• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 9,041 Views, 207 Comments

The Fall of Twilight - Ephraim Blue

Twilight is banished from Equestria for commiting the three of the most horrible crimes: Robbery, Betrayal, and Attempted Murder

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Chapter 17 - The Past that was Lost

Chapter 17 - The Past that was Lost

Past Ponyville Library July 18th 1001

Twilight stared at the two, very strangely acquainted ponies with a lot of concern. One of them wasn't even a pony, and she was claiming to know Blue for ruining her race's future.

"A long time?" Chrysalis seemed to scream. "Its been nearly two weeks since I last saw you, and you say its been a long time?"

"Yes," Blue replied swiftly. "Yes I do."

"And why is that?"

"I might tell you later."

"No Blue," Twilight said. "She has a right to know, and so do we. Why did you ruin her race's lifestyle? You and a certain 'Doctor' did theta to her not long ago. We had to fight her because of that."

"I know, but if we don't hurry, we wont know why Twilight brought us to this certain memory."

Everypony there stared at him blankly. "How did you know I brought us here?" Twilight asked.

"I'd tell you all now, but then we would miss out what was here wouldn't we?"

"Fair enough, but I still expect an explication later."


"Umm, I'm still here you know," Rainbow said from the opposite side of the memory.

"Ah, I did forget you were here, Rainbow Dash," Blue said. "Nice to meet you. My name is Blue."

"How did you know my name?" she asked. "I've never met you before today, and I'd certainly remember a name like yours."

"True, but I still wont tell you now. This is a story for later."


"Now, Twilight. Why did you take us to this memory?"

"This is the point where I lose my memories," she said.


"My mind is a blank from right around here to about 6 days from now. I came to find out what happened."

"So what is the last thing you remember?"

"Chrysalis, or Crystal as I knew her then, gave me a potion to drink and I passed out."

As she was speaking, the world around her changed. They were now in the basement if the library, watching Past Twilight drink the potion.

For a minute, nothing happened. Then, Past Twilight began heaving heavily, falling to her knees. She continued to breath heavily while another being entered the room.

"Bravo, Chrysalis Bravo!" Past Discord said to Past Chrysalis.

"Thank yourself," the changeling queen responded. "You were the one who gave me the potion. So what do we do now?"

"We?" Discord asked. "There was never any we."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that I used you. Right from the beginning moment I spoke to you, I was lying to get me out of my stone prison and wreak havoc against those who put me here."

Past Twilight was still struggling to stay awake. "Oh, I almost forgot about you, Twilight." He snapped his fingers, making Twilight jolt into the air. Snapping his fingers nice again, Twilight stood poon the floor, not wobbling the slightest.

"Now, Twilight," Past Discord began. "Be a dear, and hide the Elements of Harmony someplace where nopony can find them while I deal with Chrysalis here."

Past Discord disappeared, leaving Twilight all by her lonesome. Listening to the draconequus's words, she stumbled over toward the box that held the elements. While doing this, she also began to take steps away from the box, as if resisting Discord's spell.

Out of nowhere, a brown stallion appeared, seizing the box onto his back and running up the stairs. Past Twilight, who wouldn't dare allow the elements fall onto the wrong hands, seemed completely unaffected by the spell and ran up the stairs, only to see that the front door was opened.

Running out the door and into the street, she followed the stallion to a dark alleyway. Inside, she could see the stallion fiddling with a blue box. He opened it and new voices filled the air.

"Hey! Your back!" one of the voices said.

"Did you get the box?" another asked.

"I did," the brown stallion said. "I also brought this world's Twilight with me."

"Doctor, you know that that isn't safe!"

"Yes, but she followed me."

"Oh fiddlesticks," said a fourth voice.

"What do we do now?" asked a fifth.

"I'm not going anywhere near her," a sixth voice said. "Its weird enough having one egghead on this ship.

"I'm right here," said the second voice.


"We're going to talk to her," a vaguely familiar voice said.

"He's right!" said what was heard to be a younger voice of the previous one. "I mean, I'm right."

"We're going to talk to her, because I remember it happening," the older voice continued.

"All right. If you say so Blue."

Twilight and the others who were watching the scene unfold before their eyes turned directly to Blue.

"What?" he asked them. "That can't be me! This has never happened."

They all shrugged it off, continuing on with the memory. Now, standing not to far from Past Twilight, were 10 ponies. Six of them were Twilight and her friends. One was a grey pegasus mare standing next to the brown stallion who she had been chasing. The final two stood side by side. Both were a dark grey coloring, and they looked nearly identical. The difference between the two, was that one of them seemed older, taller, and had a different hairstyle. Both were unicorns, and the younger had flat orange hair, while the older had spiky orange and green hair.

This raised tension between the four ponies that were watching this even more, because they immediately recognized the older one as Blue.

We're sorry, Twilight, the Blue from the memory said. We have to take the Elements of Harmony. Don't worry though. I promise to have them safely returned to you.

The Twilight watching this was most disturbed by the fact that the Blue here didn't seem to be talking to Past Twilight. Instead, he was looking in the exact location Twilight was watching the scene unfold.

Nine of the ten ponies there went into the blue box. The older Blue, however, tapped his watch and disappeared from sight entirely.

The scene fell into darkness. Twilight couldn't bear to see anymore.

Author's Note:

Okay. There is the chapter. I certainly hope you have enjoyed it up to this point.

For those of you who are confused, I know you are eagerly awaiting to see what happens. But before that, I wish to know what you think is going on.

Twilight made an appearance in front of Chrysalis and Discord not to long ago. How do you think this is possible if Twilight was somewhere else at this time?

Blue is certainly a mysterious character. He disappeared from on front of Twilight completely a few chapters ago. How do you think he did that?

Tell me everything you think is going on. Who knows. It might be true...

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