• Published 3rd Mar 2014
  • 6,373 Views, 216 Comments

"Have we been Foal'd?" - RealityWarper

Two best friends waking up as foals. Not a good way to start the day, but at least they atleast had magic!

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"I see your point."

"Have we been Foal'd?"

Chapter Three: "I see your point."

After my initial over reaction over the loss of my manhood (and a small bit of sanity), I had some time to think to myself. I had thought for a long minute about everything that's happened in the past thirty minutes. That's right, thirty minutes. First of all, I tried to recall what REALLY happened. Something was off, I'm missing a huge piece of something. And I'm not talking about Daniel Jr. No, what got me, was the huge dent in my memory. I know before I was playing World of Warcraft. But one does not simply fall asleep in a battle ground. I can understand farming, but not in Player vs Player. It just doesn't happen. Especially not in a call to arms.

I think something went wrong. I had thought about another thing, I had never seen an elemental spell used in the show, but I imagine it has to be hard. Once again, I had seen few spells, but it's like there's a whole library in my head. I hadn't seen elemental spells, no , but in the show Pumpkin Cake had used a spell that let her walk through walls. Spells like that should be way too hard, yet it was done. When I used the spell earlier, it didn't feel like the magic used came from me, no it felt like it came from literally nowhere. Which even by laws of magic didn't make sense.

Like that one show, Full Metal Alchemist I think? It's stated there must always be equivalent exchange, and there SEEMED to be none. What did this mean? I needed answers, and I needed them now.

I glanced at the clock, it was Two A.M. I spent some thinking time. And I still didn't have any answers, so many strange happenings.

Why was Pinkie Pie sad?

Why were Drew and I here?

Why am I able to use high level elemental magic with no cost?

Why am I Pumpkin Cake? Why not some other pony?

Was I part of some bad fanfiction?

What is the meaning of life?

When do we go home?

Who dropped the soap?- Err, I mean who brought us here?


I must look weird, here I am, a foal with a pondering expression. That didn't belong on one as young as this body. I couldn't sleep, but I sure as hell couldn't get up and leave. I'd worry Pinkie half to death. And she already looked stressed. You know, I couldn't get up Drew either. I guess I could wander around the Cake's house for a bit. It technically was mines too. I attempted to wiggle out of Pinkie's grasp. I managed but she seemed to be grabbing for me in her sleep. She must have really liked me being there. I took the nearest pillow in the room and put it in her grasp where it was immediately grabbed by her hoof, and stuffed in my original position.

Smiling I began to crawl away, planning on exploring the house-

Wait she did what with her hoof?

Sure enough, she grabbed the pillow, with her hoof somehow.

And I'd never want to know how that worked.

Crawling in the dark wasn't very fun by any meaning of the definition, I hit my head at least three times on random tables. Why would anyone even have this many tables? It wasn't even needed! Sighing I decided to go with a new tactic, I lit my horn with a basic illumination spell.

This ended up helping greatly. as I could see everything now. Spotting the bathroom, or what I assumed to be the bathroom since in the crack of the door if I glanced hard enough I could see porcelain. I crawled very carefully, upon reaching the door I gently pushed it open. It was empty, good. I didn't wanna see a pony on the toilet anyway. And certainly not what's supposed to be my parents. Crawling into the bathroom I stood upright carefully, hopping up to the doorknob I closed it from the inside. I let go, tumbling down in a somersault landing in a tangled pile of limbs for a second, before I shook myself free. I glanced around the clean bathroom, before crawling to the cabinet. There at the top was a mirror. I tried getting back upright and hopping, flailing my hooves as if hoping that'd somehow help. It didn't for the record.

Pondering how I could get up there and see my reflection, I came up with yet another brilliant idea. Magic.

I concentrated for a split second before being covered in a pink light, and being levitated to the top of the counter, where there sat myself. Or more accurately Pumpkin Cake.

Do you know how weird it is to have another body all of your life, then you look into a mirror and see a different figure? It's creepy. Rather unsettling. Though, one think had changed that had not been in the show.

Where Pumpkin's eyes before had been an cobalt blue, mines were pink. Which begs the question, why? That wasn't correct. Something was wrong with this too. It explained why my magic was pink though. One question answered and another to be had.


Pinkie didn't seem surprised though, and she would have known this ahead of time right? Maybe only I could see that my magic was different. I'd have to ask Drew later. Eh, I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but I'm breaking the habit. Wow, I really need to stop making those jokes.

Looking down I noticed I was quite high, heights didn't bother me so I was okay. I carefully jumped down, and by carefully I mean I sprawled across the floor painlessly. Thank Celestia. When I stood up, I telekinetically opened the door with my magic. Not even sparing a thought to why I didn't do that before. Leaving out the bathroom I crawled down the hallway to the stairs. Now I wasn't afraid, but I'm not an idiot. Going down the stairs with these limbs? Not happening! However upon glancing down the hall to my left, I spotted a chair....


"WOOT!" I cheered as I found myself flying around the store using my magic while sitting on a chair, basic science! Muwahahaha! I flew in circles giggling merrily as I did so. I never knew how fun this could be! It's like when you first try sledding, dangerous, but awesome! The chair was only as big as I was. It was one of those baby feeding chairs. I stopped the circles for a minute before flying to the kitchen with my new 'Automobile'. Upon reaching the kitchen, I used both my hooves to open the freezer door. Let's see...what do we have?

Ice cream, Frozen Cake, Ice cream, more ice cream. There seemed to be a lot of ice cream. That or I was ignoring everything in favor of the ice cream. To be fair it had been two hours since I last had some! Grabbing the whole bucket of ice cream with magic, I then zipped out the kitchen still in my chair. Opening the bucket, I clicked the lights off in the kitchen. I then stuffed my face in the bucket attempting to freeze myself into next week with sugary goodness. I sent ice cream all over the place not even attempting to be clean.


The light's had flipped on, I dropped the ice cream bucket surprised.

"Oh shit!" I exclaimed. Oops, potty mouth.

Right there in the doorway of the kitchen was Mrs.Cake herself, looking at me shocked. Please tell me you didn't hear that!

"Pumpkin! What are you doing down here this late eating ice cream?" She looked deathly afraid, well I'd be too if my child was up in the middle of the night in the kitchen raiding for ice cream. But then I'd join them after telling them off for not getting me too.

Hey, she didn't notice my slip of the tongue!


Time to lay this on thick.

"Mama!" I tried to play the innocent role. It seemed to pay off fine as her eyes lit up with happiness.

"That's right Pumpkin, it's Mommy!" She cooed at me. "Come on, we have to get you cleaned up." She picked me up out of my awesome chair, glancing around at the mess I made. "I'll er, get this later." She dismissed. Yes! Then again, I don't really think I can get in trouble, I'm a foal and 'Don't know any better'. She placed me on her back and began the trot upstairs, she looked to be confused though. And not just because I was up, but probably the chair downstairs too. Like how I got in it. Taking me back to the bathroom she grabbed a towel with her mouth and wiped my face clean.

"Aww, look at my precious little girl! Nice and clean." She looked me in my eyes and blinked. "I could have sworn your eyes flashed pink." She said puzzled. I glanced back at the mirror. My eyes were still the same color of pink. "Well, pink or blue your little eyes are still cute." She 'assured' me. Patting me gently with a hoof she picked me up by my diaper. Whoa, not cool Mom. I flailed a little. She only chuckled. "Come on Pumpkin." She trotted off down the hall into my room, not turning off the light as she went. She put me back in my crib.

"Alright, now you don't move. Mommy will be right back, I need to find Pound Cake, he wasn't in the room with Pinkie anymore." I blinked. That was weird, Drew must have gone looking for me. Mrs.Cake left, and in about two minutes came back with a cake covered Drew. He had a wide grin on his face. Mrs.Cake shook her head.

"What am I going to do with you two?" She said silently to herself. Well, there were multiple things you COULD do, but I'm sure you wouldn't. She glanced at the clock, as did I. And saw that it was 4:30 am. Oops, guess I spent a lot more time flying than I thought. She began wiping the cake on his face off.

"Drew, when did you get up?" I asked turning to him. He shrugged.

"About a minute after you went downstairs and start flying on that chair." He elaborated. I blinked.

"And you weren't going to let me know you were there?" I asked baffled. He shook his head.

"You looked like you were having too much fun flying like that." He grinned widely. I rolled my eyes.

Mrs.Cakes looked at us happily. all she heard was gibberish baby speak. but thought it was cute that it seemed like we were talking. She sat down a bottle of milk each in the crib for us.

"Mommy is going to go back to sleep now, you two be good and stay in your crib." She then trotted off, back to her room leaving the light on in the room for us. Oh, so that was why it was on early.

"Well then, did you discover anything? You know, besides how much you can stuff your face." Drew smirked at me. I scoffed once more.

"You're one to talk you hypocrite." I raised a brow. "Or do I not recall correctly your face being smeared with cake." I accused him. He raised his hooves into the air in a mock surrendering position.

"Okay okay, you caught me. But really dude, did you find out something?" He asked me curiously. I shrugged.

"Not a thing, besides the fact I can fly a chair awesomely." I cheekily grinned. Smirking himself he looked around the room.

"Well, we got about five hours to burn, it was kinda ill responsible of her to just leave us here." He pointed out.

"She looked rather tired, I doubt she'll remember much of this in the morning. She wasn't even coherent really." I told him with yet another casual shrug. He looked thoughtful.

"I guess so. Well, what do you suggest we do?" He asked.

"I dunno, try not to burn up the room this time?" I suggested.

"Sounds like work."

"It is, but we won't end up orphans if we don't do it." I pointed out. He nodded.

"You're right." He admitted.

We spent a few minutes playing with our respective abilities. I managed to actually create a blade made of magic extending from my hoof.

"Look! This is awesome!" I exclaimed excitedly. He looked surprised, lifting my hoof up and examining the blade with a critical eye.

"I see your point." The crappy puns was strong with this one. I began jabbing my blade at the opposite direction of him, turning my back, testing out the blade.

"What're you doin' boy?" He asked in a funny voice. I shrugged.

"Testing my blade." I announced to him.

"I've got an idea!" I beamed. He raised a brow.

"What?" He asked. Suddenly my hoof flashed brightly, and I no longer had control of the flow of the magic. "Is it supposed to do that?" He asked fearfully.

"Eeeenope." I admitted swallowing nervously. Suddenly a flash of life engulfed us. Once again, we knew only pink. This time isn't wasn't Pinkie though.