• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 9,041 Views, 207 Comments

The Fall of Twilight - Ephraim Blue

Twilight is banished from Equestria for commiting the three of the most horrible crimes: Robbery, Betrayal, and Attempted Murder

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Chapter 25 - Answers

Chapter 25 - Answers

Grazil Hospital July 31st 1001

Blue had warped them all back to the library. He told Twilight to carry the two of them to the hospital and tell the nurses that these two had gotten into a fight not to long ago. After that, he pushed the button on his watch and disappeared.

She did what he told her to. She especially told them about how Blue had accidentally gotten poisoned, and asked for their emergency treatment on him.

It had been about 12 hours since then. They had reappeared late at night, so it was morning again now. She was waiting for news on how one of them was doing. She figured that Blue was okay, since he knew when he was supposed to come back and help his past self. Truthfully, it was Graymayne she was worried about.

He had seemed calmer than she had ever seen him right before he passed out. And what he had said right before then was even more mysterious.

What was that spell that Blue cast? she thought. What did it do? Why did it calm Graymayne down? Why had Graymayne called me his sister?

These questions continued to form in her head until a nurse came along and began to talk to her.

"Miss Sparkle?" she called.

Twilight looked up. "Yes?"

"We are happy to tell you that yurt friend, Blue, is now going to be fine."

"What about Graymayne?"

"He is still resting. He is completely exhausted from what he went through. He should be up by noon."

"That's good to hear," Twilight sighed. "Is Blue able to take visitors?"

"I'm sorry, but he is asleep as well. We put him and Graymayne in the same room, so you can see them both when they wake up."

"Okay. I'll wait."

The nurse walked away, leaving Twilight in the waiting room.

Path Back To Ponyville July 31st 1001

"Well, this trip was a waste," Rainbow quietly said.

"You got that right," Spike agreed.

The three of them had found nothing about where Discord's lair is. Not even a small sign saying: 'Hey! Discord's this way!' That idea would be silly, but if they seriously found one, they would take it.

"Why did we even bother going on this trip?" Spike asked.

"Because 'Twilight' told Chrysalis to look for it," Rainbow answered. "This is ridiculous! We just so happen to see a Twilight, who is clearly banished, running around telling us to do stuff that would supposedly help her return home. Why would she need to know where Discord is if she can't get to him?"

"I don't know," Chrysalis said. "But I do know that this 'Twilight' said she'd be back at the library after three days. That's where we're headed."

"Well I hope we can get some answers out of her," Spike said.

"Me too..." Rainbow replied.

Grazil Hospital July 31st 1001

*Around Noon*

Twilight sat in the waiting room all morning. She didn't want to eat until she had at least gotten some answers to what had happened the other day.

The nurse came down the hall once again. "Miss twilight? You are allowed to see your friends now."

"Thank you," she replied as she followed the nurse down the hallway to their room.

When the door was opened, all was quiet. As soon as Twilight came in view of both the stallions, both of them shouted her name.

"Twilight!" they said at the same time.

Graymayne stopped talking and went back to his meal in front of him. Blue, however, continued speaking.

"Its nice to see that you waited all morning to see us," he said. "What you did back there was very brave."

"Thanks," she said.

"Oh yeah?" Graymayne challenged after swallowing the food in his mouth. "She wouldn't have stood a chance if you didn't cast that spell on me."

"Yeah..." Twilight agreed. "What was that spell, Blue?"

"That spell was a memory spell," he said. "Its a spell that brings old, forgotten memories back to the surface of your mind. Basically, it helps you remember what you had forgotten long ago, or something along the lines."

"What memory did you remind him of?"

"My family," Graymayne said, his head looking down at his hooves. "He reminded me about my family, who as he said, were truly not dead."

"What makes you say that?" Twilight asked.

"Because... Because you're my sister, Twilight."

Twilight just stood there in shock. "T- That's not possible," she said. "The only brother I have is Shining Armor."

"I never said that you were actually my sister," Graymayne reassured her. "I'm not from this reality. You're my sister from my reality."

"So, you're like Blue?"

"That's correct!" Blue said.

"Then why are you here?"

"My master, Discord, told me to find Blue and get information about The Doctor's whereabouts," Graymayne replied. "Once that was done, I was supposed to get rid of any evidence that pointed to me finding The Doctor."

"Why were you to find The Doctor?"

"Discord ordered it. I fought him once when I was a filly, but he beat me. After that, we tried to find any opportunity we could to attack him again. That chance popped up when I found out about Blue."

"Except," Blue interrupted. "Discord didn't know about who I was. If he did, he might have set me as an individual target for Graymayne. Good thing he didn't too. If he knew, then Graymayne would have gone after you, Twilight, just to get to me. Even without knowing you were his sister."

"So, if I'm his sister," Twilight began, "and if he isn't from this reality... Does that mean that there are other versions of me out there?"

"That's correct," Blue answered. "However, i expected you to already know that when you saw your memories."

"Oh," Twilight realized. "Right..."

"But that's not the point right now. Graymayne?"


"Will you tell us where Discord is now?"

"I thought that you already knew where he was by now," Graymayne answered. "You already seem to know a lot about me."

"I don't mean your Discord," Blue said. "I want to know where our Discord is."

"Oh, I'm truly sorry, but I don't know that."



"You don't know?" Blue asked.

"That's right," he replied.

"Why might that be?"

"Look, I appeared in his lair, but he teleported us to the edge of Equestria. Where he was is a complete mystery to me too."

"So you don't know where he is?" Blue asked.

"I just confirmed that, Blue."

"But you did see his lair, correct?"

"Yes," he said with a slightly sarcastic tone.

"Do you mind if we take a look at it?"

The two other unicorns in the room stared at him for a minute, before Twilight said: "What?"

"I asked him, not you, Twilight."

"How do you expect you do that?" Graymayne asked.

"Simple," he said. "I would like to take a look at the memory you have of the place."

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