• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 9,041 Views, 207 Comments

The Fall of Twilight - Ephraim Blue

Twilight is banished from Equestria for commiting the three of the most horrible crimes: Robbery, Betrayal, and Attempted Murder

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Chapter 9 - Missing Harmony

Chapter 9 - Missing Harmony

Discord's Lair July 27th 1001

The mirror was broken. It wasn't picking anything up now. Yesterday it getting an interference. Now, it didn't work at all.

"This is why I don't steal from a hardware store," he said to himself. "Their stuff always breaks when you least expect it to."

He continued pacing around his little home of his. It was a nice place for a draconequus. It had a bathroom, game systems, internet access (whatever that is), and a comfy bed. Life for him in here was a dream. All he had to do was snap his fingers and whatever he wanted happened.

Well, almost anything anyway. The mirror failed to respond to whatever magic he tried to cast on it. That dratted mirror had some sort of magic spell on it, preventing it from working. he thought as he yawned and lay down in his bed. You can tell by the small, nearly invisible bits of purple magic flowing around it.

Wait, what?

Discord instantly sat upright. Looking closer at the mirror, he could tell that there were indeed small amounts of magical energy flowing around it. He snapped his fingers, not to try and make the mirror work again, but instead to reveal a casing of purple magic flowing around it now.

Now I see what is going on, he thought. Twilight Sparkle is interfering with my mirror.

Wait. Twilight Sparkle was banished and went out of Equestria yesterday. How is her magic affecting my equipment?

The world may never know...

Town of Grazil July 27th 1001

Its been an entire day since Twilight left Equestria. Her first thoughts that came to her when she left were: Great, just great. Right as I leave my country, I run out of food.

It made since too. She traveled a really long distance from Ponyville. It only wouldn't made since if she didn't eat within that time.

She continued along the dirt road down the mountain she was on toward a town named Grazil. It seemed like a nice place. Lots of ponies, griffins, and... yeah, this can't end well.

Continuing down the path, she reluctantly entered the town. Everypony stared at her the entire way. She walked through cautiously, watching everypony that gave her a so much as a slight glance.

At that point, she decided to keep her head down to avoid any conversations with strange ponies.

The entire thing reminded her of the time she entered Ponyville. She didn't want to talk to anypony unless the princess told her to do so.

The town's name was Grazil. It seemed like a strange name for the unicorn. But then again, all names in Equestria had pony puns. Except for Canterlot.

Proceeding through the old town, she came across a building with a sign that said: Town Hall.

Not wanting to be a stranger in the town any longer, she went inside to talk to the pony in charge. When she walked in, she saw that nopony was there except for a stallion that sat in the seat behind an official looking desk.

He looked up to see Twilight approaching the desk. "Hi there, miss," he said. "Its not everyday this town gets new visitors. I'm the mare of this town. Everypony calls me Looker. What can I help you with?"

"Umm," Twilight stumbled. "I've been traveling a long way. I don't have any bits on me and no way to get some. Is it all right if I can get a job here? At least until I have to move on out?"

"Sure thing missy. I just need to know your name, what job you want and where you came from."

"Okay. My name is Twilight Sparkle. I am from the town of Ponyville in the Land of Equestria, and I do not know what jobs there are, so can you inform me of what is available?"

"Sure. There is a job opening at the local bar for waitresses, bank pony, new librarian, and a new deputy. Those are the jobs available to a pony such as yourself, Twilight Sparkle."

"Well, I do have a nice talent for books, organizing and stuff like that. I think I'll take the job for librarian."

"Much abliged miss. By the way, did you say you were from the Land of Equestria?"


"Why did you leave such a nice place? I've been there many times to visit my family in Appleloosa."

"I didn't want to leave. I was banished for crimes I didn't commit."

"You were banished?!" he asked surprised. He sat there for a moment thinking about something before replying. "I have two things to say. One, I am sorry that you were banished. Two, I am also sorry that you will never be able to go home ever again."

"What do you mean by that?" Twilight asked him.

"What I mean to say, is that you will never be able to head back to Equestria ever again."

Ponyville July 27th 1001

The deal that Pinkie offered Chrysalis was a peculiar one. She offered to allow her to stay here and live in peace if she helped Twilight return to Equestria. This hardly seemed fair to her because Twilight had already left. Once a pony leaves Equestria, it very difficult to return.

She should know, too. It took her three days to get back.

But that is beside the point. What does matter is that she is able to survive. As long as she finds a way for the purple unicorn mare to get home, she would be able to survive from this century to the next.

That wasn't her biggest worry though. Her biggest fear was what Pinkie said she'd do if she didn't help.

It hurt to think about it.

This wasn't fair. She had no clue where to find anything that could help them find Twilight. She was bound to be past the boarder by now, so it would be pointless to try and find her before then.

Just then, she saw a flash of purple light out of the corner of her eye. This was strange. She slowly transformed into Crystal and went to investigate the light. As she approached the light, she saw something she would not believe from this century, or the next.

"Twilight Sparkle?" she asked. "What are you doing here?"

Town of Grazil July 27th 1001

"What do you mean? How can I never head back to Equestria?" Twilight asked with a huge face full of concern.

Looker simply replied: "Magic."

"What kind of Magic?"

"Barrier Magic. This magic is hard to cast and even harder to keep going. It was cast by Princess Celestia about 300 years ago."

"How has she been keeping it going for this long?"

"I don't know. Using all that magic would be enough to drain her unless she had another source. Back to the barrier, it is a special kind of one-way/two-way spell. It allows anypony from entering and exiting as long as they were wanted inside, but anything that leaves and isn't wanted, or banished in your case, is never allowed to pass as long as the spell is continuous."

Twilight stared at the floor in horror. She had never been permanently away from home before. She always visited, and met up with her folks, but this was unthinkable. What do I do now? she asked herself.

Somewhere, in her head, a voice replied: You make the best of it.

Discord's Lair July 27th 1001

Searching around his home, Discord could find no trace of anypony casting any magic spell. It was as if the unicorn casting it had appeared, cast a long-lasting spell, and vanished into thin air.

As long as the spell was active, he had to find his own way of spying on others. He could always hover above them and cause a little chaos, but rethinking about it, he realized that some might have noticed him and they would get away from him screaming.

As long as this keeps up, he thought to himself, I might as well search for the missing Elements of Harmony.

Ponyville Library July 27th 1001

Rainbow Dash was depressed about the tragic memories of Twilight having fun with all of her friends the other day. She felt like leaving the library and heading home, but Spike wasn't back yet and it wasn't near closing time. There was also the fact that she was Rainbow Dash! Fastest flier in all of Equestria! She wasn't going to let a memory get her down.

That is what she told herself for the rest of the day, knowing full well that it did bother her. She didn't let it show, but it did.

She returned the next day to see that the place was exactly like she remembered it. Dusty. Spike must have slept over with the crusaders the other day. Dash didn't mind. She sorta liked being alone in the library. It would give her time to read the new book of Daring Do.

Memories flooded her mind one again, but this time, she shook it off. She wasn't going to have another breakdown like she did yesterday. She sat down in the closet chair to where she was sitting and looked at the cover of the book. Daring Do and the Ends of the World, seemed like a very interesting book. She looked at the Spine and it said that this was the 13th book in the collection.

This disappointed Dash. She hadn't read the 12th book yet. Sighing, she got up and slowly moved herself to the 'series' shelf.

Picking up the 12th book, she went back to the seat. Upon opening the book, a letter fell out onto the floor. Curiously picking it up, she looked at it with suspicion. One side of the envelope had the opening and the other had nothing but three words.

To Rainbow Dash.

Author's Note:

I know I haven't updated for a few days, but I can assure you that I will try to do even better than before. I hope you like the new installment of this story and if you like this story, and you haven't already, leave a like and I will try to update again tomorrow.

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