• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 9,041 Views, 207 Comments

The Fall of Twilight - Ephraim Blue

Twilight is banished from Equestria for commiting the three of the most horrible crimes: Robbery, Betrayal, and Attempted Murder

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Chapter 30 - It Returns

Chapter 30 - It Returns

Canterlot Castle July 31st 1001

Celestia had troubles. Not the kind of troubles a princess usually went through, just emotional troubles.

Ever since she found out Discord had been released, she had looked for any way possible to get Twilight back from outside Equestria. She found nothing. The magical barrier prevented anypony from returning if they were banished.

She sat on her throne, doing nearly nothing except think. That was when a member of the royal guard burst in and announced something she never expected to hear at this time.

"Your Highness! I know this is unexpected, but...

...It has returned."

Celestia thought for a second before realizing what he was talking about. "Get Prince Shining Armor and Princess Cadence immediately!" she commanded. The guard left as quickly as he came and Celestia got paper and a quill.

"Spike, she said while writing on the paper. "Get the bearers of the Element of Harmony and bring them all to Canterlot. There is something I must discuss with you all."

She sent the letter using her magic and sat back on her throne. Why now? she thought. Of all the times it could happen, why now?

Ponyville July 31st 1001

Spike was through with trying to find a draconequus. First of all, there was only one in existence: Discord, master of chaos. Second, he could be anywhere in Equestria, and he would have to search it all just to try and find a single clue to where he might be.

So instead, he walked the streets of Ponyville, heading over to Rarity's workshop. He was right at the door when he felt a sensation in his stomach.

And guess what? That was also the same time Rarity decided to open the door to let him in.

She looked down and saw Spike holding his stomach. "Oh hello Spike. If you were going to regret eating something, you at least head someplace else then my boutique."


The letter came out of Spike's mouth and sacked Rarity in the face, making her scream.

"Spike! Why did you do that?"

"It's not my fault!" he complained. "I don't have much of a warning for when a letter comes!" He bent down and picked up and read the letter. Once he was finished reading it, he turned to Rarity. "We need to get Rainbow Dash and the others!"

"Why's that?" He showed her the letter. Her eyes widened when she finished. "Lets split up. I'll get Fluttershy and Applejack. You try and find Rainbow and Pinkie!"

"Got it!" he replied before the two of them ran off in different directions.

Later, On The Train Bound for Canterlot

"Is everypony here?" Rarity asked her friends.

"I'm here!" Rainbow called.

"So am Ah," Applejack said.

"Umm, I'm here..." Fluttershy said, her voice barely heard.

"Great. Pinkie Pie?" Rarity called.

Everypony there turned their heads toward an empty seat. "Where's Pinkie?" Applejack asked.

"You were supposed to get her, Spike!" Rarity said.

"Don't blame me!" he complained... again. "When I went to Sugar Cube Corner, Mr. and Mrs. Cake told me she hasn't been there for over two weeks!"

"Where do you suppose she could be?" Rainbow asked.

"Anywhere in Equestria would be my guess. She is Pinkie Pie."

"We can't worry about that right now," Rarity said. "Princess Celestia called us all to Canterlot to discuss something important. Whatever it is, she wouldn't call for us with such short notice if it was unimportant. Besides, she'll probably show up when we least expect it."

Outside Ponyville

Well, what did you expect? Pinkie isn't on the train, and she is determined to find out more about what is going on. So why wouldn't you expect her to be off the train and searching for clues.

She had a good helper too. Chrysalis was still in dept to Pinkie for keeping her identity a secret.

"You ready Chryssi?" Pinkie asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," she replied.

"Then lets go get Twilight back home."

Canterlot Castle

Rarity and the others arrived not a moment too soon. Princess Celestia was in the throne room waiting for them.

"Princess!" Rarity called. "We came as soon as we got the letter!"

"Thank you, My Little Ponies," she replied. "I'm glad that you're all here."

"What was it you wanted us for?" Rainbow asked.

"You see... the-" She paused, "Where's Pinkie Pie?"

"We couldn't find her," Rarity explained. "But what is it you needed us for?"

"Ah, yes. You see, one thing that I never expected to happen has happened...

...The Crystal Empire has returned!"

Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash all gasped! And then they all had a confused look on their face.

"Um, beggen your pardon, Princess," Applejack began, "but what is The Crystal Empire?"

"Hmm. I didn't expect you to know," she replied. "The Crystal Empire disappeared over 1000 years ago. And was once home to the Crystal Ponies."

"Did you say Crystal Ponies?" Rarity beamed.

"I did. They were a great empire before King Sombra came."

"K- King S- Sombra?" Fluttershy asked with her shaky voice.

"Yes. He ruled over the empire until me and my sister overthrew him using the Elements of Harmony. However, instead of just him vanishing, he cast a spell and made the entire empire vanish. And now, it has returned. And I fear that it isn't the only thing that has returned."

"You don't mean...?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes. That is why I've already sent Princess Cadence and Prince Shining Armor to The Crystal Empire. They need protection, and those two were the first immediate possible ways of protection. The second were you five."

"But without our elements," Rarity began, "we're powerless against any threat."

"No. You are all friends, and because of that, the power of friendship shall not fail you. Now go, find a way to defeat Sombra, and save The Crystal Empire from doom and destruction that he brings."

Grazil Library

Twilight and Graymayne weren't having much success with finding out who Va-Korum was. No history books ever mentioned him in any way, shape or form.

"Argh!" Twilight screamed. "This doesn't make any sense! How can there be no record possible of anypony by the name of Va-Korum? Whoever in the hoof that is!"

"I don't know," Graymayne said. "Perhaps Blue was just coming up with names in his sleep."

"No. Blue is one of the smartest ponies I've met ever since I've been banished. Besides, he's in a coma. Sleep is one thing, but a coma is another."

"Well what do you think we should do if we can't find out who Va-Korum is?"

Twilight sat for a minute, then grinned. "We find a way to help Blue."

Author's Note:

Hello, everyone who has read all the way up to this point. You already know who I am, so I won't bother you with introductions.

I have to tell all of you that I'm sorry for not updating for a long time. I've been busy with other projects, school, and real life. The last one is the worst. I have to say that coming up with ideas has been really hard, and it has infected my writing skills.

I also have to thank all of you for your support on this story. I had a whopping 85 likes and only 18 dislikes, as well as 93 Favorites when I finished this chapter! Seriously, thanks!

Also, I just reached 1000 views on this story! (not total) Thank you all again!

Hopefully, you will see me updating a lot faster in the future and I hopefully will have it finished before the contest is over. Wish me the best of luck, and I will see you later.

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