• Published 8th Feb 2014
  • 4,879 Views, 78 Comments

Dragon's Reign - Vladimir

This is a crossover of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Reign of Fire, and my own OC's. This sory is Inspired by Reign of Fire: Equestria - killagatosrs.

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The Wedding Part 2

When I woke I was greeted by the room door opening quickly, revealing Nightmare staring at me. I rose from my pillow waking Luna and Flame from their nap.

"What is the matter Nightmare?" I asked her softly. Nightmare looked at me with a slight grin before she walked towards the bed. Her pace was slow but she was generally a slow walker, she was ranked number four after all.

"Celestia sent me here to get you three, the hive has been acting up, as well as claiming that they are hearing voice's in the crystal caves, the 'Dragon Den'." She stated calmly. I nodded my head before getting up and dressed.

"I will meet up with Celestia, as well as head towards the caves-" I was cut off by Nightmare, as she cleared her throat.

"It is fine, Sapphire has taken Aura with her to check it out, they scanned the entire area and reported nothing. I am assuming that the few who made us wary of this, were seeing visions and are already making precautions if the need were to arise. However you need to go see Celestia, you are the king, remember?" She relayed to me. I nodded my head and summoned my sword to my side, it had changed, for some reason it alternates, it might still be looking for it's perfect form for me, no matter.

"Very well. Luna, Flame, you two get dressed. We have to go see Celestia about something." I looked at Nightmare before smiling. "And tell the others that I would like to meet them." I stated before turning to leave. Nightmare stopped me however, with a wide eyed look.

"All eleven of us, my king?" She asked, and as I nodded my head, her eyes widened more.

"All of them. I am calling forth a meeting, one that must be discussed." And with that, I vanished from the room using a side step to appear in the throne room before Celestia and Discord. "You had need of me, Celestia?" I said looking up at her. She nodded her head before rising up from her throne.

"It appears to me that your 'Elite Guard' is better than my guard, would you care to elaborate?" She questioned me. I grew curious as to how she had found out I said this.

"Who relayed this information to you Celestia?" I queried. Celestia answered with a single name.

"Twilight Sparkle." Of course she did, Twilight never kept things to herself.

"I did say this, and you wish to know why?" I asked. She nodded her head in affirmation. Closing my eyes, I faced the window. "Because non of them will take a second chance. Even with an unarmed enemy, they would not fail to eliminate them, for they know that if they did, said enemy could hold a grudge, and go after all you, or they care about. That is why. Your guards are capable of dealing with...lesser forces, where as mine, minus my Elite, are capable of taking down armed forces, while my Elite can decimate and enemy army." I explained, my eyes had remain closed, but I could feel Celestia's energy level's fluctuate. She was annoyed by me, but also understood why.

"I see, and they are capable of decimating my army?" She asked. I opened my eyes and looked her in the eyes.

"I can decimate all of Canterlot within the hour by myself, if my entire hive were to attack, there would be nothing left." I explained. I could feel a hint of fear in Celestia, and pride from Discord.

"Then it is a good thing that you are on our side, isn't it?" She said with a hint of pride in her voice. I smiled at her, before hugging her gently.

"Of course, I would not hurt your ponies, since I am now part of your family, just as you are part of mine." I told her softly. Celestia smiled with teary eyes looking up at me.

"Planning on marrying Luna are we?" I grinned and nodded my head, affirming her question, and thoughts. She squeed and hugged me tightly.

"I hope it happens soon! She needs to be taken fully!" I hugged her tightly back, smiling happily, when I looked to Discord, he was grinning an giving meth thumbs up gesture. I gave the same gesture back, before Celestia and I separated the hug, she looked me over. "You would make an interesting first king of Equestria." She stated, making me blush.

"I don't think I'll be that great..." I mumbled looking away. I then felt a chill run up my spine and unsheathed my sword. "Someone is coming, I do not know who it is yet though, they are a new presence here." I spoke in a hushed tone. Discord nodded his head confirming my thesis. Celestia regained her composure. The presence stopped a few meters away from the throne room doors, I could feel pony guards moving around, and then moving back twice as quickly. A guard in gold clad armor flew through the doors and rolled to the steps towards the thrones before finally stopping. A griffin walked into the room, she had purple feathers on the top of her head, she's wearing bronze clad armor, with leather pants and brown combat boots, on her bock is a Spartan-esk sword as well as Spartan shield. I moved to snap my fingers, until Rainbow Dash tackled me to the ground.

"Don't you dare!" She yelled into my ear. I looked up at her slightly, before shoving her off of me and pointing my sword at her, she stared down my blade looking into my eyes. She froze when she saw my intent to kill, I could visibly see her turn pale, before I sheathed my blade. Looking at the griffin, I called out to her.

"Why are you here Griffin? Was it not clear after your kind had failed their invasion last time to not fuck with my country?" I said to her. She looked directly at me, before kneeling to me. I looked down at her, as guards entered the room, I raised a hand signaling them to stop.

"My name is Gilda, sir. And I was wanting to join your ranks, if I may." Rainbow stood shocked, her friend was asking me to join my army, what was wrong with her?

"Why do you want to join his, and not the Equestrian Royal Army, Gilda?" She asked, disbelief in her eyes, as well as her voice.

"Because pony armies are weak, pathetic. But his army, he only used eleven soldiers to decimate the griffin invasion army, an that only took a few hours before the griffins had retreated." Gilda said. This had surprised Rainbow apparently. Did she not get told these things, or was she that ignorant about it all? "May I join your ranks, King Nova?" She stayed kneeling, looking up at me, I stared into her eyes, before snapping my fingers. and Boulder entered the room.

"Yes, however, you must prove yourself. Do you wish to join my army, or my Elite Guard? Be aware that the army is in the Crystal Caves along with my Hive. But the Elite Guard is stationed in a personal barracks here in the castle. Which will you choose?" I stated. Gilda looked me strait in the eye, and gave me an answer.

"Your Elite Guard. Sir!" She yelled. I placed a finger on the center of her chest, and pushed magical power into her, she then gained the same knowledge as the others. She became Number Eleven. She screamed in pain as she began to tremble, as soon as I as done however, Boulder caught her and held her gently. Gilda looked up at him, and I could feel a bond forming. I smiled at the spectacle before looking at Rainbow Dash, she was scowling at me. I looed back at her, a plain look and walked past her, seating myself in my throne. Gilda got her baring's, and soon she had a new weapon on her side, she was now wielding a Spartan shield and spear.

"You now can make a team as well as are capable of meeting with anyone. Dismissed." I stated, the two of them bowed and left the room. Looking at the others in the room, I nodded. "It would seem that the meeting will not be needed." The doors opened once more with Luna and Flame walking into the room. Flame smiled at me and ran up to me, but was stopped by Rainbow. Flame got scared and tears formed in her eyes. Luna picked up Flame, an took her to me. Flame held onto me tightly, glaring at Rainbow.

"What's wrong with her!? I was trying to keep her away from this...this...Monster!" She yelled.

"Because he's my daddy!" That made Rainbow recoil slightly before looking at me with disbelief. I nodded my head softly, looking down at Flame. "Well, he's not my biological daddy, but he's my daddy none the less!" She declared loudly, as if she was giving a speech. Rainbow looked at me with a scowl.

"So what exactly do you do for her hm?" She questioned. I looked at Rainbow, before smiling, I could feel she was being protective over Flame, even without knowing her.

"I make sue she is happy, safe, and loved, just like her all of her hundred other siblings. Would you like to spend the day with us?" I asked her with a smile on my face. Flame's eyes brightened and gasped, looking at Rainbow bouncing slightly.

"Please please please please please please!!!!!" She chanted loudly, causing Luna, Celestia and Discord to chuckle or giggle. Rainbow sighed and gave in.

"Fine! I will join you two-"

"Three, Flame, Luna and I are always together." I explained to Rainbow. She nodded before leaving the room. "Shall we go to the wedding?" She asked. All heads nodding. We had gotten into our dress cloths, Celestia stood looking down at Shinning and Cadance.

"I know pronounce you two hus-" She was cut off by the doors slamming open.

"Stop! That's not Princess Cadance!" I head Twilight say. I heard her friends groan and mutter a 'Not again...'. The I saw a second Cadance.

"She's a Changeling! They take the form of someone you love, and use you!" The 'real' Cadance explained.

The 'fake Cadance soon changed form into a black, tall bug alicorn pony. " I see, so you managed to get out of the crystal caves, but how?" The fake Cadance said. I cleared my voice drawing her attention to me.

"That would be my hive, they live there, and I was told ahead of time that something was going to happen in there, so I had a few of my guards stationed there. They had sent me information about bug-ponies. Now I know what they meant." I explained. Chrysalis -apparently the queen of the changelings- growled at me, before she froze.

"Did you say 'Hive'?" She questioned. I nodded my head staring her down as he smiled slightly. "I see, so you understand why I am invading?" She asked. I nodded my head, I remember reading up about them and learned they feed off of love. "Then you will most likely kill is all-" I cut her off by raising a hand, and shaking my head.

"No, I will outfight you nor your hive, however I have a proposition for you, and your Hive." I told her. She looked at me, eyeing me for trickery before nodding her head. I looked at Luna, who stared at me, she nodded her head slowly. I looked at her, and smiled softly. "You join my Hive." I explained. Chrysalis stared at me incredulously, before nodding her head gently.

"Am I becoming your mate now as well?" She asked. I went to answer until Luna beat me to it.

"Yes, however we will share, understand?" She said. I stood there with my mouth wide open, before Chrysalis kissed me softly, I kissed her back gently. Luna smiled and then joined in on the kiss. I was confused at what the fuck was happening, but I liked it!

"Thank you for solving this without violence, but what about the wedding?" Celestia stated. Cadance sighed in relief when she saw Shinning Armor return to normal, he was disoriented until she explained the situation, he understood very quickly. However, an explosion sounded off in part of the castle. Griffins rushed into the room wielding spears and swords. I watched as they started killing ponies left and right. I snarled until Discord called out my name.

"Nova! Take this! I made it for you as a present, sorry I'm a little late!" He yelled as he tossed me a large double-barreled pistol, the color was bright sky blue, the grip was midnight blue. A manic grin formed onto my face, and charged into battle, swinging my sword and shooting off rounds, it was going to be one hell of a party!

==================Preview of "The Wedding Part 3"==================

Griffins were dying left and right, until catapult's were sending rocks of fire at the castle and the city of Canterlot. I growled watching as innocent ponies, and changeling loves were being ended before their time. I pulled out my new pistol, dubbed 'Shooting tar' shooting griffins left and right, fury in my eyes, my grin replaced with a scowl, and behind me, is an injure Flame, with Luna and Chrysalis trying to calm her down, healing her slowly.

Author's Note:

There's the second part of three. See you later next time!