• Published 3rd Mar 2014
  • 6,373 Views, 216 Comments

"Have we been Foal'd?" - RealityWarper

Two best friends waking up as foals. Not a good way to start the day, but at least they atleast had magic!

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"How are we going to actually get home?"

"Have we been Foal'd?"

Chapter 8: "How are we going to actually get home?"

So here I am, next to Drew. We're just chilling out here, in our crib. Literally. We've been here for quite a long time now. About fifty seconds to be exact. Why do I feel like it's been like two years or something? Ah, whatever. I literally have no idea what's going on right now. What I do know, was that I'd waken up from a strange dream. I was currently soaking in the atmosphere of being a child again. Sorta. Nothing would ever bring back that child like wonder. Well, we were in a pony world. Curiosity could be had, I suppose. Then came the dejected voice of Drew.


"Yeah, Drew?"

"How are we going to actually get home?" If only I knew how to answer that question.

"Dunno, man. Dunno. We'll work on that." I turned my head to the window. It was still bright out, I could see ponies hustling and bustling through the streets of Ponyville. We'd been sitting here after coming from an outside stroller walk with Pinkie. She'd been baking something, and decided while she was waiting a nice walk would help her past the time. Since she was our sitter, she couldn't very well leave us in the house. Not that I think she'd want to anyway. It's been awhile though, we've yet to see Mr. Cake. We've been here for about a month without causing trouble. The regular had been happening. We'd eat, sit around, shit and or piss ourselves, and sit in our cribs. We'd stopped using magic, or flying. Or really, anything fun. Ironically, I think she was getting worried about us, Mrs. Cake that is. We've been extremely silent, for children. For all purposes, this was real. We'd need to stay low key. Going out and randomly doing stupid stuff wouldn't help us find our way back.

Truth is though, the only reason we're trying to get back is because we still had friends and family. Sure, all this was fun but I still had a life to get to. Maybe this one was better, I'd get to restart, but the smiling faces of friends and family was much too painful to take anymore. At least I have Drew. I miss hearing the sound of my friends laughing, or going places. Or them trying to help us get our shit together. Now, it wasn't like that. Now it was the same thing, over and over without stopping. It was starting to get boring. Plus, we haven't had bacon since we've been here.

It was blasphemy.

"We've been 'working' on it for a whole month now. I miss our friends." Drew was guilt tripping me pretty hard, but we were always in sync. "We haven't even managed to get some meat." As I said, always in sync.

"Hey man, I miss them too. Look, I don't have the answers to everything. I've been trying too just like you! I miss chomping bacon too! I'm going on a withdrawal here!" I glared at my best friend, I could tell the general direction of this situation but he was making me out to be some sorta bad guy. I feel just as bad!

"Oh yeah? Why don't you use that magical horn of yours and whisk us away with a portal back home!? Or at least make some bacon!" Scowling, I jabbed him in the chest with my hoof.

"Because wishing upon a star, my horn, or magic, won't suddenly take us home! Or give us bacon! There are limitless dimensions! The possibilities go on, I can't even begin to name them all! Besides, you know I don't know how to conjure! Hell, I can't even remember how to use most my magic! I'm starting to get tired of tofu bacon too. It taste sorta similiar, but it doesn't quite fit. Actually, now that I think about it... Why would they have the idea of bacon, or even a clue of what it would taste like?" Drew began regaining his composure, frowned and turned away from me.

"Whatever." Drew sulked, glaring heatedly at the door like it was it's fault we were currently here. I ran my hoof through my mane, a scowl etched upon my pony face.

"Look, we can bitch, moan, and whine about this all day long. But if we want something done we gotta get up and do it." I began, calming myself into a neutral expression. It was do us no good to get worked up and play the blame game for something neither of us had control over. Pointing hooves would only pit us against each other, which wasn't beneficial in the slightest.

"How are we gonna get up and do anything? We've been trapped in this house for little over a month! In case you haven't noticed, we haven't even gotten a slightest clue of what the time-line is! What season are we in?! How did we get here?!" Drew was freaking out by this point, he reared up on his hind hooves and comically gripped his head.

"Chill dude, chill. We're gonna get back." I placated him. "Anyway, we're in season two as far as I know. Or somewhere past it. Actually, one of the clues for that is right in front of our muzzles. There's the obvious question of "Where is Mr. Cake?". He's been ducking us for awhile now. And they keep covering for him, where ever he might be. Is there a season where he left for awhile?" I asked the only other pony in a crib with me.

"Not to my knowledge." Drew had calmly began assessing the situation, plopping back on his behind unceremoniously and crossing his arms. Happy that he had managed to cool down, I began trying to explain some of my theories.

"Might be some sorta alternate time-line, thing. See, the thing is unlike Spike as babies we can't go anywhere. At all. We can't really find out anything. No one can even understand us. The only clue that we might have to go off of is... Well, I've been having these weird dreams lately."

"Now's not the time to rip off a Kingdom Hearts line." Drew glared at me.

"No! Seriously! I have! Different every time. I'unno what they're even about. They keep changing, and they feel so real.. " I began trailing off, but realized I was getting off topic. "I'll talk about them later, but for now we need more clues. Preferably, we could go out again. I smell Pinkie cooking something sweet downstairs. Actually, like I did thought she was earlier." I point out. Drew took a few experimental sniffs of the heavenly aroma to confirm my words.

"Cupcakes." He pointed out the obvious. I however, didn't take a shot at him this time around. I simply nodded. "Maybe that's what happened to Mr. Cake."

"Dude, don't even joke about that, that's sick."

Drew didn't apologize.

Shaking my head, I turned to gaze at the door with a furrowed brow. The same door Drew had been glaring at earlier. In order to get home, we needed answers. Beyond that door we could find clues, but as foals that's a little hard to do. As if answering my wishes, suddenly Pinkie Pie kicked in the door and came bouncing in with a giant smile on her face, and tray of cupcakes somehow not flying off her back. It was Pinkie though, I wasn't going to question it. That poor door.

"Hi you two!" She craned her head making a big silly cross eyed expression. "Smiling yet?" She looked hopeful, but was quickly disappointed by the lack of amused faces of children. Her once wide smile faltered by quite a bit. That was another thing we hadn't been doing much of. Smiling. The whole time we've just been silently sitting here, blankly looking at any one who came in with no expressions. Rainbow Dash had come in once, and had quickly left as soon as she came- Which was quite quick for her- when she saw our faces. We simply weren't happy with our schedule. It broke Pinkie's heart, so we faked smiles sometimes- but she always knew they weren't real smiles.

After all, her talent is making people, ponies, and every other creature happy. Seems to me, we're the only ones exempt from this.

"...You'll get the hang of it." She whispered, silently with a sad smile. She reached behind her, and took the tray of cupcakes and sat it on a nearby table. "I brought you some snacks!" She began again, more cheerfully this time. She slid two cupcakes through the bars. "Cupcakes! Dig in! Don't tell Mrs. Cake though!" She giggled cutely, giving a cat-like smile and plopping her flank on the carpeted floor and watching us. I for one, was going to get my cake and eat it too. I took the cupcake with both of my hooves on the side, and began nibbling at the pink sprinkled frosting. I really hope she wasn't feeding us ponies. On the upside, if it is, it's meat.

That was terrible, and I should feel terrible. And I do.

I guess now all that's left to do, is figure out a way to get back home. This cupcake tasted amazing, which made me smile for real this time, even if it was a ghost of a smile. Out the corner of my eye I noticed the same thing could be said about Drew.

Pinkie was content.

Comments ( 15 )

That reference....

Well, should I revive one of my dead fics too?

The two years waiting thing will fall flat as a joke for future readers, because they won't be paying attention to chapter release dates while reading all the way through.

Need to get a look at Twilight. An easy indication of when you are in the FiM timeline is if Twi has wings or not. If yes, it's post season 3 at the earliest.

Oh man, this story. :rainbowkiss:
So creepadorable.

"...You'll get the hang of it." She whispered, silently with a sad smile.

Pinkie knows something... :rainbowderp:


I will try to update the Wrong Twilight after Lunar Replacement gets the third chapter posted then.

I'm ready for more, please.

The dreams and the way they are acting sort of seem like the Lazarus Effect. Will there be another chapter?

more would be good if thats alright with you

resurrect this pliz

Please give us more of this

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