• Published 30th Aug 2014
  • 1,990 Views, 369 Comments

Sunset Rekindled - EldritchNexus

Sequel to "Sunset Eclipsed". Sunset Shimmer and her friends go on a new adventure that takes them to Las Pegasus, Saddle Arabia, and beyond..

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A Day in Las Pegasus

Sunset Shimmer woke up the next day to see that Bathilda had been brought over from the ship. She was already nibbling on a peach from a nearby bowl of fruit.

"You like it here, too?" said Sunset with a smile.

Bathilda squeaked happily.

"Good girl." said Sunset. "You know, Princess Luna's probably worried sick about me right now."

Bathilda nodded in agreement.

"So I'm gonna write a message for you to deliver, all right?" said Sunset.

Bathilda nodded again. Sunset took a piece of paper and a pen from her knapsack, and telekinetically scrawled a letter:

Dear Princess Luna,

We made it to Las Pegasus with no problem. Staying over at this super-cool place called the Golden Colt Hotel. I'm gonna be the guest of honor at a movie premiere later today. It sounds really exciting! Hope to hear from you soon!

Your student, Sunset Shimmer.

And then she placed the letter in an envelope and gave it to Bathilda, who seized it in one claw. The bat turned to fly out the window, but decided to stay since it was daytime.

"Right." said Sunset. "Forgot about that. Don't worry, I'll be back soon enough. Just don't eat too fast. You might get a stomach-ache!"

Bathilda gave Sunset a thumbs-up and flew to a rack in the corner. Sunset opened her door to see that Radiant Dawn was outside.

"How'd ya sleep, Sunny?" asked Radiant.

"Just fine, Red." said Sunset. "How about you?"

"Much better than I did on the ship, that's for sure!" said Radiant.

"Quick Shot said that the premiere of his movie will be tonight." said Sunset. "Wanna go see it? I mean, since they did film that movie at our home."

"Sure." said Radiant. "In fact, I already talked to Trixie and Teddy about it. They both said they'd rather go to the opening of the Summerset Casino."

"Oh, yeah!" said Sunset. "Trixie's father was supposed to be there that night! I almost forgot about it."

"Hello, Sunset." said Trixie, who came up to them.

"Goin' to see your dad?" said Sunset.

"That's right." said Trixie. "Are you going to come with?"

Sunset frowned.

"Um, sorry..." hesitated Sunset. "But I already promised Quick Shot that I'd see his movie."

Trixie scoffed.

"Very well." she said, scornfully.

She marched off with her head tilted up and eyes shut.

"Trixie, what's wrong?" asked Sunset.

"Nothing you would have to worry about!" said Trixie.

Teddy emerged from his bedroom, still brushing his teeth.

"What the heck's goin' on out here?" he said.

Trixie put a hoof around Teddy's neck.

"Teddy and I are going to the Summerset Casino together." she said spitefully. "We'll see you two later!"

Teddy thought it would be a bad idea to argue with Trixie, so he decided to play along as Trixie marched him to the elevator. He managed to give Sunset and Radiant a wave just as the elevator doors shut.

"What's her problem?" said Radiant.

"I don't know." said Sunset. "I hope she's gonna be okay, though."

"Hey, Yearling!" said Quick Shot. "Wanna go out for lunch with me? I know a restaurant that serves the most exquisite meals in Las Pegasus."

"Sorry, Quicky." said A.K. Yearling. "But I'll pass. I'm too busy working on my book. Ever since that incident on the ship, I can't afford to waste any time away from writing my books. I'll just order room service, okay?"

"Well, you don't have to go out if you don't want to!" said Quick Shot, scratching his head. "But would you like to come with me and my entourage to the premiere of my movie later tonight?"

"Look, I'd absolutely love to, Quicky." said Yearling, putting a hoof on Quick Shot's shoulder. "I really want to do this for you, but I'm afraid business comes before pleasure in my book. I've got a very, very important meeting at the opening of the Summerset Casino tonight. I hope you understand."

Quick Shot sighed.

"Okay." he said. "I was just really looking forward to letting you see my movie. You know, to see what you'd think of it."

"Thank you." said A.K. Yearling. "I promise, I'll see your movie with you some other time."

"I'll see you later, then." said Quick Shot, who turned to leave with great reluctance.

When Quick Shot took the elevator, A.K. Yearling went back into her room, and opened up her trunk. She sorted through her explorer gear until she found what she was looking for: her mountain-climbing equipment, which included a tight black leather outfit and balaclava. She put them on and grabbed a pair of binoculars from a compartment in the trunk.

"Okay, let's see what Summerset's really up to." Daring Do said to herself as she opened the window.

She climbed out, and glided over to the next building across the street. She ran across that building's roof, and then flutter-jumped to the next one over. She repeated this process several times over until she made it to Corona Avenue, where she landed on a casino that was next door to Summerset's tower. She had a panoramic view of the street below, where three ponies were approaching the main entrance. She watched them with her binoculars.

Scarlet Blaze, flanked by Frosty and Nose Nip, approached the main entrance to Summerset Tower.

"Greetings, citizens!" said the pegasus guarding the front doors. "This is Summerset Tower, headquarters of Mr. Summerset and his company. May I help you with anything?"

"Yes." said Scarlet. "We demand a meeting with your boss as soon as possible."

"I'm so sorry, but Mr. Summerset is not available at this building today."

"Why the heck not?" asked Frosty.

"Because he is too busy to accept any visitors." said the pegasus guard. "He is currently preparing for the opening of his casino on Electric Boulevard. If you want to speak with him, you can find him there tonight."

"But this is urgent!" said Scarlet. "The life of the stallion I love may be at stake!"

"Ma'am, I understand you have family problems, but there's really nothing I can do to help you!" said the guard. "Now if you have anything for Mr. Summerset, you will either have to see him at the Summerset Casino tonight, or come back here tomorrow."

Scarlet growled in frustration.

"Fine." said Scarlet, turning around. "Frosty! Nose Nip! Come with me!"

And so the two stallions followed her back down the street.

"Not accepting any visitors, huh?" Daring Do said. "Well, I guess I'll have to take Option B."

She took off through the air and landed against a window on the eleventh floor of Summerset Tower. After checking to make sure nopony was around to look at her, she climbed further up the building, beating her wings to make sure she didn't fall off. She made quick glances on every floor, looking for Summerset, until she bumped her head on a balcony on the seventeenth floor. There were two voices audible on the topside. Daring stopped to eavesdrop, hanging upside down from the balcony like a fly on the wall.

"The guard from downstairs told me another group of ponies wanted to enter the building." said Mr. Red. "Probably tourists."

"Then my guards are doing their job." said Lionel Summerset. "I can't stress enough how much I hate being disturbed during times like these."

"Glad we do what we can, sir." said Mr. Red. "Anything else you need?"

"Yes, I want you to let me know if Ms. Yearling ever comes this way." said Summerset. "I can't afford to have somepony like her snooping around my building."

"What should I do if she does?" asked Mr. Red.

"If she tries it once, turn her away with a warning." said Summerset. "If she does it again, break one of her wings. If she brings friends, eliminate them and hide the bodies."

"Don't you think that's a little excessive?" asked Mr. Red. "I mean she's just a writer! What harm could she do to your organization?"

"Even if you read all of her books, you would be surprised." said Mr. Summerset. "Daring Do is a resourceful mare, both on and off the pages."

Daring Do's eyes widened.

"So he does know my secret, after all!" she thought.

"Off the pages, sir?" said Mr. Red.

"That's right! And it's only a matter of time before she finds out why I want those artifacts, Maximum Velocity." said Summerset. "If I want to rule Las Pegasus my way, I can't afford any slip-ups."

"I understand, boss." said Mr. Red. "I'll tell the others to watch out for her then."

"You do that." said Mr. Summerset. "And I have more arrangements to make for my casino."

When the sound of hooves trotting back into the building faded away, Daring Do detached herself from the balcony, and flew away as fast as she could. Suddenly, a bluish-green blur sped towards her from out of nowhere, and another pegasus mare collided with her.

"Watch where you're flying!" said Lightning Dust, angrily.

"Watch where you're flying!" said Daring Do.

Lightning Dust took a moment to look at what the other pegasus was wearing.

"Hang on!" said Lightning Dust. "You're coming with me!"

Daring Do shot away, but Lightning Dust went after her.

"Stop! Burglar!" Lightning yelled. "You better get back here, or I'm placing you under arrest! You'll get in big trouble for this! I'm one of Princess Luna's Shadowbolts!"

She sped even faster, and tackled her in mid-air. They both crashed into the rooftop of a nearby skyscraper, wrestling each other as they went.

"Let me go!" Daring shouted. "I'm not a thief!"

"Then why were ya wearin' that get-up?" asked Lightning. "They sure ain't any mountains to climb around here!"

Daring Do removed her balaclava, revealing her face. She made a dramatic pose.

"So who are you?" asked Lightning Dust.

Daring's eyes dilated in surprise.

"You...really don't know who I am?" asked Daring Do.

"Can't say I do." said Lightning Dust, shrugging.

"I don't even look the least bit familiar to you?" said Daring, in a dry tone.

"Well, you kinda look like this pegasus I know named Rainbow Dash." said Lightning. "But there's no way you're her. You're way older than her, and your coat and mane aren't anywhere as colorful as hers."

"Wait a minute, so you know who Rainbow Dash is, huh?" asked Daring Do. "Because I know her. She once helped me out during one of my adventures."

"You're an adventurer?" asked Lightning Dust.

"Yep, and one of the most famous in Equestria. I'm Do, Daring Do."

"Never heard of you, ma'am." said Lightning.

"But I have a whole series of books written about me and my adventures!" said Daring Do. "Are you seriously telling me you've never read--never mind. The point is that it looks like I might need a little help with something."

"Like what, ma'am?" asked Lightning.

"Look, I'll explain later." said Daring Do. "There's something going on in this town, involving a Mr.--"

"Lionel Summerset!" said Lightning and Daring at once. "You know about him, too?"

"Yeah, Princess Celestia told me about this guy." said Lightning. "And I think that he might mean trouble for a friend of mine who's visiting this town."

"And he sure does mean trouble." said Daring Do. "I think I might need a little back-up. You think you can do that, kid?"

"The name's Lightning Dust. And I guess I can. Just name the time and place."

"Ten o'clock tonight." said Daring Do. "At a place called the Summerset Casino."

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