• Published 3rd Mar 2014
  • 6,372 Views, 216 Comments

"Have we been Foal'd?" - RealityWarper

Two best friends waking up as foals. Not a good way to start the day, but at least they atleast had magic!

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"Have we been Foal'd?"

Chapter One: "Wut?"

"Ugh..." Yup, that's how I started every morning. Honestly I hated getting up, but I had a job to get to. I didn't have a choice. The food didn't get to the table on it's own you know. My conscience drifted in and out of the awakening world, destroying my content state. Where I was once so tantalizingly worshiping rest I now sought to awake my sorry self from sleeping. Yawning I turned over sleepily. I had to get up Drew too. So many things to do and so little time. Sighing I resigned myself to getting up, laying on my belly wasn't doing anything but hindering my breathing anyhow. I slowly forced open my eyes, only to notice several things.

Number one, the place was so radiant that my poor poor eyes couldn't adjust without burning my freaking eyes, forcing my pupils to shrink painfully.

Number two, last time I checked, I wasn't sleeping outside, so why is it so bright in the first place? I glanced around, bright indeed. Unnaturally so. I know I didn't go to sleep outside because I spent my day raging in World of Warcraft, those people didn't know how to turn in a flag for anything! Er, back on track...

Number three, I seemed to be in a house that wasn't my own, not only that but there seemed to be these huge towering bars of wood blocking my way out. I recognized that they looked like crib bars. I was just gonna call it a crib so I can use a bad pun at a later time. Somewhere along the lines of "Welcome to my crib yo!" Keeping a calm mind, I decided not to panic yet, panicking always came after accessing the situation at hand. Speaking of, I couldn't seem to feel my fingers. Probably fell asleep, so I just dismissed it.

Number four, everything seemed to be MUCH larger, intimidatingly so. I didn't like this at all.

I noticed a lot of things, but what picked up on my attention the most, was the little baby horse in then other part of the crib apart from me. What's even weirder is that it didn't seem much...bigger....

Than I was.

Well, uh. Crap.

Reluctantly I glanced down at my 'hands', only to find they had been replaced by hooves. These weren't my hands...


I began to hyperventilate. My vision became foggy, I knew then at that moment I had to stop the panic attack. So it was then I took a long, deep breath, and calmly sighed. Okay, I had more on my plate to figure out. I swear, this better not end up like the last time. I'd never live that down. No matter what all my friends and neighbor say, last time it wasn't my fault, my drink was spiked! And that lady was begging to be hit with a cake in the face! And the elephants... Oh god, the elephants. Drew wouldn't ever let me live it down. How does a monkey even have an elephant friend!? My thoughts were then interrupted by a sound.

"Ugh..." Huh, I knew that groan anywhere. It was like my own, it was Drew! But that meant he was just now awakening, and the only thing near me was that other baby horse- Er, foal if my terminology is correct. Meaning, Drew was that other foal. The foal looked familiar. Very much so. Like it came from somewhere...My Little Pony? But, who? It didn't matter at the moment, I knew one thing. Drew was in this situation with me.

Good, I wouldn't suffer alone.

What? Misery loves company!

It took me a minute, but I had realized something, screw hands! I was a pony! And part of the Equestrian Universe! I'd go home, probably. But first, I was gonna have some fun! After all, it's not everyday you wake up in a new world! Where there's magic! I crawled over to him, it was easy. After all, all I was doing was crawling. I decided to gently poke Drew, who peeked open an eye before closing it again and promptly ignoring me. I stood there for a minute, waiting.

The foal made no more attempts to arouse itself out of sleep. Yeah, that was Drew for you. Unlike me, he wouldn't get up, when it was time to, which is why I wake both of us up. If I don't no one ever will. I decided to initiate our morning ritual, I began awakening him.



That was the sound of me ruthlessly punching his side with my hoof, waking him with a violent start to his soon to be rather long day.

"Ugh, whhhhhhhhyy?" My friend cried in his new high-pitched ear-torture inducing merciless voice. "It's called a gentle nudge, you should try it some time!" He tried to give me a dirty look, which failed because of two reasons. One, he was my best friend. I'd know what he would and would not do. Two, come on... A pony trying to give some one the stink eye? Not very intimidating. A looks of realization spread upon his cute little pony face.

"Dude...are you..." I awaited his no doubt unavoidable words of 'Pony'. "Pumpkin Cake?" Wait.


"Yeah." He said as if telling someone the sky was blue, or that humans were real.

"Well...this isn't good. This isn't good at all...Nah who am I kidding we'll be out these bodies and into our old ones by midnight." I casually dismissed. My friend looked at me strangely.

"Does this mean that I'm Pound Cake?" He asked cautiously. I couldn't blame the guy, I'd be sad too if I didn't get magic. But he could fly, that counted, right?

Wait, Hold on.

I had magic?


I glanced to up to look at my horn, going cross-eyed because of it. I reached up and put a hoof to my look protruding magical pole. Not like that you perverts. I could do MAGIC! And, I was a foal! Making it easy to learn magic! And I guess it should be easy because well, that one episode Pumpkin freaking magic easy! I did however note the sour look my friend gave me.

"Uh, oh uh, I mean uh, yeah you're Pound Cake. You've got wings dude!" I exclaimed. He didn't look very impressed, he looked like he had been cheated. But then cheered up as soon as he thought about it, he was grateful he didn't turn into Applebloom or something. He'd been pissed then. He hunched over, easily finding his wing muscles and began flexing them. His tiny wings twitched quickly, seemingly the control of the two foals magic was rather easy. I smiled evilly. We had magic, this was awesome. Time to cause some chaos. I looked around, it was rather bright, but that was because a light was on in the room. A quick glance at the window told me it was dark, but it was still rather bright for being night time. Perks of having the sun and moon under your control I guess. I looked at the clock across the room, narrowing my eyes to see further. It was passed midnight. Did they turn the lights on for us? Wasn't likely us seeing as we were passed out a few moments ago.

The time said it was one a.m, this meant we had been passed out for awhile seeing as me and Drew had been playing World of Warcraft prior to this. We had fallen asleep around eleven 'o clock. I turned back to my best friend. time to have some fun.

"Alright dude, as you know we are cute little baby ponies. And we are POWERFUL!" I roared, which in most opinions would just be cute. He nodded at my conclusion. "We need to figure out how to use our powers for greed!" He looked at me strangely.

"What?" Once again, he failed to be impressed with my poor example of what a good person should be like. I tried to shrug, and managed it. Drew looked awed. "We're small foals, not like we expect to use them for something else. Besides, if this wont last forever I'm gonna make the best use of it damnit!" Now he looked appalled by my language as a tiny cute horsie.

"Dude, so not cool." He shook his head disapprovingly. I sighed.

"Fine, fine. No more potty mouthing...I make no promises but I'll try." I warned him. He shrugged, surprising himself for a moment. He quickly got over it. I glanced around once more. Time to go for some more fun. You couldn't just have one area for fun after all! You had to have it everywhere! And we have time on our hands! Yes, hands. Because I refuse to confuse myself for when I get back to our world...Well, guess I should, just incase.

"Hey, it's time to bust out this prison." I said waving a hoof to my partner in crime. He raised a brow.

"And go where?" He questioned.

I shrugged.

"Anywhere but here." Thus began my awesome plan.

"How will we be getting out?" I rolled my eyes. Silly Drew, that was easy.

"MAGIC!" I exclaimed madly. He face-hooved. Of course, how didn't he know?

"Forgot about that." He voiced rather dryly. I grinned. Immediately, he launched up seemingly to rather easily control his wings, the magic in this world dominating the merciless bitch known as gravity. Being so small there was almost nothing to it. A wide grin spread across his face, like it grew and grew, he looked freaking happy. And I sat there, awed as he single handedly gave all the logic in the world a big 'Fuck you'! He crosses his- err, forearms? Yes, that. He crossed his forearms triumphantly.

"AWWWW YEAH, WHO'S AWESOME!?" He exclaimed. Woah there, careful. Don't want your ego swelling up like another Pegasus we know. Though I had to admit, this was rather awesome, he had to be having the time of his life. I could tell not only by the large grin, but the zooming around the room he was doing at a neck break pace. I glanced up at my horn, I grinned. I could fly too, I just needed to know how. But for now I watched him fly across the room excited.

After a few minutes of non-stop movement on his part, he eventually glided on back down to me still smiling.

"I think it's your turn! Not caring if I didn't get super magic like you. This is epic." He posed rather dramatically, I rolled my eyes. Time to show him what unicorn-wizards could do!

Focusing rather hard on wanting to fly like my best bro did, I suddenly felt light, like a feather. I looked down at my hoof to see that it had been engulfed with a pink glow of energy. Awww yeah, I could now perform lobotomy with telekinetic psychology! I levitated slowly off the bed, and into the air.

"Aww yeah man! You've got the power!" Drew cheered at me. I thought about it for a second.

"You're right my friend. I do have the power..." I paused. Then began to cackle evilly. Lashing out my magic at all the objects in the room and began lifting them with my telekinetic prowess. "I have ALL THE POWER IN THE WORLD!" Right after I sent jets of fire in a tri-formation, one out of each out-stretched fore hoof, and tilted of my head and sending fire from there too, setting the floor and anything caught with it on fire. Which then got caught everything, of course. Nothing in the room was safe except my bro, who grinned at my enthusiasm. For he too knew what must be done! He flew next to me cackling along with me.

"MUWHAHAHAHA!" We cackled together, loud enough to wake the dead. This was because I used a spell to amplify our lungs and give them an echo. Everything was dark, except the light of the fire which kept the dark outside at bay. I was pretty sure we had fangs at that moment.

"What's going on here?"

Uh oh.

Right in the doorway was Pinkie Pie herself, looking at us with a downright shocked and fearful face.

Me and Drew looked at each other.

"Busted." "Busted." We said together.