• Published 2nd Mar 2014
  • 9,041 Views, 207 Comments

The Fall of Twilight - Ephraim Blue

Twilight is banished from Equestria for commiting the three of the most horrible crimes: Robbery, Betrayal, and Attempted Murder

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Chapter 16 - A Changeling Queen's Past

Chapter 16 - A Changeling Queen's Past

Past Ponyville July 15th 1001

"In your memories!?" asked a highly confused Rainbow Dash. "How is that possible?"

"Calm down, Rainbow," Twilight told her friend. "We wont get anywhere by panicking. I was practicing a spell when a large boom erupted and my magic went haywire."

"I heard that boom," Chrysalis stated. "That was Rainbow Dash doing her Sonic Rainboom. After it happened, I found myself in a huge hallway filled with nothing but doors."

"Same here," Rainbow Dash said. "What was that place and how did we get there?"

"The place where you were at were your memories," Twilight explained. "Red doors symbolized bad pastimes while blue doors symbolize good times."

"Two questions, Twilight," interrupted Rainbow. "One, what are gold doors for?"

"Those doors are doors that you are searching for. If you want to search for a certain memory of yours, you will be able to tell where it is and it will be marked as a gold door."

"Okay, but how do you know so much about that hallway? Have you been there before?" Chrysalis asked her.

"Hey! That was my second question!" Rainbow angrily said.

"That is what the spell I was casting was supposed to do," Twilight explained. "It takes one back into their own memories to search through them."

"Where did you learn this spell?" Chrysalis asked her. "This certainly wasn't a part of any spell book I read before."

"Me neither," Twilight confessed. "A new friend told it to me."

"Who is your new friend?" Rainbow asked.

"He should be here," Twilight said. She looked around, but saw nopony but the three of them. "I'm pretty sure he was effected by the spell too."

"Well, what's his name?" Chrysalis anxiously asked.

"His name is Blue."

Another Part of Past Ponyville Same Date

Blue was smart to slip away. He had just seen the one pony on all of Equestria that never wanted to see him again.

And she wasn't even a pony.

But, why go into details explaining it here, when I can torture you readers by making you wait for the story about my O.C. to come out? I know you don't have a good reason why I shouldn't, which is why I'm just going to continue with this story right now.

Blue knew Ponyville like the back of his hoof. This was where he first came when he was mysteriously transp-

...I'm doing it again aren't I? I almost gave out more info than needed about my O.C. I'm supposed to keep you readers on the edge of your little chairs about him guessing who he is.

Another thing. There you guys are, reading this story, while I'm breaking this freaking 4th wall of the story. I feel like that is just amazing. Do you guys like it? Or should I just get back to the story?

Yeah, your probably right. I should get back to the story.

Blue needed to find a clue about something. This place might have been the past, but it was also a memory. Meaning, that what happened here already happened, but might leave a clue for future reference.

He would have to face her sooner or later. However long that it would take, however, probably wouldn't be much time at all. If it was a memory that Twilight was looking for, than she would obviously go to a time where something would happen that she couldn't remember, or was looking for.

Almost as if on cue, the scenery changed. Instead of being in Ponyville, he was inside the Ponyville Library. Taking a quick look at the calendar, he saw that three full days had passed in the memory.

He was then greeted by a harsh voice behind him saying: "You."

Back To Twilight And The Others

"Did you say: "Blue?'" Chrysalis asked.

"Yeah," replied Twilight. "Why? Do you know him?"

"I'm confused," Rainbow Dash said. "Who's 'Blue?' And what kind of name is that anyway?"

"Yes I know him," Chrysalis replied. "He helped ruined my life."

"What? How did he do that?" Twilight asked.

"It was another time," she said. "The reason why changelings never seemed to exist before your brother's wedding is because they didn't."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that my race never existed in the past. We are creatures from the future."

"What are you talking about?"

"Aren't you listening? I said we are from the future! Next time, listen before bursting out to conclusions!"

Twilight and Rainbow nodded on understanding. They stayed quiet for the rest of the story.

"Good," Chrysalis said before continuing. "Changelings were peaceful in our time. We lived alongside ponies in harmony. All was peaceful, until a strange blue box appeared one day. The box was nothing like we had ever seen before. It was small, and seemed to appear out of thin air. The words on the top of the box read: Police Public Call Box."

"Without warning, the box suddenly opened up to reveal a brown stallion with a bushy brown mane, and a grey unicorn with a flat, orange mane, and a blue watch on his front left hoof. This was extremely strange, because that box was too small to fit both of them inside. My changelings and I greeted them as we did all travelers. When they saw who greeted them, they both immediately ran back into the box and shut the doors."

"We were highly offended, but we let them be. They stayed in the box for what seemed like days. Probably because it was. When they finally did come out, they weren't the same as the first time they exited. They came out running for their lives. They ran directly past us, stole a priceless and irreplaceable object, and ran back inside their box. As you probably could tell, we were angry with them and attacked the box they were in. Without warning, the light at the top of the box glowed brighter and brighter. It grew so bright, me and my changeling hive shielded our eyes to the light."

"When we adjusted, we weren't in the same area as before. We were in a small forest just a few miles away from the mountain that Canterlot Castle rested upon. The box was next to us, with the doors open and both of them standing in the doorway."

"The brown one said: 'Chrysalis! You have committed crimes against Equestria. By the rule of Princess Celestia, I hereby sentence you to exile for those crimes.'"

"I quickly replied: 'Halt! We wish to know who dares to commit a crime to us! Who are you two!'"

"He replied back: 'We are the guardians of this world. Past, Present, or Future, we will protect the world. Tremble in fear before me, The Doctor, and his companion: Blue!'"

"Without another word, they retreated onto the box, which soon after doing so, disappeared. We vowed that day, that we would get our revenge on all ponies that stood in the way of our goal."

Having finished her story, Twilight and Rainbow got up. "That was certainly an interesting story," Twilight said.

"What do we do now?" asked Rainbow.

"Well." Twilight began, "I wanted to come here to find out where I hid the Elements of Harmony, and to find out what happened those days."

"How do you suppose we look?"

"Actually, what I want to see doesn't happen for another three days."

"WHAT?!" Rainbow exclaimed.

"Don't worry, Rainbow Dash," Twilight reassured her. "These are my memories. I should be able to adjust them to what I want them to be."

She closed her eyes and concentrated on three days after the day they were on. When she opened her eyes, she saw the library around her.

Chrysalis was the first to speak up. "You," she said.

Twilight turned in the direction she was facing to see Blue standing in front of a calendar. He turned slowly, and said: "Hi there, Chrysalis. Lone time no see."

Author's Note:

And yet another mostly dialogue chapter. Oh well. Its already been done and I don't want to do it again.

Hope you enjoyed, and I might see you people in the next chapter.

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