• Published 3rd Mar 2014
  • 6,372 Views, 216 Comments

"Have we been Foal'd?" - RealityWarper

Two best friends waking up as foals. Not a good way to start the day, but at least they atleast had magic!

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"Have we been Foal'd?

Chapter Four: "BITCHIN'!"

There was nothing, there had never been anything, there never would be anything. Here, lied only darkness. Darkness further than the eye could see. Wider than the mind could comprehend. Not unlike space.

Here, for miles, there was but darkness, where my small body floated. I saw nothing, and knew I never would. I was a creature of darkness too right?

Here, was the void. There was nothing to be found in the void. Just more darkness.

Here in the void, there was no light. No light can escape a black hole. That was void, that was void magic. Here there was nothing. Being here is the same as not existing.

As I floated on for what seemed to be an eternity, I paused as I spotted something.

I had spotted something, in the void.


Yet, there before me, hovering in the void ,was a mirror.

What is this sorcery?

I glided onward to it, wanting to see if the mirror was real. Maybe I could see myself? How did I know what a mirror was? So many questions...Maybe this mirror can answer me? Or at least my questions.

As I peered into the mirror, I found myself just gazing at it. It seemed to not show my reflection.

Did this mirror work?

For some reason that sounded rather silly.

But the question still stood if it worked or not?

I extended my hoof out at the mirror, touching it. Maybe something would happen?

The feeling of something on my hoof felt foreign, it seems like it had been forever since the last time I had physical contact with anything. The mirror's surface was smooth, just as it should be. After all it was just a mirror. Suddenly, a light flashed from the mirror!

The light shun brightly, holding even the dark void at bay somehow, I floated infront of the mirror with a confused looked. I didn't understand how that was even possible. The mirror never stopped shining. It just kept glowing, I felt as if the answers lied with that mirror, within that light.


I needed some light shed upon my situation.

As I had glided further to the mirror, I saw my reflection.

There, was a foal. A foal that was a deep purple. My pupils were a neon white. While my sclera was composed of a completely dark shade of black. My eye color however was also a neon white. My mane color was a completely solid black, and ethereal. Just floating.

As I pressed my hoof against the mirror, I gazed at it harder, it had to have the answers, right?

As I gazed harder, as if truly expecting something. And something did.


Suddenly, wind whipped all around me, even my mane blew backwards, the wind coming from the mirror was strange. But when I looked at the mirror, I no longer saw the odd little foal, but another. I knew who it was.

It was me, but it wasn't. That was Pumpkin Cake.

Behind Pumpkin Cake, there was what seemed to be a realm of endless magic, blue as far as I could see. The place itself seemed as if anything that had to breath in it, would breath magic. But it wasn't just regular magic there. There were so many realms I could see, behind Pumpkin Cake, there were different realms with endless magic. Dark magic, light magic, chaos magic, all of them, any sort of magic I could think of was there behind her in endless supply. Where she was, it was black, like my place. But it seemed more like space than the void. But behind her were galaxies, composed of endless magic.

Pumpkin Cake smiled at me, she waved as if seeing a friend she hadn't seen in a long time. I was a creature of the dark, but I was also lonely in this dark endless place. I reached out the Pumpkin Cake, wanting a friend after all this time.

The mirror cracked. Then there was a flash of pink magic. Reminding me of something...

Wait, where was I?

I snapped my eyes open, gasping for air as I had awoke.

"Whoa, that was freaky." I muttered, I didn't really get it. Maybe it was some sort of message. Or maybe that ice cream I at last night had been sprinkled with mushrooms...Then again, ice cream from hallucinations can't do that.

Well, better get prepared to get up Drew so we could get to work.

Only to find I was in a crib.

Crap, that wasn't a dream then.

The strange thing though, was that I could feel the link. All that magic in one place was beautiful, a true work of art. Something that a human could never obtain. Peering around the room, I looked for Drew who was already woke with a pondering expression. I smiled.

"Hey Drew." I greeted with a smile. He glanced over at me, a small smile on his thoughtful face.

"Yo." He waved a hoof toward me, which I returned the gesture back.

As I looked around the room, I noticed it was bright.And not because the light in our room was on.The windows let in luminescence too, bathing us in the warm sunlight. Meaning it was the morning. I confirmed this by looking at the clock, according to it, it was Ten A.M. That probably meant that Mrs.Cake and Mr.Cake would be up soon. Speaking of Mr.Cake I hadn't seen him last night. Odd. I turned to Drew to say something to him, when I noticed he was already staring at me. I leaned back a little freaked.

"Whoa, what's up dude?" Drew blinked seeing he was caught, but merely shook his head.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about the dream I had." He told me softly. Wow, it must have had a real impact.

Wait. Drew was up before me?

What is this sorcery?

Before I could turn around and begin assaulting him with words and accuse him of not being Drew, the door to our room opened. And in walked in Mrs.Cake and Pinkie Pie.

"Morning you two!" She sung out in a sing along tune. Wow, she had a good singing voice. Then again, almost everyone in Equestria did, so I really shouldn't be too surprised. "Mommy is here to take you downstairs to get something to eat, then we can take a walk in the park! How does that sound?" She asked us with a smile upon her muzzle. Our cheers answered her as we were eager to get something to eat and get outside.

"I even got some cupcakes downstairs for you two! But you have to wait until lunch!" WHAT!? WAIT UNTIL LUNCH FOR ONE OF PINKIE'S CUPCAKES!?

The world isn't fair.

Then again, I'm here in Equestria. so the world is more than fair to me.

Drew looked like he shared my opinion, then again Drew always had my back. He looked a little spooked by something though. Pinkie Pie trotted over and picked us both up with her teeth, gently tossing us on her back. Where we cheered once more. For different reasons than she thought.

We were freaking riding Pinkie Pie. Who else could say they did that?

Wait, that came out wrong.

I started to drool as I thought about food, I could always eat more food. Pinkie Pie glanced back at us. Whoa, that's a flexible neck. She smiled at us, seemingly more cheery than last night. Much actually.

"Somepony must be hungry!" Drew was more thoughtful than anything else.

"No but seriously dude, that's wrong with you?" I asked as we reached the bottom of the stairs. He shook his head.

"I told you it's just about that dream." He assured me, I frowned though. That had to be a seriously bad dream. I rubbed my chin thoughtfully with a hoof. The scent of pancakes flooded my nose and both my and Drew's attention snapped to the food infront of us. There was pancakes, muffins and some porridge. Hell, in the corner of my vision I spotted something else.

It looked like...gray meat?

It was bacon!

They even had artificial bacon!


My mouth was watering as I looked at all the food before me. But I felt like there was something missing.

Where was Mr.Cake?

I looked around, not finding him I turned to Mrs.Cake.

"Daddy!" I squealed trying to peel information from them. Mrs.Cake winced.

"Uhh, Daddy went on a trip for awhile." She explained hastily. I blinked. Wow, he left without saying good bye. GG. Well, I'd worry about it later.

She sat me at my baby feeding chair.

Wait, what?

I could feed myself!

"Here comes to Chu Chu train!" Mrs.Cake exclaimed, making stupid sound effects with her mouth using the spoon. Porridge was upon thy spoon.


I had knocked the spoon out of Mrs.Cake's hoof.

"No!" I exclaimed, folding my arms and pouting with a frown. Mrs.Cake picked up the spoon from the table. Rubbing her head with a hoof looking confused.

"What's the matter my little angel? Don't you like porridge?" She asked. I felt bad for slapping the spoon out her hand now. But I could eat my own self!-

With my hooves. That I didn't know how to use.


Reluctantly I opened my mouth. Mrs.Cake gently spoon fed me the porridge. I swallowed the porridge. That strangely tasted like blue berry oatmeal.

Not bad.

A whole bowl of porridge later, I was full. But not full enough to not eat that bacon. I think there was something in that porridge. It was a lot more filling than it should have been. Chuck it up to magic maybe. That seems to always be the answer around here. Mrs. Cake had gone to grab the stroller.

"Hey Daniel?" Huh, Drew called me. Probably should answer back.

"Yeah Drew?" I asked curiously. He shifted for a second.

"Do you want to go home?" Oh, that's what he was worried about?

"Well, I'm unsure how to answer that." I replied truthfully. I really didn't know what I'd like to do.

"Oh, okay." He deflated. Aww, didn't like to see him like this.

"That's for future Drew and Daniel to worry about. Not ours." I smiled at him, he needed to get with the program. I was gonna milk this for all it's worth.

He nodded, appreciatively. Well, with that out the way there was only one thing to do. EAT THE BACON BRAH!

I levitated the bacon to me with my magic and ate the whole thing in one go. Oh god, it even had the grease taste! Without the actual grease! I grinned widely and Drew rolled his eyes.

"Well I think that counts as cannibalism, because you sure are a pig." He quipped at me, the hypocrite.

I snorted at him, if only to prove his point. He snickered at me.

"Oink oink fatty." He quipped again. I rolled my eyes.

"Look who's talking, fatty fatty two by four can't fit through the kitchen door!" I grinned after my rather bad joke. It was his turn to roll his eyes. It was then that Mrs.Cake returned with the strollers. She wiped both out faces clean with a napkin, then put us in said stroller. Pinkie Pie gave us both a pair of sunglasses for the bright sun. I felt like a bad ass. Someone else moving me, feeding me, and I get sunglasses and get to be with my best friend the whole time. I AM A KING!

We then journeyed out the door, and into the outside work.

"Here we come Equestria!"