over my shoulder at him, I grab Scorpious' second sword from the wall and spin around.

"Your as deadly as you are beautiful, but you will die- " He is cut off as his left shoulder cracks, as does the rest of his body.

"Looks like my poison has taken affect, later, Basilisk." I hear Scorpious say. Basilisk growls, but then gets a calm look, his body cracking and turning to dust slowly.

"It was fun, before all this. But you are still weak, Scorpious." He says as he looks at me, a smile graces hi features. "I might have been the bad guy, but please take care of him for me, would yah?" He states. I blink, confused as to why the enemy is smiling and asking me to take care of his enemy, but I nod my head just the same.

"I will." I say to him, he closes his eyes and looks up, opening them at the sky. He has a smile on his lips as his body becomes dust, as only his face remains, I can see his eyes closed, his face at piece, ad his resolve has been solved. And with that, Basilisk, is no more....

=====Basilisk's Last Thoughts====================================

I smile at hearing her 'I will'. I had promised Scorpious' mother, before she died that I would push and make him a stronger leader. I had promised his last wife before she passed that I would help him love again and I promised myself that on our final fight, he would win. I have kept those promises. I helped him meet Sapphire by pushing him against me, I helped him become a good leader by helping him become a king and he beat me in this fight.

'I kept my promises....and I now accept my fate with open arms, now I will finally be at peace, knowing Scorpious will be in good hands. Farewell, brother.....' I think to myself before I fade away, and go towards a white light....

=====Scorpious' PoV=================================================

I watch as Basilisk vanish into the wind. I look up at Sapphire who is still in her released form. She looks down at me and quirks a brow.

"I know I look good, but do I look that good?" She asks. Night and I nod our heads with mouths wide open. "Good, the I won't be getting out of this form, I like it just as much as you two do, now then~ Lets get back to the fight." She says. I nod my head, and the three of us head outside, ready to get this war done.

=====Next Chapter Preview==========================================

I punch Zeus in the back of the head, he face plants onto the ground, cracking it. I stomp on his head next. Poseidon arrives and goes to get Mars and Cadence away from here, but is stopped when Zeus, Ovan and I go into our final states, and we battle in the air. My final fight with Zeus, has begun.

Author's Note:

Just a few more before the end fight for this story happens! Get ready, because it will be a two parter.
And as always! I will see you! In the next chapter! Bye bye!!