• Published 3rd Mar 2014
  • 6,373 Views, 216 Comments

"Have we been Foal'd?" - RealityWarper

Two best friends waking up as foals. Not a good way to start the day, but at least they atleast had magic!

  • ...


Author's Note:

I'll try to update more. I have computer problems, and the death I thought I was over resurfaced.


My world was spinning, though more or less it was Pinkie's world, the point is, my head was hurting as I tried to fathom what Pinkie was saying, her trailing off made us sound like we had died, though if that was the cause, there's no way we would be standing- sitting, whatever, like we currently were. I know that it wasn't real. It couldn't be. She said that we were dead, or she was fixing to. For a split second I actually wondered if I was dead, but that split second was exactly as it stated, a millisecond.

Wait, was that a millisecond? Eh, I digress.

The point being, I couldn't grasp anything of what was happening. But something then rang in my head, a not too distant memory.

It seemed quite impossible, but we did it. We brought back the two from the dead. But it came at a cost. We lost-

What did they lose? No.

Who did they lose?

Who were 'the two'? No, I knew. But I didn't want to believe. But during all this, I questioned.

Who were 'they'? Or 'We'?

So many questions, not enough time. Actually, I had the time. I just didn't want to deal with this bull-

"If he is, that'd be so great..." Pinkie lowered her head to the ground slightly. "It's been so long..." Pinkie stared at the ground, her eyes hazed with sadness and emotional agony. I couldn't stand to see Pinkie like this, so I walked over, and wrapped my hooves around her tummy, nuzzling her.

Pinkie Pie looked briefly surprised, before a grin spread across her face. "But I have you two! I wonder if Mrs.Cake will be here...She'd be happy to see him. But not in this old dirty place!" I internally agreed with her, I know I wouldn't wanna be in this creepy dusty place. Pinkie's eyes turned to Drew.

Or where Drew should have been...

I felt blood run cold, coursing the icy feeling through my veins as a feeling of foreboding ripped through me and made my spine shiver, my eyes widened violently as I felt a the blast of air from the door leading to the dank hallway.

The door that was supposed to be closed.

The door leading into whatever Drew was talking about, that may await us out there. And speaking of Drew...

Where was he?

I wasn't the only one who wondered that, as the pupil dilated fearful Pinkie gazed out into the hallway with terror, it only took us a few seconds to put together Drew had gone out that door.

Without a light, I know because his light was sitting at the door, thankfully it's contents were kept inside. That however, didn't help Drew's disappearance stunt.

"Drew! Where'd you go!?" I called out into the dusty hallway.

Silence was my only answer. I slowly glanced to Pinkie to see how she was holding up at the moment.

"Pound Cake?..." Apparently not very well.

Pinkie wasn't looking good, she was hyperventilating harshly, her pupils were looking like pinpricks, her coat started to show signs of sweat, her mane was flat, which I didn't even here the sound for, it just happened. Her body was shivering hard, and her eyes looked slightly teary. "POUND CAKE!"

Pinkie's head whipped to me so fast that I jumped, I was pretty sure she should have gotten whiplash.

"DON'T MOVE PUMPKIN!" Her tone was forceful, and very angry. I'm pretty sure I heard a growl in there. Making me wince, though I don't think it was aimed toward me. "Please...don't go..." She sounded pitiful, sorrowful, as she kept glancing back and forth at the door, and myself. She seemed torn in going after Drew, and staying with me. I'd prefer for her to go after Drew with me, but we can't blindly rush in without a plan. Not that she was going to try to reason with a baby.


Pinkie and I whipped our heads back to the hallway.

The rooms light didn't even reach the hallway- no, corridor, it was a pitch black void almost, but with the lamp sitting there, lit, it we managed to see something. Something was rushing towards us all the way from the other side of the corridor, and when I say rushing, I mean rushing. It was moving so fast, shuffling towards us at an abnormal rate. I found myself with a hope in my heart it was Drew trying to run back over to us, but due to the view point I wasn't very well able to see what exactly was the size of the spec that coming at us.

Soon, my hope was squashed as the figure got closer, it was unusually big, and what was worse was it was coming at us like a freight train. The corridor was pretty darn long for it to be running at us from that far and still not be here, but as I realized exactly how long the hall was, I realized exactly the speed that thing was traveling at.

It could have passed for Rainbow Dash.

On hooves.

I tensed as knocked over a light in the hall, that was way far down, illuminating it slightly, just allowing me to see what the hell was coming at us.

I was pretty sure my heart stopped at that moment.

It was damn near the size of the floorboards to the ceiling, it's eyes were as dark as the void and was running at us at unbelievable speeds, the god damn floor was shaking, I could feel the vibrations making me wobble, it was HUGE. I had to close the door-

P L A Y W I T H U S! ! ! ! ! !

It wasn't a voice, it was words, white words, clearly flashing before my vision, in and out appearing nonstop with the force of a thousand gods, I could see it vividly as if it was actually there, the ringing in my ears never stopped either, my vision was shaking like a coffee addict with a camera, making me fall side ways head first, giving me a further migrane, and still able to see the monster coming towards us, I couldn't hear anything over the ringing and roaring of the monster quickly making it's way down the corridor to get us.

In short, this is what I heard, including Pinkie's on exclamation.

"OHDEARCELSTIAWHATISTHAT" GRAWRRR! Ringing, screaming, roaring, and shaking.